More Secular Humanism Hatin' on Jesus...

There's this neighbor who has a cute concrete pig sitting on her porch. She dresses the pig according to the season and/or holiday. Every once in a while, the pig disappears and the woman gets photos in the mail of her pig's travels and adventures.

Maybe the woman will do the same with the little plastic doll.

Okay, I finally watched part of the video - Where's the outrage at that cop who attacked and very obviously felt up the woman?
What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

OH! So Humanism is an effort to IMPROVE the human condition? And the 150 million or so murders which were committed by Humanists, that is just what, some sort of unintended consequence of the 'effort', which should not be counted against you, because ... ya didn't intend to become the most lethal threat to humanity, second only to disease?

Let me ask ya... IF we could communicate with Ebola... and Ebola said "We, the collective virus which you call "Ebola", we are not a threat to humanity... we come to IMPROVE HUMANITY!", would that be something that we, Humanity, should consider as we work to find a means to prevent Ebola from spreading, to eventually wipe out our species?

I mean using your posted reasoning, it seems unlikely that you could argue otherwise, but I felt that in fairness you should be given the chance to answer... .
What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above....


Now how precious is THAT? I just adore watching the intellectually less fortunate try to reason... And I gotta say, THAT was a wonderful try. Really... for YOU! It's a MIRACLE!



Ya seem to be citing an admonition and its odd that ya would, given the subject and all. I mean...




When did Bethlehem move to heaven?








Anyone at all?

(The worst part is that she sucked two poor morons into THANKING her for it... and AGREEING with raw idiocy.)

Let the record reflect that the Contributor has now formally conceded... through her having yielded from the standing points, thus failing to sustain her position.
What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.

I've always thought that if you need the text from some supernatural deity to be a decent person, you're probably not doing it right.
I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it

But which laws? And according to who? That's the're using ridiculously subjective systems to determine them. And then applying some pretty harsh value judgments based on your personal opinion, prejudices and interpretations.

What you've failed to do is establish any logical or rational reason why I or any one else would apply similar value judgments.

... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Actually, we 'know' no such thing. You assume it is so, based on your personal beliefs and subjective interpretations. And your personal opinion is, by definition, personal. It doesn't form the basis of our knowledge or understanding.

Nor can you provide us with anything more than your personal opinion as the basis of your beliefs. Why would I care what you believe? Especially when your assessment of 'secular humanism' is merely more of the same prejudices and stereotypes.
RE OP..hate disguised as righteous indignation is still the same hate displayed by the theft of the doll..there's enough hate to go around and last the rest of this Kaliyuga.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above....


Now how precious is THAT? I just adore watching the intellectually less fortunate try to reason... And I gotta say, THAT was a wonderful try. Really... for YOU! It's a MIRACLE!



Ya seem to be citing an admonition and its odd that ya would, given the subject and all. I mean...




When did Bethlehem move to heaven?








Anyone at all?

(The worst part is that she sucked two poor morons into THANKING her for it... and AGREEING with raw idiocy.)

Let the record reflect that the Contributor has now formally conceded... through her having yielded from the standing points, thus failing to sustain her position.

The passage does not refer to putting graven images in Heaven you imbecile.

Goddam, where do you people come from?
What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.
What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above....


Now how precious is THAT? I just adore watching the intellectually less fortunate try to reason... And I gotta say, THAT was a wonderful try. Really... for YOU! It's a MIRACLE!



Ya seem to be citing an admonition and its odd that ya would, given the subject and all. I mean...




When did Bethlehem move to heaven?








Anyone at all?

(The worst part is that she sucked two poor morons into THANKING her for it... and AGREEING with raw idiocy.)

Let the record reflect that the Contributor has now formally conceded... through her having yielded from the standing points, thus failing to sustain her position.

The passage does not refer to putting graven images in Heaven you imbecile.

Goddam, where do you people come from?

No it doesn't... nor does it refer to graven images of that which HAPPENED IN BETHLEHEM... here, on earth, of earthly beings, doin' earthly being things.

I just thought 'whatta dumbass' you were for citing scripture which admonished humanity to not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, where the subject of the image was so obviously earthly.

Sure... I laughed at you, felt the appropriate amount of pity. Then I just asked you why you'd do something to profoundly STUPID?

So... is there a problem?
What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And......Keyes' tell. Whenever his argument crashes and burns, he starts summarily declaring victory.

If only reality worked that way.
What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And......Keyes' tell. Whenever his argument crashes and burns, he starts summarily declaring victory.

If only reality worked that way.

its a religious thing getting mad about plastic jesus

What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

So you still don't know what 'supernatural' means?

What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

So you still don't know what 'supernatural' means?


So you're conceding AGAIN?

LOL! Suit yourself... .

The reader should recall to what she's conceding...

She asserted:

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural...

So given that God is merely the force in nature which created the Universe, thus being nature itself... thus the epitome of that which is natural... I merely sought some clarity and inquired:


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

So, realizing that her reasoning was exposed as nonsense, she's now conceded twice that she's no means to define 'super-natural'... in any way which serves her subjective needs.
Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

So you still don't know what 'supernatural' means?


So you're conceding AGAIN?

LOL! Suit yourself... .

The reader should recall to what she's conceding...

She asserted:

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural...

So given that God is merely the force in nature which created the Universe, thus being nature itself... thus the epitome of that which is natural... I merely sought some clarity and inquired:


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

So, realizing that her reasoning was exposed as nonsense, she's now conceded twice that she's no means to define 'super-natural'... in any way which serves her subjective needs.
Doubling down on stupid i see
Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

So you still don't know what 'supernatural' means?


So you're conceding AGAIN?

LOL! Suit yourself... .

The reader should recall to what she's conceding...

She asserted:

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural...

So given that God is merely the force in nature which created the Universe, thus being nature itself... thus the epitome of that which is natural... I merely sought some clarity and inquired:


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

So, realizing that her reasoning was exposed as nonsense, she's now conceded twice that she's no means to define 'super-natural'... in any way which serves her subjective needs.

The existence of God is an exercise of faith, unsupported by any scientific evidence, therefore God cannot be considered a part of Nature.
Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

I suggest you google 'define supernatural'. If you know how to google.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

So you still don't know what 'supernatural' means?


So you're conceding AGAIN?

LOL! Suit yourself... .

The reader should recall to what she's conceding...

She asserted:

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural...

So given that God is merely the force in nature which created the Universe, thus being nature itself... thus the epitome of that which is natural... I merely sought some clarity and inquired:


What in the hell are you talking about? What is this Super-natural nonsense you're incessantly braying on about?

I get the impression that it's nature... . Are you claiming that nature is 'Super-Natural'? The force in nature that created the universe and set laws that govern everything in it... you know the laws that require that pretty much everything you 'believe' is false and when set into practice, inevitably results in chaos, calamity and catastrophe?

Is THAT what you're driving at here?

So, realizing that her reasoning was exposed as nonsense, she's now conceded twice that she's no means to define 'super-natural'... in any way which serves her subjective needs.

Are you a Christian or not?
What's amusing is the ignorance of the OP, who believes 'secular humanist' is 'pejorative,' when in fact humanism – the effort to improve the human condition – is Christian in origin.

Secular humanism is people who don't need the fear of supernatural beings to learn the difference between right and wrong.

Secular humanism is for those have faith in humanity.

The secular humanist seeks to improve the human condition absent deities or religious dogma – indeed, in spite of them.

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