More Race-Baiting from a GOP Rep.


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Does this actually work in some districts?

People fall for this bullshit??!!

GOP Rep.: Discrimination Against Whites Is All Federal Law Permits

Since Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) claimed on Monday that Democrats have launched a "war on whites," he has continued to explain how he thinks Democrats inject race into political issues.

Brooks initially made the remarks on Laura Ingraham's radio show.

"This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else," he told Ingraham, referring specifically to the crisis at the border.

Brooks stood by his characterization and told Monday that Democrats have been "attacking whites based on skin color."

"The Democrats routinely make appeals based on race and they get away with it. It's repugnant to ever make an appeal based on race," he said.

The most ironic part in red.
Desperate times call for desperate searches for something, anything that the left can use to play the race card. Where would they be without tax exempt Media Matters and News Hounds "we watch Fox so you don't have to" to spin cherry picked sentences?
Fucking whiny liberals wage a war on Conservatives making certain to label all of us racists over the last 6 yrs and now they're whining for being called out on it??? LMFAO

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "Don't tell us what we did.. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh"
Many Democrats including some on this board say the Republican party is the all white party these same people or to be fair some of them claim the Republican party has a war on women, blacks, Hispanics, gays, Muslims, the poor, the middle class and basically anyone who is not white and rich. So given this I don't think those who have spent a great deal of time trying to divide the people along racial, sexual, religious, gender, and economic lines have much room to complain about his statement.
You accuse GOP of "race baiting?" Democrat Eric Holder is the AG and Al Sharpton has his own T.V. Program...really want to go there?
Funny thing is...Every time the democrats point to how racist whites are and expect us to allow other people ahead of us in colleges, etc= racist. How we're born this way for crying out loud is something the democrats take part in.

The op of this thread is the one race baiting as he rages on about how evil we're. You're the fucking racist.
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All you hear coming from the democrats and the media is how EVIL whites are. Watch msnbc and you will hear how we're priviledged and we're born that way. We're generalized every fucking day. No, my friends...That is race baiting.

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