More Pretzel Logic By The Leftist Courts


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Now in another reversal, the New York appellate judge Alan D. Scheinkman has decided that:
  1. A different standard of law applies to Donald Trump the president because he is POTUS than Donald Trump the real estate businessman. Huh?
  2. That since niece Mary Trump broke her confidentiality agreement by going to Simon & Schuster and never revealing to them (they allege) the restrictions, that since Simon & Schuster was never part of her ordered confidentiality agreement, they are now free to publish and release a book whose information is bound by confidentiality!
GET THAT? Can you imagine them pulling such crap on a democrat like Obama or Hillary?

I can't wait to see these "decisions" challenged on the grounds that they have no legal merit or basis at all. Put simply, the judge is turning the law on it's head. Honestly, is it even possible to get an honest, non-political court ruling in this country anymore that doesn't involve the CA 9th circuit, the New York Supreme Court or some other leftist-progressive bastion?

Read the attachment for further details.


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