More violent racial attacks at Trump Rallies

As words, no they don't. As people, yes, you do

heard that somewhere before... oh, right:

"Democracy and the Center are today the pacesetters of Bolshevism and thus the parties who are mainly to blame for our misfortune."
-- Adolf Hitler; from proclamation to Nazi Party (January 1, 1932)

"Were it not for the pact which the Center and the middle classes have entered into with Marxism as a result of their inner relatedness of character, there would be no red, anti-christian Germany today. Therefore they are the accursed accomplices of Bolshevism."
-- Adolf Hitler; from proclamation to Nazi Party (January 1, 1932)

Well Adolph, OK, but you got anything related to what i said

He's trying to prove that Hitler was a die-hard capitalist. That's kind of difficult when the man said quite plainly that he hates capitalism.

And you believe him, huh? Just like with Drumpf :rolleyes:

If you don't believe him, then why did you quote him?

BTW, being against Bolshevism isn't not the same thing as being against socialism.

Now you've gone right over his head
heard that somewhere before... oh, right:

"Democracy and the Center are today the pacesetters of Bolshevism and thus the parties who are mainly to blame for our misfortune."
-- Adolf Hitler; from proclamation to Nazi Party (January 1, 1932)

"Were it not for the pact which the Center and the middle classes have entered into with Marxism as a result of their inner relatedness of character, there would be no red, anti-christian Germany today. Therefore they are the accursed accomplices of Bolshevism."
-- Adolf Hitler; from proclamation to Nazi Party (January 1, 1932)

Well Adolph, OK, but you got anything related to what i said

He's trying to prove that Hitler was a die-hard capitalist. That's kind of difficult when the man said quite plainly that he hates capitalism.

And you believe him, huh? Just like with Drumpf :rolleyes:

If you don't believe him, then why did you quote him?

BTW, being against Bolshevism isn't not the same thing as being against socialism.

Now you've gone right over his head
How much lower is the Republican party willing to get?

Their candidate debates are more like cock fights, and I mean that literally.....comparing the size of their dicks on stage, making fun of each other's appearance and screaming at each other at the same time that you can't even hear what they are saying! And many conservatives think this is Presidential? Bwahahahaha!

Trump rallies are even lower than that....Trump supporter thugs sucker punching a protestor, his campaign manager attacking a Briebart reporter (and Briebart happens to be a Trump supporter).....all with the encouragement of Trump.

The inmates have overtaken the Republican party asylum and are running it.

Such violence, which is unprecedented in the history of modern presidential campaigns, is the inevitable result of the charged anti-protester and anti-media rhetoric coming out of the mouth of the candidate himself, reporters and observers say.
Donald Trump rallies are turning violent
"You 'thing dat bad motherfucker?"
What until Trump is the President.
Watch the negro thugs scurry under the first rock they can find and stay there. If I were a negro thug today I'd be stealing and selling as many of my neighbor's garbage cans and selling them for scrap as I could find. I'd buy me a one-way ticket back to Africa.
The Trump rallies are a microcosm to what awaits negroes who become violent at peaceful political events.

Do you know what is more believable? A obama supporter came in and deliberately did something to piss someone off.
If Drumpf comes to San Diego before our Primary, I'd like to go to one of his rallies and see if I get physically assaulted for causing in not clapping, not cheering, or not raising my right hand to pledge at the designated times.

never tried that at an Obama rally,did you?
Not applauded when they applaud? Sure. Not cheered when they cheered? Sure....not been asked to raise my right hand in a pledge tho.

And no one threatened me, nor did I see anyone else threatening anyone else.

Is that unusual?

Try booing
Nope...just want to see what happens if I don't follow the sheep.
I don't understand why protestors go to Trump rallies in the first place.

I refuse to sympathize with jackass looking to piss people off, which is what you have there.

When Christian groups go to muslim festivals or gay pride parades and start annoying the people there, I don't side with the christians when they get attacked. I laugh at them!

Likewise, when an anti-Trump protestor go to a Trump rally and get knocked out for showing his ass--I laugh at him too.

Why do I laugh?

Jackasses getting attacked for being Jackasses is funny. What did they think was going to happen? A nice little sit down with the people you are pissing off? You are kidding, right.
Have fun in jail. old Nazi...

"A man has been charged with assaulting a protester at Donald "Trump’s Fayetteville, North Carolina, rally Wednesday night.

John McGraw, 78, of Linden was arrested Thursday morning after assaulting Rakeem Jones, who had been protesting at the event. Jones was being escorted out by law enforcement when videos show McGraw punching him."
Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
I don't understand why protestors go to Trump rallies in the first place.

I refuse to sympathize with jackass looking to piss people off, which is what you have there.

When Christian groups go to muslim festivals or gay pride parades and start annoying the people there, I don't side with the christians when they get attacked. I laugh at them!

Likewise, when an anti-Trump protestor go to a Trump rally and get knocked out for showing his ass--I laugh at him too.

Why do I laugh?

Jackasses getting attacked for being Jackasses is funny. What did they think was going to happen? A nice little sit down with the people you are pissing off? You are kidding, right.
Protesters go to Trump rallies specifically to get thrown out. Then the world will see how Trump uses violence against protesters and acts like a Nazi.
I don't understand why protestors go to Trump rallies in the first place.

I refuse to sympathize with jackass looking to piss people off, which is what you have there.

When Christian groups go to muslim festivals or gay pride parades and start annoying the people there, I don't side with the christians when they get attacked. I laugh at them!

Likewise, when an anti-Trump protestor go to a Trump rally and get knocked out for showing his ass--I laugh at him too.

Why do I laugh?

Jackasses getting attacked for being Jackasses is funny. What did they think was going to happen? A nice little sit down with the people you are pissing off? You are kidding, right.
Protesters go to Trump rallies specifically to get thrown out. Then the world will see how Trump uses violence against protesters and acts like a Nazi.
If the swastika fits...
I don't understand why protestors go to Trump rallies in the first place.

I refuse to sympathize with jackass looking to piss people off, which is what you have there.

When Christian groups go to muslim festivals or gay pride parades and start annoying the people there, I don't side with the christians when they get attacked. I laugh at them!

Likewise, when an anti-Trump protestor go to a Trump rally and get knocked out for showing his ass--I laugh at him too.

Why do I laugh?

Jackasses getting attacked for being Jackasses is funny. What did they think was going to happen? A nice little sit down with the people you are pissing off? You are kidding, right.
Protesters go to Trump rallies specifically to get thrown out. Then the world will see how Trump uses violence against protesters and acts like a Nazi.
If the swastika fits...

I'm sure you have fit many onto your shirt sleeve.
I don't understand why protestors go to Trump rallies in the first place.

I refuse to sympathize with jackass looking to piss people off, which is what you have there.

When Christian groups go to muslim festivals or gay pride parades and start annoying the people there, I don't side with the christians when they get attacked. I laugh at them!

Likewise, when an anti-Trump protestor go to a Trump rally and get knocked out for showing his ass--I laugh at him too.

Why do I laugh?

Jackasses getting attacked for being Jackasses is funny. What did they think was going to happen? A nice little sit down with the people you are pissing off? You are kidding, right.
Protesters go to Trump rallies specifically to get thrown out. Then the world will see how Trump uses violence against protesters and acts like a Nazi.
If the swastika fits...

I'm sure you have fit many onto your shirt sleeve.
If Drumpf comes to San Diego before our Primary, I'd like to go to one of his rallies and see if I get physically assaulted for causing in not clapping, not cheering, or not raising my right hand to pledge at the designated times.

never tried that at an Obama rally,did you?
Not applauded when they applaud? Sure. Not cheered when they cheered? Sure....not been asked to raise my right hand in a pledge tho.

And no one threatened me, nor did I see anyone else threatening anyone else.

Is that unusual?

Try booing
Nope...just want to see what happens if I don't follow the sheep.

I see, so you're not a sheep because you aren't following the other sheep at Obama rallies, you actually mean it! Just coincidence you are doing what the sheep are doing

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