More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Anybody stick around for that laughable SOTU speech by Soetero tonight?

How much was devoted to climate change???

One sentence!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::fu:

We were hearing about executive orders on climate change.........but nada.......he couldn't move fast enough off the topic. Know what that is called? Throwing a little dog bone to the stoopids on the far left!!!

I only hung for the hideous speech just to see that.......and here 30 minutes later, still laughing.
No pledge to stand on the shore and executive order the sea to refrain from rising? Even as a hedge in case Global Warming is more than just a vaguely religious superstition?

It was classic lose.........

You know all the duped far left mofus tuned in to hear their hero opine about climate change and he was in and out of the topic in less than 15 seconds. Indeed.......5 years in a row and the far left doesn't get dick on climate change.

You fucking losers..........Im laughing at the profound level of fAiL.:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:
Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the EU is saying FUCK YOU to plans to combat climate change!!!


Because the people are sick and tired of their electricity prices going through the roof thanks to brainless government policies supporting green energy.

From the article >>>>

In the face of a backlash from beleaguered consumers, the Eurocrats are retreating from ambitious plans to use “taxes and levies” to turn down the planet’s thermostat. Diverting billions into wasteful and inefficient power sources such as windmills, that stop working when there’s no breeze, and solar panels that generate no power when there’s a cloud overhead, is obviously going to be more costly than efficient power sources that function around the clock.

Last week, the 28-nation EU proposed significant modification to the one-size-fits-all global-warming policy. The European Commission, the EU’s executive body, now proposes ending individual national targets for use of windmills, algae and sun-power, which means greater leeway for using the stuff that actually works: natural gas, hydro and nuclear power.

Costs matter s0ns......costs matter in the real world. Which is why you climate assholes are getting your balls kicked in!!! You mental cases never ask the question, "At what costs". But the rest of the world is.......

Read more: EDITORIAL: European Union cooling to global-warming energy costs - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter
Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the EU is saying FUCK YOU to plans to combat climate change!!!


Because the people are sick and tired of their electricity prices going through the roof thanks to brainless government policies supporting green energy.

From the article >>>>

In the face of a backlash from beleaguered consumers, the Eurocrats are retreating from ambitious plans to use “taxes and levies” to turn down the planet’s thermostat. Diverting billions into wasteful and inefficient power sources such as windmills, that stop working when there’s no breeze, and solar panels that generate no power when there’s a cloud overhead, is obviously going to be more costly than efficient power sources that function around the clock.

Last week, the 28-nation EU proposed significant modification to the one-size-fits-all global-warming policy. The European Commission, the EU’s executive body, now proposes ending individual national targets for use of windmills, algae and sun-power, which means greater leeway for using the stuff that actually works: natural gas, hydro and nuclear power.

Costs matter s0ns......costs matter in the real world. Which is why you climate assholes are getting your balls kicked in!!! You mental cases never ask the question, "At what costs". But the rest of the world is.......

Read more: EDITORIAL: European Union cooling to global-warming energy costs - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

do you even have a clue what you are talking a bout? The EU is listening to the people?
Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the EU is saying FUCK YOU to plans to combat climate change!!!


Because the people are sick and tired of their electricity prices going through the roof thanks to brainless government policies supporting green energy.

From the article >>>>

In the face of a backlash from beleaguered consumers, the Eurocrats are retreating from ambitious plans to use “taxes and levies” to turn down the planet’s thermostat. Diverting billions into wasteful and inefficient power sources such as windmills, that stop working when there’s no breeze, and solar panels that generate no power when there’s a cloud overhead, is obviously going to be more costly than efficient power sources that function around the clock.

Last week, the 28-nation EU proposed significant modification to the one-size-fits-all global-warming policy. The European Commission, the EU’s executive body, now proposes ending individual national targets for use of windmills, algae and sun-power, which means greater leeway for using the stuff that actually works: natural gas, hydro and nuclear power.

Costs matter s0ns......costs matter in the real world. Which is why you climate assholes are getting your balls kicked in!!! You mental cases never ask the question, "At what costs". But the rest of the world is.......

Read more: EDITORIAL: European Union cooling to global-warming energy costs - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

do you even have a clue what you are talking a bout? The EU is listening to the people?

Perhaps not s0n............but winning!!!!!

The science isn't meaning dick!!
"Climate change is a fact," said Obama with declaration and enunciation. He is not joking. It is a matter of leaving an inheritable planet for future humans who will scorn our lack of efforts. Too bad his All of the Above energy policy is weak on headstrong action to combat it. Oh well, at least we have a President that is smart enough to acknowledge climate change is real and we must address it.
"Climate change is a fact," said Obama with declaration and enunciation. He is not joking. It is a matter of leaving an inheritable planet for future humans who will scorn our lack of efforts. Too bad his All of the Above energy policy is weak on headstrong action to combat it. Oh well, at least we have a President that is smart enough to acknowledge climate change is real and we must address it.

"Climate change is a fact," said Obama with declaration and enunciation.

Well no shit. 11,000 years ago Chicago had a mile thick sheet of ice on it.

Any luck finding that 2284 number in your link?

Oh well, at least we have a President that is smart enough to acknowledge climate change is real and we must address it.

Address it?
That fucker stopped the seas from rising, just by getting the Dem nomination.
True story!!
"Climate change is a fact," said Obama with declaration and enunciation. He is not joking. It is a matter of leaving an inheritable planet for future humans who will scorn our lack of efforts. Too bad his All of the Above energy policy is weak on headstrong action to combat it. Oh well, at least we have a President that is smart enough to acknowledge climate change is real and we must address it.

Well take a bow!!

But he said it 5 years ago and then 4 years ago then 3 years ago then 2 years ago and then again last night!!!

You're not getting it sweetie.

He hasn't done dick and wont do dick. Its a punchline or does he need to do it for another 2 years for you to get it.

Climate change. Its an internet hobby........a vehicle for green energy bigs profits. That's all it is in 2014.:D:D:up:
"Climate change is a fact," said Obama with declaration and enunciation. He is not joking. It is a matter of leaving an inheritable planet for future humans who will scorn our lack of efforts. Too bad his All of the Above energy policy is weak on headstrong action to combat it. Oh well, at least we have a President that is smart enough to acknowledge climate change is real and we must address it.

"Climate change is a fact," said Obama with declaration and enunciation.

Well no shit. 11,000 years ago Chicago had a mile thick sheet of ice on it.

Any luck finding that 2284 number in your link?

Oh well, at least we have a President that is smart enough to acknowledge climate change is real and we must address it.

Address it?
That fucker stopped the seas from rising, just by getting the Dem nomination.
True story!!


That made me laugh out loud!!!:rock::rock::rock::2up:
OK......check this link out. It is a pro-renewable energy link. The author owns stock in 2 solar renewables are booming and about to dominate fossil fuels.

Renewable Energy Is Winning the Battle Versus Fossil Fuels - DailyFinance

Curious readers will note however, it is spun like all AGW alarmist activists spin renewables each and every day......with bogus stats on solar power in this case. These people ALWAYS compare a renewable source to itself in terms of growth. It is NEVER put into context against a fossil fuel source of energy. It is a brilliant way of perpetuating the ruse........make people think solar and wind are taking over the world. They are not.......unless you call 3% ( present) or 8%-10% ( in 3 decades ) taking over the world. All the graphs you see in the link are solar growth compared to impressive!!! But only the connect the dots challenged are impressed.

Why do they have to do this?

To perpetuate a myth. To dupe stoopid people and/or the mental cases into considering investing in green energy. And why not........Tyler the author here hears "Cha-ching" every time his shit consumed by some asshat.:D:D:eusa_dance:
"Climate change is a fact," said Obama with declaration and enunciation. He is not joking. It is a matter of leaving an inheritable planet for future humans who will scorn our lack of efforts. Too bad his All of the Above energy policy is weak on headstrong action to combat it. Oh well, at least we have a President that is smart enough to acknowledge climate change is real and we must address it.

Of course it's a FACT. Climate has ALWAYS changed. Please tell us something we didn't already know.
Of course it's a FACT. Climate has ALWAYS changed.

Well I didn't know we agreed! Now your beef is with man having anything to do with that huh?

You don't think carbon dioxide is a heat trapping gas aka greenhouse gas?

You don't think CO2 is being spewed into the air by cars and coal plants etc?

You don't think the earth will warm any more than it has even with increased CO2?
Of course it's a FACT. Climate has ALWAYS changed.

Well I didn't know we agreed! Now your beef is with man having anything to do with that huh?

You don't think carbon dioxide is a heat trapping gas aka greenhouse gas?

You don't think CO2 is being spewed into the air by cars and coal plants etc?

You don't think the earth will warm any more than it has even with increased CO2?

Correct. Is man responsible. Other than the local Urban Heat Island Effect (which is well documented but ignored by AGW supporters) I can find no large scale effect that is provable.

No, CO2 IS a GHG. However, it operates on a logarithmic scale AND also operates in the same wavelengths as H2O vapor. Which is THE dominant GHG.

Man contributes 5% of the total global CO2 budget.

In the presence of ever increasing CO2 levels (far above what even Hansen predicted was possible) the global temperature has remained flat for 16 plus years. That means the AGW theory is a failure.

Time to move on.
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