Moscow Warns Israel

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Won't happen.
True dat. Any Peacekeeping force from any member of the UN Security Council is forbidden by the Israeli-Syrian Peace Treaty of 1974. Superman ain't a Red Bear.
Why don't you strap on that old black belt and flip Vlad (Judo) Putin on this subject:

"The Russian president knew perfectly well that Israel and most likely the UN would bar his offer of Russian troops for the Golan force on legal grounds: The 1974 ceasefire accord precludes the five, veto-wielding UN Secretary Council permanent members from serving with the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). He put the offer forward nonetheless for two reasons:

"1. As a reminder to the US and Chinese Presidents Obama and Xi Jinping, holding their first face to face in California, that neither of them controlled the state of play over embattled Syria and that Russia held the whip hand by virtue of its leadership of the Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi-Hizballah alliance.

"2. As the groundwork for his next moves for deploying Russian troops on the Syrian Golan. Next time, he won’t ask the US, the UN or Israel for permission. He will go straight to his ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, and advise him of the importance of deploying Russian soldiers to the Golan – on the same footing as the US military deployment in Jordan. Placing the unit just outside the Golan separation zone would save Moscow having to turn to the UN or Israel first."

Putin acts to override Israeli, UN objections to Russian troops on the Golan
Ya okay let us know when that happens. Especially after the US has declared it will get involved now that it has been proven that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people. Do you really think the Russians want to step into this mess now!

Syria is a just client who owes them lots of money, gone bad. That's all they're after. If the West can assure them that they will get their $$$$$ For the weapons they sold and financed the regime (and not get stiffed as they did in Libya) , then Russia will simply step away. As they say, follow the $$$$$.
Why is Obama supporting the Islamic Brotherhood ?
He doesn't sympathize with Islamists, even though his middle name is Hussein and as a child he watched his father praying five times a day going "Allah Akbar", and he changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama when he became an adult after being Barry Soltero all his life, and he goes out of his way to pronounce Muslim words such as Pakistan and Taliban correctly. Not to mention the results of the Arab Spring which he orchestrated have been all Islamist takeovers so far.

Barry sympathizes with Booze Allen and every other war criminal getting rich from the murder of Jew and Arab alike:

"Lining the roadways out to Dulles Airport in Virginia, filling the many boxy office buildings near the Pentagon, and adding to the sprawl heading north from the city far into the Maryland suburbs are countless private companies reliant on taxpayer-financed government contracts that have helped transform Washington into one of the richest areas in the country.

"But few are as successful as Booz Allen Hamilton, the government contractor whose employee, Edward J. Snowden, has acknowledged leaking national security documents revealing details of the government’s extensive surveillance programs.

"Businesses in Washington, Virginia and Maryland have become increasingly dependent on government money over the years, and as of 2011 federal spending accounted for 39 percent of the region’s economic output, according to a report from Stephen S. Fuller, the director of the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University.

"The biggest beneficiaries include the armies of contract workers for the government’s sprawling national security empire."

Booz Allen Hamilton Is an Example of Washington's Economic Boom -

I find myself wondering how much of this Russian maneuvering is real and how much is just 'show', and how much of it is present-day real-time concerns about Radicals getting hold of Syria, and how much of it is Cold War 'spoiler' or 'keeping up with the Jones-es' thinking.
Won't happen.
True dat. Any Peacekeeping force from any member of the UN Security Council is forbidden by the Israeli-Syrian Peace Treaty of 1974. Superman ain't a Red Bear.
Why don't you strap on that old black belt and flip Vlad (Judo) Putin on this subject:

"The Russian president knew perfectly well that Israel and most likely the UN would bar his offer of Russian troops for the Golan force on legal grounds: The 1974 ceasefire accord precludes the five, veto-wielding UN Secretary Council permanent members from serving with the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). He put the offer forward nonetheless for two reasons:

"1. As a reminder to the US and Chinese Presidents Obama and Xi Jinping, holding their first face to face in California, that neither of them controlled the state of play over embattled Syria and that Russia held the whip hand by virtue of its leadership of the Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi-Hizballah alliance.

"2. As the groundwork for his next moves for deploying Russian troops on the Syrian Golan. Next time, he won’t ask the US, the UN or Israel for permission. He will go straight to his ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, and advise him of the importance of deploying Russian soldiers to the Golan – on the same footing as the US military deployment in Jordan. Placing the unit just outside the Golan separation zone would save Moscow having to turn to the UN or Israel first."

Putin acts to override Israeli, UN objections to Russian troops on the Golan

You honestly think that Israel would not attack Russian forces on their border? Are you stupid?
True dat. Any Peacekeeping force from any member of the UN Security Council is forbidden by the Israeli-Syrian Peace Treaty of 1974. Superman ain't a Red Bear.
Why don't you strap on that old black belt and flip Vlad (Judo) Putin on this subject:

"The Russian president knew perfectly well that Israel and most likely the UN would bar his offer of Russian troops for the Golan force on legal grounds: The 1974 ceasefire accord precludes the five, veto-wielding UN Secretary Council permanent members from serving with the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). He put the offer forward nonetheless for two reasons:

"1. As a reminder to the US and Chinese Presidents Obama and Xi Jinping, holding their first face to face in California, that neither of them controlled the state of play over embattled Syria and that Russia held the whip hand by virtue of its leadership of the Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi-Hizballah alliance.

"2. As the groundwork for his next moves for deploying Russian troops on the Syrian Golan. Next time, he won’t ask the US, the UN or Israel for permission. He will go straight to his ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, and advise him of the importance of deploying Russian soldiers to the Golan – on the same footing as the US military deployment in Jordan. Placing the unit just outside the Golan separation zone would save Moscow having to turn to the UN or Israel first."

Putin acts to override Israeli, UN objections to Russian troops on the Golan

You honestly think that Israel would not attack Russian forces on their border? Are you stupid?
I think the Russians would hit back at least as effectively as Hezbollah in 2006; why do you think Israel would be suicidal enough to pick a fight with an opponent capable of kicking their asses back to Canaan?
"...I think the Russians would hit back at least as effectively as Hezbollah in 2006; why do you think Israel would be suicidal enough to pick a fight with an opponent capable of kicking their asses back to Canaan?"
The Russians don't have that kind of muscle nowadays; certainly, their ability to project conventional power (naval and ground, anyway) has deteriorated dramatically since their glory days before the fall of the Soviet Union. And the length of the supply-line is enough to make a well-equipped Power think twice, never mind a fallen one that's still scraping the rust off of much of its military and frantically trying to build new stuff in order not to fall too much further behind than it already is.
Why don't you strap on that old black belt and flip Vlad (Judo) Putin on this subject:

"The Russian president knew perfectly well that Israel and most likely the UN would bar his offer of Russian troops for the Golan force on legal grounds: The 1974 ceasefire accord precludes the five, veto-wielding UN Secretary Council permanent members from serving with the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). He put the offer forward nonetheless for two reasons:

"1. As a reminder to the US and Chinese Presidents Obama and Xi Jinping, holding their first face to face in California, that neither of them controlled the state of play over embattled Syria and that Russia held the whip hand by virtue of its leadership of the Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi-Hizballah alliance.

"2. As the groundwork for his next moves for deploying Russian troops on the Syrian Golan. Next time, he won’t ask the US, the UN or Israel for permission. He will go straight to his ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, and advise him of the importance of deploying Russian soldiers to the Golan – on the same footing as the US military deployment in Jordan. Placing the unit just outside the Golan separation zone would save Moscow having to turn to the UN or Israel first."

Putin acts to override Israeli, UN objections to Russian troops on the Golan

You honestly think that Israel would not attack Russian forces on their border? Are you stupid?
I think the Russians would hit back at least as effectively as Hezbollah in 2006; why do you think Israel would be suicidal enough to pick a fight with an opponent capable of kicking their asses back to Canaan?

Effectively as Hezbollah ? That war was fought on Lebanese territory with ground troops. Israel isn't going to launch a ground invasion into Syria ...
"According to Debkafile a Russian official has recently mentioned the unmentionable for the very first time, namely that ousting Assad could bring the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qa'ida to power in Damascus. [...] "...“Assad could be replaced by radical Islamists in comparison with whom Assad would seem an angel from heaven...'”

wow. i can't believe..... something like that could happen: radical islamists taking over....
("ousting Assad could bring the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qa'ida to power in Damascus") ...whew. shocking.....
"...I think the Russians would hit back at least as effectively as Hezbollah in 2006; why do you think Israel would be suicidal enough to pick a fight with an opponent capable of kicking their asses back to Canaan?"
The Russians don't have that kind of muscle nowadays; certainly, their ability to project conventional power (naval and ground, anyway) has deteriorated dramatically since their glory days before the fall of the Soviet Union. And the length of the supply-line is enough to make a well-equipped Power think twice, never mind a fallen one that's still scraping the rust off of much of its military and frantically trying to build new stuff in order not to fall too much further behind than it already is.
Russia has far more conventional muscle than Hezbollah had in 2006.
Maybe Israel should stick with killing rock throwing kids?

"Below is a small sampling of those who died. (The term IDF stands for 'Israeli Defense Forces,' although these forces are, in reality, an occupation army and are almost always deployed offensively; the incidents below took place on Palestinian territory):

Sami, 12, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration. Abdul, 9, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a funeral. Ala, 14, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire while on the terrace of his home one hour after injuring an Israeli soldier with a stone.

"Omar, 11, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration. Diya, 3 months, was killed, along with her older brother, by Israeli settler gunfire to her head and back.

"Bara, 10, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head while near his home. Ayman, 15, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while farming. Khalil, 11, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while playing with a friend. Rami, 13, was killed by IDF helicopter fire to his head while playing in front of his house. Yaser, 11, died of head wounds from an IDF rubber-coated bullet fired at close range during a demonstration..."

Shot in the Head » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"...I think the Russians would hit back at least as effectively as Hezbollah in 2006; why do you think Israel would be suicidal enough to pick a fight with an opponent capable of kicking their asses back to Canaan?"
The Russians don't have that kind of muscle nowadays; certainly, their ability to project conventional power (naval and ground, anyway) has deteriorated dramatically since their glory days before the fall of the Soviet Union. And the length of the supply-line is enough to make a well-equipped Power think twice, never mind a fallen one that's still scraping the rust off of much of its military and frantically trying to build new stuff in order not to fall too much further behind than it already is.
Russia has far more conventional muscle than Hezbollah had in 2006.
Maybe Israel should stick with killing rock throwing kids?

"Below is a small sampling of those who died. (The term IDF stands for 'Israeli Defense Forces,' although these forces are, in reality, an occupation army and are almost always deployed offensively; the incidents below took place on Palestinian territory):

Sami, 12, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration. Abdul, 9, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a funeral. Ala, 14, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire while on the terrace of his home one hour after injuring an Israeli soldier with a stone.

"Omar, 11, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration. Diya, 3 months, was killed, along with her older brother, by Israeli settler gunfire to her head and back.

"Bara, 10, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head while near his home. Ayman, 15, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while farming. Khalil, 11, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while playing with a friend. Rami, 13, was killed by IDF helicopter fire to his head while playing in front of his house. Yaser, 11, died of head wounds from an IDF rubber-coated bullet fired at close range during a demonstration..."

Shot in the Head » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

There is no context provided. But these children's deaths are sad.
"...I think the Russians would hit back at least as effectively as Hezbollah in 2006; why do you think Israel would be suicidal enough to pick a fight with an opponent capable of kicking their asses back to Canaan?"
The Russians don't have that kind of muscle nowadays; certainly, their ability to project conventional power (naval and ground, anyway) has deteriorated dramatically since their glory days before the fall of the Soviet Union. And the length of the supply-line is enough to make a well-equipped Power think twice, never mind a fallen one that's still scraping the rust off of much of its military and frantically trying to build new stuff in order not to fall too much further behind than it already is.
Russia has far more conventional muscle than Hezbollah had in 2006.
It doesn't matter.

All that conventional muscle is thousands of miles away and the Russians cannot 'project' that muscle beyond their borders anywhere near as well as they once did.

You can have the biggest muscles on the block but if the object of the exercise is at one end of the block and you are on the other end of the block and cannot get there, your muscle doesn't matter; never mind others who might interfere and very long supply lines.

The Russians might get a Battalion or Brigade inserted over there someplace but it won't be a Division or Corps, which is the minimum they'd need to fight-off the Israelis for a few days until help arrived or until the Israelis overran them.

A Russian brigade commander up against an Israeli brigade would shit his pants and evacuate his unit rather than fight under those conditions.

Especially when there's an Israeli Division or two behind that first Israeli Brigade, with supply lines measured in dozens of miles, versus no reinforcements in sight for the Russian Brigade and a supply line measured in thousands of miles.

And none of that takes into account a mobilization by European NATO, which wants Assad gone, and a mobilization by the United States, which would stand alongside Israel, if the Russians were ever foolish enough to begin combat operations against Israel.

No. The Russians are not going to engage in combat operations against Israel. And, in your place, I would not hold my breath, waiting for that to materialize.
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The Russians don't have that kind of muscle nowadays; certainly, their ability to project conventional power (naval and ground, anyway) has deteriorated dramatically since their glory days before the fall of the Soviet Union. And the length of the supply-line is enough to make a well-equipped Power think twice, never mind a fallen one that's still scraping the rust off of much of its military and frantically trying to build new stuff in order not to fall too much further behind than it already is.
Russia has far more conventional muscle than Hezbollah had in 2006.
It doesn't matter.

All that conventional muscle is thousands of miles away and the Russians cannot 'project' that muscle beyond their borders anywhere near as well as they once did.

You can have the biggest muscles on the block but if the object of the exercise is at one end of the block and you are on the other end of the block and cannot get there, your muscle doesn't matter; never mind others who might interfere and very long supply lines.

The Russians might get a Battalion or Brigade inserted over there someplace but it won't be a Division or Corps, which is the minimum they'd need to fight-off the Israelis for a few days until help arrived or until the Israelis overran them.

A Russian brigade commander up against an Israeli brigade would shit his pants and evacuate his unit rather than fight under those conditions.

Especially when there's an Israeli Division or two behind that first Israeli Brigade, with supply lines measured in dozens of miles, versus no reinforcements in sight for the Russian Brigade and a supply line measured in thousands of miles.

And none of that takes into account a mobilization by European NATO, which wants Assad gone, and a mobilization by the United States, which would stand alongside Israel, if the Russians were ever foolish enough to begin combat operations against Israel.

No. The Russians are not going to engage in combat operations against Israel. And, in your place, I would not hold my breath, waiting for that to materialize.
10,000 Israelis couldn't dislodge 3,000 Hezbollah militia in 2006 yet you hold your breath for a fight against an equal number of Russians with air cover? Since '73 Israel's conventional forces have proven better suited for killing unarmed civilians while stealing their land and water; Russia puts 300 peacekeepers in the Golan, and Bibi shits his drawers before Putin does.
Russia has far more conventional muscle than Hezbollah had in 2006.
It doesn't matter.

All that conventional muscle is thousands of miles away and the Russians cannot 'project' that muscle beyond their borders anywhere near as well as they once did.

You can have the biggest muscles on the block but if the object of the exercise is at one end of the block and you are on the other end of the block and cannot get there, your muscle doesn't matter; never mind others who might interfere and very long supply lines.

The Russians might get a Battalion or Brigade inserted over there someplace but it won't be a Division or Corps, which is the minimum they'd need to fight-off the Israelis for a few days until help arrived or until the Israelis overran them.

A Russian brigade commander up against an Israeli brigade would shit his pants and evacuate his unit rather than fight under those conditions.

Especially when there's an Israeli Division or two behind that first Israeli Brigade, with supply lines measured in dozens of miles, versus no reinforcements in sight for the Russian Brigade and a supply line measured in thousands of miles.

And none of that takes into account a mobilization by European NATO, which wants Assad gone, and a mobilization by the United States, which would stand alongside Israel, if the Russians were ever foolish enough to begin combat operations against Israel.

No. The Russians are not going to engage in combat operations against Israel. And, in your place, I would not hold my breath, waiting for that to materialize.
10,000 Israelis couldn't dislodge 3,000 Hezbollah militia in 2006 yet you hold your breath for a fight against an equal number of Russians with air cover? Since '73 Israel's conventional forces have proven better suited for killing unarmed civilians while stealing their land and water; Russia puts 300 peacekeepers in the Golan, and Bibi shits his drawers before Putin does.
And where were those 3,000 Hezbollah militia?

Hiding behind their womens' skirts in the middle of heavily populated civilian areas, so that the Israelis chose to forego the slaughter of many thousands of their womenfolk and children.

Had the Israelis had the same disregard for civilians that Hezbollah does, the Israelis would have mopped-up the whole mess within a couple of days - tops.

The rest of your observation here might serve as the basis for a very pleasant and enjoyable delusion but it has very little connection to Reality.
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Russia has far more conventional muscle than Hezbollah had in 2006.
It doesn't matter.

All that conventional muscle is thousands of miles away and the Russians cannot 'project' that muscle beyond their borders anywhere near as well as they once did.

You can have the biggest muscles on the block but if the object of the exercise is at one end of the block and you are on the other end of the block and cannot get there, your muscle doesn't matter; never mind others who might interfere and very long supply lines.

The Russians might get a Battalion or Brigade inserted over there someplace but it won't be a Division or Corps, which is the minimum they'd need to fight-off the Israelis for a few days until help arrived or until the Israelis overran them.

A Russian brigade commander up against an Israeli brigade would shit his pants and evacuate his unit rather than fight under those conditions.

Especially when there's an Israeli Division or two behind that first Israeli Brigade, with supply lines measured in dozens of miles, versus no reinforcements in sight for the Russian Brigade and a supply line measured in thousands of miles.

And none of that takes into account a mobilization by European NATO, which wants Assad gone, and a mobilization by the United States, which would stand alongside Israel, if the Russians were ever foolish enough to begin combat operations against Israel.

No. The Russians are not going to engage in combat operations against Israel. And, in your place, I would not hold my breath, waiting for that to materialize.
10,000 Israelis couldn't dislodge 3,000 Hezbollah militia in 2006 yet you hold your breath for a fight against an equal number of Russians with air cover? Since '73 Israel's conventional forces have proven better suited for killing unarmed civilians while stealing their land and water; Russia puts 300 peacekeepers in the Golan, and Bibi shits his drawers before Putin does.
Israel could have EASILY taken out those 3 000 fighters, but that would have involved blowing up every area that they suspected or know where they were hiding, resulting in tens of thousands of civilian deaths. Kind of like the way Assad has his army do the fighting.
I love how you talk about Hezbollah like they are some sort of exceptionally powerful militia terrorist organization, when in fact they use Guerilla Warfare, which involves fighting among civilian populations, uses civilian houses, hiding in bushes like rats. These are how cowards fight.
If it was a face to face fight in Lebanese territory with no civilians or civilian infrastructure around, who would win Georgie Boy ????
Hezbollah = JOKE
It doesn't matter.

All that conventional muscle is thousands of miles away and the Russians cannot 'project' that muscle beyond their borders anywhere near as well as they once did.

You can have the biggest muscles on the block but if the object of the exercise is at one end of the block and you are on the other end of the block and cannot get there, your muscle doesn't matter; never mind others who might interfere and very long supply lines.

The Russians might get a Battalion or Brigade inserted over there someplace but it won't be a Division or Corps, which is the minimum they'd need to fight-off the Israelis for a few days until help arrived or until the Israelis overran them.

A Russian brigade commander up against an Israeli brigade would shit his pants and evacuate his unit rather than fight under those conditions.

Especially when there's an Israeli Division or two behind that first Israeli Brigade, with supply lines measured in dozens of miles, versus no reinforcements in sight for the Russian Brigade and a supply line measured in thousands of miles.

And none of that takes into account a mobilization by European NATO, which wants Assad gone, and a mobilization by the United States, which would stand alongside Israel, if the Russians were ever foolish enough to begin combat operations against Israel.

No. The Russians are not going to engage in combat operations against Israel. And, in your place, I would not hold my breath, waiting for that to materialize.
10,000 Israelis couldn't dislodge 3,000 Hezbollah militia in 2006 yet you hold your breath for a fight against an equal number of Russians with air cover? Since '73 Israel's conventional forces have proven better suited for killing unarmed civilians while stealing their land and water; Russia puts 300 peacekeepers in the Golan, and Bibi shits his drawers before Putin does.
And where were those 3,000 Hezbollah militia?

Hiding behind their womens' skirts in the middle of heavily populated civilian areas, so that the Israelis chose to forego the slaughter of many thousands of their womenfolk and children.

Had the Israelis had the same disregard for civilians that Hezbollah does, the Israelis would have mopped-up the whole mess within a couple of days - tops.

The rest of your observation here might serve as the basis for a very pleasant and enjoyable delusion but it has very little connection to Reality.
What's your point?
The next time heroic Jews decide to invade another sovereign state they should take their women with them? If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath looking for a cyber skirt with a $tar of David on it to cringe behind.
It doesn't matter.

All that conventional muscle is thousands of miles away and the Russians cannot 'project' that muscle beyond their borders anywhere near as well as they once did.

You can have the biggest muscles on the block but if the object of the exercise is at one end of the block and you are on the other end of the block and cannot get there, your muscle doesn't matter; never mind others who might interfere and very long supply lines.

The Russians might get a Battalion or Brigade inserted over there someplace but it won't be a Division or Corps, which is the minimum they'd need to fight-off the Israelis for a few days until help arrived or until the Israelis overran them.

A Russian brigade commander up against an Israeli brigade would shit his pants and evacuate his unit rather than fight under those conditions.

Especially when there's an Israeli Division or two behind that first Israeli Brigade, with supply lines measured in dozens of miles, versus no reinforcements in sight for the Russian Brigade and a supply line measured in thousands of miles.

And none of that takes into account a mobilization by European NATO, which wants Assad gone, and a mobilization by the United States, which would stand alongside Israel, if the Russians were ever foolish enough to begin combat operations against Israel.

No. The Russians are not going to engage in combat operations against Israel. And, in your place, I would not hold my breath, waiting for that to materialize.
10,000 Israelis couldn't dislodge 3,000 Hezbollah militia in 2006 yet you hold your breath for a fight against an equal number of Russians with air cover? Since '73 Israel's conventional forces have proven better suited for killing unarmed civilians while stealing their land and water; Russia puts 300 peacekeepers in the Golan, and Bibi shits his drawers before Putin does.
Israel could have EASILY taken out those 3 000 fighters, but that would have involved blowing up every area that they suspected or know where they were hiding, resulting in tens of thousands of civilian deaths. Kind of like the way Assad has his army do the fighting.
I love how you talk about Hezbollah like they are some sort of exceptionally powerful militia terrorist organization, when in fact they use Guerilla Warfare, which involves fighting among civilian populations, uses civilian houses, hiding in bushes like rats. These are how cowards fight.
If it was a face to face fight in Lebanese territory with no civilians or civilian infrastructure around, who would win Georgie Boy ????
Hezbollah = JOKE
"The conflict is believed to have killed at least 1,191–1,300 Lebanese people,[51][52][53][54] and 165 Israelis.[55]

"It severely damaged Lebanese civil infrastructure, and displaced approximately one million Lebanese[56] and 300,000–500,000 Israelis.[21][57][58]

After the ceasefire, some parts of southern Lebanon remained uninhabitable due to Israeli unexploded cluster bomblets."

Israel killed hundreds of women and children dozens of miles from any Hezbollah fighters.
Only devout chicken shits cluster bomb civilians.

2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"...What's your point? The next time heroic Jews decide to invade another sovereign state they should take their women with them?..."
Nope. The next time the Israelis invade a neighboring renegade failed and subverted and lawless state from which large-scale Muslim rocket terror-attacks are being launched, they'll take some of their women with them, because they train their women to be part of their armed forces team, but they do not hide behind them like those Hezbollah and Hamas pussies.
"...What's your point? The next time heroic Jews decide to invade another sovereign state they should take their women with them?..."
Nope. The next time the Israelis invade a neighboring renegade failed and subverted and lawless state from which large-scale Muslim rocket terror-attacks are being launched, they'll take some of their women with them, because they train their women to be part of their armed forces team, but they do not hide behind them like those Hezbollah and Hamas pussies.
Hezbollah and Hamas would not even exist today if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948. How heroic is it for Jews to use cluster bombs against Arab civilians defending their country against foreign aggression?
10,000 Israelis couldn't dislodge 3,000 Hezbollah militia in 2006 yet you hold your breath for a fight against an equal number of Russians with air cover? Since '73 Israel's conventional forces have proven better suited for killing unarmed civilians while stealing their land and water; Russia puts 300 peacekeepers in the Golan, and Bibi shits his drawers before Putin does.
Israel could have EASILY taken out those 3 000 fighters, but that would have involved blowing up every area that they suspected or know where they were hiding, resulting in tens of thousands of civilian deaths. Kind of like the way Assad has his army do the fighting.
I love how you talk about Hezbollah like they are some sort of exceptionally powerful militia terrorist organization, when in fact they use Guerilla Warfare, which involves fighting among civilian populations, uses civilian houses, hiding in bushes like rats. These are how cowards fight.
If it was a face to face fight in Lebanese territory with no civilians or civilian infrastructure around, who would win Georgie Boy ????
Hezbollah = JOKE
"The conflict is believed to have killed at least 1,191–1,300 Lebanese people,[51][52][53][54] and 165 Israelis.[55]

"It severely damaged Lebanese civil infrastructure, and displaced approximately one million Lebanese[56] and 300,000–500,000 Israelis.[21][57][58]

After the ceasefire, some parts of southern Lebanon remained uninhabitable due to Israeli unexploded cluster bomblets."

Israel killed hundreds of women and children dozens of miles from any Hezbollah fighters.
Only devout chicken shits cluster bomb civilians.

2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's how many civilians dies in Lebanon where there were two belligerents fighting on Lebanese soil. Not all those civilians were killed by cluster bombs or other airstrikes. YOu need to stop playing the sympathy card Georgie, it doesn't work well .

Cowards are the ones who fire cheap shit missile without direction, not giving two shits if it hits an Arab school in Israel. Cowards are those who fight among the civilian population and use civilian buildings to shoot from or hide weapons. Then they cry when their civilians are killed. Geez, I wonder why ! The main difference of course being that Hezbollah wants civilian deaths, Israel does not
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