Most Effective Coalition Building since George H.W. Bush


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
What Pres. Biden has done in building a world wide coalition to fight back against Putin economically has not been seen since the military coalition building that George H.W. Bush did in kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. His foreign policy credentials and experience have served him well.

Can not even imagine the clusterfuck our response would be to the invasion of Ukraine if Putin's buddy was still in the White House.

Putin completely underestimated Ukraine’s will to be independent and become part of the West. He completely underestimated the will of many Ukrainians to fight, even if it meant dying, for those two goals. He completely overestimated his own armed forces. He completely underestimated President Biden’s ability to galvanize a global economic and military coalition to enable Ukrainians to stand and fight and to devastate Russia at home — the most effective U.S. coalition-building effort since George H.W. Bush made Saddam Hussein pay for his folly of seizing Kuwait. And he completely underestimated the ability of companies and individuals all over the world to participate in, and amplify, economic sanctions on Russia — far beyond anything governments initiated or mandated.

Our President is doing a fine job in this crisis. He is straddling a fine line. Biden has our European allies behind him as well as the world excepting North Korea, Brazil and Syria, among very few others.
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What Pres. Biden has done in building a world wide coalition to fight back against Putin economically has not been seen since the military coalition building that George H.W. Bush did in kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. His foreign policy credentials and experience have served him well.

Can not even imagine the clusterfuck our response would be to the invasion of Ukraine if Putin's buddy was still in the White House.

Putin completely underestimated Ukraine’s will to be independent and become part of the West. He completely underestimated the will of many Ukrainians to fight, even if it meant dying, for those two goals. He completely overestimated his own armed forces. He completely underestimated President Biden’s ability to galvanize a global economic and military coalition to enable Ukrainians to stand and fight and to devastate Russia at home — the most effective U.S. coalition-building effort since George H.W. Bush made Saddam Hussein pay for his folly of seizing Kuwait. And he completely underestimated the ability of companies and individuals all over the world to participate in, and amplify, economic sanctions on Russia — far beyond anything governments initiated or mandated.

We're not going to forget the historic inflation, tyrannical lockdowns, forced vaccines, forced masking of children, mass firings, and other human rights violations under Biden. Nice try, though.
What Pres. Biden has done in building a world wide coalition to fight back against Putin economically has not been seen since the military coalition building that George H.W. Bush did in kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. His foreign policy credentials and experience have served him well.

Can not even imagine the clusterfuck our response would be to the invasion of Ukraine if Putin's buddy was still in the White House.

Putin completely underestimated Ukraine’s will to be independent and become part of the West. He completely underestimated the will of many Ukrainians to fight, even if it meant dying, for those two goals. He completely overestimated his own armed forces. He completely underestimated President Biden’s ability to galvanize a global economic and military coalition to enable Ukrainians to stand and fight and to devastate Russia at home — the most effective U.S. coalition-building effort since George H.W. Bush made Saddam Hussein pay for his folly of seizing Kuwait. And he completely underestimated the ability of companies and individuals all over the world to participate in, and amplify, economic sanctions on Russia — far beyond anything governments initiated or mandated.

Veggie Joe hasn’t built anything. He is leading from behind.

He is following the domestic political winds. He is no leader.
Negative, it's more of a virtue signaling with some supplies tossed in type of thing. Biden did not do shit.

BTW.....How many Ukrainian refugees of the 2 million that have exited the country has the US allowed in?

Very few as best as I can tell, either that or my google-fu is weak....They must be too white/Christian for the state department to allow it.
What happened to JFK's "coalition" when the Russians were building the Berlin Wall? He went over there, gave a rousing speech and went back home while Germans were shot in the back for crossing the street. The media loved him because it was Camelot. Biden not so much but he is still a democrat so he gets support for a lame effort that costs Americans lots of money at the gas pumps.
Especially how he coordinated the Polish MIG thing. LOL.
I'm still not sure how that will turn out.
I know Trump would not have let that issue fester while Ukraine is looking for a "no fly zone".
Giving these MIG29s should suffice for the "no fly zone"
But since Biden is so senile he can't decide what to do.
What Pres. Biden has done in building a world wide coalition to fight back against Putin economically has not been seen since the military coalition building that George H.W. Bush did in kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. His foreign policy credentials and experience have served him well.

Can not even imagine the clusterfuck our response would be to the invasion of Ukraine if Putin's buddy was still in the White House.

Putin completely underestimated Ukraine’s will to be independent and become part of the West. He completely underestimated the will of many Ukrainians to fight, even if it meant dying, for those two goals. He completely overestimated his own armed forces. He completely underestimated President Biden’s ability to galvanize a global economic and military coalition to enable Ukrainians to stand and fight and to devastate Russia at home — the most effective U.S. coalition-building effort since George H.W. Bush made Saddam Hussein pay for his folly of seizing Kuwait. And he completely underestimated the ability of companies and individuals all over the world to participate in, and amplify, economic sanctions on Russia — far beyond anything governments initiated or mandated.

please tell us about the poland US planes debacle

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