Bush Adminstration turning USA into a sewer (reply to ScreamingEagle)

wade said:
That is your spin on things. The truth is that all politicians misrepresent things a lot. You are making the assertion that the dems are more prone to this than the republicans, yet you offer not a single shread of proof.
I don't waste my time defending what we ALL know to be true.
No, if you are right (and I don't think you are), you will be remembered as the generation that put on the shackles of corporate slavery.
Corporate slavery? ahahaha. Your a worse koolaid drinker than I imagined.
Except that with Clinton, unemployment was going down, where with Bush, it's going up. Real unemployment is going up in this country, the biggest factor in making the figures look as good as they do is the number of people falling out of the labor market because they have been unemployed so long. And another major factor holding down the unemployment figures is the national gaurd call-ups, which have opened many slots.
And jobs are increasing here, And many people are starting their own businesses too.
When you borrow money to buy crap, you end up in debt. That's whats going on in this economy. So yes cheap credit is spending, not growing, the economy. The crap will be worthless in a few years, the debt will still be there, and most of it is to foreigners.
And you want the government shut down the banks and dictate people's spending habits. If banks want to extend credit and people want it, it's none of your business. Making the crap and buying the crap is the cyle of need and need satisfaction that also allows people to buy food and housing. you're such a commie.
I have many times. You just say something and then say it's self justifying. That's a load of crap. Your saying it's self justifying is just another way of saying you cannot back up your position.
And you getting online is just another avenue of expressing your ignorance.
What? Now you're just ranting. :lame2:
Nope. you're a big government lib.
Actually, if I had to pick someone today without any restrictions - I like Arnie. He has surpised me in many respects. He'd be good on the environment, good for the economy, and tough on terrorism.
Someone running please. Like Bush or Kerry perhaps?
I think you are mis-understanding that Kerry statement. He was not saying we should have to pass a global test before taking action, he was saying that if we take action and fail to pass such a test afterwards it damages our national credibility - as proven by Bush's war in Iraq. That's what happens when you use lies and mis-information to justify a war in the name of anti-terrorism when in fact it is mostly about greed.

That's not what he said at all. Maybe that's the spin, but that's not what he said.
Eric, did you actually read the article? I bet not!

I was responding to White Knights conspiracy theories, not the article !
eric said:
I was responding to White Knights conspiracy theories, not the article !

How is that related to environmental policy? :D

Stay on topic :slap:
How is that related to the environmental policy?

It's not ! I felt like making a comment based on the what White Knight said. Debates and negotiations are fluid and subject to change based on any introduced subject matter. This in no way changes the overall tone, but thanks anyway. ;)
eric said:
It's not ! I felt like making a comment based on the what White Knight said. Debates and negotiations are fluid and subject to change based on any introduced subject matter. This in no way changes the overall tone, but thanks anyway. ;)

We're both joking right? :smoke:
I got about four paragraphs into that article.

All it was was, was...jesus wade is that the shit you educate yourself with?

How am I supposed to take it seriously when it's a guy complaining about the quality of fish in NY (well no shit sherlock, and just how democratic has NY been for how long? maybe they should clean their own damn mess up), and the installation of the President?

I'll be honest, after the word install, I just stopped reading it. Why waste my time? Even if every word after that was the god's-honest-truth it wouldn't matter. The man came out full force in the brown shirt, and I immeadiately dismissed anything else he had to say. I had to, because in a matter of four paragraphs he proved himself a fool.
Wade, looks like the other thread somehow got high-jacked into environmentalism. Anyway, I, as many others on the right, are also concerned about our environment, except we are not into the fanaticism displayed by many of the left-wing groups. Unfortunately, many left-wing environmental organizations are no longer really about the environment, but only a tool for the political objectives of the left wing such as socialism and winning political campaigns. Take a look at the Green Party. Take a look at the ridiculous claims by the left, such as the hurricanes in Florida are so bad because of Bush and global warming. These things are big turnoffs for most Americans, looks likes you got some good feedback on this thread already.

You did bring up some valid issues which probably need a thread of their own somewhere where those really interested can discuss them in depth. However, for some quick "Republican answers" to your concerns, take a look at the White House site regarding the environment. I'm sure you will consider it only minimal, but the right wing is actually doing positive things for the environment.

rtwngAvngr said:
And you want the government shut down the banks and dictate people's spending habits. If banks want to extend credit and people want it, it's none of your business. Making the crap and buying the crap is the cyle of need and need satisfaction that also allows people to buy food and housing. you're such a commie.

Umm... it is the Fed that is dictating artificially low interest rates. I'd think you'd be opposed to this. The market should dictate the interest rates, not the Government!

But what does any of this have to do with the point of this thread?

George W. Bush is turning the USA into a giant sewer!
wade said:
Umm... it is the Fed that is dictating artificially low interest rates. I'd think you'd be opposed to this. The market should dictate the interest rates, not the Government!

But what does any of this have to do with the point of this thread?

George W. Bush is turning the USA into a giant sewer!

Like you always say wade, totally unregulated capitalism is not good.

This post is so bad wade. It's the post of a frustrated child.

Face it, wade, you're wrong on almost everything.
Hobbit said:
The only rainforest in the U.S. is in Hawaii, and it isn't shrinking. We've done our part and we keep telling other countries to do theirs, but they don't listen. What are we supposed to do? Invade their country? Oh, I'm sure the U.S. taxpayers would just LOVE that, especially the guys fighting the war, almost none of which would be tree huggers.
Anyone that lives in Upstate New York (like I do) can tell you that the wilderness is reclaiming a lot of old farm land up here.

With the exodus of jobs and people from Upstate New York, the wilderness is making a comeback.And I don't live out in the middle of no where. I live in a small city with about 100,000 people (if you count the suburbs).

Many of the things I was taught about nature and its fragility as a child are certainly not true. My experience is showing that Nature can be amazingly resilient.

With the exodus of manufacturing from the US, the biggest polluters are now in Asia. But you won't hear that from people like RFK Jr, because it doesn't serve their anti-America, anti-corporation agenda. Ironically, it is RFK Jr that has benefitted the most from the greedy corporations, the foul free market economy and American hegemony. Strangely, the ultra-rich are the ones that push this stuff, because they will be the last to see the consequences of their misguided policies (if they ever do). The ones that will get to feel the consequences first are the poor and middle class schmucks like us. I guess if things get too rustic for RFK, he can just jet his family over to some other country where the economy is better (much like Peter Sallinger, his uncle's former press secretary, did when he objected to the presidency of GWB). It must be nice to make rules for everyone else, then run away from the consequences, while the rest of us poor souls are stuck holding the bag.

It is amazing to me that the same people who have been complaining about American largesse for the past generation are the same ones complaining about the exportation of jobs to other countries. Remember the old chestnut that America has 5% of the world's population but consumes 33% of its resources? Of course, many environmentalists don't consider the consequences of the policies that they favor. Whenever you regulate business to protect the environment, you have economic consequences. One reason that manufacturing jobs have moved overseas is that third world countries don't have the strict environmental laws that we have. When it comes to environmental policy, you also have "to think past Phase I" as Thomas Sowell puts it.

Umm... it is the Fed that is dictating artificially low interest rates. I'd think you'd be opposed to this. The market should dictate the interest rates, not the Government!

"Artificially low interest rates"???? As opposed to "naturally occuring interest rates"? The market does dictate interest rates, indirectly. When the economy "heats up" the money supply increases and so does inflation. When the economy slows down, the money supply shrinks and the danger of deflation increase. The Federal Reserve Board (or "the Fed") responds to this by controlling the money supply through raising or lowering the prime interest rate. The Fed was created on December 23, 1913, with the signing of the Federal Reserve Act by President Woodrow Wilson (a Democrat). It was created by Congress to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. By the way, part of the reason for the bad economy of the late 1970s is Carter's meddling with Fed policy. He wouldn't let the Fed chairman do his job (i.e. raise and lower interest rates as needed)....as a result inflation went up to 18% (and I remember it well!). Once Reagan got in the White House, he let the Fed do its thing and inflation was down to less than 5% in a couple of years. Furthermore, the Great Depression of the 1930s was exacerbated by FDR's and Hoover's insistence that prime interest rates be kept high in spite of the fact that the money supply was dangerously low. This helped to start and extend a deflationary cycle and lengthened the Great Depression.
ScreamingEagle said:
Wade, looks like the other thread somehow got high-jacked into environmentalism. Anyway, I, as many others on the right, are also concerned about our environment, except we are not into the fanaticism displayed by many of the left-wing groups. Unfortunately, many left-wing environmental organizations are no longer really about the environment, but only a tool for the political objectives of the left wing such as socialism and winning political campaigns. Take a look at the Green Party. Take a look at the ridiculous claims by the left, such as the hurricanes in Florida are so bad because of Bush and global warming. These things are big turnoffs for most Americans, looks likes you got some good feedback on this thread already.

You did bring up some valid issues which probably need a thread of their own somewhere where those really interested can discuss them in depth. However, for some quick "Republican answers" to your concerns, take a look at the White House site regarding the environment. I'm sure you will consider it only minimal, but the right wing is actually doing positive things for the environment.


Are you serious? That website is pure spin on Bush's anti-envrionmental policies. You cannot put the oil, chemical, asbestos, etc... lobbiests in charge of the EPA and then make any kind of claims to be pro-enviromnent! You cannot have non-scientists rewrite reports written by scientists and then claim positions based upon those corrupted reports have any legitimacy.

Please, read the article I posted at the start of this thread. Then go into any part of it and research the facts on the issues presented, and see for yourself that Bush is litterally destroying the enviromnent in the name of corporate profits and greed.
rtwngAvngr said:
Like you always say wade, totally unregulated capitalism is not good.

This post is so bad wade. It's the post of a frustrated child.

Face it, wade, you're wrong on almost everything.

The onlything frustrating here RWA is that you clearly are a child. You have no real-life experiance upon which to base your opinions. You have never been to a village where almost everyone was starving. You have never watched a baby die because of malnutricion. I doubt you have ever even known a poor american. You simply lack any real world compassion for others, your positions are all those of someone who is from a home of privledge and does not really know anything about anything.

I hope you grow up someday.
wade said:
The onlything frustrating here RWA is that you clearly are a child. You have no real-life experiance upon which to base your opinions. You have never been to a village where almost everyone was starving. You have never watched a baby die because of malnutricion. I doubt you have ever even known a poor american. You simply lack any real world compassion for others, your positions are all those of someone who is from a home of privledge and does not really know anything about anything.

I hope you grow up someday.

And these people are usually in their situation because warlords and tryrants have prevented need sustaining markets from flourishing. These dictators keep the place so unstable and fucked up that no companies will invest in those places to sell them food, housing, and give them jobs. And the disgusting thing about you libs is you typically look the other way so you can get the tyrants vote at your beloved U.N.

You're so full of it wade, that your eyes are brown. hey hey sha la la
rtwngAvngr said:
And these people are usually in their situation because warlords and tryrants have prevented need sustaining markets from flourishing. These dictators keep the place so unstable and fucked up that no companies will invest in those places to sell them food, housing, and give them jobs. And the disgusting thing about you libs is you typically look the other way so you can get the tyrants vote at your beloved U.N.

NGOs can't reach these people half the time because their governments won't provide security, and the UN won't either. Now, you tell me who really gives a fuck about them Wade?
rtwngAvngr said:
I don't waste my time defending what we ALL know to be true.

Just because you assert that "we ALL know" something to be true does not make it so. You are wrong, the democrats are no more prone to lying than the republicancs. And they are less prone to lying than the Bush administration.

The fact is you cannot back up this position, so you claim we all agree with you, when in fact we don't. Your argument is the argument of someone who knows they are wrong.
wade said:
Just because you assert that "we ALL know" something to be true does not make it so. You are wrong, the democrats are no more prone to lying than the republicancs. And they are less prone to lying than the Bush administration.

The fact is you cannot back up this position, so you claim we all agree with you, when in fact we don't. Your argument is the argument of someone who knows they are wrong.

Just because you say it doesn't make it so. Same applies to you. Believe it or not, Kerry and Moore have been caught in ten times the lies W. has, so, in the words of the ketchup lady, shove it.

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