More WINNING!! Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama

I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources

"Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives."

Ah, Trump threw $1 billion at them. Great. Another multinational which won't be paying tax for a long, long time. More money for the rich.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources

They are doing it for the cheap labor. Automobile companies have been moving into the South for some time. It is nothing new.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

You and I have differing definitions of the word "rape". How many real public-sector jobs did Obama's "Stimulus Package" and other bailouts create, and what was the taxpayer's cost per job?
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

$1B incentive? Wow, you are becoming like Ontario now. Tell them to fook off, "here is your incentive ya rat bast.ards, I just gave you a massive tax cut AND I'm not hitting you sob's with tariffs. How about this for an incentive? Tariffs will begin at 35%, we will decrease them as we see appropriate. Now dance!" :banana::dance:

It's pretty funny when a Canadian knows more about American economics that the American left.

Thanks. Unfortunately, I know first hand how we exploit you. We also have given "incentives" to steal U.S jobs, it's not something you guys should start doing at any significant clip. I've paid a steep price, my life essentially decided for me and I have to apply full effort to get justice and even the score.

It will be done...

Get 'er done Trump!
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources

"Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives."

Ah, Trump threw $1 billion at them. Great. Another multinational which won't be paying tax for a long, long time. More money for the rich.

How did he throw 1 billion at them please explain For necessary improvements on local infrastructure? I thought that's what you guys approve of...
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources

They are doing it for the cheap labor. Automobile companies have been moving into the South for some time. It is nothing new.

Yea not $50 dollar an hour Union floor sweepers...tell us how that worked out when Detroit ran away all the jobs...

Only in a liberal mind no jobs gets $400 a month on welfare = good
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

You and I have differing definitions of the word "rape". How many real public-sector jobs did Obama's "Stimulus Package" and other bailouts create, and what was the taxpayer's cost per job?
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

$1B incentive? Wow, you are becoming like Ontario now. Tell them to fook off, "here is your incentive ya rat bast.ards, I just gave you a massive tax cut AND I'm not hitting you sob's with tariffs. How about this for an incentive? Tariffs will begin at 35%, we will decrease them as we see appropriate. Now dance!" :banana::dance:

It's pretty funny when a Canadian knows more about American economics that the American left.

Riiiiight. A "Canadian". Wink wink grin grin nudge nudge say no more.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources

They are doing it for the cheap labor. Automobile companies have been moving into the South for some time. It is nothing new.

Yea not $50 dollar an hour Union floor sweepers...tell us how that worked out when Detroit ran away all the jobs...

Only in a liberal mind no jobs gets $400 a month on welfare = good

As usual you take the far right wing view. They do want cheap labor. With these factories moving into southern states, why are the southern states near the bottom in per capita income? They also know that southern state Republicans are soft on protecting workers at these plants even when workers are maimed and killed. While I do agree that Democrats overregulate, Republicans underregulate and the truth in the middle of 2 extremes.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
That was a secret deal they made with Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama!
Oh, you silly Republicans!
I'd be a bit more enthusiastic if they were American car companies. Those bitches crashed air planes into our warships and now we're driving their cars. How long before we're driving the Hybrid, Osama Bin Ladin al wheel drive?

I felt the same way until I bought an Obama-era GM bailout Chevy. Piece of crap only made it to 120,000 miles, even after having everything that could go wrong with it, go wrong.

But you're right: Mitsubishi made the engines for the Japanese Kamikaze aircraft. It just took a couple nukes to straighten them out, and they make pretty decent car now.
I drive a 2005 one ton F350 that was a hand-me-down from my father when I got my drivers license. I get a lot of head turns be 5' 2" and 110 lbs.

Fords are awesome and indestructible. Last one I had was an F-150. It had whiskey dents all over it and was still running after 250,000 miles.
I'm assuming that whisky dents are dents received coming home from the bar. My F350 is starting to get bubbles under the paint from rust. Wisconsin uses a lot of salt on the road in the winter. I'd get it fixed but I'm holding for my next hand-me -down truck, a 2014 one ton F350 and the and the 28 ft. Jayco 5th. wheel that goes with it.

I'd be a bit more enthusiastic if they were American car companies. Those bitches crashed air planes into our warships and now we're driving their cars. How long before we're driving the Hybrid, Osama Bin Ladin al wheel drive?

I felt the same way until I bought an Obama-era GM bailout Chevy. Piece of crap only made it to 120,000 miles, even after having everything that could go wrong with it, go wrong.

But you're right: Mitsubishi made the engines for the Japanese Kamikaze aircraft. It just took a couple nukes to straighten them out, and they make pretty decent car now.
I drive a 2005 one ton F350 that was a hand-me-down from my father when I got my drivers license. I get a lot of head turns be 5' 2" and 110 lbs.

Fords are awesome and indestructible. Last one I had was an F-150. It had whiskey dents all over it and was still running after 250,000 miles.
I'm assuming that whisky dents are dents received coming home from the bar. My F350 is starting to get bubbles under the paint from rust. Wisconsin uses a lot of salt on the road in the winter. I'd get it fixed but I'm holding for my next hand-me -down truck, a 2014 one ton F350 and the and the 28 ft. Jayco 5th. wheel that goes with it.

Wisconsin is a wonderful state, I moved here from Texas 12 years ago and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. We have all four seasons, a wonderful Governor, and the friendliest bunch of rednecks you'd ever want to know. :biggrin:

But no more whiskey dents for me, I gave up drinking and driving after my second DUI ten years ago.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources

They are doing it for the cheap labor. Automobile companies have been moving into the South for some time. It is nothing new.

And what's wrong with low-cost labor? The big corrupt labor unions priced themselves out of the jobs years ago. Of course they'd set up shop in the South, where they have "Right to work" laws.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

You and I have differing definitions of the word "rape". How many real public-sector jobs did Obama's "Stimulus Package" and other bailouts create, and what was the taxpayer's cost per job?
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

$1B incentive? Wow, you are becoming like Ontario now. Tell them to fook off, "here is your incentive ya rat bast.ards, I just gave you a massive tax cut AND I'm not hitting you sob's with tariffs. How about this for an incentive? Tariffs will begin at 35%, we will decrease them as we see appropriate. Now dance!" :banana::dance:

It's pretty funny when a Canadian knows more about American economics that the American left.

Thanks. Unfortunately, I know first hand how we exploit you. We also have given "incentives" to steal U.S jobs, it's not something you guys should start doing at any significant clip. I've paid a steep price, my life essentially decided for me and I have to apply full effort to get justice and even the score.

It will be done...

Get 'er done Trump!

God bless you Canucks and may you have your own Donald Trump some day. Until then, we'll hold down the fort. :biggrin:
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

You and I have differing definitions of the word "rape". How many real public-sector jobs did Obama's "Stimulus Package" and other bailouts create, and what was the taxpayer's cost per job?
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

$1B incentive? Wow, you are becoming like Ontario now. Tell them to fook off, "here is your incentive ya rat bast.ards, I just gave you a massive tax cut AND I'm not hitting you sob's with tariffs. How about this for an incentive? Tariffs will begin at 35%, we will decrease them as we see appropriate. Now dance!" :banana::dance:

It's pretty funny when a Canadian knows more about American economics that the American left.

Thanks. Unfortunately, I know first hand how we exploit you. We also have given "incentives" to steal U.S jobs, it's not something you guys should start doing at any significant clip. I've paid a steep price, my life essentially decided for me and I have to apply full effort to get justice and even the score.

It will be done...

Get 'er done Trump!

God bless you Canucks and may you have your own Donald Trump some day. Until then, we'll hold down the fort. :biggrin:

Yes, a guy who essentially throws YOUR MONEY at companies so they make him look good. $1 billion for 4,000 jobs. That's $250,000 per job. How many years does the US govt end up paying the wages of those people? That's basically Communism, isn't it? When govt controls production?
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

You and I have differing definitions of the word "rape". How many real public-sector jobs did Obama's "Stimulus Package" and other bailouts create, and what was the taxpayer's cost per job?
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

$1B incentive? Wow, you are becoming like Ontario now. Tell them to fook off, "here is your incentive ya rat bast.ards, I just gave you a massive tax cut AND I'm not hitting you sob's with tariffs. How about this for an incentive? Tariffs will begin at 35%, we will decrease them as we see appropriate. Now dance!" :banana::dance:

It's pretty funny when a Canadian knows more about American economics that the American left.

Thanks. Unfortunately, I know first hand how we exploit you. We also have given "incentives" to steal U.S jobs, it's not something you guys should start doing at any significant clip. I've paid a steep price, my life essentially decided for me and I have to apply full effort to get justice and even the score.

It will be done...

Get 'er done Trump!

God bless you Canucks and may you have your own Donald Trump some day. Until then, we'll hold down the fort. :biggrin:

Yes, a guy who essentially throws YOUR MONEY at companies so they make him look good. $1 billion for 4,000 jobs. That's $250,000 per job. How many years does the US govt end up paying the wages of those people? That's basically Communism, isn't it? When govt controls production?

Incentives are a fact of life when you're trying to get large corporations to open shop in your states. $300 million of the $1 billion number are state incentives. That means Alabama will be paying their share of them. There are also clawback clauses that ensure companies live up to their end of the bargain or they must make reimbursements.

You can also bet that Alabama is getting far more in the way of infrastructure, job training, and job creation than $700 million dollars of federal money could buy.

See how it works?
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

You and I have differing definitions of the word "rape". How many real public-sector jobs did Obama's "Stimulus Package" and other bailouts create, and what was the taxpayer's cost per job?
$1B incentive? Wow, you are becoming like Ontario now. Tell them to fook off, "here is your incentive ya rat bast.ards, I just gave you a massive tax cut AND I'm not hitting you sob's with tariffs. How about this for an incentive? Tariffs will begin at 35%, we will decrease them as we see appropriate. Now dance!" :banana::dance:

It's pretty funny when a Canadian knows more about American economics that the American left.

Thanks. Unfortunately, I know first hand how we exploit you. We also have given "incentives" to steal U.S jobs, it's not something you guys should start doing at any significant clip. I've paid a steep price, my life essentially decided for me and I have to apply full effort to get justice and even the score.

It will be done...

Get 'er done Trump!

God bless you Canucks and may you have your own Donald Trump some day. Until then, we'll hold down the fort. :biggrin:

Yes, a guy who essentially throws YOUR MONEY at companies so they make him look good. $1 billion for 4,000 jobs. That's $250,000 per job. How many years does the US govt end up paying the wages of those people? That's basically Communism, isn't it? When govt controls production?

Incentives are a fact of life when you're trying to get large corporations to open shop in your states. $300 million of the $1 billion number are state incentives. That means Alabama will be paying their share of them. There are also clawback clauses that ensure companies live up to their end of the bargain or they must make reimbursements.

You can also bet that Alabama is getting far more in the way of infrastructure, job training, and job creation than $700 million dollars of federal money could buy.

See how it works?
alabama will go red in November !!!
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".

You and I have differing definitions of the word "rape". How many real public-sector jobs did Obama's "Stimulus Package" and other bailouts create, and what was the taxpayer's cost per job?
$1B incentive? Wow, you are becoming like Ontario now. Tell them to fook off, "here is your incentive ya rat bast.ards, I just gave you a massive tax cut AND I'm not hitting you sob's with tariffs. How about this for an incentive? Tariffs will begin at 35%, we will decrease them as we see appropriate. Now dance!" :banana::dance:

It's pretty funny when a Canadian knows more about American economics that the American left.

Thanks. Unfortunately, I know first hand how we exploit you. We also have given "incentives" to steal U.S jobs, it's not something you guys should start doing at any significant clip. I've paid a steep price, my life essentially decided for me and I have to apply full effort to get justice and even the score.

It will be done...

Get 'er done Trump!

God bless you Canucks and may you have your own Donald Trump some day. Until then, we'll hold down the fort. :biggrin:

Yes, a guy who essentially throws YOUR MONEY at companies so they make him look good. $1 billion for 4,000 jobs. That's $250,000 per job. How many years does the US govt end up paying the wages of those people? That's basically Communism, isn't it? When govt controls production?

Incentives are a fact of life when you're trying to get large corporations to open shop in your states. $300 million of the $1 billion number are state incentives. That means Alabama will be paying their share of them. There are also clawback clauses that ensure companies live up to their end of the bargain or they must make reimbursements.

You can also bet that Alabama is getting far more in the way of infrastructure, job training, and job creation than $700 million dollars of federal money could buy.

See how it works?

Yes, they are a part of life. Because the politicians make them a part of life. It's all part of the corrupt system that they've managed to figure out what can be legitimatized.

So, Alabama is paying $300 million. But what about other companies? Oh, well, they're going to want their incentives too. How much does the auto industry cost the US?

Probably the US govt spends loads.


Toyota employs 30,000 Americans. So, if 4,000 are worth $1 billion to the US, could this mean that Toyota gets somewhere in the region of $7 billion a year?

Making $16 billion a year profit, could it be that half their profit comes from the US govt?

What a ridiculous situation where a foreign company is having money thrown at it to make it more competitive against US companies.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources
From your link:

Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives.

Fuk! For a BILLION Dollars, you can get any company to build a plant.

Rape is what Republicans call "winning".
Tax breaks and cheap land are the likely incentives . The People employed building the plant pay taxes. The 4000 people employed when the plant finishes pay taxes. There is the huge boost to the local economy. All around a good deal for the people, but of course a Liberal will bitch about tax breaks. You nutbags would rather all those people be unemployed and living off the government than give a tax cut to a company. Its fucking pathetic.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources

"Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives."

Ah, Trump threw $1 billion at them. Great. Another multinational which won't be paying tax for a long, long time. More money for the rich.
The automatic assumption buy Liberals that the Goverment should have unlimited access to your money is terrifying.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources

They are doing it for the cheap labor. Automobile companies have been moving into the South for some time. It is nothing new.

And what's wrong with low-cost labor? The big corrupt labor unions priced themselves out of the jobs years ago. Of course they'd set up shop in the South, where they have "Right to work" laws.
The modern Labor unions are all about the power they have, They give zero fucks about the workers.
I keep hearing on here about how ignorant people in the South are, and how Trump is such a "failure". Guess those Bama hillbillies are going to have the last laugh after all.

"Alabama will be the site of a new $1.6 billion Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp auto plant, a victory for President Donald Trump who had prodded manufacturers to build new U.S. facilities and threatened tariffs on foreign production, sources said on Tuesday."

Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama: sources

"Details of an anticipated tax and incentive package for the investment were not yet known. It has been reported the companies sought at least $1 billion in incentives."

Ah, Trump threw $1 billion at them. Great. Another multinational which won't be paying tax for a long, long time. More money for the rich.
The automatic assumption buy Liberals that the Goverment should have unlimited access to your money is terrifying.

Well I'm Liberal and don't think like that.

However the automatic assumption, if we're going to play this game, by (not buy) Conservatives is that government should spend all our money on the rich.

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