More Proof the AGW crowd are losing

Duh humans have zero effect on anything. Stupid liberals. God gave us this planet to do with whatever we please.
The left is losing the power they once wielded in the media. Now that we can inform ourselves and read varying sources, the propaganda films no longer work.. Very few are now falling for the BS and many more are waking up from their handout induced slumber..

IT's amazing how taxing through regulation and devaluing the middle and lower classes pay by 7% will wake us up..
The left is losing the power they once wielded in the media. Now that we can inform ourselves and read varying sources, the propaganda films no longer work.. Very few are now falling for the BS and many more are waking up from their handout induced slumber..
Exactly. You know what's dangerous? Bears. We should kill off all the bears.
Duh humans have zero effect on anything. Stupid liberals. God gave us this planet to do with whatever we please.
the contemporary conservative mantra: I want it all & I want it all now. Screw future generations :thup:
Hey, if you can't talk about the science, talk about how a documentary film didn't make any money, just like every other documentary film.
I would have to say that the nation is losing as the 'Conservatives' prevent as much preparation for the effects of a warming world as they possibly can.
Good for Michael Moore. And how much money have any of you 'Conservatives' made off of you lying movies concerning the environment.
Too Funny;

The usual left wing zealots wont discus why the film failed. They are blaming everyone else instead of looking in the mirror at the true failures..

Left wing kook films fail because they do not teach American exceptionalism, ambition, and self reliance. The movie American Sniper was a movie about American exceptionalism, ambition, and self reliance... it was just the opposite of the blame america first ship of fools.. AMERICANS ADAPT AND OVER COME. WE DO NOT LIE DOWN AND WAIT FOR OUR EXECUTIONS... You left wing morons may and that is a sheep's choice...
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Their latest propaganda film "Merchants of Doubt" has lost loads of money. It seems they can't get anyone to go see this dog. Less than 200,000 on a film that cost a couple of million.

Merchants of Doubt - Financial Analysis Box Office Earnings DVD and Blu-ray Sales Domestic and International Gross Revenue

You're actually proposing to measure the viability of a political issue -- by how many people go to see a movie about it?? :lmao:

Remember our little lesson on TV ratings? Doesn't look like it.

Never underestimate the power of marketing, m'boy. That's the only reason Bruce Springstein has ever sold a record.

I enjoy the idea - apparently conservative - that when it comes to science perception is more important than actuality.

Bingo! We have a winner.
It's funny to see the mass amount of butthurt exhibited by the AGW truly is. This is not about repubs vs. dems (dems ain't watching this shit either dudes, that's why the movie is tanking)
no it's about propaganda and the fact that thinking people understand what it is, and won't play along.
It's funny watching righties these days.

What they think IS happening, always indicates the work the GOP needs to get done.

So right now, the GOP needs righties to feel like they're winning, and powerful

How long has the GOP controlled congress continued to do nothing, and I might add a question to that thought...has Obama veto'd anything?
So every bit of the science contradicts Westwall, but at least he can console himself over his side's complete failure on that front by thinking about a movie.

It's good to be on the rational side. To win, we only have to bring up the science.
So every bit of the science contradicts Westwall, but at least he can console himself over his side's complete failure on that front by thinking about a movie.

It's good to be on the rational side. To win, we only have to bring up the science.

No, every bit of the science FICTION contradicts me. Actual empirical evidence shows the sceptical side to be correct. That's why the full court press of propaganda has been applied. The politicians and bankers who stand to benefit the most WANT this BS to succeed. The politicians for the power, and the bankers for the money. Trillions and trillions of dollars that they get to steal from the poor and middle class.

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