Morning Callers Hammer C-SPAN About 9/11 And Bldg 7...Again


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Ya gotta love it. Never let it go. Keep hammering away until the truth is exposed.

[ame=]"Take Your Calls Somewhere Else" (Legislators,Pundits & 9/11 Controlled Demolition Questions PART 2) - YouTube[/ame]
:rofl: there hasn't ever been an explanation of bldg. 7

These truthtard idiots are an embarrassment to the entire country.

If not for them Ron Paul might actually have gained traction among the lucid voting population. Of course no one with any self respect or common sense is willing to be associated with people that stupid.

They actually make liberals look reasonably intelligent!!
:rofl: there hasn't ever been an explanation of bldg. 7

These truthtard idiots are an embarrassment to the entire country.

If not for them Ron Paul might actually have gained traction among the lucid voting population. Of course no one with any self respect or common sense is willing to be associated with people that stupid.

They actually make liberals look reasonably intelligent!!

"lucid voting population?" Man, you give the American Voting Public far too much credit. I would say most are actually the opposite of what you asserted. And what's so "stupid" about simply asking questions?
:rofl: there hasn't ever been an explanation of bldg. 7

These truthtard idiots are an embarrassment to the entire country.

If not for them Ron Paul might actually have gained traction among the lucid voting population. Of course no one with any self respect or common sense is willing to be associated with people that stupid.

They actually make liberals look reasonably intelligent!!

I know that's English but...

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