More proof Americans love diversity

I guess you missed the point. The point is that liberals love lots of programs as long as they don't have to pay for them or it doesn't otherwise negatively affect them.
The examples of this are...where? We`ll need more than your opinion.
The highest unemployment rates will be found in rural areas and it`s always been that way.
Diversity of color and gender are fine as long as we all have a common goal. Therein lies the problem. Many on the left are not pro-America. They are globalists.
Why on earth should we all have the same goal ? That sounds a bit soviet.
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Yes it seems only a dwindling minority of people oppose diversity. The same wierdos who dis clmate change using attack lines provided by the oil industry. They dont believe in democracy as they support a criminal seditionist.
This is the noisy rabble who oppose decency
Homosexuality is neither moral or decent

I cant deny that hedonism is increasing in society

But that only brings the Day of Judgement closer

So enjoy it while you can
The examples of this are...where? We`ll need more than your opinion.
The highest unemployment rates will be found in rural areas and it`s always been that way.

I already gave you an example. Trump's SALT deduction cap at 10k. Wealthy Democrats went bananas. Shouldn't they want to "pay their fair share?" Getting a huge federal deduction because they live in a high property tax state, and/or have very high value property, is forcing somebody else from to make up those federal tax dollars that they aren't paying.
Why on earth should we all have the same goal ? That sounds a bit soviet.

Of course we should have the same goal. We may have different ideas on how to reach that goal, but if we don't have the same goal we are just floundering.
Rational and observant people know that the issues promoted by Sexual Irregulars go far beyond "consenting sexual contact between (among) adult homosexuals and lesbians," a phenomenon that most people stopped caring about a long time ago. They include,
  • Indoctrination of public school children into the means and methods of perverse sexuality,
  • Normalization of conduct and lifestyles that have been condemned for thousands of years,
  • Promotion of false biological realities, causing untold damages to families, communities and the individuals themselves,
  • A cultural assault on The Family.
Very few people love diversity in the sense that the Left uses that word.
Weirdo. Normal people dont give a fuck.
Gallup has it wrong. American men aren't as interested in violating other men's butt holes nowadays than they were 100 years ago.

Don't believe me? Go to any ghetto street corner or any biker bar where young Americans are gathered and ask them if they are gay.

Let us know how it turns out, American men are more normal than you think.
Are you saying "ghetto street corners" and biker bars represent all of american opinion ? Do you have any numbers to back up your idiocy ?
You sound very familiar with the internal workings of that group. I would suggest a little more separation from them in the future.
I`m familiar with it only because I've been visiting Civil War battlefields with an idiot member for 20 years. I didn`t realize what a hard core racist and woman hater this guy is until we were on the road to Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania. Like Vietnam, it was easier to get involved than it is to get uninvolved. This ayehole was allowed to teach special ed in a high school for 30+years.

Yes it seems only a dwindling minority of people oppose diversity. The same wierdos who dis clmate change using attack lines provided by the oil industry. They dont believe in democracy as they support a criminal seditionist.
This is the noisy rabble who oppose decency
99.9% of Americans love America, I don’t agree with Trump or Biden on their views but I believe both men to be patriotic, have big egos and love America.
You sound very familiar with the internal workings of that group. I would suggest a little more separation from them in the future.
Yep, for someone to make a comment shows she is probably lying. Hell I lived in a red area and knew of no clubs like that. She is just trying to stir up crap to fit her agenda.
I`m familiar with it only because I've been visiting Civil War battlefields with an idiot member for 20 years. I didn`t realize what a hard core racist and woman hater this guy is until we were on the road to Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania. Like Vietnam, it was easier to get involved than it is to get uninvolved. This ayehole was allowed to teach special ed in a high school for 30+years.
A member for 20 years? MAGA clubs have been around for 20 years? Sure, whatever you want to believe. lol! Thanks for the fairytale, it was amusing.
Of course we should have the same goal. We may have different ideas on how to reach that goal, but if we don't have the same goal we are just floundering.
So what goal should we all be in pursuit of ? The right to pursue any goal we want ?
Liberty . equality and fraternity is a good start.
Yes it seems only a dwindling minority of people oppose diversity. The same wierdos who dis clmate change using attack lines provided by the oil industry. They dont believe in democracy as they support a criminal seditionist.
This is the noisy rabble who oppose decency
Yes we are noisy; but if you think it’s bad now wait until we get frustrated enough to pull out the boom sticks and get to cleaning this mess up.
Diversity could mean a lot of things depending on your point of view such as homosexual men preying on young boys or young girls terrorized by confused males in their locker rooms and showers or children castrated by authority figures without parental interference.
I like diversity, but only of a certain kind. I evaluate a demographic by average characteristics I find in the demographic. Jews and Orientals tend to behave and perform well. That cannot be said of a demographic it has become dangerous to criticize.

Yes it seems only a dwindling minority of people oppose diversity. The same wierdos who dis clmate change using attack lines provided by the oil industry. They dont believe in democracy as they support a criminal seditionist.
This is the noisy rabble who oppose decency
I'm all for you guys buttfucking each other, but keep it to yourselves, eh?
Gallup has it wrong. American men aren't as interested in violating other men's butt holes nowadays than they were 100 years ago.

Don't believe me? Go to any ghetto street corner or any biker bar where young Americans are gathered and ask them if they are gay.

Let us know how it turns out, American men are more normal than you think.
Seems as though you learned through painful experience. You don't need to wish it on us.

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