Moscow Economy COLLAPSES to Worst Deficit in Moscow History as Revenues Crash & Costs Soar in Jan


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
down down down - 1917/1991, It's the end of the Moscow empire as we know it, and I feel fine.
With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher
sounds like spin to me

Meantime, Pootin still kicks ...

POOtin´s GEO-STRATEGISTS didn´t tell him that all wars run on lines of credits , which Moscow empire dont have 🤣
The latest information from the Ministry of Finance of Moscow empire on the state of Moscow empire´s budget means that if the trend continues, the liquid balances of the NWF (oil - gas fund) will be exhausted by May-June. Putin has no more piggy bank left.


Wanna know what else I know, Litwit? Russia just bombed another Ukraine city with missiles a few hours ago and despite all your bull, there ain't a damned thing you or Joe Biden, Poland, Germany, and France can or will do about it.

My guess is all hell is just starting to break loose there. Things are about to get real nasty.
despite the Titloose invented garbage

The attack on Ugledar was a diversion operation.
Ugledar ( Vuhledar) was originally defended by two territorial brigades. The Ukrainian command pulled two artillery brigades, one motorized infantry brigade and parts of one tank brigade from other front lines to hold onto Ugledar. The Russian attack thus did what it was supposed to do. It allowed for Russian breakthroughs at the northeastern Kharkiv front and in Bakhmut because Ukraine had moved forces away from those fronts. The fighting around Ugledar has cost Russia some, but not big losses.

Even the Times itself admits that the Russian effort in Ugledar ( Vuhledar) put the Ukrainian army into a bad situation:

The fighting over Vuhledar has come at a cost for Ukraine, too, both in terms of casualties and in the vast amounts of ammunition it has expended to repel Russia’s growing number of ground troops. Kyiv’s allies this week expressed concern about their ability to meet the demand, raising the possibly that Ukrainian commanders might at some point have to limit shelling to the most important targets.

Russia lost probably two company sizes equivalents. Some 300 casualties plus three dozen piece of larger equipment. That was simply the cost of the business

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