More violence to come.....

The only way to wake up America and the empty suit, pansy, lawmakers in Washington DC is for this to occur. Then maybe they would have realized it wasn't a good idea importing millions of terrorists into this country.

The only way to wake up America and the empty suit, pansy, lawmakers in Washington DC is for this to occur. Then maybe they would have realized it wasn't a good idea importing millions of terrorists into this country.


And that's a good argument too. I just can't stand the idea of telling those that are in fact innocent, to simply go out in the water and die.

I just... that's too much for me.
They tell us that is the reason. We keep meddling in their affairs. No more meddling. Let them take care of their problems, and we take care of ours.

It's gone too far. They will create more refugees that Obama or Hillary will accept into this country. By the tens of thousands. Guess we'll have to build them mosques to make them feel welcome.

Well, I don't think we need to accept them into our country either. Like I said, I don't feel like it's OUR problem.

Ok wait wait....

What exactly do you expect them to do then? Or you don't care about that either.



You really don't care at all. None whatsoever. Can't come here, not helping you there, just go out in the water and die.

Wow... And I thought I was a tough rock-hearted person. I really did. This is an eye-opening exchange.

the boys name was Aylan Kurdi
Story Begins To Unravel About Drowned Syrian Boy

And it is entirely possible that this specific story may not be a refugee case. Ok.
How many thousands of others would you like me to post?




At some point, even I have a hard time saying "screw you guys. Go out in the water and die there".

I've been accused have having no heart many times, but there has to be a line somewhere, where we don't sit around going "the only people that matter is ourselves." You don't think so? Screw em? Serve them right for existing?

Zuwara, northern Libya

Turkey coast refugees

North africa refugees

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