More Silly Stuff From California

If they secede, will they rename themselves "Dumbfuckistan"?
Danged! Why bother with deporting the illegals? Just let Mexico take possession of California, build the wall, and keep them out. Cut all "foreign" aid and then see how much they like life.

Plus it would guarantee us the presidency most likely for the rest of our lives.
And that's bad how!?

It would be great, because not only would it guarantee us the electoral vote, we would never have to go through this argument about the popular vote either. After all, without CA, Hillary would have lost the PV by at least a million people.
Troo dat! I wonder how Hilly would have fared if she had run for President of Meheeko?
If they secede, will they rename themselves "Dumbfuckistan"?

Now that was funny Mike, lol.

All conservatives need to go out and buy themselves a roll of Charming-Charmin. Why? Because on January 20, they are going to need it to wipe that hemorrhoid... Obowel Movement, off their asses once and for all-)
Danged! Why bother with deporting the illegals? Just let Mexico take possession of California, build the wall, and keep them out. Cut all "foreign" aid and then see how much they like life.

Plus it would guarantee us the presidency most likely for the rest of our lives.
And that's bad how!?

It would be great, because not only would it guarantee us the electoral vote, we would never have to go through this argument about the popular vote either. After all, without CA, Hillary would have lost the PV by at least a million people.
Troo dat! I wonder how Hilly would have fared if she had run for President of Meheeko?

The only things Democrats like Mexico for are the drugs and illegals. Other than that, they want nothing to do with Mexico. When libs were lying to us about moving out of the country if Trump won, did they say they were going to Mexico? No. They said they were going to Canada or Europe.
A lack of history. They would never get approval to split, and they would be repatriated by force if necessary.

Is California splitting away? Group believes California should form its own nation

Know what this thread shows? How much the far left has alienated this country, to where..........just like the South of old, it is more important for them to keep their illegals happy, than to preserve the union.

This is why they are referred to as Marxists/Socialists/Leftists! It is not an exaggeration when we call them this, it is true. Understand---------> Texas was talking that because the administration would not enforce the constitution. California is threatening it, because this administration WANTS to enforce it.

TRANSLATION: In lefty land, you can't enforce laws because if you do, they can't win elections. And so, they ignore the rule of law, and like all leftists, are to damn lazy to try and change it. Like all Marxist entities, they want to rule by fiat. Whatever the flavor of the day is, that is how they will roll; and then as long as the law is in place, they can selectively choose against whom, and when to enforce the law.
Blithering ignorance ^^

I know truth and logic have no place in a Marxist thought process, but at least your tried-)
if this ONE sided crud that you spouted is the so called ''truth'' and ''logic'' that you KNOW....then I'll be a monkey's uncle! :)
Danged! Why bother with deporting the illegals? Just let Mexico take possession of California, build the wall, and keep them out. Cut all "foreign" aid and then see how much they like life.

Plus it would guarantee us the presidency most likely for the rest of our lives.
And that's bad how!?

It would be great, because not only would it guarantee us the electoral vote, we would never have to go through this argument about the popular vote either. After all, without CA, Hillary would have lost the PV by at least a million people.
Troo dat! I wonder how Hilly would have fared if she had run for President of Meheeko?

The only things Democrats like Mexico for are the drugs and illegals. Other than that, they want nothing to do with Mexico. When libs were lying to us about moving out of the country if Trump won, did they say they were going to Mexico? No. They said they were going to Canada or Europe.
You forgot, they like them for cheap labor, under the table the better.
My take on this, is that it's typical left stream media trashing. It's a small minority of loser libtards that want this, and the left stream media runs it like it's a major story. Total media BS.
Danged! Why bother with deporting the illegals? Just let Mexico take possession of California, build the wall, and keep them out. Cut all "foreign" aid and then see how much they like life.
. It would become an extension of Mexico (a third world country), full of crime poverty and destruction. The people of California might step to the edge with the crazy left, but then they would trick them by pushing the leftist off the ledge while preserving their state, and remaining in the union.
Danged! Why bother with deporting the illegals? Just let Mexico take possession of California, build the wall, and keep them out. Cut all "foreign" aid and then see how much they like life.
. It would become an extension of Mexico (a third world country), full of crime poverty and destruction. The people of California might step to the edge with the crazy left, but then they would trick them by pushing the leftist off the ledge while preserving their state, and remaining in the union.
Most of the urban centers in CA are already rife with crime, poverty, and destruction. I suspect you might be right about the rest of Cali-America.
Progressive Liberal Californians probably want to split over the thinking that if they do so, then they will somehow preserve & strengthen radical leftist liberalism by such a move ?? Do they think that it will become a magnet for liberals to flock to after such a move ?? Otherwise is it that they fear that they can no longer force their bull crap on the citizens of this nation just as they have been doing for quite sometime now ?? Do they think this is the best reaction because they feel that they are in full retreat mode now, and especially after this election ?? Is it that they think that they are going to be rejected by the majority who has had enough of their bull crap finally, so they are thinking that they have to retreat to their strong holds, shore up their defences, and ride out what they see as a very long storm ?? Hmmm.
Progressive Liberal Californians probably want to split over the thinking that if they do so, then they will somehow preserve & strengthen radical leftist liberalism by such a move ?? Do they think that it will become a magnet for liberals to flock to after such a move ?? Otherwise is it that they fear that they can no longer force their bull crap on the citizens of this nation just as they have been doing for quite sometime now ?? Do they think this is the best reaction because they feel that they are in full retreat mode now, and especially after this election ?? Is it that they think that they are going to be rejected by the majority who has had enough of their bull crap finally, so they are thinking that they have to retreat to their strong holds, shore up their defences, and ride out what they see as a very long storm ?? Hmmm.

Of course we all know Cali isn't going anywhere. But I am in favor of separating people of different political persuasion. I'm under the belief that this so-called melting pot was a failed experiment. We don't need one big country, we need two smaller ones each with their own borders and government. It's the only possible way for us all to get along.
Anyone reviewing any of these new sitcoms or shows coming out of Hollywood lately ?? Talk about deplorable.. Good grief... I can't imagine my grandparents watching one split second of the trash, and watch out kids who are on your own in a deplorable household, because Hollywood wants to be your new caretaker, mentor, and brainwasher.

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