More Proof Gays Are Dangerous To Kids: Two Lesbians Convince Their 5-Year-Old To Get A Sex Change


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
It's proof gays shouldn't be allowed access to children, period! They are trying to legitimize deviance and it can't be allowed to happen. This is straight up child abuse.

First, there are plenty of gay people who do a fabulous job raising kids. Second, there is no way the LGBTQ.....Community will defend those sickos. That child needs to be removed from that home before he/she is so confused it won't be able to identify as anything.
That was disturbing. That kid doesn't know what is going on.
Makes me fucking sick
That was disturbing. That kid doesn't know what is going on.
Makes me fucking sick
It proves that homosexuals are mentally ill and are a serious threat to civilized heterosexual society.

Dude, come on. Dial it back. If I post a YouTube video of a heterosexual doing some sick shit, it doesn't mean all heterosexuals are sick. Comments like that make you look dumb as hell.
It's proof gays shouldn't be allowed access to children, period! They are trying to legitimize deviance and it can't be allowed to happen. This is straight up child abuse.

If some people could ever understand how the MEDIA/MSM/Music/ VIDEO GAMES/ CELL PHONES etc are all used as a weapon to make everything normalized we might not have such a huge crowd of dumbasses who seem to think this is normal and they don't even have to be gay to roll with it as they say.

SOciety is manipulated by mass media and new, and now it has a double impact because it is pumped into the public school system, then tie into the fact many schools are abandoning " GOD" not to obvious now is it.

But you can tell sheep a fkn thing.


Reactions ranged from ‘expressions of pride and gratitude to utter fury’
It's proof gays shouldn't be allowed access to children, period! They are trying to legitimize deviance and it can't be allowed to happen. This is straight up child abuse.

And that stupid pos parent that kid is a gawd dam Tomboy !
Of course, I don't believe In indoctrination of any kind.
Telling a kid that if he doesn't hate fags or he is going to burn in hell is just as bad
A law needs to be made that a child must be raised as the sex they were born until they reach age 18 and can legally speak for themselves.

You wouldn't allow a kid to choose what he eats for dinner, he'd pick candy bars.
You wouldn't allow a minor to decide whether or not they should go to school. They'd skip and play because they are too young to realize the importance of education.
Why don't we allow ten year olds to Drive cars even if they are physically capable of doing so? Because their brain isn't finished developing. Why on earth anyone would allow a child to determine their sexual preference before they are done growing up? It's insane. For the childs own protection a law needs to be made to stop adults from allowing or influencing kids. Let the kids be kids and let them decide for themselves when they become adults.
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Without even watching the video or reading any of the comments, I am willing to bet money that the 5 year old was born male.

Am I right?
Wasn't there a couple of gay men who instructed the school that there little girl was Transgendered and to call her Robert. The poor child was screaming that she was a little girl but the school had no choice but to follow the instructions.
That was disturbing. That kid doesn't know what is going on.
Makes me fucking sick
It proves that homosexuals are mentally ill and are a serious threat to civilized heterosexual society.

Dude, come on. Dial it back. If I post a YouTube video of a heterosexual doing some sick shit, it doesn't mean all heterosexuals are sick. Comments like that make you look dumb as hell.

It's what happens when you allow a tiny minority of immoral freaks to “normalize” any kind of immoral sexual perversions, including homosexuality, pedophilia, and transgenderism. It is all part of the same evil and the same sickness.
It's time we called if for what it is. Being gay is a sexual preference. Some people like it rough, some people like to be dressed in fur, some people like it with a member of the opposite sex and some like it same sex. It's a sexual preference. We all have likes and dislikes, we all have quirks. I enjoy cooking but my sisters hate it. I'm religious and my sisters aren't. A child shouldn't be deciding any kind of sexual preference and hell most aren't even thinking about it about sex they are thinking about toys. Why would you ask a child if they like whips and chains? You wouldn't, you'd be horrified if an adult did so and yet we are supposed to be tolerant of asking a child if they think they are Transgender? It's no different and just as obscene. Let the kids be kids and stop dragging them into adult situations.

Now gays might say my daughter wants to dress like a boy or my son wants to dress like a girl. Two words, School uniforms. White shirt, black pants everybody wears the same thing. Of course the left will say we can't do in public schools but guess what, it's already being done in New Haven CT. The benefits are these clothes can be bought at Walmart cheaply, passed down to siblings to save money,level the playing field between the haves and have nots and allows the kids to concentrate on learning because that's what school is for. Afraid it stifles creativity? If kids want to be creative let them do it in their work at school; they can dress creatively at home. It also prevents gang symbols from entering schools and helps keep the peace. We need to stop forcing our kids to grown up before their time.

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