Moscow Warns Israel

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Russia has far more conventional muscle than Hezbollah had in 2006.
It doesn't matter.

All that conventional muscle is thousands of miles away and the Russians cannot 'project' that muscle beyond their borders anywhere near as well as they once did.

You can have the biggest muscles on the block but if the object of the exercise is at one end of the block and you are on the other end of the block and cannot get there, your muscle doesn't matter; never mind others who might interfere and very long supply lines.

The Russians might get a Battalion or Brigade inserted over there someplace but it won't be a Division or Corps, which is the minimum they'd need to fight-off the Israelis for a few days until help arrived or until the Israelis overran them.

A Russian brigade commander up against an Israeli brigade would shit his pants and evacuate his unit rather than fight under those conditions.

Especially when there's an Israeli Division or two behind that first Israeli Brigade, with supply lines measured in dozens of miles, versus no reinforcements in sight for the Russian Brigade and a supply line measured in thousands of miles.

And none of that takes into account a mobilization by European NATO, which wants Assad gone, and a mobilization by the United States, which would stand alongside Israel, if the Russians were ever foolish enough to begin combat operations against Israel.

No. The Russians are not going to engage in combat operations against Israel. And, in your place, I would not hold my breath, waiting for that to materialize.
10,000 Israelis couldn't dislodge 3,000 Hezbollah militia in 2006 yet you hold your breath for a fight against an equal number of Russians with air cover? Since '73 Israel's conventional forces have proven better suited for killing unarmed civilians while stealing their land and water; Russia puts 300 peacekeepers in the Golan, and Bibi shits his drawers before Putin does.
Last I checked mot only had Israel sent the Hezbo's packing, hiding behind women and children in apartment buildings, mosques, hospitals, and schools. but it had also turned all of Southern Lebanon and famed Hezbollah strongholds into RUBBLE.

Those poor Hezbos couldn't even find a single street left standing to hold their "victory parade". :clap: :clap:
"...What's your point? The next time heroic Jews decide to invade another sovereign state they should take their women with them?..."
Nope. The next time the Israelis invade a neighboring renegade failed and subverted and lawless state from which large-scale Muslim rocket terror-attacks are being launched, they'll take some of their women with them, because they train their women to be part of their armed forces team, but they do not hide behind them like those Hezbollah and Hamas pussies.
Hezbollah and Hamas would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948. How heroic is it for Jews to use cluster bombs against Arab civilians defending their country against foreign aggression?
George repeats Arab propaganda like a Bullshit Parrot. LOL.
Nope. The next time the Israelis invade a neighboring renegade failed and subverted and lawless state from which large-scale Muslim rocket terror-attacks are being launched, they'll take some of their women with them, because they train their women to be part of their armed forces team, but they do not hide behind them like those Hezbollah and Hamas pussies.
Hezbollah and Hamas would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948. How heroic is it for Jews to use cluster bombs against Arab civilians defending their country against foreign aggression?
George repeats Arab propaganda like a Bullshit Parrot. LOL.

What more do you expect from a Terrorist Apologist ??? Repeating Arab propaganda and re-writing history are their specialties !
It doesn't matter.

All that conventional muscle is thousands of miles away and the Russians cannot 'project' that muscle beyond their borders anywhere near as well as they once did.

You can have the biggest muscles on the block but if the object of the exercise is at one end of the block and you are on the other end of the block and cannot get there, your muscle doesn't matter; never mind others who might interfere and very long supply lines.

The Russians might get a Battalion or Brigade inserted over there someplace but it won't be a Division or Corps, which is the minimum they'd need to fight-off the Israelis for a few days until help arrived or until the Israelis overran them.

A Russian brigade commander up against an Israeli brigade would shit his pants and evacuate his unit rather than fight under those conditions.

Especially when there's an Israeli Division or two behind that first Israeli Brigade, with supply lines measured in dozens of miles, versus no reinforcements in sight for the Russian Brigade and a supply line measured in thousands of miles.

And none of that takes into account a mobilization by European NATO, which wants Assad gone, and a mobilization by the United States, which would stand alongside Israel, if the Russians were ever foolish enough to begin combat operations against Israel.

No. The Russians are not going to engage in combat operations against Israel. And, in your place, I would not hold my breath, waiting for that to materialize.
10,000 Israelis couldn't dislodge 3,000 Hezbollah militia in 2006 yet you hold your breath for a fight against an equal number of Russians with air cover? Since '73 Israel's conventional forces have proven better suited for killing unarmed civilians while stealing their land and water; Russia puts 300 peacekeepers in the Golan, and Bibi shits his drawers before Putin does.
And where were those 3,000 Hezbollah militia?

Hiding behind their womens' skirts in the middle of heavily populated civilian areas, so that the Israelis chose to forego the slaughter of many thousands of their womenfolk and children.

Had the Israelis had the same disregard for civilians that Hezbollah does, the Israelis would have mopped-up the whole mess within a couple of days - tops.

The rest of your observation here might serve as the basis for a very pleasant and enjoyable delusion but it has very little connection to Reality.
Interesting piece from the Voice of Russia............
Reports On Russia?s S-300 Supplies To Syria Greatly Exaggerated - OpEd Eurasia Review
Hezbollah and Hamas would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948. How heroic is it for Jews to use cluster bombs against Arab civilians defending their country against foreign aggression?
George repeats Arab propaganda like a Bullshit Parrot. LOL.

What more do you expect from a Terrorist Apologist ??? Repeating Arab propaganda and re-writing history are their specialties !
I think it's like the millionth time I've heard that same exact BULLSHIT.

You gotta love it....they never give up. LOL.
"...Hezbollah and Hamas would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948..."
Do you mean that combination of Old Jewish Residents and Newcomer Immigrants who were all residents of the British Protectorate (Mandate) at the time the British departed?

Immigration CAN backfire sometimes, can't it?

Perhaps if the Arabs had used their heads and bought into the two-state solution while they still had time (in the period 1948-1967), we would not be having this conversation.

The Jews simply wanted the Holy Land more than your beloved Arab-Muslims did.

They kicked Arab-Muslim ass... soundly, and repeatedly, against long odds.

"...How heroic is it for Jews to use cluster bombs against Arab civilians defending their country against foreign aggression?"

I seriously doubt that the Israelis intentionally bombed Arab civilians just for sake of bombing Arab civilians.

That's not their modus operandi.

Oh, and, by the way, if a 'civilian' engages in military operations, he-or-she is no longer a 'civilian', but a 'combatant', as long recognized by international treaty.

The Arabs shoot themselves in the foot... constantly.

Perhaps if they had not launched rockets at Israel and engaged in suicide bombings and border ground sorties, the Israelis would have left them alone.

The Arabs (Hezbollah) have only themselves to blame for their own civilian deaths.

Don't want to get hurt?

Don't strike out at somebody else in order to hurt them.

They just might strike back... and kick your ass to the moon while they're at it.
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"...Hezbollah and Hamas would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948..."
Do you mean that combination of Old Jewish Residents and Newcomer Immigrants who were all residents of the British Protectorate (Mandate) at the time the British departed?

Immigration CAN backfire sometimes, can't it?

Perhaps if the Arabs had used their heads and bought into the two-state solution while they still had time (in the period 1948-1967), we would not be having this conversation.

The Jews simply wanted the Holy Land more than your beloved Arab-Muslims did.

They kicked Arab-Muslim ass... soundly, and repeatedly, against long odds.

"...How heroic is it for Jews to use cluster bombs against Arab civilians defending their country against foreign aggression?"

I seriously doubt that the Israelis intentionally bombed Arab civilians just for sake of bombing Arab civilians.

That's not their modus operandi.

Oh, and, by the way, if a 'civilian' engages in military operations, he-or-she is no longer a 'civilian', but a 'combatant', as long recognized by international treaty.

The Arabs shoot themselves in the foot... constantly.

Perhaps if they had not launched rockets at Israel and engaged in suicide bombings and border ground sorties, the Israelis would have left them alone.

The Arabs (Hezbollah) have only themselves to blame for their own civilian deaths.

Don't want to get hurt?

Don't strike out at somebody else in order to hurt them.

They just might strike back... and kick your ass to the moon while they're at it.
Perhaps 650,000 Jews shouldn't have inflicted their nation on 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 in response to getting their asses kicked out of Europe? Their only systemic modus operandi on display since the time has been creeping annexation. Don't want to get hurt? Stop stealing the land and water of others.
"...Don't want to get hurt? Stop stealing the land and water of others."

By the look of it, the Palestinians are hurting just a wee bit more than their adversaries.

The Palestinians should have cut a deal while they still could, in the 1948-1967 timeframe.

Too late now.

Consolidation and mop-up operations continue.

The Palestinians are running out of space... and running out of time... tick, tick, tick...
"What's your point?..."
The Israelis can hurt the Palestinians a lot worse than the Palestinians can hurt the Israelis.

Served-up in response to your copycat "Don't want to get hurt?... question.
"Amnesty International argues that Israel's settlement policy is discriminatory and a violation of Palestinian human rights.[133] B'Tselem claims that Israeli travel restrictions impact on Palestinian freedom of movement[134] and Palestinian human rights have been violated in Hebron due to the presence of the settlers within the city.[135][136][137]

"According to B'Tselem, over fifty percent of West Bank land expropriated from Palestinians has been used to establish settlements and create reserves of land for their future expansion.

"The seized lands mainly benefit the settlements and Palestinians cannot use them.[138]

"The roads built by Israel in the West Bank to serve the settlements are closed to Palestinian vehicles'[139][140] and act as a barrier often between villages and the lands on which they subsist.[141]"

Israeli settlement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

George repeats Arab propaganda like a Bullshit Parrot. LOL.

What more do you expect from a Terrorist Apologist ??? Repeating Arab propaganda and re-writing history are their specialties !
I think it's like the millionth time I've heard that same exact BULLSHIT.

You gotta love it....they never give up. LOL.

'Israel is not only one of the world’s most negatively viewed countries, but its reputation is deteriorating, according to the BBC World Service’s latest global survey.

"The US is now the only Western country that holds favorable views of Israel and in some European countries, including Germany, positive views of Israel are in the single digits.

"The 2013 Country Ratings Poll, conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA for the BBC among 26,299 people around the world between December 2012 and April 2013 found that:

"Iran is once again the most negatively viewed country, with negative ratings climbing four points to 59%.

"Most people also give negative ratings to Pakistan (56%, up five points), North Korea (55%, up three points) and Israel (52%, up one point).

"The persistent association of Israel with the world’s most negatively viewed countries will come as a disappointment to Israeli government and other hasbara officials who have invested millions of dollars in recent years to greenwash and pinkwash Israel as an enlightened, democratic and technological 'Western' country.

Israel one of world's most unpopular countries and it's getting worse: BBC survey | The Electronic Intifada
"What's your point?..."
The Israelis can hurt the Palestinians a lot worse than the Palestinians can hurt the Israelis.

Served-up in response to your copycat "Don't want to get hurt?... question.
"Amnesty International argues that Israel's settlement policy is discriminatory and a violation of Palestinian human rights.[133] B'Tselem claims that Israeli travel restrictions impact on Palestinian freedom of movement[134] and Palestinian human rights have been violated in Hebron due to the presence of the settlers within the city.[135][136][137]

"According to B'Tselem, over fifty percent of West Bank land expropriated from Palestinians has been used to establish settlements and create reserves of land for their future expansion.

"The seized lands mainly benefit the settlements and Palestinians cannot use them.[138]

"The roads built by Israel in the West Bank to serve the settlements are closed to Palestinian vehicles'[139][140] and act as a barrier often between villages and the lands on which they subsist.[141]"

Israeli settlement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, hell, George, I'll go ya one better, and speculate that the end-goal of expanding Israeli settlements is to eventually reach the goal outlined in the following map...


...and a lot of Westerners are perfectly content that this be so.

Plenty of countryside surrounding Israel-Palestine, to absorb the few million remaining Muslim-Palestinians still in the West Bank and Gaza...

...and, the Israelis are getting very close now to achieving their goal... can be evidenced with the Palestinians own propaganda maps...


There will be no "Right of Return" - there will be no surrender of East Jerusalem... there will be no let-up in pressure on the West Bank and on Gaza...

Another couple of decades and its a done deal.

And nothing in the world is going to stop it.

Might as well concede that reality now, and figure out what's next, for the few million refugees that the end-game is going to create.

Perhaps it's time to carve-up Lebanon (a failed state, anyway) into a Rump Lebanon and a New Palestine.

At least it'd give the Palestinians a contiguous land-mass with some access to water and arable land and access to the sea for trade and commerce and a shot at real happiness for the first time in 65 years.
What more do you expect from a Terrorist Apologist ??? Repeating Arab propaganda and re-writing history are their specialties !
I think it's like the millionth time I've heard that same exact BULLSHIT.

You gotta love it....they never give up. LOL.

'Israel is not only one of the world’s most negatively viewed countries, but its reputation is deteriorating, according to the BBC World Service’s latest global survey.

"The US is now the only Western country that holds favorable views of Israel and in some European countries, including Germany, positive views of Israel are in the single digits.

"The 2013 Country Ratings Poll, conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA for the BBC among 26,299 people around the world between December 2012 and April 2013 found that:

"Iran is once again the most negatively viewed country, with negative ratings climbing four points to 59%.

"Most people also give negative ratings to Pakistan (56%, up five points), North Korea (55%, up three points) and Israel (52%, up one point).

"The persistent association of Israel with the world’s most negatively viewed countries will come as a disappointment to Israeli government and other hasbara officials who have invested millions of dollars in recent years to greenwash and pinkwash Israel as an enlightened, democratic and technological 'Western' country.

Israel one of world's most unpopular countries and it's getting worse: BBC survey | The Electronic Intifada

These people learn one Hebrew word (like Hasbara) and use it repeatedly. There's alot more to the language.
The Israelis can hurt the Palestinians a lot worse than the Palestinians can hurt the Israelis.

Served-up in response to your copycat "Don't want to get hurt?... question.
"Amnesty International argues that Israel's settlement policy is discriminatory and a violation of Palestinian human rights.[133] B'Tselem claims that Israeli travel restrictions impact on Palestinian freedom of movement[134] and Palestinian human rights have been violated in Hebron due to the presence of the settlers within the city.[135][136][137]

"According to B'Tselem, over fifty percent of West Bank land expropriated from Palestinians has been used to establish settlements and create reserves of land for their future expansion.

"The seized lands mainly benefit the settlements and Palestinians cannot use them.[138]

"The roads built by Israel in the West Bank to serve the settlements are closed to Palestinian vehicles'[139][140] and act as a barrier often between villages and the lands on which they subsist.[141]"

Israeli settlement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, hell, George, I'll go ya one better, and speculate that the end-goal of expanding Israeli settlements is to eventually reach the goal outlined in the following map...


...and a lot of Westerners are perfectly content that this be so.

Plenty of countryside surrounding Israel-Palestine, to absorb the few million remaining Muslim-Palestinians still in the West Bank and Gaza...

...and, the Israelis are getting very close now to achieving their goal... can be evidenced with the Palestinians own propaganda maps...


There will be no "Right of Return" - there will be no surrender of East Jerusalem... there will be no let-up in pressure on the West Bank and on Gaza...

Another couple of decades and its a done deal.

And nothing in the world is going to stop it.

Might as well concede that reality now, and figure out what's next, for the few million refugees that the end-game is going to create.

Perhaps it's time to carve-up Lebanon (a failed state, anyway) into a Rump Lebanon and a New Palestine.

At least it'd give the Palestinians a contiguous land-mass with some access to water and arable land and access to the sea for trade and commerce and a shot at real happiness for the first time in 65 years.
"Most discussion of Palestinian dispossession – including by Palestinians themselves – focuses on the 1948 Nakba and the forced exile of more than 700,000 Palestinians by Zionist forces intent on creating an Israeli state in mandate Palestine.

"However, the various measures that Israel has used to forcibly displace Palestinians since 1948 have received far less attention even though it is estimated that it has forcibly displaced 66% of the whole Palestinian population as part of its deliberate, longstanding plan to create and maintain a Jewish majority."

What's your solution for the 34% of the remaining Arabs of Palestine who aren't inclined to roll over and die for Greedy Jews?

Decades of Displacing Palestinians: How Israel Does It | Al-Shabaka
"Amnesty International argues that Israel's settlement policy is discriminatory and a violation of Palestinian human rights.[133] B'Tselem claims that Israeli travel restrictions impact on Palestinian freedom of movement[134] and Palestinian human rights have been violated in Hebron due to the presence of the settlers within the city.[135][136][137]

"According to B'Tselem, over fifty percent of West Bank land expropriated from Palestinians has been used to establish settlements and create reserves of land for their future expansion.

"The seized lands mainly benefit the settlements and Palestinians cannot use them.[138]

"The roads built by Israel in the West Bank to serve the settlements are closed to Palestinian vehicles'[139][140] and act as a barrier often between villages and the lands on which they subsist.[141]"

Israeli settlement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, hell, George, I'll go ya one better, and speculate that the end-goal of expanding Israeli settlements is to eventually reach the goal outlined in the following map...


...and a lot of Westerners are perfectly content that this be so.

Plenty of countryside surrounding Israel-Palestine, to absorb the few million remaining Muslim-Palestinians still in the West Bank and Gaza...

...and, the Israelis are getting very close now to achieving their goal... can be evidenced with the Palestinians own propaganda maps...


There will be no "Right of Return" - there will be no surrender of East Jerusalem... there will be no let-up in pressure on the West Bank and on Gaza...

Another couple of decades and its a done deal.

And nothing in the world is going to stop it.

Might as well concede that reality now, and figure out what's next, for the few million refugees that the end-game is going to create.

Perhaps it's time to carve-up Lebanon (a failed state, anyway) into a Rump Lebanon and a New Palestine.

At least it'd give the Palestinians a contiguous land-mass with some access to water and arable land and access to the sea for trade and commerce and a shot at real happiness for the first time in 65 years.
"Most discussion of Palestinian dispossession – including by Palestinians themselves – focuses on the 1948 Nakba and the forced exile of more than 700,000 Palestinians by Zionist forces intent on creating an Israeli state in mandate Palestine.

"However, the various measures that Israel has used to forcibly displace Palestinians since 1948 have received far less attention even though it is estimated that it has forcibly displaced 66% of the whole Palestinian population as part of its deliberate, longstanding plan to create and maintain a Jewish majority."

What's your solution for the 34% of the remaining Arabs of Palestine who aren't inclined to roll over and die for Greedy Jews?

Decades of Displacing Palestinians: How Israel Does It | Al-Shabaka

Are you saying the Jews forcefully exiled 700 000 Palestinians in 1948? Didn't I disprove that bullshit theory of yours several times already?
"Tragedy and resistance have been linked to Palestinians’ history since the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and it is no surprise that there is an organic relationship between the current Arab uprisings and Palestinian resistance.

"Yet the Arab uprisings have exploded the post-1948 framework of existence of those Palestinians who live in the Arab world as refugees. As happened in the wake of the United States invasion of Iraq in 2003, the uprisings have exposed the basic insecurity and the loss of human rights to which statelessness makes Palestinians vulnerable. With the current displacement and cross-border flight of Palestinian refugees in Syria, a new tragedy unfolds.

"A recent crisis report by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) estimates that 400,000 of these Palestinian refugees, formerly self-supporting, are now in need of humanitarian assistance.1 Some 32,000 have sought sanctuary in Lebanon, around 4,500 in Jordan, and others are in Turkey, Iraq, and Egypt.

"Communities that re-constructed themselves after the Nakba have once again been split and scattered, partly as internally displaced in Syria itself, partly as second-time refugees in neighboring countries. Between 120 and 200 Palestinian deaths have been reported so far, and with the civil war increasingly involving the refugee camps since last December, casualties are growing.

"Several of the casualties have been UNRWA staff members. Practically all the refugee camps in Syria have been pulled into the fighting, shelled by both government forces and the Free Syrian Army.

"As the regional and international supporters of the two sides increase military assistance the flow of refugees escaping Syria can only increase, as will the number of the displaced inside Syria."

The Price of Statelessness: Palestinian Refugees From Syria | Al-Shabaka
Oh, hell, George, I'll go ya one better, and speculate that the end-goal of expanding Israeli settlements is to eventually reach the goal outlined in the following map...


...and a lot of Westerners are perfectly content that this be so.

Plenty of countryside surrounding Israel-Palestine, to absorb the few million remaining Muslim-Palestinians still in the West Bank and Gaza...

...and, the Israelis are getting very close now to achieving their goal... can be evidenced with the Palestinians own propaganda maps...


There will be no "Right of Return" - there will be no surrender of East Jerusalem... there will be no let-up in pressure on the West Bank and on Gaza...

Another couple of decades and its a done deal.

And nothing in the world is going to stop it.

Might as well concede that reality now, and figure out what's next, for the few million refugees that the end-game is going to create.

Perhaps it's time to carve-up Lebanon (a failed state, anyway) into a Rump Lebanon and a New Palestine.

At least it'd give the Palestinians a contiguous land-mass with some access to water and arable land and access to the sea for trade and commerce and a shot at real happiness for the first time in 65 years.
"Most discussion of Palestinian dispossession – including by Palestinians themselves – focuses on the 1948 Nakba and the forced exile of more than 700,000 Palestinians by Zionist forces intent on creating an Israeli state in mandate Palestine.

"However, the various measures that Israel has used to forcibly displace Palestinians since 1948 have received far less attention even though it is estimated that it has forcibly displaced 66% of the whole Palestinian population as part of its deliberate, longstanding plan to create and maintain a Jewish majority."

What's your solution for the 34% of the remaining Arabs of Palestine who aren't inclined to roll over and die for Greedy Jews?

Decades of Displacing Palestinians: How Israel Does It | Al-Shabaka

Are you saying the Jews forcefully exiled 700 000 Palestinians in 1948? Didn't I disprove that bullshit theory of yours several times already?
No. But I'm sure reality seldom penetrates your bubble.

Israel's Six Ways of Displacement:

"Israel has utilized its legal system and institutions from the day it was established to this day in order to inflict forced displacement within the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) as well as within Israel. Its methods can be divided into at least six general categories and have led to permanent displacement of Palestinians from both sides of the Green Line.

"The use of violence during times of war as happened during the wars of 1948, 1956 and 1967, which created one of the most complicated refugee problems in the world as well as a significant number of internally displaced persons.

"Engineering of personal statuses in Israel and the OPT in a way that excludes habitual residents, or persons who should be entitled to residency rights, from the right to live in their homes.

"Discriminatory urban and country planning that encourages Jewish expansion and suppresses Palestinian construction in certain areas such as Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and the Negev desert. As a result, homes and even whole villages are demolished as 'illegal constructions.'

"Dispossessing Palestinians of their property under discriminatory laws and regulations that result in the forced eviction of families from their places of residence. Deportations under security justifications and emergency law. This method was extensively used in the OPT at the start of the occupation and is still being used from time to time.

"Creating unbearable circumstances in certain areas that eventually drive the civilian population to leave their homes and move to other areas. Examples of this pattern include Sheikh Sa’ad village in Jerusalem and Al-Nu’man village in the West Bank where both communities were suffocated by the construction of the Separation Wall."

Time to tear down that bullshit wall already.
"Most discussion of Palestinian dispossession – including by Palestinians themselves – focuses on the 1948 Nakba and the forced exile of more than 700,000 Palestinians by Zionist forces intent on creating an Israeli state in mandate Palestine.

"However, the various measures that Israel has used to forcibly displace Palestinians since 1948 have received far less attention even though it is estimated that it has forcibly displaced 66% of the whole Palestinian population as part of its deliberate, longstanding plan to create and maintain a Jewish majority."

What's your solution for the 34% of the remaining Arabs of Palestine who aren't inclined to roll over and die for Greedy Jews?

Decades of Displacing Palestinians: How Israel Does It | Al-Shabaka

Are you saying the Jews forcefully exiled 700 000 Palestinians in 1948? Didn't I disprove that bullshit theory of yours several times already?
No. But I'm sure reality seldom penetrates your bubble.

Israel's Six Ways of Displacement:

"Israel has utilized its legal system and institutions from the day it was established to this day in order to inflict forced displacement within the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) as well as within Israel. Its methods can be divided into at least six general categories and have led to permanent displacement of Palestinians from both sides of the Green Line.

"The use of violence during times of war as happened during the wars of 1948, 1956 and 1967, which created one of the most complicated refugee problems in the world as well as a significant number of internally displaced persons.

"Engineering of personal statuses in Israel and the OPT in a way that excludes habitual residents, or persons who should be entitled to residency rights, from the right to live in their homes.

"Discriminatory urban and country planning that encourages Jewish expansion and suppresses Palestinian construction in certain areas such as Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and the Negev desert. As a result, homes and even whole villages are demolished as 'illegal constructions.'

"Dispossessing Palestinians of their property under discriminatory laws and regulations that result in the forced eviction of families from their places of residence. Deportations under security justifications and emergency law. This method was extensively used in the OPT at the start of the occupation and is still being used from time to time.

"Creating unbearable circumstances in certain areas that eventually drive the civilian population to leave their homes and move to other areas. Examples of this pattern include Sheikh Sa’ad village in Jerusalem and Al-Nu’man village in the West Bank where both communities were suffocated by the construction of the Separation Wall."

Time to tear down that bullshit wall already.

Geez, I wonder why the wall was put up ??

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Put your focus on 2001-2003
Suicide attacks were a weekly, sometimes daily occurence. You don;t launch terror wars upon a country and then bitch and cry when they do something about it
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