Moses was a murder-er multiple times.,.,.,.

Christ is my reward.

No, You brazenly defy the law of God and openly desecrate the teachings of Jesus religiously as an expression of your love and devotion.

You are dead and in hell merrily prancing around like a fool on the way to destruction.

That is your reward.
No matter how many times you cut and paste that gibberish it is still insane....

You worship the lifeless work of human hands for spiritual life. Derp!
This is how Satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the will of God to possess the cowardly, gullible, and faithless, like you..

You believe that you are eating Jesus meanwhile, in reality, you are being swallowed by evil.

As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined ding. And he's not only merely dead, he's really most sincerely dead......

As God commands, you may not eat the flesh of a corpse (like ding). It's the law!

Swallowed by evil??What does that mean? Surely you don't believe in demons.

Evil isn't a thing.
No, You brazenly defy the law of God and openly desecrate the teachings of Jesus religiously as an expression of your love and devotion.

You are dead and in hell merrily prancing around like a fool on the way to destruction.

That is your reward.
You have never experienced communion. I have. You are ignorant about this experience. I am not.

You are so angry right now you are besides yourself. I have the peace of Jesus.
Swallowed by evil??What does that mean? Surely you don't believe in demons.

Evil isn't a thing.

I've seen demons trying to pass themselves off as human beings all my life.

One even became the president.

Evil may not be a thing but what it is is a self negating multiplicity condemned by God for all eternity, slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Ding joined this crowd we, us, etc., by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus, and couldn't be happier, or so he says.
No, You brazenly defy the law of God and openly desecrate the teachings of Jesus religiously as an expression of your love and devotion.

You are dead and in hell merrily prancing around like a fool on the way to destruction.

That is your reward.
I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken away from me.
You have never experienced communion. I have. You are ignorant about this experience. I am not.

You are so angry right now you are besides yourself. I have the peace of Jesus.


You have never seen and do not know Jesus.

You bear the mark of the antichrist, a false counterfeit Jesus, a substitute almighty yet edible pusillanimous triune mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence conjured from the depths of hell by Rome and ruthlessly unleashed on the world in 325.c.e.
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I've seen demons trying to pass themselves off as human beings all my life.

One even became the president.

Evil may not be a thing but what it is is a self negating multiplicity condemned by God for all eternity, slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Ding joined this crowd we, us, etc., by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus, and couldn't be happier, or so he says.
Didn't you tell me that you believed evil existed and that hell was a real place?

You have never seen and do not know Jesus.

You bear the mark of the antichrist, a false counterfeit substitute pusillanimous almighty, yet edible, triune mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.
Look at the words you are using in this exchange? It's obvious you have been triggered.
And Jesus said to me, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
Didn't you tell me that you believed evil existed and that hell was a real place?

Evil itself with a legion of demons have found a home in you like the destitute find shelter in an abandoned building.

Hell is a real place in you mind, wherever you are.

You have never seen and do not know Jesus.

You bear the mark of the antichrist, a false counterfeit Jesus, a substitute almighty yet edible pusillanimous triune mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence conjured from the depths of hell by Rome and ruthlessly unleashed on the world in 325.c.e.

What Mark of the Beast? Or is that the Mark of the AntiChrist?
Evil itself with a legion of demons have found a home in you like the destitute find shelter in an abandoned building.

Hell is a real place in you mind, wherever you are.

Are you really into the supernatural and the occult?
And Jesus said to me, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
yeah yeah yeah, go and count some rosary beads, get down on your knees, worship a matzo, light some candles, ring a bell, and maybe you'll feel better.

You are already in hell and couldn't be happier. Whats to fear? Oh yeah, the judgment.

Are you really into the supernatural and the occult?
No. A person possessed by a devil or devils is a person hypnotized, under the mind control of one or many human devils, MK Ultra, what the ancients called the magical arts or sorcery, used by priests, politicians, cults, lowlifes, conmen, fox news, and every foul and loathsome beast and bird.

Losing your soul is losing your mind. An unclean spirit is a filthy mind.

The curse of the law, the death, for failing to heed divine instruction is insanity. re: ding

Nothing occult or supernatural about any of that.
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Evil itself with a legion of demons have found a home in you like the destitute find shelter in an abandoned building.

Hell is a real place in you mind, wherever you are.
Spoken like a true secular humanist whose only purpose of discussing scripture is to remove all supernatural aspects of Christ.

You are so mad. Listen to you telling me I have demons and I am like an abandoned building. Normal people don't talk like that, dude. You have a problem.

I can do all things through Christ even dismiss your attacks against me, brother. What you intend for evil, God is using for good.
No. A person possessed by a devil or devils is a person hypnotized, under the mind control of one or many human devils, MK Ultra, what the ancients called the magical arts or sorcery, used by priests, politicians, cults, all lowlifes, and fox news.

Losing your soul is losing your mind. An unclean spirit is a filthy mind.

The curse of the law, the death, for failing to heed divine instruction is insanity.

Nothing occult or supernatural about any of that.

I think you confuse a lot of people when you use the language of the occult .
No. A person possessed by a devil or devils is a person hypnotized, under the mind control of one or many human devils, MK Ultra, what the ancients called the magical arts or sorcery, used by priests, politicians, cults, all lowlifes, and fox news.

Losing your soul is losing your mind. An unclean spirit is a filthy mind.

The curse of the law, the death, for failing to heed divine instruction is insanity.

Nothing occult or supernatural about any of that.
Would you like to remove all supernatural references from the Bible?
I think you confuse a lot of people when you use the language of the occult .
He does it to hide his true beliefs. He wants to be seen as a person who believes in a supernatural God but he doesn't really believe in a supernatural God. He's more like a secular humanist or naturalist. He believes in God Lite.

His arguments are based on what he believes someone who believed in a supernatural God SHOULD believe. Which is hilarious if you think about it.

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