More proof Americans love diversity

The diversity that is most important is diversity of opinion. The partisans of diversity of race, sexual orientation, sexual identity, and even diversity of criminal records nearly always try to suppress the opinions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton.
I like diversity, but only of a certain kind. I evaluate a demographic by average characteristics I find in the demographic. Jews and Orientals tend to behave and perform well. That cannot be said of a demographic it has become dangerous to criticize.
The diversity that is most important is diversity of opinion. The partisans of diversity of race, sexual orientation, sexual identity, and even diversity of criminal records nearly always try to suppress the opinions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton.
Those people are all shit. Their opinions are basially fuck the darkies. Why is that worth listening to. ? Actual idversity is more important than the voices of hate.
Fraternity is very patriarchal. Why you so oppressive of the womens and gender neutrals?
The american constitution states that all men are created equal but didnt include women or people of colour. But nowadays we make allowances for the backward culture of the times.
Nobody would exclude them these days. Apart from some of the GOP loons like that fat governer candidate.
Those people are all shit. Their opinions are basially fuck the darkies. Why is that worth listening to. ? Actual idversity is more important than the voices of hate.
The factual assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton are well documented.

High school students should be able to study scientific explanations of non cosmetic racial differences that they see every day.
Diversity could mean a lot of things depending on your point of view such as homosexual men preying on young boys or young girls terrorized by confused males in their locker rooms and showers or children castrated by authority figures without parental interference.
Oh dear. That is so last year.
The factual assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton are well documented.

High school students should be able to study scientific explanations of non cosmetic racial differences that they see every day.
No. Keep digging with you r bogus science.
It shows the rottenness at the heart of the GOP.
Again, the thread is about diversity, and my comment was that those preaching the loudest about it are usually the ones who most vigorously oppose diversity of thought. Stop wandering off into the lilies. If you wanted to complain about the GOP, you could have made a thread entitled, "Why I hate the GOP, and anyone who disagrees with me is a poopyhead".

Yes it seems only a dwindling minority of people oppose diversity. The same wierdos who dis clmate change using attack lines provided by the oil industry. They dont believe in democracy as they support a criminal seditionist.
This is the noisy rabble who oppose decency
A bunch of weirdos in rainbow outfits shouting at the moon with lisps is never going to gain any traction. You lost this cause, whatever the fuck this cause is.
Pity Israel's not behaving or performing well.
Israel is fighting for survival. No one questions the right of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria to exist. Many still question the right of Israel to exist, and try to destroy Israel.
Again, the thread is about diversity, and my comment was that those preaching the loudest about it are usually the ones who most vigorously oppose diversity of thought. Stop wandering off into the lilies. If you wanted to complain about the GOP, you could have made a thread entitled, "Why I hate the GOP, and anyone who disagrees with me is a poopyhead".
Hate merchants should have no platform when they preach hate. They are not legitimate.
Hate merchants should have no platform when they preach hate. They are not legitimate.
How do you define "preaching hate?" If someone states and documents that Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites, that they have higher rates of illegitimacy, and much higher crime rates, is that preaching hate? Do you believe that facts should be censored?
Hate merchants should have no platform when they preach hate. They are not legitimate.
So stop preaching hate for the GOP. And you're still not even addressing the point I've raised, which basically signals that you can't and that I'm right.
No. Keep digging with you r bogus science.

The nice thing about science is that it consists of neither dogmas, or attitudes, but hypotheses that can be tested.

There is plenty of evidence that Negroes tend to be less intelligent than whites, that they have higher rates of illegitimacy, and much higher rates of crime. I have posted some of that evidence on the U.S. Message Board.

The only question that remains is: are these differences, which seem to be durable, innate, or caused be the social environment?

I want that question to be answered by scientific investigation. I do not want the investigation to be suppressed. Those who favor suppression fear the results of the investigation.

I agree with Charles Murray that, "specific policies based on premises that conflict with scientific truths about human beings tend not to work. Often they do harm."
The nice thing about science is that it consists of neither dogmas, or attitudes, but hypotheses that can be tested.

There is plenty of evidence that Negroes tend to be less intelligent than whites, that they have higher rates of illegitimacy, and much higher rates of crime. I have posted some of that evidence on the U.S. Message Board.

The only question that remains is: are these differences, which seem to be durable, innate, or caused be the social environment?

I want that question to be answered by scientific investigation. I do not want the investigation to be suppressed. Those who favor suppression fear the results of the investigation.

I agree with Charles Murray that, "specific policies based on premises that conflict with scientific truths about human beings tend not to work. Often they do harm."
Evidence my arse. Racist dogma more like.

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