More Trumpian Filth: Clean Water Rules Being Gutted

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?
Clean Water Rule - weakening in process.

Obama's rule didn't prevent algae blooms.

Less nitrates = fewer, smaller blooms.


The blooms this year were pretty fucking big. Moron.

They vary from year to year Asswipe.

How could they vary? Obama was president for 8 years. He fixed it.
I bet you take 3 sugars in your Starbucks coffee.

Cane don't need no pesticides or nitrates, dumbass. It's very simple. Plant cane, plant green beans, rinse and repeat.
You did not answer my questions. Many of these rules have been in place since the GHW Bush Administration. So, how does allowing more pesticides, nitrates and other toxic chemicals into our eco-system and wetlands improve your quality of life? What is it about about more toxins in the environment that appeals to you?

GHW Bush was a traitor globalist. Fuck him. Do quantify how much more pesticides and nitrates will be involved in my daily life, please. If you can't, STFU.

This is a prime example of your stupidity.

Trump says we must back off the restrictions of pollutants because it is hurting corporate America.

Now. Sit down & think a little.

When these restrictions are lessened, how will this help corporate America?

See if you can figure it out all by yourself.

When regulations are made to make certain processes impossible it is not regulation, it is banning by proxy.

The issue isn't about removing the regulation, it is usually about setting the removal percentage back to 99.99% from the progressive mandated 99.9999%.

Those two extra nines usually do nothing for people's health or the environment, but they do sometimes triple or more the cost of the process, making it uneconomical.

the .0099% represernt the anount of your brain that is used at any given time.

Trump will allow more pollution.

Figures you don't understand the science and the math behind the issue.

Allowing more pollution doesn't harm anything if the amount "allowed" doesn't have an impact on the receiving body beyond what it can naturally handle.

One doesn't use wastewater effluent standards for Lake Tahoe and apply them to ocean outfalls. It doesn't make sense.

Federal courts had already halted the implementation of the 2015 Obama-era rules in 28 states after opponents sued to block them. However, in recent months the rules had taken effect in the other 22 states.
Obama's rule was overreach...all they are doing is removing EPA bureaucratic BS for farmers to be able to get on with what they

The rules being gutted go back to the G HW Bush Administration.

“They’re definitely rolling things back to the pre-George H.W. Bush era,” said Blan Holman, who works on water regulations with the Southern Environmental Law Center. Wetlands play key roles in filtering surface water and protecting against floods, while also providing wildlife habitat.

Yep, as they should be

From the link:

"The Obama rule, developed jointly by the E.P.A. and the Army Corps of Engineers under the authority of the 1972 Clean Water Act, was designed to limit pollution in about 60 percent of the nation’s bodies of water, protecting sources of drinking water for about a third of the United States. It extended existing federal authority to limit pollution in large bodies of water, like the Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound, to smaller bodies that drain into them, such as tributaries, streams and wetlands.

But it became a target for rural landowners, an important part of President Trump’s political base, since it could have restricted how much pollution from chemical fertilizers and pesticides could seep into water on their property."

Seriously, how much chemical fertilizers and pesticides should be allowed into our waterways? Florida already has a big problem with it, it will only get worse now.

Remember when DeSantis and Scott were running for office they said they will fix these algae blooms. Let us see what they do now.

Those farmers are harming themselves. They only think of today.

What are they going to do when there's very little clean water left? Farmers all over the nation already have problems with water and drought. Now they want to make sure their sources of clean water are destroyed.

I want to have sympathy for them but it's hard to sympathize people who do such things to themselves for the only reason is money in the short term.

Their greed and selfishness is going to hurt a lot of people for a very long time.
Obama's rule was overreach...all they are doing is removing EPA bureaucratic BS for farmers to be able to get on with what they

The rules being gutted go back to the G HW Bush Administration.

“They’re definitely rolling things back to the pre-George H.W. Bush era,” said Blan Holman, who works on water regulations with the Southern Environmental Law Center. Wetlands play key roles in filtering surface water and protecting against floods, while also providing wildlife habitat.

Yep, as they should be

From the link:

"The Obama rule, developed jointly by the E.P.A. and the Army Corps of Engineers under the authority of the 1972 Clean Water Act, was designed to limit pollution in about 60 percent of the nation’s bodies of water, protecting sources of drinking water for about a third of the United States. It extended existing federal authority to limit pollution in large bodies of water, like the Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound, to smaller bodies that drain into them, such as tributaries, streams and wetlands.

But it became a target for rural landowners, an important part of President Trump’s political base, since it could have restricted how much pollution from chemical fertilizers and pesticides could seep into water on their property."

Seriously, how much chemical fertilizers and pesticides should be allowed into our waterways? Florida already has a big problem with it, it will only get worse now.

Remember when DeSantis and Scott were running for office they said they will fix these algae blooms. Let us see what they do now.

Those farmers are harming themselves. They only think of today.

What are they going to do when there's very little clean water left? Farmers all over the nation already have problems with water and drought. Now they want to make sure their sources of clean water are destroyed.

I want to have sympathy for them but it's hard to sympathize people who do such things to themselves for the only reason is money in the short term.

Their greed and selfishness is going to hurt a lot of people for a very long time.

You don't understand it either, snowflake
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

You are being a dishonest partisan. Thank you.
PS OP: Did Obama do anything about lead water pipes in Detroit?
Flint was a local event and had more to do with decisions made by the Republican governor to cut costs. Nothing to do with Obama.

These new rules will affect the nation. Florida in particular. I just can't believe with all the environmental problems Florida is having with runoffs and with Big Sugar, the rules are being gutted. It was only a few months ago where many Floridians were all upset that we needed to take action to control these algae blooms. Well your voices have been heard and were given the middle finger by Trump.

Obama was president for 8 years and didn't fix this issue?
What an asshole.

He put in rules for these smaller waterways, rules for cleaner exhausts, rules for less auto emissions, etc & signed every anti pollution bill passed by Congress.
The asshole is you.

He did all that and algae still happened?
He wasn't very good at his job, was he?

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

Fuck you.

If I found a medicine that cured half of all cancer, it was wasted effort because all was not cured.

That's how they are able to not allow anything to be accomplished.

They use extremism.

It's one extreme or another with them so that ensures that nothing is done to fix the problem.

Making compromises or working to decrease pollutants is the last thing extremists want.

It's the best way to guarantee the extremists get their way with nothing being done to at least make things better.

Nothing is perfect but that shouldn't stop humans from trying to make improvements. Maybe with enough improvements things can get better,

But so far the extremists have gotten their way so we end up with rivers that were once huge raging rivers that supplied water for crops and fish for sport and commercial use and for sporting outdoor use turned into either a dry river bed or so small that a person can step over it.

This is the Nisqually River. All those rocks you see are supposed to be filled with a very deep raging river. I was able to step over what's left of it. I can post photo after photo of empty dry riverbeds and creek beds. I can post photo after photo of dry lakes and lakes so low it's not able to sustain life anymore. This is what's happening to our Mother Earth. If we kill her or render her so harmed nothing can be sustained, we kill ourselves.


If we keep doing this to our rivers and water systems where are those farmers going to get the water they need to grow crops? Where are rich people like trump going to get the water they need to maintain their stupid golf courses?

Humans can't live without water.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

Fuck the EPA. One of Trump's first official acts as president was to shut down those little fuckers' internet down, to stop them from trolling the fucking world with their crazy bullshit.

These are the same (literal) crapheads who were pooping in the hallways of their own office buildings.

They're the sickest, most retarded little fucks you will ever meet in your life. Let them fester in the cities where they dwell.

Eliminate the EPA. Fire them all, roll back all their crap bullshit.

And the ones who squawk can spend their lives in the nuthouse.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

"More Crap From The Trump Administration..."

More Crap from the Trump Administration |

"Our nation’s first national river, the
Buffalo River in Arkansas, was befouled last summer by algae that sickened people, but the U.S. Geological Survey under Trump can’t decide if a nearby pig farm and more than 3 million gallons of pig waste each year are to blame.

"Biologist Billy Justus said the agency doesn’t have the funding to do the research to figure out whose pollution caused the algae to grow.

"'If there’s more money, we’d love it,' Justus said."

Draining the swamp?
The city of Portland dumps raw sewage into the Willamette River every single year.

Clean up your own backyards, losers. Farmers will clean theirs.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists
The state you reside in doesn’t have a Department of Health?
Flint was a local event and had more to do with decisions made by the Republican governor to cut costs. Nothing to do with Obama.

These new rules will affect the nation. Florida in particular. I just can't believe with all the environmental problems Florida is having with runoffs and with Big Sugar, the rules are being gutted. It was only a few months ago where many Floridians were all upset that we needed to take action to control these algae blooms. Well your voices have been heard and were given the middle finger by Trump.

Obama was president for 8 years and didn't fix this issue?
What an asshole.

He put in rules for these smaller waterways, rules for cleaner exhausts, rules for less auto emissions, etc & signed every anti pollution bill passed by Congress.
The asshole is you.

He did all that and algae still happened?
He wasn't very good at his job, was he?

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

Fuck you.

If I found a medicine that cured half of all cancer, it was wasted effort because all was not cured.

That's how they are able to not allow anything to be accomplished.

They use extremism.

It's one extreme or another with them so that ensures that nothing is done to fix the problem.

Making compromises or working to decrease pollutants is the last thing extremists want.

It's the best way to guarantee the extremists get their way with nothing being done to at least make things better.

Nothing is perfect but that shouldn't stop humans from trying to make improvements. Maybe with enough improvements things can get better,

But so far the extremists have gotten their way so we end up with rivers that were once huge raging rivers that supplied water for crops and fish for sport and commercial use and for sporting outdoor use turned into either a dry river bed or so small that a person can step over it.

This is the Nisqually River. All those rocks you see are supposed to be filled with a very deep raging river. I was able to step over what's left of it. I can post photo after photo of empty dry riverbeds and creek beds. I can post photo after photo of dry lakes and lakes so low it's not able to sustain life anymore. This is what's happening to our Mother Earth. If we kill her or render her so harmed nothing can be sustained, we kill ourselves.

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If we keep doing this to our rivers and water systems where are those farmers going to get the water they need to grow crops? Where are rich people like trump going to get the water they need to maintain their stupid golf courses?

Humans can't live without water.
State Corps of Engineers can pioneer the way to better water shedding.
What ever we do or don't do with out drinkable water we all die.
The epa has nothing to do with creating or maintaining drinkable water. The epa has done more to make water undrinkable.. than every american company combined.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists
A "wetland" according to the Liber-Nazis is when a moose pisses in a farmer's cornfield. That gives them the right to control the use of his property
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