Bush Adminstration turning USA into a sewer (reply to ScreamingEagle)

Said1 said:
LOL I'd give ya points, but I have to spread it around some more.

Question: Wasn't Kyoto squashed during Clinton's admin? Something about a resolution being passed about not voting for it if it came up?

Said1 said:
Intersting. Nice avatar by the way....sell out. :D


I'm a Seinfeld fanatic.

George: That's my friend Jerry, but Jerry doesn't wear glasses!
rtwngAvngr said:

I'm a Seinfeld fanatic.

George: That's my friend Jerry, but Jerry doesn't wear glasses!

It's quiet in here now. I thought Wade would be all over the Clinton Kyoto reference hhmmp.

The bubble boy is my favorite episode, that and the one where Kramer assembles an old talk show set in his apartment.
Said1 said:
It's quiet in here now. I thought Wade would be all over the Clinton Kyoto reference hhmmp.

The bubble boy is my favorite episode, that and the one where Kramer assembles an old talk show set in his apartment.

George:Sorry, the answer is "Moops".
Said1 said:
It's quiet in here now. I thought Wade would be all over the Clinton Kyoto reference hhmmp.

You mean:

Said1 said:
Question: Wasn't Kyoto squashed during Clinton's admin? Something about a resolution being passed about not voting for it if it came up?

Sorry, I've got a lot going on right now, cannot spend so much time on this board this weekend.

Clinton didn't want to sign the Kyoto agreement unless 3rd world big polluter countries like China did as well. But in the end he still decided to support it, it was Congress that refused.

Said1 said:
The bubble boy is my favorite episode, that and the one where Kramer assembles an old talk show set in his apartment.

Kramer's kidney stone episode is my fav.
wade said:
it was Congress that refused.

That what I was asking more or less. It was still done during Clinton's admin though, not Bush's. :funnyface
Said1 said:
That what I was asking more or less. It was still done during Clinton's admin though, not Bush's. :funnyface

A Republican congress defeats a Clinton treaty and you blame Clinton and the democrats??? Wow, how obtuse can you be?
Sir Evil said:
Wade - here is my favorite part though!


Evil, look back at my posts. I fully expected Bush to win. Everything pointed to this happening, and even if he didn't he would win because the voting machines were rigged (the evidence on this is rolling in now), though I personally believe Bush won this election without cheating (but he'd have cheated if he was loosing).

It's probably a good thing Kerry didn't get elected. If he had been elected, he'd have been a lame duck president from day one given the makeup of congress. This would have allowed the republicans to run the show and blame Kerry for all their failures.

With Bush having won, there will be no excuses 4 years from now. We will still be occupying Iraq, the world will clearly be a more dangerous place than it is today, the economy will be in ruins, we will have suffered at least one ecological disaster (probably the death of a major body of water), 60+ million Americans will be without any form of health insurance, and finally the republicans will have to take responsibility for their deeds.

The unemployed will decide the next election - no other issue will matter.

But all that has nothing to do with the fact that....

The Bush Administration is turning the USA into a sewer!
The unemployed will decide the next election - no other issue will matter.

You mean 5.4% of the population, many of whom don't vote, will determine our future? Impressive.
With Bush having won, there will be no excuses 4 years from now. We will still be occupying Iraq, the world will clearly be a more dangerous place than it is today, the economy will be in ruins, we will have suffered at least one ecological disaster (probably the death of a major body of water), 60+ million Americans will be without any form of health insurance, and finally the republicans will have to take responsibility for their deeds.

Wow !! You really are a "cup is half full" kind of guy !!

Take my advice, you need to get out more !
Do you happen to have a link for the Robert Kennedy piece that you quoted above? I looked around on the web but couldn't find it all in one place. I'd like to share it with friends whom I've been trying to convince to join NRDC, of which I'm a long-time member. Thanks.

I hope this link helps remind Republicans of their long-lost heritage as defenders of the environment. It's not too late to change course, guys! Are oil and gas interests really so deserving of federal welfare and protection as Bush seems to think? The true welfare queens of this country are the corporations who have legislation written in their interest, to reduce their tax burdens or alleviate them of responsibility for the general welfare. The size of the entitlements they receive dwarfs that of personal welfare for poor people.

Mariner said:
Do you happen to have a link for the Robert Kennedy piece that you quoted above? I looked around on the web but couldn't find it all in one place. I'd like to share it with friends whom I've been trying to convince to join NRDC, of which I'm a long-time member. Thanks.

I hope this link helps remind Republicans of their long-lost heritage as defenders of the environment. It's not too late to change course, guys! Are oil and gas interests really so deserving of federal welfare and protection as Bush seems to think? The true welfare queens of this country are the corporations who have legislation written in their interest, to reduce their tax burdens or alleviate them of responsibility for the general welfare. The size of the entitlements they receive dwarfs that of personal welfare for poor people.


What the heck does this have to do with the heading of this thread?
Mariner said:
Do you happen to have a link for the Robert Kennedy piece that you quoted above? I looked around on the web but couldn't find it all in one place. I'd like to share it with friends whom I've been trying to convince to join NRDC, of which I'm a long-time member. Thanks.

I hope this link helps remind Republicans of their long-lost heritage as defenders of the environment. It's not too late to change course, guys! Are oil and gas interests really so deserving of federal welfare and protection as Bush seems to think? The true welfare queens of this country are the corporations who have legislation written in their interest, to reduce their tax burdens or alleviate them of responsibility for the general welfare. The size of the entitlements they receive dwarfs that of personal welfare for poor people.


It's at the bottom of the last page of the quoted article at http://www.usmessageboard.com/forums/showpost.php?p=183405&postcount=4.

The link to the site is: http://tuberose.com/Environmental_Terrorism.html
CSM--huh? The first post on this thread was a lengthy article by Robert Kennedy or the NRDC. I'm an NRDC member but hadn't seen this particular long piece. I simply wanted the link for it, which Wade provided, since I hadn't noticed it at the end of the article when I first read it.

Mariner said:
CSM--huh? The first post on this thread was a lengthy article by Robert Kennedy or the NRDC. I'm an NRDC member but hadn't seen this particular long piece. I simply wanted the link for it, which Wade provided, since I hadn't noticed it at the end of the article when I first read it.


Mariner, you should read the whole article at the website. I deleted some passages (marked) to shorten it by about 33%. Most of it has to do with the history of environmental law dating back to Roman times.
First of all, consider the source. Kennedy!!! Kennedy????? That right there should stop all creditability to the article. There are more trees on this earth, admittedly not more forrest, than they were 200 years ago. But one thing to remember here is that we are living in a Republic society. Majority rules. If the majority wants to turn the U.S.A. into a sewer, so be it. If the majority says that blond haired and blue eyed people has to live on the north or east side of a street, then all blond haired and blue eyed people on the south or west side of the street better start packing. The people are getting fed up with the so called environmental groups that are trying to kill off the humans so some silly unheard of tadpole, rat or frog that nobody is heard of can live and I'm sure we could do without. I sit and ponder sometimes where and how all these ignorant organizations got started.
Merlin said:
First of all, consider the source. Kennedy!!! Kennedy????? That right there should stop all creditability to the article. There are more trees on this earth, admittedly not more forrest, than they were 200 years ago. But one thing to remember here is that we are living in a Republic society. Majority rules. If the majority wants to turn the U.S.A. into a sewer, so be it. If the majority says that blond haired and blue eyed people has to live on the north or east side of a street, then all blond haired and blue eyed people on the south or west side of the street better start packing. The people are getting fed up with the so called environmental groups that are trying to kill off the humans so some silly unheard of tadpole, rat or frog that nobody is heard of can live and I'm sure we could do without. I sit and ponder sometimes where and how all these ignorant organizations got started.

Ummm.. more trees today than 200 years ago? Huh?

That's right, if you cannot find a legitimate counter argument, attack the source. Try discrediting any of the arguments made in the article, because this tactic is bogus and even the conservatives here know it.

Who's talking about killing off humans? What we are talking about is preventing the rape of the environment to satisfy the purest of greed on the part of the select few who happen to be in power at the moment.

You are describing fascism, not the US Republic. In the USA, you cannot vote away someones "inalienable rights", no matter how much of a majority you can muster. I suggest you take a civics class and learn what it means to be an American.

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