More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Awhile back a black couple were pulled over and when the officer approached the driver's side, the male informed the officer (as he was supposed to) that he had a "concealed-weapons" permit. The officer instructed him to keep his hands where he could see them. The male, instead of obeying, reached behind himself, whereupon the officer shot him. No doubt, he was reaching for his back pocket to present his ID and permit (and as 90% of the public is right-handed) he most likely had his pistol on the same side as his ID. Failure to comply got him killed.

Funny how whites here always have these kinds of stories. The blacks at work who could not keep up, the black student who got low grades, the blacks who got killed by police because they didn't do what the officer said. But never do whites do these things. Now we know these stories are embellished or anecdotes at best, but what Essen has shown is whites doing everything you guys say blacks do that justifies their death but not getting shot. So it's just time you guys wuit lying to yourselves and face the truth we are showing you.
so who is stopping you from moving to africa
Biden is threatening sanctions on African nations that don’t allow gay or LGTB.

And where's Saudi Arabia on this shortlist Biden???

Homosexuality in Saudi is punishable by beheading in a football stadium full of spectators.

African leaders be careful with these democrats, 'evangelical' Trump is gone. Remember how they did Gadaffi.
President Biden threatens financial, visa sanctions against Nigeria, others over anti-gay laws - Daily Post Nigeria

yea you tell em

you should appeal to the domestic whites by telling them those Africans are good christians, which is probably true for most of em
All the reasons why we should NEVER believe THEIR FALSE statistics. White privilege works for white criminals too

Chicago Shootings and Homicides in 2020 (vs 2019)
Shot & Killed: 719 (+55%)
Shot & Wounded: 3455(+51%)
Total Shot: 4174 (+52%)
Total Homicides: 792 (+53%)
79% of the shootings victims were black. 16% were Hispanic.

Chicago Police Involved Shootings in 2020 - Shootings 14, Killed - 7

So 20 of the 4,174 shootings were police involved.

There are over 10M arrests each year in the US. The ones in the news are the 5 where a white police officer shoots a black suspect. Crime in black neighborhoods is tenfold what it is elsewhere. Black people cannot believe that cops are gunning for them. Look at the stats. The only people gunning for black men are other black men. I think everyone is tired of the "victim" mindset.

Added to

Happy Birthday to Huey P. Newton who was born on this day in 1942. He was an African-American political activist and revolutionary who, along with Bobby Seale, co-founded the Black Panther Party in 1966



Notice how everyone was giggling when the Black girl was being bullied by this white girl.

But when the other sista came thru the laughter goes away, and everyone is yelling “stop”

The problem with being a white male is that while you supposedly have this “white privilege“ you get blamed for everything that went wrong in this world since Adam let Eve convince him to try the apple.

If you are not a success you get labeled as an absolute loser as you can’t win even with the cards stacked in your favor. If you are a raging success people shrug it off by saying you would have totally failed if you didn’t have white privilege.

In TV commercials it is always the white male who plays the fool because if it is the black guy it’s racism and if it’s a woman it‘s toxic masculinity. As a white male you don’t bitch about this portrayal because nobody will listen. You just laugh like everyone else. White guys learn to develop broad shoulders.

So since you can’t make any excuse without being laughed at you get out there and bust your ass and succeed. You won’t get any credit for it but you can retire early if you wish and enjoy life.

Not being able to blame someone else is actually a positive thing as it motivates you.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
A friend of mine was drunk sitting in the back seat and made the mistake of doing a pig call out the window at a passing cop car.
They snatched him out of the car and took him to jail. He spent 4 days behind bars for calling cops pigs and public intoxication. White guy too.
Cops don't like people that disrespect them regardless of their race.

My father always told to call cops “sir” to be polite and to follow their instruction. He said, “Don’t give them any shit or they will teach you a hard lesson.”

I have always followed that advice and it works. Of course I am white and people will point out I have this supposed thing called “white privilege.” While that is true I still suspect a black man who is polite and follows instructions will be treated far better than one who cops an attitude.
I want everyone to have conversations with real African Americans whenever you encounter them. You can tell by their accents. Twenty years ago I began talking to them in some depth. My most memorable first conversation was when the African said, "I can't talk to blacks born here in America. They all have a chip on their shoulder."

Africans are consistently polite and courteous to a fault. They have seen hard times and they LOVE America. They don't buy this Democrat divisiveness crap.
Asian culture, including East Indian are virulently ANTI BLACK.... Pretending that robbery and other economic crimes are somehow Asian hate crimes is utterly laughable.... Every group pretends to be victims.... The only hate crime victims are Black people




Most of this would not happen if black men spent less time "thugging" and more time raising their spawn unlike their daddies.
They don't belong anywhere in Asia. They are not native to those lands. They should be deported.
This video speaks for itself. Old racist white woman spits at black care giver.

She has demantia or Alzheimer’s. I'm not sure which one but from what I read that's what she suffers from. But when I go on forums and twitter people are too quick to use that as an excuse.

Anyone who knows people who suffer from Alzheimer’s know that the women in this video probably doesn't recognize her own children; has no idea who her husband is; no clue where she is, what her name is, what year it is. She probably doesn't remember how to feed herself, or go to the bathroom by herself.

But she still can recognize a n*gger.

White society has seen to that. No disease strips her of that memory.

Matter of fact it'll probably be one of the last words she ever says before she finally stops talking at all.

This spook must be suffering from Alzheimers.
My father always told to call cops “sir” to be polite and to follow their instruction. He said, “Don’t give them any shit or they will teach you a hard lesson.” I still suspect a black man who is polite and follows instructions will be treated far better than one who cops an attitude.

This black man followed instructions. Gave no shit. Was polite. Now click on this link and see how that worked out for him.

I have always followed that advice and it works. Of course I am white and people will point out I have this supposed thing called “white privilege.” While that is true

A white man can fight with cops and still not got shot. Unless you think if the video's below were black men the cops would have acted exactly the same.

1. White man refuses to comply with police orders.
2. He resists arrest.
3. He goes to his car and opens the door.
4. He attacks police officer.
5. He chases police officer.
6. He tries to steal police officer’s car.
7. He's not shot by police.

You can pick videos to prove your point and I can pick videos to prove mine. That proves nothing.

My father who told me how to behave with cops was stopped by one for a minor speeding infraction. For some reason the cop roughed him up. My father was in his 60s and not in good physical shape. He suffered a minor back injury and threatened to sue to police department. All changes were immediately dropped. If I remember correctly the cop was disciplined or fired.

With as many cops as there are in our nation and considering the fact the job sucks and you can’t always get the best people it is not surprising that there are incidents where the cops overreact, or bully people. There are good cops and bad cops and one bad cop makes an entire police department look bad.

I still suggest anyone who is dealing with a police officer act polite and do exactly what the cop suggests. If you have a complaint do what my dad did. He complained after the incident.
You can pick videos to prove your point and I can pick videos to prove mine. That proves nothing.

OK. Let's do it then. Show me video examples of black men doing the same thing as white people in the videos I posted and those black men walking away unharmed

My father who told me how to behave with cops was stopped by one for a minor speeding infraction. For some reason the cop roughed him up. My father was in his 60s and not in good physical shape. He suffered a minor back injury and threatened to sue to police department. All changes were immediately dropped. If I remember correctly the cop was disciplined or fired.

I don't know your father. I don't know this story.

With as many cops as there are in our nation and considering the fact the job sucks and you can’t always get the best people it is not surprising that there are incidents where the cops overreact, or bully people.

How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen in the last year ? ZERO.

How many times a year does a police officer get beaten to death ? ZERO.

How many officers in the field are killed each year by violence, 0.5 per state.

There are over 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers and less than one officer per state meets a violent demise, only 100 officers are killed in the line of duty each year (and of that 100 most of those deaths are by vehicles)

So tell me where is the danger?

There are good cops and bad cops and one bad cop makes an entire police department look bad.

If the police are just full of such good cops then why is it that when the good eggs try and challenge the bad cops, the bad cops close ranks and make life hell for the good cops ?


Dont listen to men. Listen to stories of Michael Wood Jr. and Joe Crystal (both white Baltimore cops whose honesty about police brutality got them run out of policing)

But hey ! You're the one whose saying the police is just full of lots of good eggs - Right ?

Systems operate as they are designed to operate, with or without the approval of who turns the gears of the machine. Sure you can push against the gears if you like, but the machinery is stronger than you.

if you were a “good egg” in the NYPD during the days of widespread stop-and-frisk, what would your goodness be worth?

The system of policing in the city at that time was dedicated to the daily harassment of black ppl, almost none of whom had drugs or weapons on them, very few of them were even issued a citation for any wrongdoing.

As such, a police man's job, every day they walked out the door of the precinct was to fk with people. And solely as a way to assert dominance.

Again. Don't listen to me.

This was official policy

When one New York State Senator, himself formerly a member of the NYPD, challenged Commissioner Ray Kelly on the practice, he was told that the racial targeting within stop-and-frisk was intentional, because the goal was to “instill fear in them, every time they leave their home, that they could be stopped by the police.”
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