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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Why do you think Biden is responsible for the fact that your niece can't feed her child and not the choices she's made?
Wow. So the fact that Biden didnā€™t act soon enough when a problem surfaced in the fall means my niece made a bad choice? Thatā€™s a big stretch, even for someone like you.
And as far as I can see you have no authority to hold anyone accountable for anything, black or white.
Of course I have no authority. But that canā€™t mean I canā€™t point out the obvious that good choices lead to successful lives, and having babies out of wedlock and dropping out of school leads to failure, for blacks and whites alike.
And you keep lying and saying that I'm angry and enraged. Why? Because I won't stop correcting your falsehoods?

Of course youā€™re angry and enraged. Thatā€™s why you lash out with ridiculous attacks like calling me ā€œevilā€ for saying that blacks who are in poverty are so due to bad lifestyle choices, and not racism.
And didnā€™t blacks and progtards claim the black thug who mowed down 60 white people, killing six, ā€œmentally illā€? And we havenā€™t heard much about him since. On the other hand, we have this white racist being called a white suoremacist by the president, which he apparentky is, but did he call Daryl Brooks a black supremacist?

The excuses are being made for blacks, while whites are called racists. The president even called Kyle a white supremacist, and all th kid did was defend himself against two BLM barbarians.

Okay, equal time and fairness. We are week past the mass shooting in Buffalo, and people are barely talking about it anymore. Just like people stopped talking about MathBoi Fly errrr... Darrell Brooks after about a week. We always have a new horror to focus on in this country, because we love our guns so much and we are kind of numb to the violence.

Brooks is mentally ill. Yet we don't get a lot of talk about that the way we do when a white mass murderer goes on a rampage. so instead we let these crazy people wander the streets, and leave it to the police to deal with them, and god forbid one of them dies during an arrest because you might as well turn your gun on yourself.

Now, Joe's Ideal World, we'd make sure everyone had access to mental health treatment and COMPELL people to take their meds.. but that would upset a lot of people who've just become numb to the problem.
There was plenty of coverage, beginning with the anti-Jew campaign beginning in the 1930s. People didnā€™t care because they didnā€™t like Jews, either. Thatā€˜s also why FDR was more willing to send Jews back to their deaths than admit him to this country - Americans didnā€™t want any more Jews, even if it meant they would be killed otherwise.

Itā€™s horrendous what is happening to the poor Ukrainians. But it is not comparable to rounding up people specifically because you hate their religion, and marching them to their deaths.

I donā€™t treat their descendants poorly. All I did was say blacks who are still in poverty have it within themselves to move beyond it, via correct choices.

Iā€™ve told you many times. My parents and siblings were all very bright, disciplined, and motivated, and won admissions to competitive colleges tuition free due to their top scores and grades. These colleges were all integrated, and the opportunity was there for poor blacks who did equally as well in school and the entrance exam.

Then, after college, which required everyone to work part-time to help provide food for their families, they got jobs in their fields.

NOBODY had a baby. All lived in modest housing. Then, upon marriage, they moved into small apartments, saving money. it took everyone about 7 or 8 years to a down payment for their first modest house.

So thatā€™s how itā€™s done, and Iā€™ve been saying:

1) No babies before marriage
2) Finish school
I've never seen you spell this out like this before, but I do have questions, thank you.

1. How old were they when they arrived to the U.S. and they immediately were accepted into college?
2. Did they go to school part-time or full-time?
3. If full-time how did they support themselves?
4. If part-time was it so that they work also work to support themselves while attending classes?
5. If enrolled part-time how long until they graduated?
6. If enrolled full-time how long until they graduated?
7. What type of jobs did they have that allowed them to support themselves during schooling
8. What types of jobs did their schooling allow them to do once they graduated?
9. That 7 to 8 years of saving for a down payment for a home, when did they start saving and where did the money come from?

Also which integrated schools and where were providing good educations for no tuition during the 1940s, including to black students?
There was plenty of coverage, beginning with the anti-Jew campaign beginning in the 1930s. People didnā€™t care because they didnā€™t like Jews, either. Thatā€˜s also why FDR was more willing to send Jews back to their deaths than admit him to this country - Americans didnā€™t want any more Jews, even if it meant they would be killed otherwise.

Itā€™s horrendous what is happening to the poor Ukrainians. But it is not comparable to rounding up people specifically because you hate their religion, and marching them to their deaths.

I donā€™t treat their descendants poorly. All I did was say blacks who are still in poverty have it within themselves to move beyond it, via correct choices.

Iā€™ve told you many times. My parents and siblings were all very bright, disciplined, and motivated, and won admissions to competitive colleges tuition free due to their top scores and grades. These colleges were all integrated, and the opportunity was there for poor blacks who did equally as well in school and the entrance exam.

Then, after college, which required everyone to work part-time to help provide food for their families, they got jobs in their fields.

NOBODY had a baby. All lived in modest housing. Then, upon marriage, they moved into small apartments, saving money. it took everyone about 7 or 8 years to a down payment for their first modest house.

So thatā€™s how itā€™s done, and Iā€™ve been saying:

1) No babies before marriage
2) Finish school
P.S. I forgot to mention that after my dad graduated from college, he wanted to get a grad degree. So he eventually got a full-time job with a university that had the program he wanted, and got to go tuition free.

Those were tough years - working full time and going through a competitive grad program. But thatā€™s another element of success: willingness to make sacrifices, and work EXTREMELY hard.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
Really? Your argument is "but those guys did it too!"? It doesn't make sense to tell someone who is being treated poorly in their own country that they should be thankful they're not treated as poorly as some others in another country. But I suspect that you already know this and just threw that out there as a deflection.

What Hitler and the Nazi did to the Jewish people was horrific but when it was done the whole world (mostly) rallied to the defense of the Jewish people, eventually they were rescued and their ordeal ended. They were even paid reparations to try to help compensate for some of their losses.

Ehhh, not really. The world Rallied against Hitler because he kept threatening their countries... not because they cared about the Jews all that much. Frankly if WW2 had been avoided by the French and British NOT writing the Polish Colonels a blank check, you'd have not seen a European war.

World War 2 was only as bad as it was because of the ineptitude of the Western powers. Before the invasion of Poland, Hitler and Mussolini were tolerated because they were seen as a counterbalance to Stalin, who REALLY scared the elites of west with his threats to redistribute wealth. Only when Hitler and Stalin signed a treaty to divide Poland did they get serious about stopping him.

Nobody tells the Jewish people to shut up about the Holocaust and get over it which occurred in the 40s,

Actually, I do all the time when they use it as an excuse to defend Zionist abuses of the Palestinians.

but if black people lament the torching of the most affluent black neighborhood in the United States during a riot by a mob of angry white people, causing untold death and destruction, yet not a single white person was ever held accountable nor a single black person ever compensated for their losses in any way, we're told to suck it up.

Um, yeah.. because frankly, it wasn't that big of a deal, compared to the Holocaust or dozens of other bad actions.

3000 white people who killed many people, looted the black banks, destroyed every inch of the community yet not a one of them was ever arrested, let alone convicted?

Sounds terrible. Kind of like all those business owners who lost their businesses in the BLM Riots. How many people have been convicted of those?
Just tapout

Why? I've already proven my point. Colleges are admitting people on the basis of diversity and not acheivement, which is why black college students are 2.5X more likely to drop out than white students. MEANWHILE Asian Students graduate a 1.5X the rate of white people.

Maybe- just maybe, instead of whining about racism, you look at what the Asian kids are doing right and copy that.

Just saying.
I've never seen you spell this out like this before, but I do have questions, thank you.
Not sure if youā€™re trying to discredit me, but here are the answers.:
1. How old were they when they arrived to the U.S. and they immediately were accepted into college?

They were born here. Their parents, my grandparents, were the immigrants, who arrived penniless. None had any education beyond grade school, and both families were dirt poor. They couldnā€™t even afford the extra penny to have the ice delivered!
2. Did they go to school part-time or full-time?

Full time.
3. If full-time how did they support themselves?

They lived with their parents, and did the daily commute, which was loooong. In addition to being enrolled in college full time, they also had part-time jobs after class to help their families buy food. I donā€™t remember my dadā€™s particulars, but my mom told me she worked until 10 pm., got home around 11 pm, and then hit the books until around 2 am. I imagine my dad had a similar schedule.
4. If part-time was it so that they work also work to support themselves while attending classes?

Answered above.
5. If enrolled part-time how long until they graduated?

6. If enrolled full-time how long until they graduated?

Four years for Mom. Four and a half years for Dad because his father got sick, and my dad had to drop out to take a full-time job. That lasted six months, and then Dad resumed his studies.
7. What type of jobs did they have that allowed them to support themselves during schooling

As said, they didnā€™t support themselves during college. They still lived in the tenements, with their parents.
8. What types of jobs did their schooling allow them to do once they graduated?
Both professional jobs.
9. That 7 to 8 years of saving for a down payment for a home, when did they start saving and where did the money come from?

The money came from their earnings of course. Both my parents worked, and lived in a modest apartment that allowed them to save a good amount of their salaries. They could have splurged on a nicer apartment, but they were goal-oriented toward a house.
Also which integrated schools and where were providing good educations for no tuition during the 1940s, including to black students?
I donā€™t want to give the names of my parents colleges, since I have already given a lot of identifying information. But the schools in their areas were fully integrated.
Why? I've already proven my point. Colleges are admitting people on the basis of diversity and not acheivement, which is why black college students are 2.5X more likely to drop out than white students. MEANWHILE Asian Students graduate a 1.5X the rate of white people.

Maybe- just maybe, instead of whining about racism, you look at what the Asian kids are doing right and copy that.

Just saying.
Link ?
I have no nastiness toward black people. I only said that the ones still in poverty have it within themselves to move beyond that, and I refuse to blame racism for everything - as you insist everyone should do. Itā€™s a typical liberal attitude: ā€œbelieve the way *I* demand, or you are a racist!ā€

Your arrogance and sense of superiority over me jump off the screen, and solely for the fact that I wonā€™t submit to the leftist position.

And I ask for now the 8th time:

If racism is why some blacks are still in poverty, then why are MOST blacks not in poverty?
And why are so many whites in poverty?
Hitler patterned his treatment of Jews after what we were doing here. What Hitler did lasted less than 15 years. He was also killing blacks at the same time. Jim Crow was 100 years. Several generations died suffering from Jim Crow. White racists are always trying to claim something was worse than slavery, but there is no such thing as the struggle olympics. What happened here between slavery and Jim Crow surpassed what Hitler did. Both of these situations were horrible atrocities and no one should be arguing about how nice Jim Crow was compared to Hitler. That's pathetic and subhuman.

In 2012 our government authorized the release of funds to be paid as reparations to Jews even though the U.S. did not commit the holocaust. No world war was fought to end Jim Crow. In fact whites are trying to return to that system So Joe, you need to think before you post because in every discussion you have had with blacks here, you sound like Lisa and Ray.

Today we see white Jews like Lisa, racist, then when called on it she plays the persecuted Jew card. That's like Westvall who when he gets called on his racism, he turns to a native american. Its time whites like you guys stopped the duck and dodge. You're white and you have benefitted from a system of white preference. None of you have faced what we have as blacks. And that's the bottom line.
The Holocaust and American slavery were not the same. But to say slavery was worse, shame on you. They were both heinous.

Also, rememberā€¦..the comparison isnā€™t to what blacks had in the 40ā€™s but to what blacks have had for the past two generations.

If my parents could go through that, still living in poverty, working until 10 pm after a full day of class, and then coming home to begin their homework, then blacks could (at a minimum, since we are talking about getting out of poverty) get a free community college degree via Pell Grants, focus on a vocational track, and be set for decent earnings.

If they are especially bright, motivated, and disciplined, like my parents were, they can transfer with academic scholarships and get most, of not all, of their tuition paid for their bachelorā€™s degree.
Naw, Darrell Brooks (AKA MathBoi Fly) posted a lot of BLM crap on his social media... before he ran over a bunch of defenseless grannies just trying to have a nice Christmas parade.

If anything, as you can see by the above, he gave AMPLE warning he was a piece of shit who was going to do something bad if he wasn't locked up, but the system just kept kicking him out anyway.

Facebook posts also show the amateur rapper, who went by his stage name, MathBoi Fly, had shared a series of links and memes relating to race and white privilege in June 2020, when protests erupted over the death of George Floyd.

In a post from June 9, 2020, Brooks wrote: 'LEARNED ND TAUGHT BEHAVIOR!! so when we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it...the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD..' followed by a middle finger and expletive emoji.

Among the brow-raising social media posts that surfaced on Tuesday was a meme about Adolf Hitler and the identity of the 'real Jews'.

The graphic - posted on November 2015 - claimed negros are 'the true Hebrews' and that America had moved 'false white Jews into a state of Israel'.

The post seemed to promote the views of the Black Hebrew Israelites who believe African Americans are literal descendants of the Israelites in the Bible.
No he did not post BLM anything. It's time you mfs stopped conflating everything black with CRT and BLM. The black hebrew Israelites aren't BLM and most blacks pay no attention to them. But like a lot of whites you want to pretend the racism practiced by members of your race has no impact but you raggedy bitches are the first to threaten somebody about how our telling your white asses about the racism we face will turn you into racists.

Again, the Black Hebrew Israelites are not BLM you dumb mf. Get that straight. Then stop pretending that blacks all need to accept racism without getting angry about listening to a bunch of white bastards like you guys telling us that racism was 100 years ago when we're reading opinions from whites that sound like what whites were saying in the 1800's.
There was plenty of coverage, beginning with the anti-Jew campaign beginning in the 1930s. People didnā€™t care because they didnā€™t like Jews, either. Thatā€˜s also why FDR was more willing to send Jews back to their deaths than admit him to this country - Americans didnā€™t want any more Jews, even if it meant they would be killed otherwise.

Itā€™s horrendous what is happening to the poor Ukrainians. But it is not comparable to rounding up people specifically because you hate their religion, and marching them to their deaths.

I donā€™t treat their descendants poorly. All I did was say blacks who are still in poverty have it within themselves to move beyond it, via correct choices.

Iā€™ve told you many times. My parents and siblings were all very bright, disciplined, and motivated, and won admissions to competitive colleges tuition free due to their top scores and grades. These colleges were all integrated, and the opportunity was there for poor blacks who did equally as well in school and the entrance exam.

Then, after college, which required everyone to work part-time to help provide food for their families, they got jobs in their fields.

NOBODY had a baby. All lived in modest housing. Then, upon marriage, they moved into small apartments, saving money. it took everyone about 7 or 8 years to a down payment for their first modest house.

So thatā€™s how itā€™s done, and Iā€™ve been saying:

1) No babies before marriage
2) Finish school

Everything you say we must do, we're doing it.

So shut the hell up.
And why are so many whites in poverty?

For the same reason, pretty much: they had babies out of wedlock and didnā€˜t get an adequate education as a result.

I am personally in close contact with two poor people via my volunteer work teaching financial literacy. One had a baby at 17, the other at 15. Both are white, and now are around 30 with multiple children. Itā€™s always the same story.
Already provided several... did you need someone to explain the big words to you?
No you haven't. Meanwhile you ignored this:

ā€œUsing publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the deanā€™s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.ā€

This shows that dumb whites are being admitted into places like Harvard before more qualified minorities.

Daniella Silva, Study on Harvard finds 43 percent of white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff, Study finds 43 percent of Harvard's white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff

Peter Arcidiacono, Josh Kinsler, Tyler Ransom, National Bureau Of Economic Research, Legacy And Athlete Preferences At Harvard, Working Paper 26316, Legacy and Athlete Preferences at Harvard
Again, the Black Hebrew Israelites are not BLM you dumb mf. Get that straight. Then stop pretending that blacks all need to accept racism without getting angry about listening to a bunch of white bastards like you guys telling us that racism was 100 years ago when we're reading opinions from whites that sound like what whites were saying in the 1800's.

Actually, it kind of sounds like you are making excuses for MathBoi Fly!

No he did not post BLM anything. It's time you mfs stopped conflating everything black with CRT and BLM. The black hebrew Israelites aren't BLM and most blacks pay no attention to them. But like a lot of whites you want to pretend the racism practiced by members of your race has no impact but you raggedy bitches are the first to threaten somebody about how our telling your white asses about the racism we face will turn you into racists.

I think the part where he talked about "knocking white people out" and then he went on to run over five grannies and a six year old child was pretty indicative.
For the same reason, pretty much: they had babies out of wedlock and didnā€˜t get an adequate education as a result.

I am personally in close contact with two poor people via my volunteer work teaching financial literacy. One had a baby at 17, the other at 15. Both are white, and now are around 30 with multiple children. Itā€™s always the same story.
That was my point. There are poor white people, race isnā€™t a factor.
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