More Trumpian Filth: Clean Water Rules Being Gutted

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?

Polllutant runoffs is what is causing the burst of algae blooms in Florida. Those run off regs already weak will only get weaker.
I'm sure that the massive subsidies to Big Sugar have absolutely nothing to do with this.

I'd pay a little more for sugar to do away with subsidies. Let the market fall where it does. :dunno:

I'm pretty sure the last sugar I bought was from Mexico anyways. :rolleyes:
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Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?

Polllutant runoffs is what is causing the burst of algae blooms in Florida. Those run off regs already weak will only get weaker.
I'm sure that the massive subsidies to Big Sugar have absolutely nothing to do with this.

I'd pay a little more for sugar to do away with subsidies. Let the market fall where it does. :dunno:
If the sugar subsidies were done away with, almost none of the environmental degradation in the Everglades from ag would be happening....But you'll never hear pinheads like Johnflaw calling for ending them.....Newp, we need even more gubmint meddling to mitigate the previous meddling.
Polllutant runoffs is what is causing the burst of algae blooms in Florida. Those run off regs already weak will only get weaker.

Therefore no more yankees should move to FL and be pooping, amirite?

Canuckian tourists should winter it out in Canuckistan? I'm all for that! :dance:

Yankee turds cause Red Tide! :eek: It's all the fertilizer in them!
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Flint was a local event and had more to do with decisions made by the Republican governor to cut costs. Nothing to do with Obama.

These new rules will affect the nation. Florida in particular. I just can't believe with all the environmental problems Florida is having with runoffs and with Big Sugar, the rules are being gutted. It was only a few months ago where many Floridians were all upset that we needed to take action to control these algae blooms. Well your voices have been heard and were given the middle finger by Trump.

Obama was president for 8 years and didn't fix this issue?
What an asshole.

He put in rules for these smaller waterways, rules for cleaner exhausts, rules for less auto emissions, etc & signed every anti pollution bill passed by Congress.
The asshole is you.

He did all that and algae still happened?
He wasn't very good at his job, was he?

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

Fuck you.

If I found a medicine that cured half of all cancer, it was wasted effort because all was not cured.

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

I get it, Obama's rule didn't work, must be Trump's fault. Moron.

Only a total dick like you think the rule would stop all pollution.

No law stops all pollution, so according to stupid fuck you, we should have no laws on polluting
Right? Jackass./

Obama's rules lessened the pollution.
Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?
When he backs off the small waterways, pollution of nitrates will be allowed to be higher & more red tide & algae blooms.

Really, how did you get this uninformed?

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?
Clean Water Rule - weakening in process.

Obama's rule didn't prevent algae blooms.

Less nitrates = fewer, smaller blooms.

The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

^^^ What a tool ^^^

What Trump is doing is preventing EPA bureaucrats from violating property rights by declaring watering holes for cattle "wet lands".
Point of curiosity, how does allowing more pesticides, nitrates and other toxic chemicals into our eco-system and wetlands improve your quality of life? What is it about about more toxins in the environment that appeals to you?

I bet you take 3 sugars in your Starbucks coffee.

Cane don't need no pesticides or nitrates, dumbass. It's very simple. Plant cane, plant green beans, rinse and repeat.
You did not answer my questions. Many of these rules have been in place since the GHW Bush Administration. So, how does allowing more pesticides, nitrates and other toxic chemicals into our eco-system and wetlands improve your quality of life? What is it about about more toxins in the environment that appeals to you?

GHW Bush was a traitor globalist. Fuck him. Do quantify how much more pesticides and nitrates will be involved in my daily life, please. If you can't, STFU.

This is a prime example of your stupidity.

Trump says we must back off the restrictions of pollutants because it is hurting corporate America.

Now. Sit down & think a little.

When these restrictions are lessened, how will this help corporate America?

See if you can figure it out all by yourself.

When regulations are made to make certain processes impossible it is not regulation, it is banning by proxy.

The issue isn't about removing the regulation, it is usually about setting the removal percentage back to 99.99% from the progressive mandated 99.9999%.

Those two extra nines usually do nothing for people's health or the environment, but they do sometimes triple or more the cost of the process, making it uneconomical.

the .0099% represernt the anount of your brain that is used at any given time.

Trump will allow more pollution.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

^^^ What a tool ^^^

What Trump is doing is preventing EPA bureaucrats from violating property rights by declaring watering holes for cattle "wet lands".

Lying fuck.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

^^^ What a tool ^^^

What Trump is doing is preventing EPA bureaucrats from violating property rights by declaring watering holes for cattle "wet lands".

Lying fuck.

You are a moron

This is what Trump's changes are designed to prevent: EPA bureaucrats threatening private property owners with excessive fines for enviro-nonsense.

EPA settles with Wyoming farmer over man-made pond

Wyoming rancher facing $20M in EPA fines claims victory, keeps cash, stock pond
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

^^^ What a tool ^^^

What Trump is doing is preventing EPA bureaucrats from violating property rights by declaring watering holes for cattle "wet lands".

Lying fuck.

Wrong, tard. That's exactly what it's about. Fuck! Why not look at the issue first and who's behind it later?

You're blinded by asshatted leftshillness.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

^^^ What a tool ^^^

What Trump is doing is preventing EPA bureaucrats from violating property rights by declaring watering holes for cattle "wet lands".

Lying fuck.

Wrong, tard. That's exactly what it's about. Fuck! Why not look at the issue first and who's behind it later?

You're blinded by asshatted leftshillness.

RD will never let Facts & Reality get in the way of his blinding and obsessive Trump Hatred.
This is Trump's vision for America.
china pollution 1.jpg
china pollution 2.jpg

Americans can count on seeing the song America the Beautiful being obsolete. And Americans can look forward to have more illnesses and outrageous costs for healthcare. This is Donald Trump's vision for America.
Of course, Little Trumpster's have the inability to see past there noses and don't even think about their own future generations. It's all about Trump.
And now ladies and gentlemen, it's time to listen to a song that won't be true.
Obama was president for 8 years and didn't fix this issue?
What an asshole.

He put in rules for these smaller waterways, rules for cleaner exhausts, rules for less auto emissions, etc & signed every anti pollution bill passed by Congress.
The asshole is you.

He did all that and algae still happened?
He wasn't very good at his job, was he?

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

Fuck you.

If I found a medicine that cured half of all cancer, it was wasted effort because all was not cured.

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

I get it, Obama's rule didn't work, must be Trump's fault. Moron.

Only a total dick like you think the rule would stop all pollution.

No law stops all pollution, so according to stupid fuck you, we should have no laws on polluting
Right? Jackass./

Obama's rules lessened the pollution.

Obama's rules lessened the pollution.

You're lying.
Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?
When he backs off the small waterways, pollution of nitrates will be allowed to be higher & more red tide & algae blooms.

Really, how did you get this uninformed?

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?
Clean Water Rule - weakening in process.

Obama's rule didn't prevent algae blooms.

Less nitrates = fewer, smaller blooms.


The blooms this year were pretty fucking big. Moron.
He put in rules for these smaller waterways, rules for cleaner exhausts, rules for less auto emissions, etc & signed every anti pollution bill passed by Congress.
The asshole is you.

He did all that and algae still happened?
He wasn't very good at his job, was he?

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

Fuck you.

If I found a medicine that cured half of all cancer, it was wasted effort because all was not cured.

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

I get it, Obama's rule didn't work, must be Trump's fault. Moron.

Only a total dick like you think the rule would stop all pollution.

No law stops all pollution, so according to stupid fuck you, we should have no laws on polluting
Right? Jackass./

Obama's rules lessened the pollution.

Obama's rules lessened the pollution.

You're lying.

The rules said the clean Water Act applied to these smaller streams & would lower the pollution once in place. It was blocked in some states by the court so its enforcement was limited. But the rule applies the Clear Water Act to certain smaller waterways & that reduces pollution.
When he backs off the small waterways, pollution of nitrates will be allowed to be higher & more red tide & algae blooms.

Really, how did you get this uninformed?

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?
Clean Water Rule - weakening in process.

Obama's rule didn't prevent algae blooms.

Less nitrates = fewer, smaller blooms.


The blooms this year were pretty fucking big. Moron.

They vary from year to year Asswipe.
He did all that and algae still happened?
He wasn't very good at his job, was he?

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

Fuck you.

If I found a medicine that cured half of all cancer, it was wasted effort because all was not cured.

I get it. If it all was not eliminated, nothing was done.

I get it, Obama's rule didn't work, must be Trump's fault. Moron.

Only a total dick like you think the rule would stop all pollution.

No law stops all pollution, so according to stupid fuck you, we should have no laws on polluting
Right? Jackass./

Obama's rules lessened the pollution.

Obama's rules lessened the pollution.

You're lying.

The rules said the clean Water Act applied to these smaller streams & would lower the pollution once in place. It was blocked in some states by the court so its enforcement was limited. But the rule applies the Clear Water Act to certain smaller waterways & that reduces pollution.

The rules said the clean Water Act applied to these smaller streams

And don't forget the puddles. Puddles that aren't connected to streams.

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