Most accurate OWS assessment to date; Washington Times

[ame=]Occupy Wall Street: Outing the Ringers - YouTube[/ame]
EDITORIAL: The Wall Street whiners - Washington Times

Mostly college grads who didn't get a big paying job right after graduation. We kinda saw this coming. Entitled college grads who think they're degree in Diversity Studies or Multiculturalism and Globalism, or Environmental Studies...........are pissed that Microsoft, Target, Apple, NBC, Google, won't give them 100K a year and a corner office upon graduation.

After all, THEY the students went through their lectures on how evil America is. They eradicated any hint of racism, sexism, bias, discrimination or judgement (except against white christian males) from their minds.


Best paragraph in the entire Op article...

Not everyone backs these crybabies. An older woman lectured the whiny youngsters: “My husband and I raise our family of six on a poverty-level income. But we live frugally and built a home business from the ground up. So we live pretty comfortably (though simply). Refuse debt. Live within your means and be a part of a productive solution.” That’s the attitude that made America great: Work hard, sacrifice and don’t expect something for nothing. It’s the exact opposite of the entitlement mentality that has transformed a nation that once was the world’s greatest lender into its largest debtor.

I'd go to work humping pipe on a derrick floor. The oil and gas industry is begging or hires. The pay's decent too.

The fact that some opportunities can still be scrounged up; the fact that it isn't completely impossible for people to get by, even now; the fact that, by working the kind of long hours that our ancestors fought bloody battles in the streets not to have to work without overtime pay, one can manage to hold body and soul together -- does not mean there's nothing wrong with the setup.

I think I'd understand this post better if it weren't in Yoda speak.
What the fuck would you do if you just finished college, are $150,000 in debt with interest payments accruing, no job opportunities available, largely because of the economic collapse, and the jokers who brought it all down are getting blow jobs from strippers on their 50 million dollar yachts? I'd say they have a right to be fucking pissed off, and it would be appreciated if there was some respect for their position and some legitimacy considered for their apparent sentiments. Thank you.

I would have NEVER gone to a damn college that costs 150K and gotten a degree that didn't guarantee a great job. Lots of morons bought into the idea that "OH my fancy liberal arts degree guarantees me a job!!"

Go to a tech school, learn a trade, or be a doctor. Otherwise, college is little help.

OWS folks are learning a life lesson many of us already knew. Education is great. But only work ethic guarantees a job, and even then it may be tough. Entry level, hard work, luck, modesty. That works.

But as we speak, an 18 year old is taking out 200K in loans to major in Multiculturalism Studies at Columbia U, and will protest in 6 years when he graduates and can't find work.

The way you frame this is ridiculous, and completely inaccurate and ill-representative of the population at large who attend school, COMPLETELY. Yet, you are so far removed from this reality, I am assuming, otherwise you would never make such an asinine statement. Are you even aware of how expensive schools are today? There is no difference, anyways, in getting an 80K education and a 200K education when you don't have a job to pay the interest payments on the student loans, and when the reason you don't have a job is because there simply are not any entry-level positions available because the economy is bad because of the economic collapse, which was because of greed on Wall Street, corruption, and collusion between public and private entities. People don't know what they want to do when they go to college, that is part of the reason they go, to take an array of classes and hone in on something. You're assertions are assinine that they should just "KNOW" what they want to do, as if they come out of the womb with a piece of paper telling them their future profession. Everyone knows that entry level work, hard work, luck, and modesty are what is necessary... that is not the issue. That issue is the complete lack of even entry level jobs, and the fact that student loan rates are so high, that they make living any kind of life unsustainable between normal expenses, student loan interest payments, trying to get a reign on the 'real world,' leaving home, trying to find a path in life... these are all stressful things that aren't easy for anybody, and when you see the wealth that those in high places are producing, and the damage they have done, it is not incredible to be able to point the finger... this time, they happen to hit the nail on the head. Unlike the tea party, who simply blames the existence of government (boardering on anarchism), which is somewhat of a non-sequitur to me, because big or small, a government can still be irresponsible and corrupt. More importantly, the reason the government has so much power in our lives is because of collusion with big corporations who try to control the legislation to make their businesses more profitable and with more barriers to entry for less firms, which could happen in a small government as well, and as long as these corporations have such leverage over our society, we will never be free. These corporations have effectively set up empires, much like old Chinese Dynasties. They are not existing in a democratic or even capitalistic framework anymore. They are so insulated, and as such, they represent more a of dictatorship.

It's amusing to me when people use cartoons as their argument.
If some idiot Wall Street protester has multiple degrees and can't find a job, one of several problems exist, all of them his/her fault:

1. Assuming a college degree means you don't have to work up to the big bucks.

2. Assuming that just having the degree is enough.

3. Having gotten a degree in a useless field.

4. Assuming a degree means automatic job.

5. Refusing to relocate to where the jobs are.

6. Getting a student loan instead of working at a job to pay for college.
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We are in the mist of the entitlement generation. They want everything but work for nothing type attitude!

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