More likely to be shot in US than Yemen, Somalia

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
New Trajectory: You Are More Likely To Be Shot To Death In The U.S. Than In War-Torn Somalia and Yemen

You are more likely to be murdered with a gun in the United States than to be murdered by any means in Somalia and Yemen.

Gun violence is more likely to be your cause of death here in the streets and homes of America than any form of homicide in either of these god-forsaken, war-torn, chaotic third-world countries (and I’m only talking about homicides here, not including accidental shootings, suicides, law enforcement, or defensive shootings).

Let’s look at the numbers, shall we? The most recent year in which I could find data for all three countries was 2004 (the last year I could find for Somalia).

In Somalia in 2004 (from a World Bank study, from THIS link), there was a civilian homicide rate of 3.30 / 100K for ALL methods.

In Yemen in 2004, there was a civilian homicide rate of 2.85 / 100K for ALL methods. (also found from the same World Bank study, from THIS link; the most recent year cited, 2008, had a rate of 4.00 / 100K).

In 2004, the United States had homicide rate of 3.97 / 100K for FIREARMS ALONE (according to CDC WISQARS data) (to compare with the most recent Yemen data, 2008 gun homicides in the U.S. also had a rate of 4.00 / 100K).

(For those interested in the rate for all forms of homicide in the U.S., in 2004 it was 5.88 / 100K, and in 2008 it was 5.86 / 100K.)

It’s important to note that these shooting rates also mirror the rates of gun ownership (again, data is from

Rate of private gun ownership out of 179 countries: America is 1st. Yemen is 10th. Somalia is 58th.

Private guns in America: 88.8 / 100 people
Private guns in Yemen: 54.8 / 100 people
Private guns in Somalia: 9.1 / 100 people

Not surprising that some would try to hide behind childish insults.

How about you have the balls to address the subject of the OP?

Luddy cant wait for the next school massacre, it gets him horny
Luddly, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving a reply, honestly would be prefered, on my reply to you on the thread about the Central American child refugees....thanks in advance!
How about you have the balls to address the subject of the OP?
Sure! First off you're using suspect information, there is more recent data related to murder rates here: List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here are the murder rates as of 2012
Somalia 8.0
Yemen 4.8
United States 4.8

Firearm related death rates are here: List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States 3.6 (as of 2011)

3.6 is not greater than 8.0 or 4.8, therefore your thread is bullshit.

your welcome
These statistics are skewed in MANY ways.

Remove the murders in U.S. cities that have populations of over 100,000 people, and the U.S. murder rate is MUCH less than Somalia or Yemen.

When you count cesspools like Detroit and Chicago and Los Angeles and other "shooting gallery" metro areas, the murder rate is obviously going to be high on a national level.
well, when do you gun control freaks start moving

have good life see ya bye
Which place are you more likely to get your head chopped off as a crowd of people chant "god is great"?

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