More Russian Collusion, but this time it is a Demonrat...Oh Tusli what have you done?

How many innocent people did Obama have killed with his never ending droning of them?

war is hell or didn't you know that?

tell ya what - when you can cough up some evidence of obama gassing americans because it was easier to do than negotiate with hostage takers, or poisoning journalists & others that spoke out against him, both here & abroad - then you might have a point; otherwise, you will be given the CONsideration you seem to be deserving at the moment.

You can narrow down your requirement all day but dead is dead is dead no matter the manner used.

Bush, Cheney, McCain, Graham, Obama, Hillary, Trump, they all deserve nothing short of Hell for what they have done.

uh-huh.... yet you would vote for putey poot.


He would be no less as evil.

I think you know that isn't true. You're commenting out of anger. You strike me as fairly intelligent so I doubt seriously that you would vote for Putin over an American president no matter which party. I imagine you would not vote if it was someone you couldn't stomach.

Am I angry at what we did? absolutely. Would there be a third party candidate that I would choose with that being the choice? Sure.

Obama is no better than Putin though. Obama is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people. How they die is not the issue. Dead is dead is dead.
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
Steele dossier?
LOL beyond a reasonable means that since they could NOT he is innocent you fucking loon. He said for the record NO COLLUSION Occurred, you pretending otherwise by playing word games is hilarious, stupid and ignorant but hilarious.
He said he would not address collusion, and would only address criminal conspiracy, in his report
That is exactly what COLLUSION is and you pretending otherwise by playing word games is hilarious, stupid and ignorant but hilarious.

"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - the Mueller Report

Those 11 words are grounds for instant dismissal in any American courtroom. Case closed ... it's Mueller time!!!
Nice 11 word CUT job!

Here is what he said, in context and in full:

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

Mueller did not make a determination one way or the other on whether Trump obstructed justice. Rather, he investigated the issue and laid the evidence out in his report.

Did Mueller find evidence related to potential issues of obstruction of justice involving the president? Yes.

Volume I of the special counsel’s report dealt with Russia’s attempts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election. Volume II focused solely on the issue of obstruction of justice. In the latter, Mueller highlighted 11 issues related to potential obstruction of justice by Trump.

Each of the following listed items is linked to the relevant portion of Mueller’s report:
The campaign’s response to reports about Russian support for Trump.

  1. Conduct involving FBI Director James Comey and National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
  2. The president’s reaction to the continuing Russia investigation.
  3. The president’s termination of Comey.
  4. The appointment of a special counsel and efforts to remove him.
  5. Efforts to curtail the special counsel’s investigation.
  6. Efforts to prevent public disclosure of evidence.
  7. Further efforts to have the attorney general take control of the investigation.
  8. Efforts to have White House Counsel for U.S. President Donald Trump Don McGahn deny that the president had ordered him to have the special counsel removed.
  9. Conduct towards Flynn and Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.
  10. Conduct involving Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen.
Did Mueller conclude that an underlying crime was required for an obstruction charge? No.

On occasions when Trump has elaborated on his claim that Mueller’s report found “no obstruction,” one of his repeated talking points has been that obstruction is impossible because there was no underlying crime. In May 2019, for instance, Trump asked in a tweet, “how do you Obstruct when there is no crime?”
While some high-ranking officials have also made this argument, including Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Guiliani and Attorney General William Barr, this article is concerned with the contents of the special counsel’s report. In that report, Mueller specifically stated that “obstruction statutes do not require proof of such a crime.”

read all of the Rest Here: Did Mueller Conclude Trump Committed 'No Obstruction' in the 2016 Election Probe?
LOL beyond a reasonable means that since they could NOT he is innocent you fucking loon. He said for the record NO COLLUSION Occurred, you pretending otherwise by playing word games is hilarious, stupid and ignorant but hilarious.
He said he would not address collusion, and would only address criminal conspiracy, in his report
That is exactly what COLLUSION is and you pretending otherwise by playing word games is hilarious, stupid and ignorant but hilarious.

"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - the Mueller Report

Those 11 words are grounds for instant dismissal in any American courtroom. Case closed ... it's Mueller time!!!
Nice 11 word CUT job!

Here is what he said, in context and in full:

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

Mueller did not make a determination one way or the other on whether Trump obstructed justice. Rather, he investigated the issue and laid the evidence out in his report.

Did Mueller find evidence related to potential issues of obstruction of justice involving the president? Yes.

Volume I of the special counsel’s report dealt with Russia’s attempts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election. Volume II focused solely on the issue of obstruction of justice. In the latter, Mueller highlighted 11 issues related to potential obstruction of justice by Trump.

Each of the following listed items is linked to the relevant portion of Mueller’s report:
The campaign’s response to reports about Russian support for Trump.

Did Mueller conclude that an underlying crime was required for an obstruction charge? No.

On occasions when Trump has elaborated on his claim that Mueller’s report found “no obstruction,” one of his repeated talking points has been that obstruction is impossible because there was no underlying crime. In May 2019, for instance, Trump asked in a tweet, “how do you Obstruct when there is no crime?”
While some high-ranking officials have also made this argument, including Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Guiliani and Attorney General William Barr, this article is concerned with the contents of the special counsel’s report. In that report, Mueller specifically stated that “obstruction statutes do not require proof of such a crime.”

read all of the Rest Here: Did Mueller Conclude Trump Committed 'No Obstruction' in the 2016 Election Probe?
Sound and fury but no there there
Never charged
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
Steele dossier?
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
Steele dossier?
It’s funny to see the but....but....but... as if Mueller and his hired assassins could not find what the libbies but....but about.
..What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


Indeed, stealing Hillary's rightful crown was a despicable crime

It was her turn, all the 17 'intellingence' agencies agreed...


next time, trump should have confidence in himself instead of being weak kneed and insecure, and confidence in his voters to elect him all by themselves, instead of seeking and relying on foreigners helping him... :rolleyes:

bob didn't say there wasn't any evidence... he said ' insufficient ' evidence & the report also says why.... because phones were used with apps that encrypt then dissolve text, the destruction of hard copy, the multitudes of ' i don't recalls ' & of course as soon as someone takes the fifth - the feds cannot go any further.

there was insufficient evidence regarding OJ too, but go ahead & say he didn't do it. :lmao:
Last edited:
How many innocent people did Obama have killed with his never ending droning of them?

war is hell or didn't you know that?

tell ya what - when you can cough up some evidence of obama gassing americans because it was easier to do than negotiate with hostage takers, or poisoning journalists & others that spoke out against him, both here & abroad - then you might have a point; otherwise, you will be given the CONsideration you seem to be deserving at the moment.

You can narrow down your requirement all day but dead is dead is dead no matter the manner used.

Bush, Cheney, McCain, Graham, Obama, Hillary, Trump, they all deserve nothing short of Hell for what they have done.

uh-huh.... yet you would vote for putey poot.


He would be no less as evil.

I think you know that isn't true. You're commenting out of anger. You strike me as fairly intelligent so I doubt seriously that you would vote for Putin over an American president no matter which party. I imagine you would not vote if it was someone you couldn't stomach.

March 9, 2019
Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

Russian trolls are already active across social media in an attempt to disrupt the 2020 presidential elections, cybersecurity experts are warning.

During the 2016 election, the Russian government sponsored a campaign to push propaganda and politically divisive messages with a goal of electing Donald Trump, U.S. intelligence agencies concluded. A new report from Bloomberg showed that these trolls — operating out of the Kremlin-sponsored Internet Research Agency — are back at it for the 2020 election, this time shifting the strategy away from posting outright disinformation and Kremlin-made propaganda and instead focusing on pushing existing messages that sow political division.

Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

just sayin'......................
..What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


Indeed, stealing Hillary's rightful crown was a despicable crime

It was her turn, all the 17 'intellingence' agencies agreed...


next time, trump should have confidence in himself instead of being weak kneed and insecure, and confidence in his voters to elect him all by themselves, instead of seeking and relying on foreigners helping him... :rolleyes:

bob didn't say there wasn't any evidence... he said ' insufficient ' evidence & the report also says why.... because phones were used with apps that encrypt then dissolve text, the destruction of hard copy, the multitudes of ' i don't recalls ' & of course as soon as someone takes the fifth - the feds cannot go any further.

there was insufficient evidence regarding OJ too, but go ahead & say he didn't do it. :lmao:
Liberals always pushing that something or somebody else is responsible for their situation or outcome. Guess what libbies, we elected Trump ourselves.
..What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


Indeed, stealing Hillary's rightful crown was a despicable crime

It was her turn, all the 17 'intellingence' agencies agreed...


next time, trump should have confidence in himself instead of being weak kneed and insecure, and confidence in his voters to elect him all by themselves, instead of seeking and relying on foreigners helping him... :rolleyes:

bob didn't say there wasn't any evidence... he said ' insufficient ' evidence & the report also says why.... because phones were used with apps that encrypt then dissolve text, the destruction of hard copy, the multitudes of ' i don't recalls ' & of course as soon as someone takes the fifth - the feds cannot go any further.

there was insufficient evidence regarding OJ too, but go ahead & say he didn't do it. :lmao:
In make pretend land the make pretend goes on as long as your feelings want it to.
war is hell or didn't you know that?

tell ya what - when you can cough up some evidence of obama gassing americans because it was easier to do than negotiate with hostage takers, or poisoning journalists & others that spoke out against him, both here & abroad - then you might have a point; otherwise, you will be given the CONsideration you seem to be deserving at the moment.

You can narrow down your requirement all day but dead is dead is dead no matter the manner used.

Bush, Cheney, McCain, Graham, Obama, Hillary, Trump, they all deserve nothing short of Hell for what they have done.

uh-huh.... yet you would vote for putey poot.


He would be no less as evil.

I think you know that isn't true. You're commenting out of anger. You strike me as fairly intelligent so I doubt seriously that you would vote for Putin over an American president no matter which party. I imagine you would not vote if it was someone you couldn't stomach.

March 9, 2019
Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

Russian trolls are already active across social media in an attempt to disrupt the 2020 presidential elections, cybersecurity experts are warning.

During the 2016 election, the Russian government sponsored a campaign to push propaganda and politically divisive messages with a goal of electing Donald Trump, U.S. intelligence agencies concluded. A new report from Bloomberg showed that these trolls — operating out of the Kremlin-sponsored Internet Research Agency — are back at it for the 2020 election, this time shifting the strategy away from posting outright disinformation and Kremlin-made propaganda and instead focusing on pushing existing messages that sow political division.

Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

just sayin'......................

Tell me. How has your vote been affected?
..What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


Indeed, stealing Hillary's rightful crown was a despicable crime

It was her turn, all the 17 'intellingence' agencies agreed...


next time, trump should have confidence in himself instead of being weak kneed and insecure, and confidence in his voters to elect him all by themselves, instead of seeking and relying on foreigners helping him... :rolleyes:

bob didn't say there wasn't any evidence... he said ' insufficient ' evidence & the report also says why.... because phones were used with apps that encrypt then dissolve text, the destruction of hard copy, the multitudes of ' i don't recalls ' & of course as soon as someone takes the fifth - the feds cannot go any further.

there was insufficient evidence regarding OJ too, but go ahead & say he didn't do it. :lmao:

in yer mind. besides, if donny can claim obama was a moooooooslem born in kenya for 5 solid years, then we still have time.

how much you wanna bet things are gonna change once mcghan et al hauls ass up to capital hill once the courts say they really gotta or they are going to be arrested? & i'm willing to bet things will also be speeding up after the congress critters come back from their town halls.
You can narrow down your requirement all day but dead is dead is dead no matter the manner used.

Bush, Cheney, McCain, Graham, Obama, Hillary, Trump, they all deserve nothing short of Hell for what they have done.

uh-huh.... yet you would vote for putey poot.


He would be no less as evil.

I think you know that isn't true. You're commenting out of anger. You strike me as fairly intelligent so I doubt seriously that you would vote for Putin over an American president no matter which party. I imagine you would not vote if it was someone you couldn't stomach.

March 9, 2019
Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

Russian trolls are already active across social media in an attempt to disrupt the 2020 presidential elections, cybersecurity experts are warning.

During the 2016 election, the Russian government sponsored a campaign to push propaganda and politically divisive messages with a goal of electing Donald Trump, U.S. intelligence agencies concluded. A new report from Bloomberg showed that these trolls — operating out of the Kremlin-sponsored Internet Research Agency — are back at it for the 2020 election, this time shifting the strategy away from posting outright disinformation and Kremlin-made propaganda and instead focusing on pushing existing messages that sow political division.

Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

just sayin'......................

Tell me. How has your vote been affected?

i'm not one of them thar poorly educated basket dwellers that trump loves long time. & by golly, i could tell bullshit propaganda & conspiratorial crap a mile away. those that live on fear & feed on racism & misogyny were ripe for the picking.
uh-huh.... yet you would vote for putey poot.


He would be no less as evil.

I think you know that isn't true. You're commenting out of anger. You strike me as fairly intelligent so I doubt seriously that you would vote for Putin over an American president no matter which party. I imagine you would not vote if it was someone you couldn't stomach.

March 9, 2019
Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

Russian trolls are already active across social media in an attempt to disrupt the 2020 presidential elections, cybersecurity experts are warning.

During the 2016 election, the Russian government sponsored a campaign to push propaganda and politically divisive messages with a goal of electing Donald Trump, U.S. intelligence agencies concluded. A new report from Bloomberg showed that these trolls — operating out of the Kremlin-sponsored Internet Research Agency — are back at it for the 2020 election, this time shifting the strategy away from posting outright disinformation and Kremlin-made propaganda and instead focusing on pushing existing messages that sow political division.

Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

just sayin'......................

Tell me. How has your vote been affected?

i'm not one of them thar poorly educated basket dwellers that trump loves long time. & by golly, i could tell bullshit propaganda & conspiratorial crap a mile away. those that live on fear & feed on racism & misogyny were ripe for the picking.

It's always like this. People can't understand that people can have a different point of view than yours and it isn't because someone else is controlling it.

Anyone here have a meme change their vote?
He would be no less as evil.

I think you know that isn't true. You're commenting out of anger. You strike me as fairly intelligent so I doubt seriously that you would vote for Putin over an American president no matter which party. I imagine you would not vote if it was someone you couldn't stomach.

March 9, 2019
Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

Russian trolls are already active across social media in an attempt to disrupt the 2020 presidential elections, cybersecurity experts are warning.

During the 2016 election, the Russian government sponsored a campaign to push propaganda and politically divisive messages with a goal of electing Donald Trump, U.S. intelligence agencies concluded. A new report from Bloomberg showed that these trolls — operating out of the Kremlin-sponsored Internet Research Agency — are back at it for the 2020 election, this time shifting the strategy away from posting outright disinformation and Kremlin-made propaganda and instead focusing on pushing existing messages that sow political division.

Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

just sayin'......................

Tell me. How has your vote been affected?

i'm not one of them thar poorly educated basket dwellers that trump loves long time. & by golly, i could tell bullshit propaganda & conspiratorial crap a mile away. those that live on fear & feed on racism & misogyny were ripe for the picking.

It's always like this. People can't understand that people can have a different point of view than yours and it isn't because someone else is controlling it.

Anyone here have a meme change their vote?

really? so you agree that hillary & john podesta ran a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza parlor? or that obama was coming to grab yer guns? & it was/is more than silly memes.
I think you know that isn't true. You're commenting out of anger. You strike me as fairly intelligent so I doubt seriously that you would vote for Putin over an American president no matter which party. I imagine you would not vote if it was someone you couldn't stomach.

March 9, 2019
Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

Russian trolls are already active across social media in an attempt to disrupt the 2020 presidential elections, cybersecurity experts are warning.

During the 2016 election, the Russian government sponsored a campaign to push propaganda and politically divisive messages with a goal of electing Donald Trump, U.S. intelligence agencies concluded. A new report from Bloomberg showed that these trolls — operating out of the Kremlin-sponsored Internet Research Agency — are back at it for the 2020 election, this time shifting the strategy away from posting outright disinformation and Kremlin-made propaganda and instead focusing on pushing existing messages that sow political division.

Russian Trolls Are Already Active On Social Media To Disrupt 2020 Elections, Cybersecurity Experts Warn

just sayin'......................

Tell me. How has your vote been affected?

i'm not one of them thar poorly educated basket dwellers that trump loves long time. & by golly, i could tell bullshit propaganda & conspiratorial crap a mile away. those that live on fear & feed on racism & misogyny were ripe for the picking.

It's always like this. People can't understand that people can have a different point of view than yours and it isn't because someone else is controlling it.

Anyone here have a meme change their vote?

really? so you agree that hillary & john podesta ran a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza parlor? or that obama was coming to grab yer guns? & it was/is more than silly memes.

That kind of crap has gone on for decades.

Was it the Russian's that started the campaign saying that if Thomas Jefferson was elected we would see our wives and daughters the victims of legal prostitution.”?
Indeed, stealing Hillary's rightful crown was a despicable crime

It was her turn, all the 17 'intellingence' agencies agreed...


next time, trump should have confidence in himself instead of being weak kneed and insecure, and confidence in his voters to elect him all by themselves, instead of seeking and relying on foreigners helping him... :rolleyes:

bob didn't say there wasn't any evidence... he said ' insufficient ' evidence & the report also says why.... because phones were used with apps that encrypt then dissolve text, the destruction of hard copy, the multitudes of ' i don't recalls ' & of course as soon as someone takes the fifth - the feds cannot go any further.

there was insufficient evidence regarding OJ too, but go ahead & say he didn't do it. :lmao:

in yer mind. besides, if donny can claim obama was a moooooooslem born in kenya for 5 solid years, then we still have time.

how much you wanna bet things are gonna change once mcghan et al hauls ass up to capital hill once the courts say they really gotta or they are going to be arrested? & i'm willing to bet things will also be speeding up after the congress critters come back from their town halls.
IT"S OVER! Pressley the fat lady sang!
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
Steele dossier?
ACTUALLY no that isn't over Barr has commenced an investigation on the origins of the Steele dossier and what part it played in the fisa court.

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