More Strong Evidence for Evolution: Anatomical Vestiges

God wants us to have both faith and trust. "Faith" is also the "body of beliefs and doctrines" of the church. The proscriptions found in the ten commandments are such.

I know this probably wasn't your meaning, but: does this have anything to do with why you reject evolution?
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Are you aware we believe God inspired each writer to write what he wrote?
That's nice you believe that. Not so nice that there is no reason to accept it as true. You have only hearsay that John, Paul, George or Ringo authored anything. It’s just a fact that Paul never met god jr.; Jesus, and didn’t pen anything until long after his death.

There is this disturbing behavior among those who have no real interest in facts or the truth.
That's nice you believe that. Not so nice that there is no reason to accept it as true. You have only hearsay that John, Paul, George or Ringo authored anything. It’s just a fact that Paul never met god jr.; Jesus, and didn’t pen anything until long after his death.

There is this disturbing behavior among those who have no real interest in facts or the truth.
I understand you only have faith in things you think are proven but guess what that isnt faith, if it is proven there is no faith involved, Of course you do have faith in the unproven evolution of a mammal creating 2 or more species from one source.
I understand you only have faith in things you think are proven but guess what that isnt faith, if it is proven there is no faith involved, Of course you do have faith in the unproven evolution of a mammal creating 2 or more species from one source.
I understand you don't have faith, you have indoctrination. You have a belief system that is common for your familial, geographic area. Had you been born and raised on a different part of the planet, you would have inherited the belief system and the geographically correct gods who are the rulers of the belief system common to that location. When the believers subjective belief system remains biased towards a predisposed conclusion (i.e., that faith in the particular gods associated with their geographic location goes unquestioned), one cannot ever view the issue in a nonpartisan way. Evidence really is meaningless to this paradigm because claims to the gods nullifies actual proofs-- a convenient loophole for believers in the gods commonly associated with their socio-cultural geography.

I also understand how threatened believers feel when the clear evidence of speciation, (the proven evolution of a mammal creating 2 or more species from one source) is presented to them. They deny the evidence because it threatens their beliefs.
No organ is vestigial, if all life on Earth is the result of random processes. "Vestigial" means no longer having it's function.

Without input from some form of intelligence, there is no function, because function requires intent. Intent requires intelligence.

The function of water running downhill is not to turn a waterwheel that generates electricity. It may well do that, but designing a wheel to harness the power of running water requires intelligent input.

Maybe - maybe - whatever intelligence designed life on Earth, also placed many strategic streams to be available when humans discovered water power. There seems an abundance of raw materials available awaiting for intelligent uses to be made of it.

But we know for sure that a simple machine such as a block and tackle does not occur without intelligent design. If we are honest, we know that life on Earth is far more complicated than a block and tackle, and therefore even less likely to have come about by random events.
I understand you don't have faith, you have indoctrination. You have a belief system that is common for your familial, geographic area. Had you been born and raised on a different part of the planet, you would have inherited the belief system and the geographically correct gods who are the rulers of the belief system common to that location. When the believers subjective belief system remains biased towards a predisposed conclusion (i.e., that faith in the particular gods associated with their geographic location goes unquestioned), one cannot ever view the issue in a nonpartisan way. Evidence really is meaningless to this paradigm because claims to the gods nullifies actual proofs-- a convenient loophole for believers in the gods commonly associated with their socio-cultural geography.

I also understand how threatened believers feel when the clear evidence of speciation, (the proven evolution of a mammal creating 2 or more species from one source) is presented to them. They deny the evidence because it threatens their beliefs.
You have not nor has anyone else proven the claim. As for predisposed I am a Mormon hardly what I was brought up to believe. Unlike you godless fools I prayed and God answered my prayers.
No organ is vestigial, if all life on Earth is the result of random processes. "Vestigial" means no longer having it's function.
Evolution, which you previous called the most rational explanation, works by mutation and all life forms are constantly evolving. No creature is in some final or 'perfect' form. We are not designed and ergo are not totally separate from our ancestors and always on our way to better evolving to our environments. That's why we have vestiges and strong evidence of common descent/Evolution.
All evidence from fossils to DNA Backs this.
NOTHING backs 'design.'

Without input from some form of intelligence, there is no function, because function requires intent. Intent requires intelligence.
False, of course, god boy.
You were the one who I just PORKED when you suggested god sent the meteor which wiped out the dinosaurs.
Slowest, Sloppiest, most brutal and clumsy 'design/intent' I ever saw.
You can't show 'Design' or 'intent.

Worse than Flames Blond...
You're a 100% Proselytizing BS artist.
A + B = C...
except there is NO 'A' and NO 'B'
You Flaming POS.

The function of water running downhill is not to turn a waterwheel that generates electricity. It may well do that, but designing a wheel to harness the power of running water requires intelligent input.

Maybe - maybe - whatever intelligence designed life on Earth, also placed many strategic streams to be available when humans discovered water power. There seems an abundance of raw materials available awaiting for intelligent uses to be made of it.
"Maybe" there's a 300 mile high Liberace somewhere in Andromeda controlling the universe.

But we know for sure that a simple machine such as a block and tackle does not occur without intelligent design. If we are honest, we know that life on Earth is far more complicated than a block and tackle, and therefore even less likely to have come about by random events.

There's no 'design' and no 'intent' and you have shown none.
Yet you keep DISHONESTLY or DELUSIONALLY trying to inject 'Design' you Cannot show.
You're a persistent religious Liar.

If it was just you and me you would go away.
I've stuffed/shut you up numerous times, so you latch on to some weaker reply.
But I'm still here to call your BS.

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No organ is vestigial, if all life on Earth is the result of random processes. "
Absolutely 100% wrong and absurd. On every level.

First, selection is not random. It is the opposite of random. Did you not know this?

Second, vestigial structures all over the Anima and plant kingdom is precisely what we would expect to see, as a result of selection operating on genetic lines.

And voila, that is exactly what we find.

Vestigial eyes that no longer function and are slowly disappearing. Wisdom teeth left over from ancestors who had larger mandibles. And on and on.

You keep saying things about evolution that a fairly well read 11th grader would know are absurd.
You have not nor has anyone else proven the claim. As for predisposed I am a Mormon hardly what I was brought up to believe. Unlike you godless fools I prayed and God answered my prayers.
I gave you the data. You refused to acknowledge it.

Ah, Mormon. Yeah, they're pretty safe. At least you weren't raised in the Middle East.

You prayed and the gods gave you stuff. Super!

I'm reminded of the survivor of a plane crash years ago who thanked the gods she survived. Most didn't. Yeah, screw those losers who died, She won the godly lottery.
You have not nor has anyone else proven the claim. As for predisposed I am a Mormon hardly what I was brought up to believe. Unlike you godless fools I prayed and God answered my prayers.
Which/Witch god?
Billions of others pray to other gods that contradict yours.
At least 75% of the planet has it wrong.
What we know for sure is man created/fabricated gods.. thousands.
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I gave you the data. You refused to acknowledge it.

Ah, Mormon. Yeah, they're pretty safe. At least you weren't raised in the Middle East.

You prayed and the gods gave you stuff. Super!

I'm reminded of the survivor of a plane crash years ago who thanked the gods she survived. Most didn't. Yeah, screw those losers who died, She won the godly lottery.
You did not link to any proof that a single mammal had 2 or more distinctly different species come from it.
If there is selection, there must be a selector.
The "selector" is the collective physical laws.

If you want to say some gods set those laws on purpose, be my guest. It doesn't get in the way of anything.

Why do you suppose massive objects in space form spheroids? Is that "random"? Of course not. Spheroids are "selected for" by gravity.

Why white bears in the north and brown bears in the south? Random?

Of course not. Selection.
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An actual specific provable link from the two or more offspring that links directly to the original species.
I don't think you are following.

You have just restated what you demand be proven to you: that one species divided into two.

I am asking what the proof might look like, to you.

Be specific. A few ideas would be nice. To show you are honest.

Maybe give an example, using traits.

But keep in mind: one species does not give birth to offspring of a new species. That is not how evolution works.
I don't think you are following.

You have just restated what you demand be proven to you: that one species divided into two.

I am asking what the proof might look like, to you.

Be specific. A few ideas would be nice. To show you are honest.
You cant provide the evidence as proven by this reply.
You did not link to any proof that a single mammal had 2 or more distinctly different species come from it.
Well, yes. You will deny the evidence because ultimately you see biological evolution as a lingering threat to supernatural creation, salvation and the very foundation of your belief system.

You never looked at what was presented to you, right?
Well, yes. You will deny the evidence because ultimately you see biological evolution as a lingering threat to supernatural creation, salvation and the very foundation of your belief system.

Be honest. You never looked at what was presented to you, right?
You have my listed proof. Provide it or admit you are full of shit. Guesses and assumptions are not proof of anything.

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