More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Another good link for exploring the difference between intellect and disorganized thinking.

( bipolar disorder is one of many, many thought processing disorders.....this is not to say forum members necessarily have bipolar disorder.....just an example to illustrate intellect vs faulty reasoning )

How smart are people with bipolar disorder??

Indeed, there are a lot of people on these forums a hell of a lot smarter than me, but there are also a lot of these same people who continually display a pronounced inability to self-assess what they are conveying in this landscape.
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Another good link for exploring the difference between intellect and disorganized thinking.

( bipolar disorder is one of many, many thought processing disorders.....this is not to say forum members necessarily have bipolar disorder.....just an example to illustrate intellect vs faulty reasoning )

Thought disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Psychiatric Disorders/Psychotic Disorders - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

How smart are people with bipolar disorder??

Indeed, there are a lot of people on these forums a hell of a lot smarter than me, but there are also a lot of these same people who continually display a pronounced inability to self-assess what they are conveying in this landscape.

Warmers are herd animals....cattle....they move with the consensus. Don't know if you ever tried to turn a herd in a different direction but it is very hard to do from anywhere but the front of the herd. Till the leaders of the herd are brought to account for their actions, the herd is going to keep going till it eventually goes over a cliff.

I read that mann is going to take the stand, under oath, in his law suit....maybe a big dose of truth, or a conviction for perjury will bring the herd out of their stupor long enough to maybe start moving in another direction.....of course for direction is desirable for the rest of us.
what SSDD may as well have said said:
Gravitators are herd animals....cattle....they move with the consensus. Don't know if you ever tried to turn a gravitating herd in a different direction but it is very hard to do from anywhere but the front of the herd, particularly with all that gravity gravitating. Till the leaders of the gravitators are brought to account for their actions, the herd is going to keep gravitating till it eventually goes over a cliff, and dies due to their own gravitating.

See how stupid that reads? No, of course you don't.
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Another good link for exploring the difference between intellect and disorganized thinking.

( bipolar disorder is one of many, many thought processing disorders.....this is not to say forum members necessarily have bipolar disorder.....just an example to illustrate intellect vs faulty reasoning )

Thought disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Psychiatric Disorders/Psychotic Disorders - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

How smart are people with bipolar disorder??

Indeed, there are a lot of people on these forums a hell of a lot smarter than me, but there are also a lot of these same people who continually display a pronounced inability to self-assess what they are conveying in this landscape.

Warmers are herd animals....cattle....they move with the consensus. Don't know if you ever tried to turn a herd in a different direction but it is very hard to do from anywhere but the front of the herd. Till the leaders of the herd are brought to account for their actions, the herd is going to keep going till it eventually goes over a cliff.

I read that mann is going to take the stand, under oath, in his law suit....maybe a big dose of truth, or a conviction for perjury will bring the herd out of their stupor long enough to maybe start moving in another direction.....of course for direction is desirable for the rest of us.

The AGW crowd all got caught up in what is known as "consensus reality". Fascinating concept. And its not surprising these same people put little stock into the idea of personal freedom. Most of the AGW crowd doesn't believe in it.......we should relinquish freedoms to the government for the overall they are predisposed to it ( the nuero-pathology leading to the attitude )

Philip K. Dick: “Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups…increasingly, we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated electronic mechanisms…And this is an astounding power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.”

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog

The AGW crowd was duped long ago

And they are predisposed to it given the difficulty with associations in their thinking. ( see post above )

Here is a perfect analogy on the disconnect with associations...........these people think there is a solution for everything in the world ( thought process disorder ) >>>>

A few years back, a whole family was killed by an 18 wheeler on I95 in Ct. They were parked on the shoulder and 8 people wiped out instantly. A tragedy. Subsequently, an activist group petitioned Hartford insisting the highway be widened, specifically, that the shoulder be widened in case of a similar breakdown in the future, thus, a similar tragedy could be avoided. people who can connect the dots, I don't even have to elaborate on the level of k00k that idea was from the lefty activists.

Of course, the idea was struck down.

Look at the PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING thread. The main reason I keep it going is exactly to illustrate this fact: far left people have some kind of inability to make associations that are very clear to the majority.

This is my playground s0ns!!!:D:D:up:

It is impossible for Orangeman to comprehend what SSDD is saying..........its a thought processing thing. Fascinating to me.........
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what SSDD may as well have said said:
Gravitators are herd animals....cattle....they move with the consensus. Don't know if you ever tried to turn a gravitating herd in a different direction but it is very hard to do from anywhere but the front of the herd, particularly with all that gravity gravitating. Till the leaders of the gravitators are brought to account for their actions, the herd is going to keep gravitating till it eventually goes over a cliff, and dies due to their own gravitating.

See how stupid that reads? No, of course you don't.

Not as stupid as this.......

And no it is not an overstatement to call high fructose corn syrup a poison, because that is what it is.
what SSDD may as well have said said:
Gravitators are herd animals....cattle....they move with the consensus. Don't know if you ever tried to turn a gravitating herd in a different direction but it is very hard to do from anywhere but the front of the herd, particularly with all that gravity gravitating. Till the leaders of the gravitators are brought to account for their actions, the herd is going to keep gravitating till it eventually goes over a cliff, and dies due to their own gravitating.

See how stupid that reads? No, of course you don't.

I said exactly what I intended to say...if I had needed your help, I would have asked...I do see that your alterations have resulted in a stupid comment, but I guess you just couldn't help yourself.
what SSDD may as well have said said:
Gravitators are herd animals....cattle....they move with the consensus. Don't know if you ever tried to turn a gravitating herd in a different direction but it is very hard to do from anywhere but the front of the herd, particularly with all that gravity gravitating. Till the leaders of the gravitators are brought to account for their actions, the herd is going to keep gravitating till it eventually goes over a cliff, and dies due to their own gravitating.

See how stupid that reads? No, of course you don't.

Not as stupid as this.......

And no it is not an overstatement to call high fructose corn syrup a poison, because that is what it is.

Yeah, that statement sounded just like something a true red eco nazi would say. Guess he doesn't know much biology...genetically we can only absorb 4 types of sugars....fructose being one of them and the chemical structure of synthetic fructose must be identical to the chemical structure of natural fructose or our bodies couldn't absorb it.
As long as it doesn't hurt other people. Who gives a fuck if I want to drink soda?

Fella named Bloomberg. He worries that if you drink soda you'll get fat, catch diabetes, go to an emergency room at the expense of "all of us" then claim disability and go on welfare and live in subsidized housing.

In this instance he may actually be onto something.
Or the numbers of Americans that believe the Christian god created humans in their present form.

More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D

sort of like when most people didn't believe the science behind the anti smoking campaigns

When did that occur?

when? you don't know?
Toddster, you are a wonderful human being. its so sad to see you work with the information you've have. It causes you to miss out on your inflated sense of accuracy but i'd think that's your subconscious doing you a favor: to wake up and realize what you believe is founded in a certain form of denialism that counters good science and rigorous debate would shock you.

Merchants of Doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a good start but dear lord there's a lot out there paralleling climate change and tobacco. See this google search
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poor [MENTION=29707]Toddsterpatriot[/MENTION] "A Gallup Survey conducted in 1958 found that only 44 percent of Americans believed smoking caused cancer"

In 50 years, imagine the laughter at the thought that we could change the climate by wasting trillions on wind and solar.
Toddster, you are a wonderful human being. its so sad to see you work with the information you've have. It causes you to miss out on your inflated sense of accuracy but i'd think that's your subconscious doing you a favor: to wake up and realize what you believe is founded in a certain form of denialism that counters good science and rigorous debate would shock you.

Merchants of Doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a good start but dear lord there's a lot out there paralleling climate change and tobacco. See this google search

Cigarettes were called coffin nails, decades before the anti-smoking campaigns started.

So what?

Cigarette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Feel free to bring a rigorous debate. I could use a laugh.
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