More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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cute, but NO ONE is saying there are no cycles of warming and cooling. As a matter of fact it is the very science you ridicule on the one hand that you use to make an argument on the other hand.

It is always about $$$$ and regulation. You are so stupid to be pushing industry talking points over science

It is always about $$$$ and regulation.

I know. But who wants regulations that cost trillions and reduce 2080 temps by 0.1 degrees?
Even the Germans have wised up to the CO2 scam.

CO2 scam?

It was in all the papers.
It is always about $$$$ and regulation.

I know. But who wants regulations that cost trillions and reduce 2080 temps by 0.1 degrees?
Even the Germans have wised up to the CO2 scam.

Right. Like when the EPA forced the oil companies to clean up their leaking underground storage tanks, and they turned around and sold those tanks to the mom and pop gas stations for a dollar, who couldn't afford the liability they didn't realize they were buying, and so the taxpayer ended up footing most of the bill for the clean up, while the petroleum industry literally got way with murder.

Industry always find a way to screw someone, usually you and me.

That's a scary story. I enjoy good fiction.

It is not fiction. It is true. I worked as an environmental consultant on major UST sites for 15 years. So I know first hand what was done.
Right. Like when the EPA forced the oil companies to clean up their leaking underground storage tanks, and they turned around and sold those tanks to the mom and pop gas stations for a dollar, who couldn't afford the liability they didn't realize they were buying, and so the taxpayer ended up footing most of the bill for the clean up, while the petroleum industry literally got way with murder.

Industry always find a way to screw someone, usually you and me.

That's a scary story. I enjoy good fiction.

It is not fiction. It is true. I worked as an environmental consultant on major UST sites for 15 years. So I know first hand what was done.

That's a scary story. I enjoy good fiction.

It is not fiction. It is true. I worked as an environmental consultant on major UST sites for 15 years. So I know first hand what was done.


I might add that I am not the only one who knows this went on. It is well known in the environmental consultant industry. And that's not all they've done. They are still shafting the taxpayer in other ways:

Published: Wednesday, July 11 2012 3:25 p.m. MDT

SALT LAKE CITY — A state lawsuit says petroleum giant ConocoPhillips used false insurance claims to take $25 million from Utah over 14 years, allegedly misrepresenting it had no other insurance to pay for cleanup of leaky underground storage tanks.

In a complaint filed Monday in 3rd District Court, state assistant attorney general Paul McConkie said the Houston-based multinational company filed at least 1,500 claims from 1995 to 2009 with the state's Petroleum Storage Tank Fund — even though it had its own private insurance to cover the costs.
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More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D

sort of like when most people didn't believe the science behind the anti smoking campaigns're late to the party for the Matrix Domination in this thread.....almost 2,500 posts deep I might add. Its a Jonestown for the AGW k00ks.:D:D:eusa_dance:
Im laughing at the epic losing.........

New poll says 63% of Americans don't think Obama will make the right policy decisions.......and tomorrow night, on one of the coldest nights in a century, he's going to talk about global warming!!!


Especially when congress doesn't give a shit.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

IM not one to watch any of these stupid-ass SOTU speeches no matter what party ( its all rigged anyway ).....but tomorrow night, I wouldn't miss this guy shooting himself in the face on national television. What could be more of a hoot?
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Right. Like when the EPA forced the oil companies to clean up their leaking underground storage tanks, and they turned around and sold those tanks to the mom and pop gas stations for a dollar, who couldn't afford the liability they didn't realize they were buying, and so the taxpayer ended up footing most of the bill for the clean up, while the petroleum industry literally got way with murder.

Industry always find a way to screw someone, usually you and me.

That's a scary story. I enjoy good fiction.

And good non-fiction, like when the EPA forced MTBE into our gasoline. To make the air cleaner.
And it polluted our water. Now that's really scary!

It is not fiction. It is true. I worked as an environmental consultant on major UST sites for 15 years. So I know first hand what was done.

Really? Oil companies dug up these huge old gas tanks and sold them for $1, instead of scrapping them?
Please tell me more.

And tell me about the EPA and MTBE, when you get a chance.
That's a scary story. I enjoy good fiction.

And good non-fiction, like when the EPA forced MTBE into our gasoline. To make the air cleaner.
And it polluted our water. Now that's really scary!

It is not fiction. It is true. I worked as an environmental consultant on major UST sites for 15 years. So I know first hand what was done.

Really? Oil companies dug up these huge old gas tanks and sold them for $1, instead of scrapping them?
Please tell me more.

And tell me about the EPA and MTBE, when you get a chance.

No. They knew the regulations were going to be promulgated, so they send representatives out to their franchises and offered the tanks, which were previously leased to them, for a dollar. Then when the regulations took effect, the franchises were left with the environmental liability since they now owned the tanks. Thousands of franchises went out of business, and the oil companies took nearly complete control of the retail market. That's why you don't see mom and pop service stations anymore.
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It is not fiction. It is true. I worked as an environmental consultant on major UST sites for 15 years. So I know first hand what was done.

Really? Oil companies dug up these huge old gas tanks and sold them for $1, instead of scrapping them?
Please tell me more.

And tell me about the EPA and MTBE, when you get a chance.

No. They knew the regulations were going to be promulgated, so they send representatives out to their franchises and offered the tanks, which were previously leased to them, for a dollar. Then when the regulations took effect, the franchises were left with the environmental liability since they now owned the tanks. Thousands of franchises went out of business, and the oil companies took nearly complete control of the retail market. That's why you don't see mom and pop service stations anymore.

Wow! The government drove all those independents out of business. Terrible.
the MSM that is supposed to lie all the time? Why would anyone believe that?

They lied about climategate? I don't believe you.

Oh, you mean the made up scandal about stolen e-mails that produced NO criminal evidence? That climategate?

Yeah, the scandal that showed the scientists with the consensus, (the 97%, remember?) were so confident about the science that they had to lie, suppress and "hide the decline"

That climategate.

Any word on that MTBE issue?
They lied about climategate? I don't believe you.

Oh, you mean the made up scandal about stolen e-mails that produced NO criminal evidence? That climategate?

Yeah, the scandal that showed the scientists with the consensus, (the 97%, remember?) were so confident about the science that they had to lie, suppress and "hide the decline"

That climategate.

Any word on that MTBE issue?

Really? Hide the decline? Hilarious. Abe? Wanna take up this one?

My word on MTBE is this: It's been discussed before. Full stop.
the 97% consensus does not come from climategate. those scientists have nothing to do with that made up debacle. just because it's a title of a book doesn't make it factual or worthwhile. it was propaganda through and through to capture the imaginations of people like yourself. do a little homework if you cared

the 97% statistic comes from this very real study: Expert credibility in climate change
It is not fiction. It is true. I worked as an environmental consultant on major UST sites for 15 years. So I know first hand what was done.

Really? Oil companies dug up these huge old gas tanks and sold them for $1, instead of scrapping them?
Please tell me more.

And tell me about the EPA and MTBE, when you get a chance.

No. They knew the regulations were going to be promulgated, so they send representatives out to their franchises and offered the tanks, which were previously leased to them, for a dollar. Then when the regulations took effect, the franchises were left with the environmental liability since they now owned the tanks. Thousands of franchises went out of business, and the oil companies took nearly complete control of the retail market. That's why you don't see mom and pop service stations anymore.

So lets see.. If the oil companies had HELD the leases and had to pay the clean up charges, these moms and pops would have been just fine --- RIGHT? No implications for loss of business or increased leasing and franchise costs --- RIGHT? Leftist logic.. No one has any risk in the game except the deep pockets..

Did it ever occur to you that the only ones CAPABLE of fixing that problem of aging tanks were the the deep pockets? AND THEY FIXED IT. They didnt plot to sabatoge those tanks, did they?
I might add that I am not the only one who knows this went on. It is well known in the environmental consultant industry. And that's not all they've done. They are still shafting the taxpayer in other ways:

Like it is well known in the climate science community that CO2 is the control knob for the climate?
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