More winning! Trump Pocahontas comment

13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.

Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order
Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order

The GDP is higher now, as high as it was 3 years ago this time in fact. So, I assume that since you are giving Trump all the credit for it this time, you will surely give Obama all the credit for it 3 years ago?

Or maybe, you are smart enough to know that the POTUS does not have much impact on such things and that our economy is a huge operation that does not reverse course on a dime...but I doubt it
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order

The GDP is higher now, as high as it was 3 years ago this time in fact. So, I assume that since you are giving Trump all the credit for it this time, you will surely give Obama all the credit for it 3 years ago?

Or maybe, you are smart enough to know that the POTUS does not have much impact on such things and that our economy is a huge operation that does not reverse course on a dime...but I doubt it

The cost of regulations is at least 2 trillions yearly. You really think that cutting that has no impact? That's laughable... maybe that's how you end up with not a single year of 3% GDP growth.

This study would disagree with you:

Federal Regulations Have Made You 75 Percent Poorer

In other words, you are full of shit, as to be expected. Trump has done an extraordinary job, when's the last time regulations were actually cut?
I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order

The GDP is higher now, as high as it was 3 years ago this time in fact. So, I assume that since you are giving Trump all the credit for it this time, you will surely give Obama all the credit for it 3 years ago?

Or maybe, you are smart enough to know that the POTUS does not have much impact on such things and that our economy is a huge operation that does not reverse course on a dime...but I doubt it

The cost of regulations is at least 2 trillions yearly. You really think that cutting that has no impact? That's laughable... maybe that's how you end up with not a single year of 3% GDP growth.

This study would disagree with you:

Federal Regulations Have Made You 75 Percent Poorer

In other words, you are full of shit, as to be expected. Trump has done an extraordinary job, when's the last time regulations were actually cut?

I am not disagreeing with the impact of regulations.

I am questioning that any significant number of regulations are gone and that they have impacted the GDP.

So far nobody has come close to providing a list of the regulations that are gone that have helped the GDP.

Pretty much all we have is "well Trump said so".

So, when you are ready to let me know which regulations have been removed and when they were removed let me know.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order

The GDP is higher now, as high as it was 3 years ago this time in fact. So, I assume that since you are giving Trump all the credit for it this time, you will surely give Obama all the credit for it 3 years ago?

Or maybe, you are smart enough to know that the POTUS does not have much impact on such things and that our economy is a huge operation that does not reverse course on a dime...but I doubt it

The cost of regulations is at least 2 trillions yearly. You really think that cutting that has no impact? That's laughable... maybe that's how you end up with not a single year of 3% GDP growth.

This study would disagree with you:

Federal Regulations Have Made You 75 Percent Poorer

In other words, you are full of shit, as to be expected. Trump has done an extraordinary job, when's the last time regulations were actually cut?

I am not disagreeing with the impact of regulations.

I am questioning that any significant number of regulations are gone and that they have impacted the GDP.

So far nobody has come close to providing a list of the regulations that are gone that have helped the GDP.

Pretty much all we have is "well Trump said so".

So, when you are ready to let me know which regulations have been removed and when they were removed let me know.

I included the estimates from the government agencies and you feel worthy of dissing that. wow.
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order

The GDP is higher now, as high as it was 3 years ago this time in fact. So, I assume that since you are giving Trump all the credit for it this time, you will surely give Obama all the credit for it 3 years ago?

Or maybe, you are smart enough to know that the POTUS does not have much impact on such things and that our economy is a huge operation that does not reverse course on a dime...but I doubt it

It’s official.

"With Thursday’s final revision of fourth-quarter GDP growth to 2.1 percent from its previous 1.9 percent level, President Obama is the only president since Herbert Hoover to not have guided the US economy to 3 percent growth in any year he was in office.

The US economy grew 1.6 percent in 2016 from the previous years, according to the Commerce Department, which tracks GDP.

Obama’s best year, as far as growing the economy, was 2015 when it grew 2.6 percent from 2014 — after growing 2.4 percent that year from 2013.

The recovering economy — and steady job growth — gave Obama lots of momentum, but the economy sputtered again last year, Commerce reported Thursday."
I included the estimates from the government agencies and you feel worthy of dissing that. wow.

What are you talking about? what government agency did you quote?
"This guidance is consequential for many sectors of our society, ranging from the environment to health care. One such example is the Education Department’s transgender restroom letter so widely debated over the past year. Another is the “Waters of the United States Rule” from the Environmental Protection Agency, which expands the Clean Water Act to apply to any land that might at any time be covered by water, including seasonal pools and drainage channels. In addition, some of Obamacare’s major actions—the employer mandate, individual penalty, and declaration that technically illegal individual and family health insurance policies that didn’t meet the standards of the law could remain in effect—were not enacted by changing the law or issuing rules, but through Internal Revenue Service and Department of Health and Human Services memoranda."
I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order

The GDP is higher now, as high as it was 3 years ago this time in fact. So, I assume that since you are giving Trump all the credit for it this time, you will surely give Obama all the credit for it 3 years ago?

Or maybe, you are smart enough to know that the POTUS does not have much impact on such things and that our economy is a huge operation that does not reverse course on a dime...but I doubt it

It’s official.

"With Thursday’s final revision of fourth-quarter GDP growth to 2.1 percent from its previous 1.9 percent level, President Obama is the only president since Herbert Hoover to not have guided the US economy to 3 percent growth in any year he was in office.

The US economy grew 1.6 percent in 2016 from the previous years, according to the Commerce Department, which tracks GDP.

Obama’s best year, as far as growing the economy, was 2015 when it grew 2.6 percent from 2014 — after growing 2.4 percent that year from 2013.

The recovering economy — and steady job growth — gave Obama lots of momentum, but the economy sputtered again last year, Commerce reported Thursday."

Billions of debt and money printing stimulus.

And a complete failure.

Well done! The unborn will love paying for the bill.
I included the estimates from the government agencies and you feel worthy of dissing that. wow.

What are you talking about? what government agency did you quote?
"This guidance is consequential for many sectors of our society, ranging from the environment to health care. One such example is the Education Department’s transgender restroom letter so widely debated over the past year. Another is the “Waters of the United States Rule” from the Environmental Protection Agency, which expands the Clean Water Act to apply to any land that might at any time be covered by water, including seasonal pools and drainage channels. In addition, some of Obamacare’s major actions—the employer mandate, individual penalty, and declaration that technically illegal individual and family health insurance policies that didn’t meet the standards of the law could remain in effect—were not enacted by changing the law or issuing rules, but through Internal Revenue Service and Department of Health and Human Services memoranda."

Ok, so tell me how did clearing up the transgender restroom letter help the GDP?

The Waters of the United States Rule was never put into action as it was stayed by a court ruling, so how did that affect the GDP?
I included the estimates from the government agencies and you feel worthy of dissing that. wow.

What are you talking about? what government agency did you quote?
"This guidance is consequential for many sectors of our society, ranging from the environment to health care. One such example is the Education Department’s transgender restroom letter so widely debated over the past year. Another is the “Waters of the United States Rule” from the Environmental Protection Agency, which expands the Clean Water Act to apply to any land that might at any time be covered by water, including seasonal pools and drainage channels. In addition, some of Obamacare’s major actions—the employer mandate, individual penalty, and declaration that technically illegal individual and family health insurance policies that didn’t meet the standards of the law could remain in effect—were not enacted by changing the law or issuing rules, but through Internal Revenue Service and Department of Health and Human Services memoranda."

Ok, so tell me how did clearing up the transgender restroom letter help the GDP?

The Waters of the United States Rule was never put into action as it was stayed by a court ruling, so how did that affect the GDP?
those are good questions. maybe you should inquire into them.
I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order

The GDP is higher now, as high as it was 3 years ago this time in fact. So, I assume that since you are giving Trump all the credit for it this time, you will surely give Obama all the credit for it 3 years ago?

Or maybe, you are smart enough to know that the POTUS does not have much impact on such things and that our economy is a huge operation that does not reverse course on a dime...but I doubt it

The cost of regulations is at least 2 trillions yearly. You really think that cutting that has no impact? That's laughable... maybe that's how you end up with not a single year of 3% GDP growth.

This study would disagree with you:

Federal Regulations Have Made You 75 Percent Poorer

In other words, you are full of shit, as to be expected. Trump has done an extraordinary job, when's the last time regulations were actually cut?

Oh good . I for one have grown tired of all these fire exits !
I included the estimates from the government agencies and you feel worthy of dissing that. wow.

What are you talking about? what government agency did you quote?
"This guidance is consequential for many sectors of our society, ranging from the environment to health care. One such example is the Education Department’s transgender restroom letter so widely debated over the past year. Another is the “Waters of the United States Rule” from the Environmental Protection Agency, which expands the Clean Water Act to apply to any land that might at any time be covered by water, including seasonal pools and drainage channels. In addition, some of Obamacare’s major actions—the employer mandate, individual penalty, and declaration that technically illegal individual and family health insurance policies that didn’t meet the standards of the law could remain in effect—were not enacted by changing the law or issuing rules, but through Internal Revenue Service and Department of Health and Human Services memoranda."

Ok, so tell me how did clearing up the transgender restroom letter help the GDP?

The Waters of the United States Rule was never put into action as it was stayed by a court ruling, so how did that affect the GDP?
those are good questions. maybe you should inquire into them.

I already know the answer, they do not have anything to do with the GDP.

Also, according to the EPA's own website...On February 28, 2017, the President of the United States issued an Executive Order directing EPA and Department of the Army to review and rescind or revise the 2015 Rule. EPA, Department of Army, and the Army Corps of Engineers are in the process of reviewing the 2015 rule and considering a revised definition of "waters of the United States" consistent with the Executive Order.

in other words, nothing has changed thus it could not have had an impact on the GDP
I included the estimates from the government agencies and you feel worthy of dissing that. wow.

What are you talking about? what government agency did you quote?
"This guidance is consequential for many sectors of our society, ranging from the environment to health care. One such example is the Education Department’s transgender restroom letter so widely debated over the past year. Another is the “Waters of the United States Rule” from the Environmental Protection Agency, which expands the Clean Water Act to apply to any land that might at any time be covered by water, including seasonal pools and drainage channels. In addition, some of Obamacare’s major actions—the employer mandate, individual penalty, and declaration that technically illegal individual and family health insurance policies that didn’t meet the standards of the law could remain in effect—were not enacted by changing the law or issuing rules, but through Internal Revenue Service and Department of Health and Human Services memoranda."

Ok, so tell me how did clearing up the transgender restroom letter help the GDP?

The Waters of the United States Rule was never put into action as it was stayed by a court ruling, so how did that affect the GDP?
those are good questions. maybe you should inquire into them.

I already know the answer, they do not have anything to do with the GDP.

Also, according to the EPA's own website...On February 28, 2017, the President of the United States issued an Executive Order directing EPA and Department of the Army to review and rescind or revise the 2015 Rule. EPA, Department of Army, and the Army Corps of Engineers are in the process of reviewing the 2015 rule and considering a revised definition of "waters of the United States" consistent with the Executive Order.

in other words, nothing has changed thus it could not have had an impact on the GDP
shit dude, the coal industry is prospering right now. how can you say that?
What are you talking about? what government agency did you quote?
"This guidance is consequential for many sectors of our society, ranging from the environment to health care. One such example is the Education Department’s transgender restroom letter so widely debated over the past year. Another is the “Waters of the United States Rule” from the Environmental Protection Agency, which expands the Clean Water Act to apply to any land that might at any time be covered by water, including seasonal pools and drainage channels. In addition, some of Obamacare’s major actions—the employer mandate, individual penalty, and declaration that technically illegal individual and family health insurance policies that didn’t meet the standards of the law could remain in effect—were not enacted by changing the law or issuing rules, but through Internal Revenue Service and Department of Health and Human Services memoranda."

Ok, so tell me how did clearing up the transgender restroom letter help the GDP?

The Waters of the United States Rule was never put into action as it was stayed by a court ruling, so how did that affect the GDP?
those are good questions. maybe you should inquire into them.

I already know the answer, they do not have anything to do with the GDP.

Also, according to the EPA's own website...On February 28, 2017, the President of the United States issued an Executive Order directing EPA and Department of the Army to review and rescind or revise the 2015 Rule. EPA, Department of Army, and the Army Corps of Engineers are in the process of reviewing the 2015 rule and considering a revised definition of "waters of the United States" consistent with the Executive Order.

in other words, nothing has changed thus it could not have had an impact on the GDP
shit dude, the coal industry is prospering right now. how can you say that?

It is? Can you provide some facts and figures that support that?

Also, are they doing well because of Trump or because our coal produces got to sell extra coal to China due to weather issues in Australia preventing them from delivering their coal to China?

See, how all these things tie together that the POUTS, no matter who it is, has no control over. A tropical cyclone on Australia knocks out their railroads and they cannot deliver to China so the US folks pick up the slack and have over a 60% short term increase.

There is so much involved in our economy that the POTUS just cannot and does not control which is why I have never given any POTUS blame or credit, they just do not deserve it.
13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

you can google this also, btw. there are a lot of articles talking about regulations he's cut, dropped or changed. recognizing this isn't living inside his ass either.

Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again
far as i know there are no neutral sources anymore. if someone says something you don't like - PARTISAN HACK - or are you going to tell me you keep this behavioral characteristic to people in here and not to all who disagree with you?
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order

The GDP is higher now, as high as it was 3 years ago this time in fact. So, I assume that since you are giving Trump all the credit for it this time, you will surely give Obama all the credit for it 3 years ago?

Or maybe, you are smart enough to know that the POTUS does not have much impact on such things and that our economy is a huge operation that does not reverse course on a dime...but I doubt it
it never hit 3% under obama unless you start moving #'s around and trying to "obama-fy" it.

Did Obama never have a whole year of 3% economic growth?

you can either take things for as they are or you can cuss out people who don't agree with you and continue to believe what you wish despite facts.
Thanks for the list, now if you could please explain how each of the 13 has had a positive effect on the GDP, I will list them for you so you can reply to each one.

1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).
2. Regulations defining streams in the coal industry (H.J. Res 38).
3. Regulations restricting firearms for disabled citizens (H.J. Res 40).
4. A rule governing the government contracting process (H.J. Res. 37).
5. A rule covering public lands (H.J. Res. 44).
6. Reporting requirements regarding college teachers (H.J. Res. 58).
7. Regulations on state education programs (H.J. Res. 57).
8. Drug-testing requirements (H.J. Res 42).
9. Hunting regulations for wildlife preserves in Alaska (H.J. Res 69).
10. Internet privacy rule (S.J.Res. 34).
11. Rule for logging workplace injuries (H.J. 83)
12. Rule preventing states from withholding funds from Planned Parenthood (H.J. Res 43).
13. Rule on retirement savings (H.J. Res 67).
this isn't my debate. you asked for a list of changes he's made and i provided that. if the goal posts are moving i'm out.

I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again
far as i know there are no neutral sources anymore. if someone says something you don't like - PARTISAN HACK - or are you going to tell me you keep this behavioral characteristic to people in here and not to all who disagree with you?

I agree, there are no neutral sources, that is why a wide variety from all different sides is vital.
"This guidance is consequential for many sectors of our society, ranging from the environment to health care. One such example is the Education Department’s transgender restroom letter so widely debated over the past year. Another is the “Waters of the United States Rule” from the Environmental Protection Agency, which expands the Clean Water Act to apply to any land that might at any time be covered by water, including seasonal pools and drainage channels. In addition, some of Obamacare’s major actions—the employer mandate, individual penalty, and declaration that technically illegal individual and family health insurance policies that didn’t meet the standards of the law could remain in effect—were not enacted by changing the law or issuing rules, but through Internal Revenue Service and Department of Health and Human Services memoranda."

Ok, so tell me how did clearing up the transgender restroom letter help the GDP?

The Waters of the United States Rule was never put into action as it was stayed by a court ruling, so how did that affect the GDP?
those are good questions. maybe you should inquire into them.

I already know the answer, they do not have anything to do with the GDP.

Also, according to the EPA's own website...On February 28, 2017, the President of the United States issued an Executive Order directing EPA and Department of the Army to review and rescind or revise the 2015 Rule. EPA, Department of Army, and the Army Corps of Engineers are in the process of reviewing the 2015 rule and considering a revised definition of "waters of the United States" consistent with the Executive Order.

in other words, nothing has changed thus it could not have had an impact on the GDP
shit dude, the coal industry is prospering right now. how can you say that?

It is? Can you provide some facts and figures that support that?

Also, are they doing well because of Trump or because our coal produces got to sell extra coal to China due to weather issues in Australia preventing them from delivering their coal to China?

See, how all these things tie together that the POUTS, no matter who it is, has no control over. A tropical cyclone on Australia knocks out their railroads and they cannot deliver to China so the US folks pick up the slack and have over a 60% short term increase.

There is so much involved in our economy that the POTUS just cannot and does not control which is why I have never given any POTUS blame or credit, they just do not deserve it.
dude, LOL, I owe you shit. I'm not going to play this tag and go game with you. I gave you information. deal with it.

U.S. Coal Production Shoots Up, Despite a Dwindling Domestic Market
"And yet, an interesting thing has happened. As the New York Times reports, the first two quarters of 2017 has seen a boom in U.S. coal exports after years of decline. So, is Trump delivering on his promise after all?"
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I asked for a list of regulations that were killed to support the claim doing so helped the GDP grow.
well it's based on the numbers. And right now they had a 3.3% GDP with the confidence based on the deregs. dude you want to get in a battle with all the governmental agencies saying it all, go for it. Like Iceberg, I merely listen to all news and hear the talk about progress on the economy and much do to the deregulation efforts by Trump. You're free to disagree with them, but they have all of the figures and data.

So, you listen to far right wing sources tell you want you want to hear and then use that as your evidence. That is pretty awesome! Here is a tip, do not rely on the news, think for yourself. I know it will hurt at first as you have not used your brain for a while, but eventually it will get used to thinking again

So you disagree with the fact that the GDP is now higher and that Trump has decreased regulations? Apparently that fact is just RW fantasy?

Trump’s 'Two-for-One' Regulation Executive Order

The GDP is higher now, as high as it was 3 years ago this time in fact. So, I assume that since you are giving Trump all the credit for it this time, you will surely give Obama all the credit for it 3 years ago?

Or maybe, you are smart enough to know that the POTUS does not have much impact on such things and that our economy is a huge operation that does not reverse course on a dime...but I doubt it
it never hit 3% under obama unless you start moving #'s around and trying to "obama-fy" it.

Did Obama never have a whole year of 3% economic growth?

you can either take things for as they are or you can cuss out people who don't agree with you and continue to believe what you wish despite facts.

And it has not hit 3% under Trump for a whole year. So, lets talk when his first year is up.

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