More Pro-Whites on USMB These Days?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Once upon a time, I was pretty much the only poster on the board sticking up directly for whites.

No more.

Folks come and go, but I'm not so alone anymore. And even among those who wouldn't say they were pro-white, many more are willing to take "my" side of issues... so that a thread will have half the posters sticking up for whites, and the other half against whites. I sometimes don't even need to post because someone's already said what I'd say.

Is this the new trend in Obamamerica?
Once upon a time, I was pretty much the only poster on the board sticking up directly for whites.

No more.

Folks come and go, but I'm not so alone anymore. And even among those who wouldn't say they were pro-white, many more are willing to take "my" side of issues... so that a thread will have half the posters sticking up for whites, and the other half against whites. I sometimes don't even need to post because someone's already said what I'd say.

Is this the new trend in Obamamerica?

Buzz off you racist.
I like the White Stripes, and Tenacious D, led by Kyle and Jack Black.

And Black Sabbath.

Don't like White Snake.

I saw Black Flag, love Henry Rollins.

Love the Beatles "White Album"

Back in Black by AC/DC is a classic.
What ever happened to merely standing up for equal rights?

He is a racist. He believes that the races should not ever mix, that they should not mingle, they should be separated by Country. He has points now and again about idiotic quotes and the fallacy of the Affirmative Action joke we have in this country. But his racism always shows through.

He is slick though and intelligent. He does stuff like this to imply that people support his views and he does similar things to win converts to his racist belief system.

He believes that blacks can not successfully run a country as well. He has never said it but I think he would support the old English Colonial system where the white superiors ran things for the lesser races.
He is a racist. He believes that the races should not ever mix, that they should not mingle, they should be separated by Country. He has points now and again about idiotic quotes and the fallacy of the Affirmative Action joke we have in this country. But his racism always shows through.

He is slick though and intelligent. He does stuff like this to imply that people support his views and he does similar things to win converts to his racist belief system.

He believes that blacks can not successfully run a country as well. He has never said it but I think he would support the old English Colonial system where the white superiors ran things for the lesser races.

This, FTW.
What ever happened to merely standing up for equal rights?

Equal rights...what an excellent idea.

Whites won't need anyone to stand up for them if we ever actual had equal rights.

Obviously we don't have anything remotely like that.. for Whites or any other racial group.

What we live in is a classist society maquarading as a democratic republic.

It has its racial problems, of course, but the problems most Whites (or any other race) face in this nation have damned all little to do with racism.

Racism is a tool that the insiders use to manipulate us and to keep us from COLLECTIVELY storming the Bastille, folks.

The other helpful tool they use to keep up from paying attention is the delusion that there is a huge difference between liberal and conservatives.

Something I note that the dumber members of this place believe is THE PROBLEM with America.

After decades of propaganda and turning minor issues like gun control, abortion, affirmative action, flag burning and homosexuality, after demonizing conservatives to liberals and liberal to conservatives, that's to be expected, I guess.
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He has never said it but I think he would support the old English Colonial system where the white superiors ran things for the lesser races.

You don't read my posts. From day one I've been crystal clear that I have NO DESIRE TO RULE OVER ANYONE. What we have today in America is whites "running things for the lesser races." That's the whole problem!

Whites should be running their own show, blacks their own, Hispanics their own. If there is mixing, it should be totally voluntary... no violence or government coercion involved.

Colonialism turned out to be a double-edged sword for whites... now the colonized are colonizing the British Isles. Call it "The Empire Strikes Back." Any time a race fails to account for racial boundaries, it's going to have troubles. That goes for slavery, colonialism, affirmative action and forced integration.
I actually prefer winter white over pure white. Does anyone still follow the "no white" before Memorial Day or after Labor Day fashion rules? :eusa_whistle:
Once upon a time, I was pretty much the only poster on the board sticking up directly for whites.

No more.

Folks come and go, but I'm not so alone anymore. And even among those who wouldn't say they were pro-white, many more are willing to take "my" side of issues... so that a thread will have half the posters sticking up for whites, and the other half against whites. I sometimes don't even need to post because someone's already said what I'd say.

Is this the new trend in Obamamerica?

What exactly does pro-<insert color> mean? I was never anti-<any color>.
RETIREDGAYSAGEANT, do you support and have you ever suported America's foreign policy since the last ww? If you do then you yourself are a racist as all of America's actions to date are nothing more than the exploitation of other races for profit and greed by means of using ones alleged superior armed forces.

America's racial attacks in the ME have resulted in the deaths of millions of none whites for nothing more than the profiteering of a few very rich powerful white people. Stick that in your pipe stupid.

Irrespective if there are more white or none white supporters on this board the situation remains the same everywhere. People being murdered, enslaved and exploited for personal gain and greed nothing more. It has been the same for millenia, the only difference between then and now is that the white man can do it far more efficiently.
I actually prefer winter white over pure white.

Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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