More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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So let me get this straight...gangster rap didn't come about because blacks were glorifying that happened because black rappers were trying to cater to white boys in the stale burbs? Is that what you're claiming? You get more ridiculous with each post, Paul!
No. That's not what I'm claiming. I didn't say gangster rap happened because black rappers tried to cater to white boys. I'm saying gangster rap and hip hop in general is maintained by white people because they are most of the buyers.

Secondly I'm been listening to hip-hop for 25 years. So if you come at me on this subject it'd be wise to know what your talking about.

I don't what hip-hop your listening but I can't think of a prominent gangster rapper blowing up right.

Kendrick Lamar. J Cole. Drake. XXtenatacion. Travis Scott. Kanye. Nicki Minaj they don't do gangster rap

Once again. What hip hop you listening to ?

And even if we go back to NWA. They still did "Fuck The Police" "Straight Outta Compton" which have been two of the most influential songs over the last 30 years. A big budget Hollywood movie was made about NWA a few years bk.


Not bad for a few thugs eh ?

And look at what NWA have done since ? Dre is the Bill gates of Hip-hop. Ice Cube has had a successful movie career and still doing his thing on the mic. Mc Ren and Yella were low key guys in the group and have been low key guys out of the group and Eazy E died of mysteriously of HIV over 20 years ago.

And even back in the days of NWA and gangster rap you still had the flip side and the Will Smiths and his "Summertime" and De La Soul and Sir Mix A a lot "I like big buts and I can not lie"

And even worse you sit there ignore ACTUAL gangsters who ACTUALLY killed people. White people love making films about the Mafia; Goodfellas, Sopranos, Untouchables and Godfather to name some.

White people love to make films and documentaries about this or that serial killer or fictional killers like Hannibal Lecter,


Norman Bates


Mike Myers


Freddy Kruger


Jason Voorhees


Leatherface in Texax Chainsaw Massacre






Ghostface In Scream


Then you have the Rambo's


And the Terminators


Not mention Saving Private Ryans




And I've only touched the surface.

Yet you sit there and claim black people promote thug life and violence ?

Yeah, actually I do, Paul! Ask a big name rapper what HIS favorite movie is and you'll probably be told "Scarface". Jay Z, Snoop, Schoolly D all worship at the Scarface altar. You want to tell me another movie that glorifies "thug life" more than Scarface?

Private Ryan? LOL God, you're pathetic!
What's amazing to me, Paul is how concerned you are about police killing blacks...something which accounts for 1% of the deaths...yet you don't seem to give a damn about the 89% of deaths that are caused by other blacks!
What's the difference between when a person is killed by a criminal and when they're killed by the government? (the cops)

What's the difference between 1% and 89%? Kind of a stupid question on your part, my friend!
Orders of magnitude more people are killed by criminals than by cops.
The police have legal authority to kill people, criminals do not.

To the deceased, it may not matter if they were killed by a criminal or our government but one would think that you all would know the difference.

So tell me, NewsVine...which category are you most concerned about falling into...the 1% that are killed by law enforcement...or the 89% that are killed by other black people? I know what I would be concerned with if I were black and living in the inner city! It's pretty much a no brainer. Yet people like Paul are OBSESSED that it's the police and white people who are the biggest danger to blacks in black communities and quite frankly that's nuts!
As Charles Barkley correctly pointed out...the cops are the only thing keeping black neighborhoods from turning into the Wild West!

Charles Barkley? He only knows how to rebound.

Why do you worry about that are killed by other black people only when we talk about law enforcement murdering unarmed blacks And why do you worry about blacks when 90 percent of whites are killed by other white people?

You only want to see certain aspects regarding race. All of it excludes whites and the impact of white racism.

I'm not claiming that the Police are hurting my community like you and Paul, IM2! You two have fallen for the diversion that your leaders have put out there...that it's police violence that's the issue...when 1% of blacks are killed by the police and 89% are killed by other blacks...which makes it damn obvious that police violence IS NOT the issue you should be concerned about!
So tell me, NewsVine...which category are you most concerned about falling into...the 1% that are killed by law enforcement...or the 89% that are killed by other black people? I know what I would be concerned with if I were black and living in the inner city! It's pretty much a no brainer. Yet people like Paul are OBSESSED that it's the police and white people who are the biggest danger to blacks in black communities and quite frankly that's nuts!
As Charles Barkley correctly pointed out...the cops are the only thing keeping black neighborhoods from turning into the Wild West!
What do you think of the Police killing blacks in 1895 ? Do you think it was common then ?
So tell me, NewsVine...which category are you most concerned about falling into...the 1% that are killed by law enforcement...or the 89% that are killed by other black people? I know what I would be concerned with if I were black and living in the inner city! It's pretty much a no brainer. Yet people like Paul are OBSESSED that it's the police and white people who are the biggest danger to blacks in black communities and quite frankly that's nuts!
As Charles Barkley correctly pointed out...the cops are the only thing keeping black neighborhoods from turning into the Wild West!
What do you think of the Police killing blacks in 1895 ? Do you think it was common then ?

Is the police killing blacks in 1895 what's turning our inner cities into shooting galleries NOW, Paul? With all due respect...GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND LOOK AT WHAT'S HAPPENING TODAY!
So tell me, NewsVine...which category are you most concerned about falling into...the 1% that are killed by law enforcement...or the 89% that are killed by other black people? I know what I would be concerned with if I were black and living in the inner city! It's pretty much a no brainer. Yet people like Paul are OBSESSED that it's the police and white people who are the biggest danger to blacks in black communities and quite frankly that's nuts!
As Charles Barkley correctly pointed out...the cops are the only thing keeping black neighborhoods from turning into the Wild West!
What do you think of the Police killing blacks in 1895 ? Do you think it was common then ?

Is the police killing blackS in 1895 what's turning our inner cities into shooting galleries NOW, Paul? With all due respect...GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND LOOK AT WHAT'S HAPPENING TODAY!
It's simple question

I'm saying - Do you think the police killings of black people were high in 1895 ?
So tell me, NewsVine...which category are you most concerned about falling into...the 1% that are killed by law enforcement...or the 89% that are killed by other black people? I know what I would be concerned with if I were black and living in the inner city! It's pretty much a no brainer. Yet people like Paul are OBSESSED that it's the police and white people who are the biggest danger to blacks in black communities and quite frankly that's nuts!
As Charles Barkley correctly pointed out...the cops are the only thing keeping black neighborhoods from turning into the Wild West!
What do you think of the Police killing blacks in 1895 ? Do you think it was common then ?

Is the police killing blackS in 1895 what's turning our inner cities into shooting galleries NOW, Paul? With all due respect...GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND LOOK AT WHAT'S HAPPENING TODAY!
It's simple question

I'm saying - Do you think the police killings of black people were high in 1895 ?

You really don't have a come back to the 1% - 89% you, Paul?
A good start would be for you to stop trolling HuffPost! No wonder you don't have a clue!
You do the math for me, Paul. If it's a 1% to 89% many blacks have been killed by other blacks since Colin Kaepernick started his protests?
Don't really care, Paul. What happened back in 1895 has zero to do with what's happening right now! Cities in Alabama that used to have whites like Bull Connor in charge now have black mayors and black police chiefs and black on black violence has increased not decreased. Your whole premise is so flawed that it borders on farce!
Don't really care, Paul. What happened back in 1895 has zero to do with what's happening right now!
Well just answer the question. What you so scared of ?

Paul...when you ask a question that's worthy of a reply then I'll answer you. When you ask questions that are obvious diversions from what's really happening...then I'll ignore you. 1895? Really? It's 2019. Stop allowing your leaders to distract you with this whole "police brutality" narrative. They don't want you to call them on their failures and you've fallen for it. Use your brain and stop repeating the crap you're seeing on HuffPost!
Paul...when you ask a question that's worthy of a reply then I'll answer you. When you ask questions that are obvious diversions from what's really happening...then I'll ignore you. 1895? Really? It's 2019. Stop allowing your leaders to distract you with this whole "police brutality" narrative. They don't want you to call them on their failures and you've fallen for it. Use your brain and stop repeating the crap you're seeing on HuffPost!
I said you answer my question, then I'll answer yours.

But you tapped out. Anytime you debate with me. You tap out
Paul Essien replied to AveryJ, "I'm saying white people are and have been the biggest thugs ever to walk the earth.

Now do you fancy challenging me on this"

Frankly, Paul Essien, I'm not inclined to challenge or become involved in a discussion with apparent PRO BLACK minded fellow citizens I sincerely believe are experiencing mental illness.

Especially apparent emotionally troubled citizens like yourself who've created a track-record for repeatedly dodging my questions, as well as our fellow USMB member's questions.

paul essien, kendrick lamar.jpg
"Mental illness in Black Communities" Published on Nov 10, 2010 www dawsondenise com

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost Killed Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

Paul Essien replied to AveryJ, "I'm saying white people are and have been the biggest thugs ever to walk the earth.

Now do you fancy challenging me on this"

Frankly, Paul Essien, I'm not inclined to challenge or become involved in a discussion with apparent PRO BLACK minded fellow citizens I sincerely believe are experiencing mental illness.

Especially apparent emotionally troubled citizens like yourself who've created a track-record for repeatedly dodging my questions, as well as our fellow USMB member's questions.

"Mental illness in Black Communities" Published on Nov 10, 2010 www dawsondenise com

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost Killed Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

I'm not going to allow you to set the agenda.

You are like Oldstyle and MizMolly and captkaos in that your attention always appears to be skewed in one direction.

Black people.

Yes by all means have the discussion about why so many black people appear to be caught up in perceived negative social and economic disorders.

But if you are also not prepared to focus the same attention discussing the perceived causes, (i.e racism and it's affects) then you're either being disingenuous or not really serious.

Also you make the mistake of assuming that I am trying to persuade you.

I'm not.

Persuading whites to give up the benefits of racism is way beyond my powers.

I write about white people and racism in USMB for my own understanding.

But for some reason you and others expect the likes me and IM2 and NewsVine_Mariyam to write to their point of view

As if there are not enough people doing that already.

But then again ? Who can blame them ? Most of the things are written to their POV.
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
And that 2.3% of that world has a limited racist view on things.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They own Twitter, Facbook, Insta, Harper Collins and Penguin books. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET.

So it's very dangerous of being overly dependent on any one part of the world for your knowledge of the world as a whole.
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Oldstyle inquired, "So tell me, NewsVine...which category are you most concerned about falling into...the 1% that are killed by law enforcement...or the 89% that are killed by other black people?"

NewsVine_Mariyam replied, "I'm not particularly concerned about either nor do I live in the "inner city".

Hello, NVM. Honestly, I'm dismayed witnessing your apparent apathy and lack of compassion for fellow citizens, based on their zip code. :sad:

Sadly, your reply to Oldstyle assures me you belong to a large population of emotionally troubled American women this American speaks about.

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~BlacksUnited - Erika, Published on Mar 7, 2014

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NewsVine_Mariyam wrote, "I however empathized with what happened to Sandra Bland because that could have so easily had been me."

NewsVine_Mariyam, the admitted emotionally troubled late social activist Ms. Sandra Bland sat in a jail cell because her family declined to provide $500.00 bail to secure her freedom.

Is this how your family would have treated you?

NVM, does your family approve of Sandra Bland actively attempting to bring peace and unity to our Nation's people? Or is she viewed as a "SELLOUT or C**N" for engaging in her inalienable right to express her thoughts concerns and opinions?


Of course I do not expect a reply from you, however once again I ask:

NewsVine_Mariyam, who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent emotionally ill, VIOLENT, SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL teen and adult "gang-bangers and thugs" the late social activist Ms. Sandra Bland correctly asserts are unnecessarily causing COMMUNITY FEAR and VIOLENCE, as well as TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent?

(*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

William 'Willie' Cooper was fatally shot July 15, 2017 on Chicago_02..jpg

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