More winning! Trump Pocahontas comment

Lol, I guess you hate a great economy, thanks President Trump! I guess you think Obama was a good President, lol.
yeah he thinks that 1.1% GDP is better than 3.3%. too funny. It's no wonder he has no idea what's happening in the country.
what's even funnier is that he wants to go back to 1.1% GDP by impeaching the guy that got the GDP to 3.3% over nothing.
They aren't known for being Obama knob polishers for nothing.

You partisan hacks are soo darn cute. I have never once defended Obama on this forum and I have called out everyone I have come across talking impeachment and even said impeachment would be the end of the country.

But in your little partisan world anyone not licking the ass of Trump is an Obama supporter. What a shitty way to go through life...I honestly pity you
is it any worse than calling anyone who disagrees with you a partisan hack? that's a pretty shitty way to see things also.
and there are many times he's defended obummer. he's a nut job Pocahontas.
Lol, I guess you hate a great economy, thanks President Trump! I guess you think Obama was a good President, lol.
yeah he thinks that 1.1% GDP is better than 3.3%. too funny. It's no wonder he has no idea what's happening in the country.
what's even funnier is that he wants to go back to 1.1% GDP by impeaching the guy that got the GDP to 3.3% over nothing.
They aren't known for being Obama knob polishers for nothing.

You partisan hacks are soo darn cute. I have never once defended Obama on this forum and I have called out everyone I have come across talking impeachment and even said impeachment would be the end of the country.

But in your little partisan world anyone not licking the ass of Trump is an Obama supporter. What a shitty way to go through life...I honestly pity you
is it any worse than calling anyone who disagrees with you a partisan hack? that's a pretty shitty way to see things also.

If I mistaken called you a partisan hack I apologize, but on this forum it is almost impossible to respond to anyone that is not a hack for one side or the other.
So you didn't support obama?

Fuck no, I did not and do not support Obama. Obama was a terrible President who followed a terrible president. And now we have someone trying to outdo them both in the fucking up the country category.
so again pocahantas, 3.3% GDP is terrible? Record Stock Market numbers are terrible? exactly what is terrible?

Trump has done nothing to affect either the GDP or the stock market, those are both moving along the same path they were prior to his election. The president, no matter who it is, has very little impact on such things. Our entire economic system is cyclical and changes happen due to prior actions from years ago, not days or weeks like you seem to think.

What is terrible is a POTUS that does not respect the rule of law and attacks jury trial outcomes.

What is terrible is a POTUS that nominates paranormal bloggers who have never tried a case to be Federal judges.

What is terrible is a POTUS that nominates a radio talk show host to be the Chief Scientist of the USDA.

What is terrible is a POTUS that wants to isolate the US from the rest of the world creating a vacuum that our biggest rival, China, is now happily filling making the US even less relevant in the world.

What is terrible is a POTUS that goes out of his way to undermine the work of the very people he choose to be in his cabinet.

What is terrible is a POTUS that thinks his job is to troll people on twitter and who gets all his information from Fox fucking news.

Shall I go on?
and there you go supporting obummer. thought you didn't do that? funny. 3.3% GDP was due to the killing of the regulation EOs. Look it fking up. Dude, that is all due to Mr. President.

Dude, are you drunk? where did I support Obama? What the fuck is wrong with you?
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.
Fuck no, I did not and do not support Obama. Obama was a terrible President who followed a terrible president. And now we have someone trying to outdo them both in the fucking up the country category.
so again pocahantas, 3.3% GDP is terrible? Record Stock Market numbers are terrible? exactly what is terrible?

Trump has done nothing to affect either the GDP or the stock market, those are both moving along the same path they were prior to his election. The president, no matter who it is, has very little impact on such things. Our entire economic system is cyclical and changes happen due to prior actions from years ago, not days or weeks like you seem to think.

What is terrible is a POTUS that does not respect the rule of law and attacks jury trial outcomes.

What is terrible is a POTUS that nominates paranormal bloggers who have never tried a case to be Federal judges.

What is terrible is a POTUS that nominates a radio talk show host to be the Chief Scientist of the USDA.

What is terrible is a POTUS that wants to isolate the US from the rest of the world creating a vacuum that our biggest rival, China, is now happily filling making the US even less relevant in the world.

What is terrible is a POTUS that goes out of his way to undermine the work of the very people he choose to be in his cabinet.

What is terrible is a POTUS that thinks his job is to troll people on twitter and who gets all his information from Fox fucking news.

Shall I go on?
and there you go supporting obummer. thought you didn't do that? funny. 3.3% GDP was due to the killing of the regulation EOs. Look it fking up. Dude, that is all due to Mr. President.

Dude, are you drunk? where did I support Obama? What the fuck is wrong with you?
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.

I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
so again pocahantas, 3.3% GDP is terrible? Record Stock Market numbers are terrible? exactly what is terrible?

Trump has done nothing to affect either the GDP or the stock market, those are both moving along the same path they were prior to his election. The president, no matter who it is, has very little impact on such things. Our entire economic system is cyclical and changes happen due to prior actions from years ago, not days or weeks like you seem to think.

What is terrible is a POTUS that does not respect the rule of law and attacks jury trial outcomes.

What is terrible is a POTUS that nominates paranormal bloggers who have never tried a case to be Federal judges.

What is terrible is a POTUS that nominates a radio talk show host to be the Chief Scientist of the USDA.

What is terrible is a POTUS that wants to isolate the US from the rest of the world creating a vacuum that our biggest rival, China, is now happily filling making the US even less relevant in the world.

What is terrible is a POTUS that goes out of his way to undermine the work of the very people he choose to be in his cabinet.

What is terrible is a POTUS that thinks his job is to troll people on twitter and who gets all his information from Fox fucking news.

Shall I go on?
and there you go supporting obummer. thought you didn't do that? funny. 3.3% GDP was due to the killing of the regulation EOs. Look it fking up. Dude, that is all due to Mr. President.

Dude, are you drunk? where did I support Obama? What the fuck is wrong with you?
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.

I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.
yeah he thinks that 1.1% GDP is better than 3.3%. too funny. It's no wonder he has no idea what's happening in the country.
what's even funnier is that he wants to go back to 1.1% GDP by impeaching the guy that got the GDP to 3.3% over nothing.
They aren't known for being Obama knob polishers for nothing.

You partisan hacks are soo darn cute. I have never once defended Obama on this forum and I have called out everyone I have come across talking impeachment and even said impeachment would be the end of the country.

But in your little partisan world anyone not licking the ass of Trump is an Obama supporter. What a shitty way to go through life...I honestly pity you
is it any worse than calling anyone who disagrees with you a partisan hack? that's a pretty shitty way to see things also.

If I mistaken called you a partisan hack I apologize, but on this forum it is almost impossible to respond to anyone that is not a hack for one side or the other.
it's not just me. i'm a big boy / adult. i can take it. but from what i've seen you don't go into details on an individual level on why people may feel the way they do. they say something you don't like, you pretty much instantly go to PARTISAN HACK to belittle their opinions while you push your own *opinions*.

the race to belittle people is how we got into this pile of shit we are in as a country today. i'd just like to see us pull out of it but that will never happen while both sides run quick to default base stereotypes so they can judge people without ever having to understand them.

are a lot of people "hacks"? dunno. a lot of people have strong opinions and shared opinions are why people group up to begin with. that is going nowhere. how we deal with it however, is up to us.

i just dont see value in insulting people, even those who dog on me, as a method of change. venting, sure. we all do it, me too. i just see many - on all sides - live there.
Trump has done nothing to affect either the GDP or the stock market, those are both moving along the same path they were prior to his election. The president, no matter who it is, has very little impact on such things. Our entire economic system is cyclical and changes happen due to prior actions from years ago, not days or weeks like you seem to think.

What is terrible is a POTUS that does not respect the rule of law and attacks jury trial outcomes.

What is terrible is a POTUS that nominates paranormal bloggers who have never tried a case to be Federal judges.

What is terrible is a POTUS that nominates a radio talk show host to be the Chief Scientist of the USDA.

What is terrible is a POTUS that wants to isolate the US from the rest of the world creating a vacuum that our biggest rival, China, is now happily filling making the US even less relevant in the world.

What is terrible is a POTUS that goes out of his way to undermine the work of the very people he choose to be in his cabinet.

What is terrible is a POTUS that thinks his job is to troll people on twitter and who gets all his information from Fox fucking news.

Shall I go on?
and there you go supporting obummer. thought you didn't do that? funny. 3.3% GDP was due to the killing of the regulation EOs. Look it fking up. Dude, that is all due to Mr. President.

Dude, are you drunk? where did I support Obama? What the fuck is wrong with you?
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.

I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
It was highly inappropriate considering it was a ceremony for native American ww2 vets . Totally cringeworthy.

But hey, you cons flip out over an Obama salute wh coffee cup in hand .

WWII Native American vets evidently have a much thicker skin than you snowflakes. They weren’t bothered by it at all.

I mean seriously....listen to yourselves cry about the use of the word “Pocahontas.”

and there you go supporting obummer. thought you didn't do that? funny. 3.3% GDP was due to the killing of the regulation EOs. Look it fking up. Dude, that is all due to Mr. President.

Dude, are you drunk? where did I support Obama? What the fuck is wrong with you?
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.

I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.
Dude, are you drunk? where did I support Obama? What the fuck is wrong with you?
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.

I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.

Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.

I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.

Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.
I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.

Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.

Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
so you asked for something so subjective that no matter what is said you can disprove it with additional subjective speculation.

this won't end well.
Watching the snowflakes at the press room having a nuclear meltdown, not many things can be considered better:

They must be CNN reporters. I might feel bad for the embarrassment that these children are if it weren't so.
and there you go supporting obummer. thought you didn't do that? funny. 3.3% GDP was due to the killing of the regulation EOs. Look it fking up. Dude, that is all due to Mr. President.

Dude, are you drunk? where did I support Obama? What the fuck is wrong with you?
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.

I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
Regulations Cost U.S. Business More Than Canada’s GDP

"President Donald Trump’s administration has been busy issuing a flurry of executive orders intended to reduce regulatory burdens on businesses that keep them from adding jobs and growing the economy. Perhaps the most important of these is an order directing a 60-day freeze on rules left over in the pipeline from the Obama administration, a requirement that agencies remove two regulations every time they issue a new one, and a cap at zero on this year’s new expenses for consumers and businesses to comply with regulations.

These steps, especially if Congress backs them up with legislation, could do some real good to diminish the overbearing regulatory state in America. Republicans and Democrats alike should support reining in regulations, because the sheer size and attention to detail of today’s regulatory state has a chilling effect on innovation and entrepreneurship, and slows economic growth and job creation."
It was highly inappropriate considering it was a ceremony for native American ww2 vets . Totally cringeworthy.

But hey, you cons flip out over an Obama salute wh coffee cup in hand .

WWII Native American vets evidently have a much thicker skin than you snowflakes. They weren’t bothered by it at all.

I mean seriously....listen to yourselves cry about the use of the word “Pocahontas.”

I just would like to know when they became the spokespeople for the vets?
Dude, are you drunk? where did I support Obama? What the fuck is wrong with you?
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.

I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.
sure it is because that what a partisan hack does. That dude found that talking point and has been non stop with it. I'm all about moving the country so more of americans have jobs. he isn't, he declares war on americans I guess. tough to tell his position. he's not for obummer when he defends the nuts stupid. just take regulations.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.

Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.
If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.

Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again
Dude, are you drunk? where did I support Obama? What the fuck is wrong with you?
dude you just gave him credit for the 3.3% GDP. I mean really son, you also many times defended him on his deficit numbers. I looked it up.

I just said that the POTUS has very little impact, I didn't give Obama credit for shit. You have some serious mental issues.
except if you read the reports on the GDP numbers, they directly relate it to the regulation EOs being killed. Sorry, that's just a fking fact. But Pocahontas is more an issue then giving credit to the guy that has the economy rolling.

If there are such reports, then please list the regulations that have been killed to support your claim. Otherwise you are still just talking shit from inside Trump's ass
Regulations Cost U.S. Business More Than Canada’s GDP

"President Donald Trump’s administration has been busy issuing a flurry of executive orders intended to reduce regulatory burdens on businesses that keep them from adding jobs and growing the economy. Perhaps the most important of these is an order directing a 60-day freeze on rules left over in the pipeline from the Obama administration, a requirement that agencies remove two regulations every time they issue a new one, and a cap at zero on this year’s new expenses for consumers and businesses to comply with regulations.

These steps, especially if Congress backs them up with legislation, could do some real good to diminish the overbearing regulatory state in America. Republicans and Democrats alike should support reining in regulations, because the sheer size and attention to detail of today’s regulatory state has a chilling effect on innovation and entrepreneurship, and slows economic growth and job creation."

An article from March that talks about how much regulation we have is your evidence? Well ok then! Thanks. That was awesome.

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