More strikes on ISIS today


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Widest range yet, five strikes:

U.S. drops new round of airstrikes in Iraq -

The U.S. military carried out a new series of airstrikes Sunday against ISIS targets in Iraq, marking the heaviest flurry of activity since the operations began.
In five hours the military struck five targets, including armed vehicles and a mortar position, U.S. Central Command said. The strikes began at 9:15 a.m. local time (2:15 a.m. ET), the military said."All aircraft exited the strikes areas safely," Central Command said in a statement. on Sunday. The Islamist militant group had seized the towns Wednesday on a march toward Irbil. Meanwhile, Kurdish forces recaptured two towns from ISIS, a senior Kurdish official said."Mahmour and Gweyr are in Kurdish hands," Qubad Talabani, deputy prime minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government told CNN.

And the Kurds are making gains. GO USA!
Food and water are making it the Yazidis:

U.S. airdrops water, food on Sinjar Mountain in Iraq -

The U.S. military said it dropped some 3,804 gallons of fresh drinking water and 16,128 ready-to-eat meals to tens of thousands of Yazidis, who are being targeted by militants in the Islamic State, formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Marizio Babille of UNICEF told CNN between 100 and 150 people per day were being airlifted by Iraqi security forces off the mountain.

"We are running out of time for thousands who can obviously not be reached by these airdrops," he said.

UNICEF estimates some 40,000 people are in hiding on the mountain, dozens of whom have died of extreme temperatures, and lack of food and water.

Britain and France have committed to assisting the United States in humanitarian airdrops.

UK airdrops expected in about 12 hours, France maybe 24-36.
I see the far left is going to support the illegal actions of Obama in Iraq.
The Turks are thinking "Damn we were almost rid of the Kurds".

No, Turkey has adopted new policies towards the Kurds:

Almost a thousand armed Turkish Kurds have entered Syria to rescue the Syrian Kurdish city of Korbane from ISIS militants. The AFP reports:

“At least 800 Kurdish fighters crossed the Turkish-Syrian border to help their comrades in Ain al-Arab (Kobane in Kurdish), which is under total siege by Islamic State jihadists,” Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

A Kurdish Syrian activist said the flow of fighters came as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), blacklisted in Turkey as a terrorist organisation, gave orders for Kurdish fighters to move to protect Kobane.

“Fighters started going into Kobane from Turkey some four or five days ago,” said Havidar, who goes by only one name.

“But the latest entry, last night, came after orders from the higher leadership of the PKK. Last night, there were celebrations in Kobane — fighters were firing into the air as they arrived in the town,” he told AFP.

Turkey’s Prime Minister, Tayyip Recep Erdogan, recently moved to end the decades-old strife between Ankara and Turkey’s ethnic Kurds. And as Adam Garfinkle noted at the very start of the Syrian conflict, Turkey has long been anxious to get a better hold on events in Syria, to the point of supposedly offering to send in troops—an offer the Obama Administration turned down. Despite upping some border patrols, Ankara has been far quieter in response to this news than one would expect.

Meanwhile, rapprochement continues with Iraqi Kurdistan. The President of Iraqi Kurdistan, Masoud Barzani, was in Ankara for talks with Erdogan and Turkish President Abdullah Gul today. They discussed both the oil trade and Iraqi Kurdish independence, with Turkey continuing to take a cautious but not disapproving line.
Keep telling yourself that when they make their own little country inside Iraq.

That is what the US, UK, France, Germany, Turkey, Iran and Russia are trying to prevent. We gave Iraq to an Islamic state, we now must correct our error.
20,000 Yazidis free! Kurdish troops the US supplied have broken the ISIS line around the mountain, and in the north.

Patrick Cockburn has reported independently from the Middle East for decades, and his latest book makes clear how much damage the US War on Terror has done to that region:

"Iraq has disintegrated.

"Little is exchanged between its three great communities – Shia, Sunni and Kurd – except gunfire.

"The outside world hopes that a more inclusive government will change this but it is probably too late.

"The main victor in the new war in Iraq is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) which wants to kill Shia rather than negotiate with them.

"Iraq is facing a civil war that could be as bloody as anything that we have seen in Syria and could go on for years.

"The crucial date in this renewed conflict is 10 June, 2014 when Isis captured Iraq’s northern capital, Mosul, after three days’ fighting.

"The Iraqi government had an army with 350,000 soldiers on which $41.6bn (£25bn) had been spent in the three years from 2011, but this force melted away without significant resistance.

"Discarded uniforms and equipment were found strewn along the roads leading to Kurdistan and safety. The flight was led by commanding officers, some of whom rapidly changed into civilian clothes as they abandoned their men.

"Given that Isis may have had as few as 1,300 fighters in its assault on Mosul this was one of the great military debacles in history.

"Within two weeks those parts of northern and western Iraq outside Kurdish control were in the hands of Isis. By the end of the month the group had announced a caliphate straddling the Iraq-Syria border."

?The End of a Country, and the Start of a New Dark Age? - Truthdig

Patrick Cockburn has reported independently from the Middle East for decades, and his latest book makes clear how much damage the US War on Terror has done to that region:

"Iraq has disintegrated.

"Little is exchanged between its three great communities – Shia, Sunni and Kurd – except gunfire.

"The outside world hopes that a more inclusive government will change this but it is probably too late.

"The main victor in the new war in Iraq is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) which wants to kill Shia rather than negotiate with them.

"Iraq is facing a civil war that could be as bloody as anything that we have seen in Syria and could go on for years.

"The crucial date in this renewed conflict is 10 June, 2014 when Isis captured Iraq’s northern capital, Mosul, after three days’ fighting.

"The Iraqi government had an army with 350,000 soldiers on which $41.6bn (£25bn) had been spent in the three years from 2011, but this force melted away without significant resistance.

"Discarded uniforms and equipment were found strewn along the roads leading to Kurdistan and safety. The flight was led by commanding officers, some of whom rapidly changed into civilian clothes as they abandoned their men.

"Given that Isis may have had as few as 1,300 fighters in its assault on Mosul this was one of the great military debacles in history.

"Within two weeks those parts of northern and western Iraq outside Kurdish control were in the hands of Isis. By the end of the month the group had announced a caliphate straddling the Iraq-Syria border."

?The End of a Country, and the Start of a New Dark Age? - Truthdig

Iraq was cobbled together in the early 20th century, so yes, it may divide into AUTONOMOUS REGIONS. After ISIS is neutralized.
The U.S. position is completely defensive. They will not start bombing these turds offensively. ISIL has total control for the most part.
I see the far left is going to support the illegal actions of Obama in Iraq.

What is the rights take on this issue? ignore the whole situation or send the troops back?

And the far left shows that they will support Obama on his illegal acts in Iraq.

How many U.S. troops are currently in Iraq?

The number of troops sent to deal with the ongoing crisis nearly doubled in the last several days with the addition of 300 military personnel sent to Baghdad Sunday and Monday. That figure could still go up: President Obama has authorized the Pentagon to send up to 770 troops to protect the embassy and advise the Iraqi army in relation to the advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

How many U.S. troops are currently in Iraq? - CBS News

Another far left talking point shot down..

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