Mossad: "Our Man In Syria"

The opposition refuse the entry of foreigners because it adds the cost for military opposition, but you can't stop the entry of volunteers.

The matter is when mollah state recruits terrorists from many countries to Jihad with dictator!!!

The bottom line here, which must to obvious to most of the viewers, is that Freeman supports these extremist Muslims who want to take over the world with a new Caliphate. He has nad nothing to say about all the innocent people who have been murdered, wounded or displaced. One thing, though, is that Freeman had better get going running around to the different Muslim countries trying to line up all the others for this new Caliphate or it might fall flat on its face.

Jordanian cleric calls jihadist caliphate 'void' | The Times of Israel
You are really a joke!
I have already argued that those trojans of ISIS are pure innovation of regime and Mossad killers to subvert the opposition, it's clear. :arrow:

Freeman, you really are the joke here if you think that the viewers are dumb enough to believe your nonsense. Your brethren want to take over the world for Islam, and that is the bottom line. There have been too many killings by them for any rational person to think otherwise. Now the big question is -- do you also have a pink Hello Kitty notebook just like your leader does?
The bottom line here, which must to obvious to most of the viewers, is that Freeman supports these extremist Muslims who want to take over the world with a new Caliphate. He has nad nothing to say about all the innocent people who have been murdered, wounded or displaced. One thing, though, is that Freeman had better get going running around to the different Muslim countries trying to line up all the others for this new Caliphate or it might fall flat on its face.

Jordanian cleric calls jihadist caliphate 'void' | The Times of Israel
You are really a joke!
I have already argued that those trojans of ISIS are pure innovation of regime and Mossad killers to subvert the opposition, it's clear. :arrow:

Freeman, you really are the joke here if you think that the viewers are dumb enough to believe your nonsense. Your brethren want to take over the world for Islam, and that is the bottom line. There have been too many killings by them for any rational person to think otherwise. Now the big question is -- do you also have a pink Hello Kitty notebook just like your leader does?
Should I belie leaked documents and believe your stories?!
You should always judge a groupuscule by his acts.
ISIS never menaced "Israel" nor the regime in Syria.
You are really a joke!
I have already argued that those trojans of ISIS are pure innovation of regime and Mossad killers to subvert the opposition, it's clear. :arrow:

Freeman, you really are the joke here if you think that the viewers are dumb enough to believe your nonsense. Your brethren want to take over the world for Islam, and that is the bottom line. There have been too many killings by them for any rational person to think otherwise. Now the big question is -- do you also have a pink Hello Kitty notebook just like your leader does?
Should I belie leaked documents and believe your stories?!
You should always judge a groupuscule by his acts.
ISIS never menaced "Israel" nor the regime in Syria.

So what? Just because they never attacked Israel doesn't mean they are allied with them.
What a stupid thing to say. Why are all you Jew haters so obsessed with conspiracy theories?
You are really a joke!
I have already argued that those trojans of ISIS are pure innovation of regime and Mossad killers to subvert the opposition, it's clear. :arrow:

Freeman, you really are the joke here if you think that the viewers are dumb enough to believe your nonsense. Your brethren want to take over the world for Islam, and that is the bottom line. There have been too many killings by them for any rational person to think otherwise. Now the big question is -- do you also have a pink Hello Kitty notebook just like your leader does?

Should I belie leaked documents and believe your stories?!
You should always judge a groupuscule by his acts.
ISIS never menaced "Israel" nor the regime in Syria.

Yeah, you sure can judge a group by their murdering innocent people in the name of their religion in many different locations in the world. Has anyone seen any other group other than the group Freeman belongs to who are busy not only murdering people in the name of their religion or any group in the world who are even murdering their own kind of different sects? Gee, one time when my husband and two other Americans were sent by our government to take people out of Iran, when the crazies came into power and people were desperate to leave , they were diverted from this by having to go rescue people from our Legation in a city in Eritrea because Freeman's brethren were even murdering each other there. However, Freeman, that good Muslim, would have told you that it was the CIA or the Mossad who were forcing his brethren to murder each other. So, Freeman, you didn't tell us why during the month of Ramadan, your brethren seem to get more killings in than they do the rest of the year. Can't they just restrain themselves during this month and get back to it when Ramadan is over?
The opposition refuse the entry of foreigners because it adds the cost for military opposition, but you can't stop the entry of volunteers.

The matter is when mollah state recruits terrorists from many countries to Jihad with dictator!!!

It is proven many times that FSA is the terrorist fraction.

FSA are deserters from the army.

FSA chief general Salim Idriss.
This times are over. FSA is just a bunch of foreign terrorists (70 %).
Freeman, you really are the joke here if you think that the viewers are dumb enough to believe your nonsense. Your brethren want to take over the world for Islam, and that is the bottom line. There have been too many killings by them for any rational person to think otherwise. Now the big question is -- do you also have a pink Hello Kitty notebook just like your leader does?
Should I belie leaked documents and believe your stories?!
You should always judge a groupuscule by his acts.
ISIS never menaced "Israel" nor the regime in Syria.

So what? Just because they never attacked Israel doesn't mean they are allied with them.
What a stupid thing to say. Why are all you Jew haters so obsessed with conspiracy theories?
The conspiracy theory is taught in "Israel", all acts are seen as arab conspiracy in "israelis" circles.
It is proven many times that FSA is the terrorist fraction.

FSA are deserters from the army.

FSA chief general Salim Idriss.
This times are over. FSA is just a bunch of foreign terrorists (70 %).

You mean 70% of regime militias are mollahs terrorists recruited by Iran.
Leaked video: Iran guiding thousands of Shiite fighters to Syria
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Should I belie leaked documents and believe your stories?!
You should always judge a groupuscule by his acts.
ISIS never menaced "Israel" nor the regime in Syria.

So what? Just because they never attacked Israel doesn't mean they are allied with them.
What a stupid thing to say. Why are all you Jew haters so obsessed with conspiracy theories?
The conspiracy theory is taught in "Israel", all acts are seen as arab conspiracy in "israelis" circles.

Does anyone really think this Muslim dummy knows what is taught in Israel? All he knows is to hate the Jews and that is what the main subject probably was in the madrassa he attended. Meanwhile, Freeman, can you tell us how many innocent people your brethren have killed in the Middle East during Ramadan? We all know that the number of deaths seem to climb during the Holiest Month of the Year. One would think that the Muslims would be taking it easy during this month instead of focusing on how many innocents they can murder. I don't think anyone here has ever seem members of any other religion getting busy murdering people during their Holy Days.
So what? Just because they never attacked Israel doesn't mean they are allied with them.
What a stupid thing to say. Why are all you Jew haters so obsessed with conspiracy theories?
The conspiracy theory is taught in "Israel", all acts are seen as arab conspiracy in "israelis" circles.

Does anyone really think this Muslim dummy knows what is taught in Israel? All he knows is to hate the Jews and that is what the main subject probably was in the madrassa he attended. Meanwhile, Freeman, can you tell us how many innocent people your brethren have killed in the Middle East during Ramadan? We all know that the number of deaths seem to climb during the Holiest Month of the Year. One would think that the Muslims would be taking it easy during this month instead of focusing on how many innocents they can murder. I don't think anyone here has ever seem members of any other religion getting busy murdering people during their Holy Days.

as with many people, when passions run high there is far too much constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth.
The conspiracy theory is taught in "Israel", all acts are seen as arab conspiracy in "israelis" circles.

Does anyone really think this Muslim dummy knows what is taught in Israel? All he knows is to hate the Jews and that is what the main subject probably was in the madrassa he attended. Meanwhile, Freeman, can you tell us how many innocent people your brethren have killed in the Middle East during Ramadan? We all know that the number of deaths seem to climb during the Holiest Month of the Year. One would think that the Muslims would be taking it easy during this month instead of focusing on how many innocents they can murder. I don't think anyone here has ever seem members of any other religion getting busy murdering people during their Holy Days.

as with many people, when passions run high there is far too much constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth.

That's a good way of putting it, Aris.

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