Mosque shooting in New Zealand

People die in car crashes, or accidents. I think of 9/11, Remember what Islam has done to us? The horrors of the twin towers..the twin towers, THAT is what Islam has done to us. What GOOD have these people done that has offset any of that?

Oh please. Put a fucking LID on this Bigot-Brigade history revision insanity.
Haven't you assholes done ENOUGH damage? What the fuck more do you WANT?

You moron. For all the horrors Muslims have committed in the last 18 years, the enslavement of girls/women, beheadings an 9/11. Sorry, but not feeling the pain. So yuck that up. I am a proud Islamaphobic.
Not once ever has a mass shooter even mentioned "gun free zones". Adam Lantz was so fucked up on drugs and his mental issues I doubt the idea of "gun free zones" even crossed his mind. The Parkland shooter knew there was a guard with a gun on duty at the school and that didn't stop him, or even slow him down.

All of your posts about gun control are filled with distortions, lies and facts not in evidence. The murder rate in Canada isn't going up, it's going down. Every few years there's spike, like last year, but the police do a mass raid and arrest everyone with gun and get them off the street, and the murder rate goes down again. The fewer guns on the street, the fewer murders.

Facts, asshole. Cold hard facts.

Keep in mind, 2AGuy is compensating for his "Shortcomings".

And to the penis are seriously in need to get help from a trained professional. Whenever we talk about guns and gun control, you immediately thing about a man's psycho sexual response is damaged and you need help....guns are not sex toys.....they are self defense tools. That you confuse this is dangerous, and needs professional attention.

Proven fact that some people carry guns because they think it makes therm a tough guy. You know it.

Actually buttmunch, carrying allows me to have moral superiority over you.

Think about it: According to the laws of my state and federal governments, I not only have the right to end your life permanently should I consider you to be a threat, I also have the distinct honor of being able to carry the necessary tools and training almost anywhere I travel.

You on the other hand, wouldn't be allowed the same privilege I have, without committing a criminal act. Not unless you were as vetted, trained, and as much of a "trusted individual" as my government considers me to be.

I am a first-class American citizen who is taking full advantage of the Second Amendment right my constitution provides for me. You on the other hand, have chosen to eschew your constitutional right of self-protection, thereby being less of a citizen than I am.

If that ain't "moral superiority", I don't know what is, dickhead.
Funny chit. You voted for Tr ump & that means you have no morals.

Really, try that one one. "Officer I shot him because he was a threat to me". Officer " Anyone with a brain is a threat to you, get on the ground now"
Evidently, not enough.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault weapon
aimed single fire shots can kill more /are more accurate than auto weapons
so they can be more lethal
Good, so banning assault type rifles should not hurt any of you gun nuts

There is no common understanding as to what "assault type rifle" actually means. Any rifle can be used to assault someone you know.

Further, if some is attacked by a street gang or a terror cell, they may need to get a lot of rounds off fast. This is why the Secret Service is armed with serious weapons.
I am a proud agnostic Islamaphobe. Assholes that want to crash planes into buildings and construct laws out of whole cloth to control people? Aren't liberals apposed to that kind of stuff? If they where Christians cutting of heads and suicide suppository mass "Nabuguklatorism" we might all be on the same page. Islam crashing plane into buildings, over look that. I made up nabugularklasim. Islam is made up too, so what.

No one is for crashing planes into buildings. You assfucks think because a few from a group does something, they all agree it should have been done. That is just plain stupid.

Then you add to that stupidityh by thinking no "Christians" have ever done anything similar.
People die in car crashes, or accidents. I think of 9/11, Remember what Islam has done to us? The horrors of the twin towers..the twin towers, THAT is what Islam has done to us. What GOOD have these people done that has offset any of that?

What good have you done to offset all the killings done by Christians?
People kill people not firearms… Firearms have nothing to do with violence
A tool with no other purpose but to kill
Firearms have no control over people
Guns don’t kill people
People kill people

What's wrong. Again: In Germany die about 50 people a year because of firearms. In the USA it are more than 30,000 every year. That's 15,000% more (calculated on the same level of population): 15,000%!!! 150 times more often!!!

They just prefer to use guns

I'm by the way very impressed from the two policemen who had arrrested this damned bloody asshole. They did a great job. And the best: They got him alive. That's very good. This will help lots of psychologist and forensic experts to find out what's really going on in the life and brain of such a ruthless mass-murderer, who kills people who never had done him on his own something bad in his life, but murders only on reason of totally perverted ideas and stupid political propaganda, which others dissiminate. We have to understand how someone is able to lose totally the control about the own essential life and acts like an empty minded killer machine.

Most deaths due to firearms in America are due to Suicide, not homicide. If people intent on offing themselves don't have guns, they just jump off of tall buildings or immolate themselves instead. What the hell difference does it make?

Let the people make harakiri. Then you do not need firearms or sky scrapers for this bloody mass. If you like then I will try to teach you suiciders to do hara kiri with an orignal German longsword within 0.1 seconds to 120 years depending on their real free will to do suicide.

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People die in car crashes, or accidents. I think of 9/11, Remember what Islam has done to us? The horrors of the twin towers..the twin towers, THAT is what Islam has done to us. What GOOD have these people done that has offset any of that?

Oh please. Put a fucking LID on this Bigot-Brigade history revision insanity.
Haven't you assholes done ENOUGH damage? What the fuck more do you WANT?

You moron. For all the horrors Muslims have committed in the last 18 years, the enslavement of girls/women, beheadings an 9/11. Sorry, but not feeling the pain. So yuck that up. I am a proud Islamaphobic.

A fucking gullible idiot is what you are. Wanna buy a bridge with that? Why not, you apparently buy anything anybody dangles in front of your nose.
Not once ever has a mass shooter even mentioned "gun free zones". Adam Lantz was so fucked up on drugs and his mental issues I doubt the idea of "gun free zones" even crossed his mind. The Parkland shooter knew there was a guard with a gun on duty at the school and that didn't stop him, or even slow him down.

All of your posts about gun control are filled with distortions, lies and facts not in evidence. The murder rate in Canada isn't going up, it's going down. Every few years there's spike, like last year, but the police do a mass raid and arrest everyone with gun and get them off the street, and the murder rate goes down again. The fewer guns on the street, the fewer murders.

Facts, asshole. Cold hard facts.

Keep in mind, 2AGuy is compensating for his "Shortcomings".

And to the penis are seriously in need to get help from a trained professional. Whenever we talk about guns and gun control, you immediately thing about a man's psycho sexual response is damaged and you need help....guns are not sex toys.....they are self defense tools. That you confuse this is dangerous, and needs professional attention.

Proven fact that some people carry guns because they think it makes therm a tough guy. You know it.

Actually buttmunch, carrying allows me to have moral superiority over you.

Think about it: According to the laws of my state and federal governments, I not only have the right to end your life permanently should I consider you to be a threat, I also have the distinct honor of being able to carry the necessary tools and training almost anywhere I travel.

You on the other hand, wouldn't be allowed the same privilege I have, without committing a criminal act. Not unless you were as vetted, trained, and as much of a "trusted individual" as my government considers me to be.

I am a first-class American citizen who is taking full advantage of the Second Amendment right my constitution provides for me. You on the other hand, have chosen to eschew your constitutional right of self-protection, thereby being less of a citizen than I am.

If that ain't "moral superiority", I don't know what is, dickhead.
Funny chit. You voted for Tr ump & that means you have no morals.

Really, try that one one. "Officer I shot him because he was a threat to me". Officer " Anyone with a brain is a threat to you, get on the ground now"

Pot, meet kettle, super dud Dave, the closet voted for the Hildebeast and Barrypuppet thus you have no high ground on which to stand, dipshit.
People die in car crashes, or accidents. I think of 9/11, Remember what Islam has done to us? The horrors of the twin towers..the twin towers, THAT is what Islam has done to us. What GOOD have these people done that has offset any of that?

What good have you done to offset all the killings done by Christians?

I am an agnostic, can't answer for Christians. I am 60 years old. Christians haven't adopted suicide murder tactics like some nihilistic weirdo Muslim creeps crashing planes into Manhatahan. Never seen that before, how's about YOU?
I am borderline atheist. When I see videos of 9/11 or Muslims beheading people calmly standing on a beach in neat rows or burning someone alive whilst cheering? Islam is a made up plagiarized stolen ideology. I feel badly for humans beings victimized by causes. Muslims, not so much. Sorry. What comes around, goes around. That is just human.
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that's what I can say now

We already have plenty of gun control laws
Evidently, not enough.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault weapon
aimed single fire shots can kill more /are more accurate than auto weapons
so they can be more lethal

We are not talking about automatic weapons.
Evidently, not enough.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault weapon
aimed single fire shots can kill more /are more accurate than auto weapons
so they can be more lethal
Good, so banning assault type rifles should not hurt any of you gun nuts
and it won't stop one murder
And to the penis are seriously in need to get help from a trained professional. Whenever we talk about guns and gun control, you immediately thing about a man's psycho sexual response is damaged and you need help....guns are not sex toys.....they are self defense tools. That you confuse this is dangerous, and needs professional attention.

I didn't say anyting about Penises... I just said "Shortcomings"... but you knew exactly what I was talking about because... well, you know.
People die in car crashes, or accidents. I think of 9/11, Remember what Islam has done to us? The horrors of the twin towers..the twin towers, THAT is what Islam has done to us. What GOOD have these people done that has offset any of that?

Hey, dummy, "Islam" didn't do that to us.

A group of radicals who were trained, armed and sponsored by our own CIA did that.
I am a proud agnostic Islamaphobe. Assholes that want to crash planes into buildings and construct laws out of whole cloth to control people? Aren't liberals apposed to that kind of stuff? If they where Christians cutting of heads and suicide suppository mass "Nabuguklatorism" we might all be on the same page. Islam crashing plane into buildings, over look that. I made up nabugularklasim. Islam is made up too, so what.

So is Christianity. In fact, there is probably more historical evidence for Mohammed than Jesus... but never mind that part.

Asshole who crashed planes into buildings were the same assholes we armed in the 1980's to fight the Russians in Afghanistan because they might teach girls how to read, those dirty stinking commies!

Our middle east policy is to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung.
You moron. For all the horrors Muslims have committed in the last 18 years, the enslavement of girls/women, beheadings an 9/11. Sorry, but not feeling the pain. So yuck that up. I am a proud Islamaphobic.

Okay, what about all the horrors that we inflicted on them.

One million Dead Iraqis... we could start there, with our 28 year war against Iraq because the Bush Crime Family got us involved in a fight between Saddam and the Emir of Kuwait over an oil field.

We've bombed, invaded or occupied 14 Islamic Nations since 1980. We keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.
People die in car crashes, or accidents. I think of 9/11, Remember what Islam has done to us? The horrors of the twin towers..the twin towers, THAT is what Islam has done to us. What GOOD have these people done that has offset any of that?

Hey, dummy, "Islam" didn't do that to us.

A group of radicals who were trained, armed and sponsored by our own CIA did that.

Radical Islamic Jihadi existed long before the CIA was ever thought of. Its crazy that so many libs never heard of the Jihadi attack on Tours, France,or the fact they invaded Spain for almost 8 centuries, or sieged Vienna,or slaughtered Kiwis in Gallipoli or a thousand other acts of evil. Do you know where the word "assassin" came from? Its derived from "hashish", because the radical Jihadi who went out and killed people got loaded on hashish first.

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