Mosby (Freddie Gray case) basically blames Trump Administration for her being convicted of serious crimes


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024

I can't say I know a lot about the Freddie Gray case but Mosby was the one who prosecuted the cops for man-handling him, which led to his death (?). Again, I don't know as much about this case as I know about the G. Floyd one.

But for her to blame then-president Trump for her legal problems and the conviction she received is really, really off the wall..


From site

During her repeated denials of wrongdoing, Mosby blamed the source of her prosecution on animus from federal officials within the administration of former president Donald Trump after she charged police officers involved in detaining Gray before he died.

Here is background on the Gray case:

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Mosby is a lip smacking hair tossing harlot, she was all over the news railing at police and praising Grey. She created “let them vent”
In fact she loved Grey because she IS Grey.
Is there any Black female Democrat leader who actually takes responsibility for anything? It's always Racism, Sexism, Trump, the GOP anything but owning their own failures.
well, normally I'd say this is racist... and I suppose it is, but the thing is.. we look around and see this Fani character, now being investigated for alleged crimes, t hen we look at Mosby and then there is Letitia. Anyone investigating her? Maybe someone should. Then these bogus, politically-motivated prosecutors would see that if they pull some BS like they are now pulling with Trump... maybe they themselves will be investigated.. :eek:and they certainly should be. And considering how human nature works... there will always be some skeletons in some of those closets. I don't see many saints lately anywhere

I changed the link for Background on Freddie Gray Case because The Post wouldn't let me get past their ad

The new link from Fox says the cops were not convicted.
I just read the Fox story link

I actually don't have a problem w/ Mosby bringing charges because things don't look too good for those cops. 3 were Black, 3 were White.

How was Gray's neck broken? I mean, something happened...

God knows what... and w/o a court trial to bring out a truck load of evidence and witnesses, maybe we will never know what happened
And here we see the racism that is not supposed to exist anymore. These charges are weak. And she is right to blame the Trump DOJ.

Yeah, and if trup is cnvicted by a jury will you beieve it was fair? No. We have faced a long record of white juries convicting us over bulshit .A jury found George Zimmerman innocent when he clearly was not. A jury found Kyle Rittenhouse innocent when he was not. And a jury found OJ innocent amd still even after his death those like you don't accept that decision So you telling me how she was convicted by a jury doesn't mean shit.
Yeah, and if trup is cnvicted by a jury will you beieve it was fair?
I did not say the jury that convicted her was fair. I didn't say it was unfair.

I wish people would stop reading into what posters say...!! I find it dishonest

The only reality - based position one can have (w/o a lot of FACTS being presented)

is that we don't KNOW whether any given jury was fair or not

I have a lot of facts/info on the OJ case because I've read just about every book written on that one.. It was egregiously UNFAIR
All you have is your weak ass racism to try and bolster your failed, puny ass.
yeh, what Blacks seem not to realize is that Whites are getting tired of being blamed for what SOME Whites did 160 years ago.

they can't get it through their heads, it seems, that WHITE people helped them to be where they are today. If it had not been for Whites, they'd still be stuck in Jim Crow days.. We don't want any gratitude shown, we just want them to stop hating us already
We have faced a long record of white juries convicting us over bulshit .
You were convicted? Hey, if you were, then I am not necessarily judging you. There are lots more statutes now. Easier to run afoul.

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