Moscow wants to allow deforestation and transfer of land near Lake Baikal to private ownership (read- into commie China´s hands )


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
China take advantage of Moscow empire 's weakened position. Believe nothing else! Its not personal. Its strictly business.... the hans call Lake Baikal for our great northern sea . commie - Chinese have bought 1 in 3 properties around Lake Baikal, in preparation of taking control of the water supply to Beijing.There are over 400 million people living in the Northern part of China where Beijing and other cities are located, but only has the local water availability equivalent to Saudis Arabia! It suffers from water scarcity for 6-9 months of the year. It depends on imported water from pipes and aqueducts from abroad. And the effects of climate change will only make this even worse for the Chinese. As covered in my previous threads, one of the strategic problems China faces in the next decade - is an acute lack of water. China only has 7% of its natural water resource to feed it’s industry and population. It needs the water from surrounding territories to fuel its growth. This partly explains China’s terror grip on surrounding independent territories such as Tibet - which is a strategic water source that the communist regime has relied on to fuel China’s growth in the past decade. Tibet is not the only solution to China’s water shortages.Chinese started buying up property around the perimeter of Lake Baikal in Moscow empire - and in 2017 they announced plans of developing local water supply pipes to China - which resulted in anger from the local population who feared the pipeline would divert all the water away to china, with more pipeline builds to come. Russia stepped in and shut down the whole initiative. Now it is rearing its head again, this time with payback into Putin’s fund and war effort..
commie Han-China’s claims to Moscow’s Far East (Outer Manchuria) are fact-based and indisputable. The thoughts of Chinese imperialists are focused on a particular Siberian city—one famous for its sea cucumbers, a popular Chinese delicacy.
with friends like these 🇷🇺 🐖 who needs enemies?

THERE is the only one "Unequal Treaty" Which remains in force today
, Which one ? and What does it mean for Moscow ?)
Outer Manchuria, refers to a region of Moscow empire in Northeast Asia that historically formed part of Manchuria, and now constitutes the southern part of the Moscow empire Far East. Manchuria, which more normatively refers to Northeast China, originally included areas in present-day Moscow Manchuria. Control of areas within the region was ceded to the Moscow Empire by the Qing China during the Amur Annexation in the 1858 Treaty of Aigun and 1860 Treaty of Peking,[4] with the term 'Moscow Manchuria' arising after the Moscow annexation.

China has ALREADY declared part of Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Moscow's territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.
Moscow wants to allow deforestation and transfer of land near Lake Baikal to private ownership (read- into commie China´s hands )


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