Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Radical Islamic Jihadi existed long before the CIA was ever thought of. Its crazy that so many libs never heard of the Jihadi attack on Tours, France,or the fact they invaded Spain for almost 8 centuries, or sieged Vienna,or slaughtered Kiwis in Gallipoli or a thousand other acts of evil.

You do realize that there were just as many nasty acts by Christians.

My favorite was during the Albigensian Crusade, against French Heretics, where the Papal Legate was asked during the seige of Beziers how they tell a good Christian from a heretic, and he said, Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius {"Kill them all, God will know his own!"}

We could also compare the fall of Jerusalem to the Crusaders in 1099 where they went on a rampage, compared to when Saladin retook the city 80 years later, where he just let the Christians leave if they wanted to.

As for the Kiwis in Galipoli... um, those guys were invading their land.. that's what you do to invaders.
As for the Kiwis in Galipoli... um, those guys were invading their land.. that's what you do to invaders.

I'm surprised to hear that from a "no-walls" liberal. Calling people just wanting to come into your country "invaders" is so unbecoming and hypocritical.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault weapon
aimed single fire shots can kill more /are more accurate than auto weapons
so they can be more lethal
Good, so banning assault type rifles should not hurt any of you gun nuts
and it won't stop one murder
Based on what? Your immense expertise?
We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

A semiautomatic rifle is not an assault weapon
aimed single fire shots can kill more /are more accurate than auto weapons
so they can be more lethal
Good, so banning assault type rifles should not hurt any of you gun nuts
and it won't stop one murder
Based on what? Your immense expertise?

Based upon the experience of other countries. Nations like Mexico have experimented with Draconian Style gun control for decades, and their murder rates are actually much higher than here in America. I was reading some history from the past the other day, Dave, I'd recommend you do the same. Did you ever hear of the Punic Wars? how about the Crusades? Many people killed, but both sets of events happened long before Assault Weapons were even invented.
Good on whatever Kiwi did it. It's about time that genocidal hate ideology got a dose of what they've subjected the entire to world for 1400 years.

Two wrongs don't make a right, bru!!!


The fact that a non-Muslim did the shooting shouldn't make it any more heinous though. Muslims have been blowing up each other's mosques and committing mass murders against each other for as long as I remember.

I suppose all we'll hear from the left for the next three weeks will be this:


The shooter was a white supremicist/nationalist who used a firearm on innocent law abiding unarmed human beings including children.

Tell us why you wouid not hear all that truth from not just the left but from any appalled and shocked person living on the planet right now?

Why do you always make yourselves the whiny unfortunate victim based on this horrendous type of tragedy.

Why don’t you want news about one of your compadres being told in the aftermath of a wanton massacre such as this?

Why is it always the victims (if not of your race and your religion) be the ones who deserved to be objects of hatred and suffer because they don’t arm themselves 24/7 and live their lives as if in a combat zone as soldiers.
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Good on whatever Kiwi did it. It's about time that genocidal hate ideology got a dose of what they've subjected the entire to world for 1400 years.

Two wrongs don't make a right, bru!!!


The fact that a non-Muslim did the shooting shouldn't make it any more heinous though. Muslims have been blowing up each other's mosques and committing mass murders against each other for as long as I remember.

I suppose all we'll hear from the left for the next three weeks will be this:


The shooter was a white supremicI st/nationalist who used a firearm on welfare on innocent law abiding unarmed human beings including children.

Tell us why you wouid not hear all that from not just the left but from any appalled and shocked person living on the planet right now?

Why do you always make yourselves the whiny unfortunate victim based on this horrendous type of tragedy.

Why don’t you want news about one of your compadres being told in the aftermath of a wanton massacre such as this?

Why is it always the victims (if not of your race and your religion) be the ones who deserved to be objects of hatred and suffer because they don’t arm themselves 24/7 and live their lives as if in a combat zone as soldiers.

There are all kinds of atrocities going on in strange foreign lands like New Zealand. And always will be , by the way.

The thing I find disturbing is the big deal being made of the Christchurch shootings, while barely a whisper in the media about the shootings in Nigeria. The reason why is that the media is trying to tar President Trump with this, even though everyone involved in this on both sides are foreigners with no attachment at all to the President whatsoever.
Radical Islamic Jihadi existed long before the CIA was ever thought of. Its crazy that so many libs never heard of the Jihadi attack on Tours, France,or the fact they invaded Spain for almost 8 centuries, or sieged Vienna,or slaughtered Kiwis in Gallipoli or a thousand other acts of evil.

You do realize that there were just as many nasty acts by Christians.

My favorite was during the Albigensian Crusade, against French Heretics, where the Papal Legate was asked during the seige of Beziers how they tell a good Christian from a heretic, and he said, Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius {"Kill them all, God will know his own!"}

The story is: The Albigensians had really a totally crazy form of belief - but this was not a big problem. A problem was for the French king that the Albigensians were pacifists, who refused to go to war for him. That's why he sent soldiers. But they did not know what to do, because they were not able to see any difference between the Albigensians and the Catholics, who had lived door by door. So the commander suggested to kill as well the Catholics and the Albigensians and let god do the decision who is a heretics. This satanic idea made indeed to an heretics the commander of this mass murdering action, who had earned to burn on a stake on his own in the laws of this time of history. But this did not happen. Some people are always a little more equal than others - this problem exists in all cultures of the world. Interesting is the historical answer: The Albigensians are seen as martyrs from everyeone - but the Catholics are only seen as murderers. Nearly no one has any compassion with the Catholics, who were murdered too.

The US-government attacks by the way in the moment, 2019 AD, members of the International Court of Justice in Den Haag, who have to study war crimes of members of the CIA and US-American soldiers in Afghanistan.

We could also compare the fall of Jerusalem to the Crusaders in 1099 where they went on a rampage, compared to when Saladin retook the city 80 years later, where he just let the Christians leave if they wanted to.

The Frankonian wars (later called "Crusades" since about 200 years - but the word "crusade" was often only used instead of the word "war", because wars were always seen as a criminal action) were by the way much more complex. Before this war the Seljuks (a turkish tribe) had conquered Jerusalem and Mekka - and the Normans had conquered England. We could also call the Crusades (this crusade) a war between the Seljuks and the Normans.

As for the Kiwis in Galipoli... um, those guys were invading their land.. that's what you do to invaders.

World war 1 was unbelievable cruel and brutal.

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Blackrook, post: 22004914
The Muslims have done everything in their power to be the most hated group of people in the Western world, everything from demand of special privileges, demands that Sharia law be implemented, honor killings for rape victims, murder of homosexuals, female circumcision, terrorism, etc. If they wanted us to like them, they wouldn't act like this.

Do you have inside knowledge that any member attending those two mosques in Christ Church, New Zealand had demanded special privileges or one of the following specific demands that Sharia law be implemented as well as honor killings for rape victims, murder of homosexuals, female circumcision, or any were contemplating an act of terrorism?

Muslims have migrated into New Zealand since the 1900’s. Have you found any acts of honor killings for rape victims, murders of homosexuals etc on your garbage generalizations about 1.8 billion Muslims around the world?

Why must these decent law abiding citizens or visitors of New Zealand need to be ‘liked’ by white Christians from all around the world so as not to be deservedly slaughtered while lawfully conducting themselves as model citizens and practicing their lawful and peaceful religion of choice?

Why does anyone deserve to die if white Christians don’t “like” them?

I have Muslim neighbors and coworkers and relatives and there is not a one of them I don’t like.

I know not a single victim involved in this horrible attack. But of the obituaries I’ve read I see absolutely no reason not to “like” a single one.

I do know this though, your written words, messages of generalized hatred for such a large group of peaceful people, and your sympathies for the one who shoots them in cold blood, allow me to know that It is right to not “like” a hater like you and all those here that do like you.
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Why must these decent law abiding citizens or visitors of New Zealand need to be ‘liked’ by white Christians from all around the world so as not to be deservedly slaughtered while lawfully conducting themselves as model citizens and practicing their lawful and peaceful religion of choice?


What does the actions of one character from Australia going to New Zealand to commit a shooting having anything to do with "white Christians from all around the world", or gun owners in America or the NRA or our President?

Actually, nothing at all. Condolences from America were sent by our President. What else should anyone expect?
And to the penis are seriously in need to get help from a trained professional. Whenever we talk about guns and gun control, you immediately thing about a man's psycho sexual response is damaged and you need help....guns are not sex toys.....they are self defense tools. That you confuse this is dangerous, and needs professional attention.

I didn't say anyting about Penises... I just said "Shortcomings"... but you knew exactly what I was talking about because... well, you know.

Because you are sick in a sexual sense and you need help.
Polishprince, post: 22020865
What does the actions of one character from Australia going to New Zealand to commit a shooting having anything to do with "white Christians from all around the world", or gun owners in America or the NRA or our President?

I was responding to a poster who posted here on behalf of white Christians from around the world expressing hateful generalizations against the victims of this atrocity and sympathies for the gun toting mass murderer

This poster opined most hatefully that the victims of this shooting basically deserved their fate because white Christians don’t like the religion they practice.

Are you on board with that sicko train of thought?

Are you saying this one “charactor” has no like-minded counter-parts in the rest of the world?

You appear to be confused about the purpose of this forum and to be whining about Trumpo being the victim here too.

Trumpo has a backround sympathetic to white nationalism in America and around the globe. His past on that topic is certainly worthy of discussion here.

If you are not up to defending Trumpo just say so.
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There are all kinds of atrocities going on in strange foreign lands like New Zealand. And always will be , by the way.

The thing I find disturbing is the big deal being made of the Christchurch shootings, while barely a whisper in the media about the shootings in Nigeria. The reason why is that the media is trying to tar President Trump with this, even though everyone involved in this on both sides are foreigners with no attachment at all to the President whatsoever.

Nigeria is a bunch of isolated incidents in an ongoing civil war... kind of intellectually lazy.

Trump is getting tarred because he's the one who used this kind of Islamophobic rhetoric to start with.
Polishprince, post: 22020865
What does the actions of one character from Australia going to New Zealand to commit a shooting having anything to do with "white Christians from all around the world",......

You cited what I wrote to another poster:

Why must these decent law abiding citizens or visitors of New Zealand need to be ‘liked’ by white Christians from all around the world so as not to be deservedly slaughtered while lawfully conducting themselves as model citizens and practicing their lawful and peaceful religion of choice?

And you absolutely avoided answering my question by diverting to some “whine” about white Christians in the USA, including Trumpo and NRA dues payers being the victims of unfair publicity.

If you are going to cite and respond to a question you ought to at least have the decency to answer it.

Why must these decent law abiding citizens or visitors of New Zealand need to be ‘liked’ by white Christians from all around the world so as not to be deservedly slaughtered while lawfully conducting themselves as model citizens and practicing their lawful and peaceful religion of choice?

Please answer.
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There are all kinds of atrocities going on in strange foreign lands like New Zealand. And always will be , by the way.

The thing I find disturbing is the big deal being made of the Christchurch shootings, while barely a whisper in the media about the shootings in Nigeria. The reason why is that the media is trying to tar President Trump with this, even though everyone involved in this on both sides are foreigners with no attachment at all to the President whatsoever.

Nigeria is a bunch of isolated incidents in an ongoing civil war... kind of intellectually lazy.

Trump is getting tarred because he's the one who used this kind of Islamophobic rhetoric to start with.

Actually, President Trump has said on many occasions that Islam is a Fabulous religion. Not islamophobic in the least, and distinguished muslim voices like Iron Mike Tyson and the Iron Sheikh are real close friends with him, not to mention muslim leaders like Moe Salmon and other leaders of the royal family of Saudi Arabia.

If someone on the other side of the globe somehow "thinks" that President Trump hates muslims, it is only because the Fake News folks at CNN are spreading that traitorous garbage around.
There are all kinds of atrocities going on in strange foreign lands like New Zealand. And always will be , by the way.

The thing I find disturbing is the big deal being made of the Christchurch shootings, while barely a whisper in the media about the shootings in Nigeria. The reason why is that the media is trying to tar President Trump with this, even though everyone involved in this on both sides are foreigners with no attachment at all to the President whatsoever.

Nigeria is a bunch of isolated incidents in an ongoing civil war... kind of intellectually lazy.

Trump is getting tarred because he's the one who used this kind of Islamophobic rhetoric to start with.

Actually, President Trump has said on many occasions that Islam is a Fabulous religion. Not islamophobic in the least, and distinguished muslim voices like Iron Mike Tyson and the Iron Sheikh are real close friends with him, not to mention muslim leaders like Moe Salmon and other leaders of the royal family of Saudi Arabia.

If someone on the other side of the globe somehow "thinks" that President Trump hates muslims, it is only because the Fake News folks at CNN are spreading that traitorous garbage around.

Your highest concern apoears to be Trumpo’s image involving this tragedy and how he is a constsnt victim of fake news,

Are you going to answer this question

Why must these decent law abiding citizens or visitors of New Zealand need to be ‘liked’ by white Christians from all around the world so as not to be deservedly slaughtered while lawfully conducting themselves as model citizens and practicing their lawful and peaceful religion of choice?

Or aren’t you?
There are all kinds of atrocities going on in strange foreign lands like New Zealand. And always will be , by the way.

The thing I find disturbing is the big deal being made of the Christchurch shootings, while barely a whisper in the media about the shootings in Nigeria. The reason why is that the media is trying to tar President Trump with this, even though everyone involved in this on both sides are foreigners with no attachment at all to the President whatsoever.

Nigeria is a bunch of isolated incidents in an ongoing civil war... kind of intellectually lazy.

Trump is getting tarred because he's the one who used this kind of Islamophobic rhetoric to start with.

Actually, President Trump has said on many occasions that Islam is a Fabulous religion. Not islamophobic in the least, and distinguished muslim voices like Iron Mike Tyson and the Iron Sheikh are real close friends with him, not to mention muslim leaders like Moe Salmon and other leaders of the royal family of Saudi Arabia.

If someone on the other side of the globe somehow "thinks" that President Trump hates muslims, it is only because the Fake News folks at CNN are spreading that traitorous garbage around.

Your highest concern apoears to be Trumpo’s image involving this tragedy and how he is a constsnt victim of fake news,

Are you going to answer this question

Why must these decent law abiding citizens or visitors of New Zealand need to be ‘liked’ by white Christians from all around the world so as not to be deservedly slaughtered while lawfully conducting themselves as model citizens and practicing their lawful and peaceful religion of choice?

Or aren’t you?

The image of our President reflects on ALL Americans, not just him. If someone falsely accuses Trump, its an attack on all of us.

As far as New Zealand, they are a strange people with strange customs, and don't reflect on America at all.


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