More Russian Collusion, but this time it is a Demonrat...Oh Tusli what have you done?

same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!


So the Russians altered the outcome of the election?? But Obama said...

Obama was wrong about nearly everything so one could argue that this is actually the only valid proof out there.

Die hard (D)'s simply can't get over that Russia was right and Obama was wrong on Syria.
..What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


Indeed, stealing Hillary's rightful crown was a despicable crime

It was her turn, all the 17 'intellingence' agencies agreed...


next time, trump should have confidence in himself instead of being weak kneed and insecure, and confidence in his voters to elect him all by themselves, instead of seeking and relying on foreigners helping him... :rolleyes:
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!


So the Russians altered the outcome of the election?? But Obama said...

Obama was wrong about nearly everything so one could argue that this is actually the only valid proof out there.

Die hard (D)'s simply can't get over that Russia was right and Obama was wrong on Syria.

i don't care one way or the other on that topic, and it has NOTHING, at all, to do with this thread....
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!


So the Russians altered the outcome of the election?? But Obama said...

Obama was wrong about nearly everything so one could argue that this is actually the only valid proof out there.

Die hard (D)'s simply can't get over that Russia was right and Obama was wrong on Syria.

i don't care one way or the other on that topic, and it has NOTHING, at all, to do with this thread....

Yes it does. That's when the whole "Russia" thing started. That and the Russians telling Obama to pound sand over Snowden.
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
did the things I mentioned, ever happen? Of course they did.

and Gabbard has not done any of those things or anything even comparable, so she is not colluding with the Russians, as op implied or jokingly implied.
Trump did not collude with Russia Either as proven by a 3 year investigation by Mueller. But you keep pretending otherwise.
the trump campaign colluded left and right, and up and down with the Russians during the campaign..... the 2 year criminal investigation could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, a criminal conspiracy... that does not mean the team did not collude and work with the Russians, promoting and encouraging the Russian's meddling and seeking out the Russian gvt's help..

What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


You would be the first to complain if it were an Obama campaign and Obama doing something close to what the Trump team did against his Republican opponent during the campaign would have caused you to call him a traitor to this Nation.
LOL no evidence but they did it.... You people are insane and amazingly STUPID. Mueller STATED for the record there was NO EVIDENCE that Trump or his staff colluded with the Russians.
next time, trump should have confidence in himself instead of being weak kneed and insecure, and confidence in his voters to elect him all by themselves, instead of seeking and relying on foreigners helping him... :rolleyes:

Right, only democrat clown candidates and the corrupt DNC should rely on foreigners to come up with excuses for their screwups.... maybe Steele can write another dossier if Hillary Kamala pays him enough....

same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Look at the Trump hating troll babbling incoherent excuses for her hero.
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!


MEH, Russia changed parties - Republicans make them puke.
:lol::lol: nah... they got Moscow Mitch and Don the Con! Putin can't get much better than that... and he's no dummy....
Making up derogatory nicknames isn't a substitute for an argument.
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
did the things I mentioned, ever happen? Of course they did.

and Gabbard has not done any of those things or anything even comparable, so she is not colluding with the Russians, as op implied or jokingly implied.
Trump did not collude with Russia Either as proven by a 3 year investigation by Mueller. But you keep pretending otherwise.
the trump campaign colluded left and right, and up and down with the Russians during the campaign..... the 2 year criminal investigation could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, a criminal conspiracy... that does not mean the team did not collude and work with the Russians, promoting and encouraging the Russian's meddling and seeking out the Russian gvt's help..

What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


You would be the first to complain if it were an Obama campaign and Obama doing something close to what the Trump team did against his Republican opponent during the campaign would have caused you to call him a traitor to this Nation.
I know you have a grand conspiracy theory going.
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
did the things I mentioned, ever happen? Of course they did.

and Gabbard has not done any of those things or anything even comparable, so she is not colluding with the Russians, as op implied or jokingly implied.
Like I said, despite the past, IT"S OVER!
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
did the things I mentioned, ever happen? Of course they did.

and Gabbard has not done any of those things or anything even comparable, so she is not colluding with the Russians, as op implied or jokingly implied.
Trump did not collude with Russia Either as proven by a 3 year investigation by Mueller. But you keep pretending otherwise.
the trump campaign colluded left and right, and up and down with the Russians during the campaign..... the 2 year criminal investigation could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, a criminal conspiracy... that does not mean the team did not collude and work with the Russians, promoting and encouraging the Russian's meddling and seeking out the Russian gvt's help..

What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


You would be the first to complain if it were an Obama campaign and Obama doing something close to what the Trump team did against his Republican opponent during the campaign would have caused you to call him a traitor to this Nation.
If you don't have film of it-let it go. IT'S OVER! For everybody.
Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Dem contender Tulsi Gabbard
The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 U.S. election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat who earlier this month declared her intention to run for president in 2020.
An NBC News analysis of the main English-language news sites employed by Russia in its 2016 election meddling shows Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who is set to make her formal announcement Saturday, has become a favorite of the sites Moscow used when it interfered in 2016.
You just cant make this shit up, it is better than any soap opera ever made. I cant wait till the next debate and see who is next to be part of the Russian Collusion..

Isn't it weird that the one Democrat that Russia may be helping the right has a hard on for?
Trump needs to send US Intel Agencies after every democrat candidate. Tulsi is working with Putin, Biden's admitted to being approached by unnamed foreign governments, who knows how deeply Putin has infiltrated that Party
Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Dem contender Tulsi Gabbard
The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 U.S. election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat who earlier this month declared her intention to run for president in 2020.
An NBC News analysis of the main English-language news sites employed by Russia in its 2016 election meddling shows Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who is set to make her formal announcement Saturday, has become a favorite of the sites Moscow used when it interfered in 2016.
You just cant make this shit up, it is better than any soap opera ever made. I cant wait till the next debate and see who is next to be part of the Russian Collusion..

Isn't it weird that the one Democrat that Russia may be helping the right has a hard on for?
Trump needs to send US Intel Agencies after every democrat candidate. Tulsi is working with Putin, Biden's admitted to being approached by unnamed foreign governments, who knows how deeply Putin has infiltrated that Party

But Trump is an innocent flower, gottcha'. Love the conspiracies.
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
did the things I mentioned, ever happen? Of course they did.

and Gabbard has not done any of those things or anything even comparable, so she is not colluding with the Russians, as op implied or jokingly implied.
Trump did not collude with Russia Either as proven by a 3 year investigation by Mueller. But you keep pretending otherwise.
the trump campaign colluded left and right, and up and down with the Russians during the campaign..... the 2 year criminal investigation could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, a criminal conspiracy... that does not mean the team did not collude and work with the Russians, promoting and encouraging the Russian's meddling and seeking out the Russian gvt's help..

What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


You would be the first to complain if it were an Obama campaign and Obama doing something close to what the Trump team did against his Republican opponent during the campaign would have caused you to call him a traitor to this Nation.
LOL no evidence but they did it.... You people are insane and amazingly STUPID. Mueller STATED for the record there was NO EVIDENCE that Trump or his staff colluded with the Russians.
here's the thing,

HE NEVER STATED what you said... he, nor those giving the summaries of their area of special counsel responsibilities in the report did not state that there was ''NO'' evidence... there WAS evidence, they just could ''not establish'' an illegal Conspiracy, beyond a reasonable doubt... in some cases it was merely because they could not establish the colluder's 'intent' or the colluder was unaware that they were breaking the law... the conspiracy occured but there are more aspects to convicting someone for it than merely the action itself.
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
Thanks Donald. lol
Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
did the things I mentioned, ever happen? Of course they did.

and Gabbard has not done any of those things or anything even comparable, so she is not colluding with the Russians, as op implied or jokingly implied.
Trump did not collude with Russia Either as proven by a 3 year investigation by Mueller. But you keep pretending otherwise.
the trump campaign colluded left and right, and up and down with the Russians during the campaign..... the 2 year criminal investigation could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, a criminal conspiracy... that does not mean the team did not collude and work with the Russians, promoting and encouraging the Russian's meddling and seeking out the Russian gvt's help..

What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


You would be the first to complain if it were an Obama campaign and Obama doing something close to what the Trump team did against his Republican opponent during the campaign would have caused you to call him a traitor to this Nation.
LOL no evidence but they did it.... You people are insane and amazingly STUPID. Mueller STATED for the record there was NO EVIDENCE that Trump or his staff colluded with the Russians.
here's the thing,

HE NEVER STATED what you said... he, nor those giving the summaries of their area of special counsel responsibilities in the report did not state that there was ''NO'' evidence... there WAS evidence, they just could ''not establish'' an illegal Conspiracy, beyond a reasonable doubt... in some cases it was merely because they could not establish the colluder's 'intent' or the colluder was unaware that they were breaking the law... the conspiracy occured but there are more aspects to convicting someone for it than merely the action itself.
same thing they did in 2016 primaries, they promoted Bernie and Jill Stein, not Hillary.

Did she seek out Russian help? Has she made excuses for the Russians doing it, like telling everyone it could be some 400lb man in his basement doing the interference and not Russians, did she go on tv and encourage the Russians to find her opponents 30,000 missing emails, did her campaign manager give detailed inside polling data for her campaign to the Russians so they could influence crutial voters better, did she have her campaign reach wikileaks to get a heads up on what stolen emails of her opponent were going to be released and also direct the timing of leaks, did her campaign meet with the Russians to discuss their help?


If she didn't do those kind of things, then there is no collusion with the Russians on her or her campaign's part!

Nobody EVER colluded-its over!
Thanks Donald. lol
did the things I mentioned, ever happen? Of course they did.

and Gabbard has not done any of those things or anything even comparable, so she is not colluding with the Russians, as op implied or jokingly implied.
Trump did not collude with Russia Either as proven by a 3 year investigation by Mueller. But you keep pretending otherwise.
the trump campaign colluded left and right, and up and down with the Russians during the campaign..... the 2 year criminal investigation could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, a criminal conspiracy... that does not mean the team did not collude and work with the Russians, promoting and encouraging the Russian's meddling and seeking out the Russian gvt's help..

What the Trump team and Trump did, was simply WRONG, and unAmerican to do.


You would be the first to complain if it were an Obama campaign and Obama doing something close to what the Trump team did against his Republican opponent during the campaign would have caused you to call him a traitor to this Nation.
LOL no evidence but they did it.... You people are insane and amazingly STUPID. Mueller STATED for the record there was NO EVIDENCE that Trump or his staff colluded with the Russians.
here's the thing,

HE NEVER STATED what you said... he, nor those giving the summaries of their area of special counsel responsibilities in the report did not state that there was ''NO'' evidence... there WAS evidence, they just could ''not establish'' an illegal Conspiracy, beyond a reasonable doubt... in some cases it was merely because they could not establish the colluder's 'intent' or the colluder was unaware that they were breaking the law... the conspiracy occured but there are more aspects to convicting someone for it than merely the action itself.
Take a deep breath!

Telling the TRUTH and getting to the TRUTH, really bothers you! Why?

It ain't over till the fat Lady sings, and evidently, she hasn't sung yet!

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