Moscow Warns Israel

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One only needs to look at my sig to see who the real Nazi here is
Add this to your signature:

"'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews -- all of them in all different levels -- is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle' -- Rabbi Abraham Kook."

Try substituting "German" or "Aryan" for "Jewish" and "non-Jews" for "Jews" and maybe you'll see yourself through the eyes of others.


Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Are you capable at staying on one subject at a time without completely deflecting to some bullshit jibberish ? I don't think so

And you use the word bigot quite often towards to pro - Israeli posters here, but anyone who has a brain and has read enough of your posts knows who the real bigot here is.: The one who says it's okay and legal for Israeli kids to be blown up.
You sick, miserable loser .....:cool:
Are you capable at staying on one subject at a time without completely deflecting to some bullshit jibberish ? I don't think so

And you use the word bigot quite often towards to pro - Israeli posters here, but anyone who has a brain and has read enough of your posts knows who the real bigot here is.: The one who says it's okay and legal for Israeli kids to be blown up.
You sick, miserable loser .....:cool:
The subject here is how one group of people dehumanize another; what the Nazi did to the Jew is different only in degree from what some Jews today want to inflict upon non-Jews in Palestine. My comment about Jewish children deserving to be blown up was way beyond the Pale, and I apologize for that stupidity.
Are you capable at staying on one subject at a time without completely deflecting to some bullshit jibberish ? I don't think so

And you use the word bigot quite often towards to pro - Israeli posters here, but anyone who has a brain and has read enough of your posts knows who the real bigot here is.: The one who says it's okay and legal for Israeli kids to be blown up.
You sick, miserable loser .....:cool:
The subject here is how one group of people dehumanize another; what the Nazi did to the Jew is different only in degree from what some Jews today want to inflict upon non-Jews in Palestine. My comment about Jewish children deserving to be blown up was way beyond the Pale, and I apologize for that stupidity.

I knew you didnt mean that. I accept your apology and i apologize for what I said about you before. Im gonna remove my sig
One only needs to look at my sig to see who the real Nazi here is
Add this to your signature:

"'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews -- all of them in all different levels -- is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle' -- Rabbi Abraham Kook."

Try substituting "German" or "Aryan" for "Jewish" and "non-Jews" for "Jews" and maybe you'll see yourself through the eyes of others.


Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Why, Georgie Boy, it would appear to be quite apropos for you to have as your sig the statement by one of the Muslim clerics about killing the Jews (and also the Christians). So many different Muslim clerics he can chose from since so many hate the Jews and the Christians (and also all those who are non Muslims or who are of a different sect than they are). I doubt anyone with any intelligence feels that you actually care about the Arabs, but this is your way of getting back at the Jews whom you probably blame for the circumstances in your life instead of blaming yourself for not putting in any effort to actually better yourself. The humorous thing here is that Georgie Boy thinks that he would be treated quite well in the Muslim world.
Are you capable at staying on one subject at a time without completely deflecting to some bullshit jibberish ? I don't think so

And you use the word bigot quite often towards to pro - Israeli posters here, but anyone who has a brain and has read enough of your posts knows who the real bigot here is.: The one who says it's okay and legal for Israeli kids to be blown up.
You sick, miserable loser .....:cool:
The subject here is how one group of people dehumanize another; what the Nazi did to the Jew is different only in degree from what some Jews today want to inflict upon non-Jews in Palestine. My comment about Jewish children deserving to be blown up was way beyond the Pale, and I apologize for that stupidity.
Oh, Georgie Boy, you certainly are a hoot, and to think that you believe that you are actually fooling most of the people reading this forum that you really care about the Arabs!!! I think most of the viewers are not asleep at the switch and realize what is going on in Muslim countries where so many innocent people are being killed because of their religious beliefs and their houses of worship desecrated or destroyed. Evidently Georgie Boy has no interest in what is going on elsewhere because his main purpose in life seems to be to demonize Israel and the Jews. It's always nice to read stories like this. It's a shame that the same thing didn't happen to those who were responsible for the suicide bombs that killed Muslims in their mosque just the other day.
2 die in Pakistan after suicide bomber's explosives go off prematurely -
It is so transparent with people who demonize Israel when so much bloodshed is going on in the rest of the world particularly in the name of Islam.
One only needs to look at my sig to see who the real Nazi here is
Add this to your signature:

"'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews -- all of them in all different levels -- is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle' -- Rabbi Abraham Kook."

Try substituting "German" or "Aryan" for "Jewish" and "non-Jews" for "Jews" and maybe you'll see yourself through the eyes of others.


Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Why, Georgie Boy, it would appear to be quite apropos for you to have as your sig the statement by one of the Muslim clerics about killing the Jews (and also the Christians). So many different Muslim clerics he can chose from since so many hate the Jews and the Christians (and also all those who are non Muslims or who are of a different sect than they are). I doubt anyone with any intelligence feels that you actually care about the Arabs, but this is your way of getting back at the Jews whom you probably blame for the circumstances in your life instead of blaming yourself for not putting in any effort to actually better yourself. The humorous thing here is that Georgie Boy thinks that he would be treated quite well in the Muslim world.
Surely you've noticed how often the "People of the Good (Slave) Book" produce religious extremists:
Here's one possibility among many from the "Chosen" for your sig:

"The earlier influence of fundamentalist Rabbi Abraham Kook (1865-1935), or Kuk, was significant. He preached Jewish supremacy and said: 'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews -- all of them in all different levels -- is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.'

"His teachings helped create the settler movement, and his son, Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, founded the extremist Gush Emunim (GE) under the slogan: 'The Land of Israel, for the people of Israel, according to the Torah of Israel.'"

I've even heard some Christian Slaves celebrate their contribution to the mass murder, maiming, rape, and displacement of millions of Koreans, Vietnamese, and Iraqis civilians.

Now, that's humorous, unless you happen to number among the victims of such inhumanity.

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
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