More proof Americans love diversity

So stop preaching hate for the GOP. And you're still not even addressing the point I've raised, which basically signals that you can't and that I'm right.
Lol. You are a fucking simpleton. I hope the GOP can be saved but it is unlikely.
I`m pro-human race. Growing up watching the Vietnam War on television every day, put an end to my flag waving. Perhaps you would be happy in North Korea where there`s no Globalism.
North Korea is what you are. Pure power. And decline. For them they never rose. And you Progs are spoiled with many comforts here.
For starters, we must agree that we want to protect the US as a sovereign nation. I'm not so sure that many on the left have this goal.
Actually it was the extremist right that trird to wreck the country. And they are at it again.
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Evidence my arse. Racist dogma more like.
You do not seem able to evaluate evidence. Science does not advance by "racist dogma" but by assertions that can be proved.

I would rather the truth be discovered by scientists than declared by censorship boards.

You seem to fear that the truth about Negroes will inspire hatred of them, a repeal of the civil rights acts, and a return to Jim Crow legislation.

I have a high opinion of Jews and Orientals. I do not want a scientific investigation of their aptitudes and inclinations to be suppressed, because I am sure that it will substantiate what I already know: Jews and Orientals tend to be intelligent; they tend to be decent people.

Yes it seems only a dwindling minority of people oppose diversity. The same wierdos who dis clmate change using attack lines provided by the oil industry. They dont believe in democracy as they support a criminal seditionist.
This is the noisy rabble who oppose decency
“Decency”? Trannies exposing themselves to children? LGBTQ nutters teaching children they can change genders?

Your definition of “decency” is disgusting.
You do not seem able to evaluate evidence. Science does not advance by "racist dogma" but by assertions that can be proved.

I would rather the truth be discovered by scientists than declared by censorship boards.

You seem to fear that the truth about Negroes will inspire hatred of them, a repeal of the civil rights acts, and a return to Jim Crow legislation.

I have a high opinion of Jews and Orientals. I do not want a scientific investigation of their aptitudes and inclinations to be suppressed, because I am sure that it will substantiate what I already know: Jews and Orientals tend to be intelligent; they tend to be decent people.
You sound like hitler with your bogus science.
The american constitution states that all men are created equal but didnt include women or people of colour. But nowadays we make allowances for the backward culture of the times.
Nobody would exclude them these days. Apart from some of the GOP loons like that fat governer candidate.

We fixed that with the 14th amendment. We are a big tent. It may not have as many sweet treats as come out of the Great British Baking Show tent, but it serves its purpose.
Except no one accepts what you are presenting as "science".

No major university is funding these studies.
No one who promotes this has a chance of ever getting tenure or keeping a job for very long.
The major assertions of race realism I have substantiated on the U.S. Message board with information I have found on the internet.
Except no one accepts what you are presenting as "science".

No major university is funding these studies.
No one who promotes this has a chance of ever getting tenure or keeping a job for very long.
Professor Arthur Jensen taught at Berkeley. Professor Richard Herrnstein, who with Charles Murray, wrote The Bell Curve, taught at Harvard. Professor J. Philippe Rushton, whose essay "Race, Evolution, and Behavior," is an excellent introduction to race realism,
taught at the University of Western Ontario.

Efforts were made to fire each of these men. Fortunately the efforts failed.
Professor Arthur Jensen taught at Berkeley. Professor Richard Herrnstein, who with Charles Murray, wrote The Bell Curve, taught at Harvard. Professor J. Philippe Rushton, whose essay "Race, Evolution, and Behavior," is an excellent introduction to race realism,
taught at the University of Western Ontario.

Efforts were made to fire each of these men. Fortunately the efforts failed.
Which shows the problem with tenure being an immunity despite the most egregious beliefs. Just like that asshole who denied the Holocaust happened at Northwestern. It should be a lot easier to fire cranks when you find them on your staff.

My evidence is better than yours.

Not really. We have photographs of Bigfoot.

Where is this "Smart White Gene" you think exists?
Where is this "Smart White Gene" you think exists?
MIT Technology Review, April 2, 2018

DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one​

Scientists have linked hundreds of genes to intelligence. One psychologist says it’s time to test school kids.

Ready for a world in which a $50 DNA test can predict your odds of earning a PhD or forecast which toddler gets into a selective preschool?

Robert Plomin, a behavioral geneticist, says that’s exactly what’s coming.

For decades genetic researchers have sought the hereditary factors behind intelligence, with little luck. But now gene studies have finally gotten big enough—and hence powerful enough—to zero in on genetic differences linked to IQ.

A year ago, no gene had ever been tied to performance on an IQ test. Since then, more than 500 have, thanks to gene studies involving more than 200,000 test takers. Results from an experiment correlating one million people’s DNA with their academic success are due at any time...

The gene hunt finally paid off in May 2017. A Dutch-led study of the genetic makeup of 78,308 people who’d taken tests (including 2,825 of Plomin’s twins) zeroed in on variations in 22 genes linked to IQ scores. By this March, the tally had rapidly risen to 199,000 people and 500 genes. Plomin says a forthcoming report will establish links to 1,000 genes.

As more is learned about IQ genes, and how they differ between the races, It will become increasingly obvious that Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton were right all along.
MIT Technology Review, April 2, 2018

DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one​

Darned straight. No one wants to live in the live-action version of Gattaca.

Environment has more to do with success than genetics. Check your privilege.

You've had all the benefits of white privilege and genetics and you've still turned into a sad, racist failure.
Darned straight. No one wants to live in the live-action version of Gattaca.

Environment has more to do with success than genetics. Check your privilege.

You've had all the benefits of white privilege and genetics and you've still turned into a sad, racist failure.

Your insults do not refute my facts. You hate the most accomplished demographic on earth and have the nerve to call me a racist.

Define "racist." I will tell you if I conform to your definition. If I do, racism is true.

You do not prove "Environment has more to do with success than genetics" by asserting it. Do you really think the right environment could produce a Shakespeare, a Beethoven, or an Einstein? Genes matter.

You asked for proof that IQ genes exist. I have you proof. This is just the beginning. In the foreseeable future a DNA test on a fetus will be able to determine the child's life time abilities if the fetus is not aborted.

My white skin privilege consists of the fact that people who do not know me assume that I am reasonably intelligent and safe to be around. My white skin privilege has been earned. The vast majority of white men are reasonably intelligent and safe to be around. Whites have built the most advanced, the most affluent, and the most generous civilization in history. Orientals are catching up with us. Negroes are not.
Which shows the problem with tenure being an immunity despite the most egregious beliefs. Just like that asshole who denied the Holocaust happened at Northwestern. It should be a lot easier to fire cranks when you find them on your staff.
When someone denies the Holocaust you sometimes gloat about, I say:

"If the Holocaust did not happen every survivor of a Nazi concentration camp and every soldier who liberated one of the camps conspired to lie about what was happening int he camps."

The truths of race realism are clear to anyone with extensive experience with the three major racial groups.

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