Most Misinformed Viewers?

20th time this year lol

You can only laugh at people like that who thinks they have hit on something HUGE, big, see all the left wing site say so. one was so important he had to post it twice from the HUFFERPOST..................some people are just like little children

You wanna believe their lies, have at it.

here's a clue little child, I don't watch fox news or ANY news station, listen to Rush or any talk radio..I get all my news and information off the Internet..
Now if you want to be taken seriously here you might want to post more than just what some left wing blog tells you..but I doubt that will happen as we've seen carry on thinking you are just so much smarter and above everyone..
You can only laugh at people like that who thinks they have hit on something HUGE, big, see all the left wing site say so. one was so important he had to post it twice from the HUFFERPOST..................some people are just like little children

You wanna believe their lies, have at it.

here's a clue little child, I don't watch fox news or ANY news station, listen to Rush or any talk radio..I get all my news and information off the Internet..
Now if you want to be taken seriously here you might want to post more than just what some left wing blog tells you..but I doubt that will happen as we've seen carry on thinking you are just so much smarter and above everyone..

Don't you love how liberal wingers think every right wing, conservative, republican hangs on every word FOX News or conservative talk radio pundit says. I never listen or watch any of it and don't know anyone who does, except my liberal in laws.
You wanna believe their lies, have at it.

here's a clue little child, I don't watch fox news or ANY news station, listen to Rush or any talk radio..I get all my news and information off the Internet..
Now if you want to be taken seriously here you might want to post more than just what some left wing blog tells you..but I doubt that will happen as we've seen carry on thinking you are just so much smarter and above everyone..

Don't you love how liberal wingers think every right wing, conservative, republican hangs on every word FOX News or conservative talk radio pundit says. I never listen or watch any of it and don't know anyone who does, except my liberal in laws.

yep, that's why I laugh when they invoke fox news, Rush, Hannity, Beck etc etc as if we all watch and listen to them..I guess it's that herd mentality they have so everyone must be in one...
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here's a clue little child, I don't watch fox news or ANY news station, listen to Rush or any talk radio..I get all my news and information off the Internet..
Now if you want to be taken seriously here you might want to post more than just what some left wing blog tells you..but I doubt that will happen as we've seen carry on thinking you are just so much smarter and above everyone..

Don't you love how liberal wingers think every right wing, conservative, republican hangs on every word FOX News or conservative talk radio pundit says. I never listen or watch any of it and don't know anyone who does, except my liberal in laws.

yep, that's why I laugh when they invoke fox news, Rush, Hannity, Beck etc etc as if we all watch and listen to them..I guess it's that herd mentality they have so everyone must be in one...

Oh yes you do.
I have a rough time believing MSNBC is any better at keeping people informed.

That's because they're not. They're trying to adopt the successful Murdoch business model to spread the left wing gospel just as FAUX is trying to spread the right wing gospel. They're already there with Rachel Madcow leading the charge.

That's true, although Maddow at least stays factual and talks to the opposition but yes, they and CNN have both lowered to the same level of selling emotion. Lawrence O'Donnell with his contrived outrage may be the worst, although I can't sit through 30 seconds of Al Sharpton so I dunno, that comparison might be incomplete.

So why are MSNBC doing that? Obviously not reaching for journalistic integrity; Sharpton brought in a considerable black audience which accounts for some of their ratings improvements, and just like Fox, having hair-on-fire talking heads telling the prepartisaned viewer what he/she wants to hear builds loyalty. That's a business model and not a journalism model.

This goes back to Grandpa's illusions about what "succeeds" on TV. Journalistic integrity and ratings "success" have nothing to do with each other except to be mutually antagonistic. Programing quality doesn't sell; ideology doesn't sell; journalistic ethics don't sell -- the emotion of drama and conflict is what sells. Genuine news is dispassionate and disinterested; cold, raw unemotional fact that takes no side. When you see a talking head start yelling or using value judgement terms, trying to stir the audience into one conclusion or another, you know you've left the world of news and entered the News Circus.

Bluntly, there is no profit in straight balanced news. There's a stark choice between two poles: if straight balanced news is what you're interested in, you just do it and forget the ratings, because they're not coming. But if ratings are what you're interested in, then you bring out the news circus clowns and to hell with journalistic standards. This latter has become the modern model. We are here.

Fox Noise invented the circus, and seeing how much money NewsCorp was making at it, the others, being also huge multinational corporations, follow it down the hole. None of them are there for news. They're there to sell circus. Because that's where the money is. Bottom line, NewsCorp and NBC and Time Warner are a lot more alike than the puppets they put on TV.

Why do they keep selling that? Because we keep buying it. As long as they do, they might as well call them Fox News Circus, MSClownBC and ClownNN.
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Make this your sig please...

Fox is no. 1 because sheeple love to be told what to think. :eusa_angel:

Fox idiots still thnks WMD's were real. We fought a war because Bush lied and Fox supported him.

Dispute that.

Nooooo...FOX is number one because conservatives pay more attention to politics then liberals do.
Hell...half of dem voters dont even watch the news.

That's the typical Fox News viewer's world view - "Only WE'RE informed." How the hell would you even know?

Do you have a short term memory problem? To much weed maybe?
I watch Fox,CNN,MSNBC and a host of other news programs.
And you know as well as I do that youngsters,gangsters and low income people are more concerned with their next buzz and could give a shit about the political process.
Which is why you see all the vids of them making fools of themselves and the dem voter.
Want to know who the most uninformed is?

Watch it and cry for our nation

Its a cute defense to go get idiot Obama voters making asses of themselves on you tube. Its also easy for me to show you how Fox is the number one cable network out there and ever single one of its viewers are idiots who actually belive fox is "fair and balanced".

The reason Fox is number one...sheeple LOVE to be told what to think.

:eusa_drool:Not quite as bad as Ubango BRAINWASHING his followers. At least at fox we have a choice of what to watch. With Ubango you watch and believe or your out.
I think people who depend on the comedy channel for political analysis and use words like "most misinformed" when they probably mean "least informed" are themselves products of the union based education system and media culture which is designed to keep people informed about entertainment and junk science.

Least informed would refer to someone who never has access to any news source at all. In this case, most misinformed refers to those who receive plenty of news, but news which is completely corrupt because it only reports one side of the story and is based on propaganda rather than fact.

I do not necessarily agree with that assessment, but that is what the assessment refers to. While I personally believe Fox News has a definite agenda and is extremely skewed in their reporting, that doesn't make everything they report on irrelevant. It also doesn't make them a great place to go for news coverage if you want to know the facts only. All that being said, there are many news networks such as MSNBC that have a similar bias from the opposite side. Personally, I think CNN actually has the most factual news available, although they too are somewhat biased to the left, but at least they actually try to make their news fair and balanced. Fox News and "fair and balanced" do not belong in the same sentence, paragraph, or story.
The liberals who accept as reliable all the MSM shit that says that FOX viewers are the least well informed.

SUCK up your propaganda, libbies!


That's not even a sentence. But these weren't "MSM shit"; they're studies done by universities and pollsters. Sorry. Again, you guys keep pointing out the Fox talking heads are not journalists but commentators. And you're right. And the data back you up, so what are you whining about?

Better question -- how come you have an emotional relationship with a news channel? Can you imagine some poster having an emotional meltdown defending CNN or ABC?
What do I mean by that?

This thread has the aura of a mid l8fe crisis or small penis syndrome.

I'm sure the rest of your left-wing circle jerk is telling you that.

You mean it was based on the work of some pinko professors sucking on the government tit.

-- and of course the sterling entry above, complete with a sentence banged out so hard it forgot to bring a verb. Plus the usual coterie of red herrings and deflections to YouTube voter interviews and Obamacare and everything but the kitchen sink -- anything to get the spotlight off the poor Fox. Why is that?

Ingestion of information is not an emotional contract. It's cold hard facts. When you have an emotional relationship with a news channel, you're not ingesting information. You're ingesting a soap opera. That's why some of y'all are so attached to it on an emotional level; because that's what Fox sells, regardless what they call it. That's why everything is relentlessly dressed as some morality play featuring Good versus Evil. Everything is twisted, turned and spun on its head to get you to take sides. That's soap opera.

In effect, expecting to be reliably informed by watching Fox Noise is like expecting to be qualified to perform surgery by watching General Hospital. are funny dude. Come on load mouth...prove it now.
Seriously you Obama supporters AREN'T you truly embarrassed by this petty, ignorant person you voted for that does NOT do one uplifting statement but constant "ALL THE TIME" bashing? Blaming others.

And the MSM while losing audiences by the droves because as the studies show..
When it comes to asking Americans which single outlet they trust the most and least out of the ones we polled on, Fox News once again wins both honors.
34% say it's the one they trust the most,
compared to 13% for PBS,
12% for CNN,
11% for ABC,
8% for MSNBC,
6% for CBS, and
5% each for Comedy Central and NBC.
Fox News is the choice of 67% of Republicans, while Democrats basically split their allegiances four ways between ABC and CNN, both at 17%, and MSNBC and PBS, both at 16%. - See more at: 4th Annual TV News Trust Poll - Public Policy Polling

Once again, all these numbers are showing is loyalty. Loyalty is an empirical subjective judgement on the part of the viewer. That simply affirms my point about having an emotional relationship with a TV channel. It's right there in the word "allegiances" .

If I'm watching news on ABC and the ABC station goes out, I just switch to CBS and don't care (as above in the "split 'allegiances'". But if I'm fixated on Fox, we have an emotional relationship. So if my read concerning emotional relationships is sound, we should expect more respondents to acknowledge a dependence on Fox than the other channels have dependents. And indeed, that's what these numbers demonstrate.
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I have a rough time believing MSNBC is any better at keeping people informed.

That's because they're not. They're trying to adopt the successful Murdoch business model to spread the left wing gospel just as FAUX is trying to spread the right wing gospel. They're already there with Rachel Madcow leading the charge.

That's true, although Maddow at least stays factual and talks to the opposition but yes, they and CNN have both lowered to the same level of selling emotion. Lawrence O'Donnell with his contrived outrage may be the worst, although I can't sit through 30 seconds of Al Sharpton so I dunno, that comparison might be incomplete.

So why are MSNBC doing that? Obviously not reaching for journalistic integrity; Sharpton brought in a considerable black audience which accounts for some of their ratings improvements, and just like Fox, having hair-on-fire talking heads telling the prepartisaned viewer what he/she wants to hear builds loyalty. That's a business model and not a journalism model.

This goes back to Grandpa's illusions about what "succeeds" on TV. Journalistic integrity and ratings "success" have nothing to do with each other except to be mutually antagonistic. Programing quality doesn't sell; ideology doesn't sell; journalistic ethics don't sell -- the emotion of drama and conflict is what sells. Genuine news is dispassionate and disinterested; cold, raw unemotional fact that takes no side. When you see a talking head start yelling or using value judgement terms, trying to stir the audience into one conclusion or another, you know you've left the world of news and entered the News Circus.

Bluntly, there is no profit in straight balanced news. There's a stark choice between two poles: if straight balanced news is what you're interested in, you just do it and forget the ratings, because they're not coming. But if ratings are what you're interested in, then you bring out the news circus clowns and to hell with journalistic standards. This latter has become the modern model. We are here.

Fox Noise invented the circus, and seeing how much money NewsCorp was making at it, the others, being also huge multinational corporations, follow it down the hole. None of them are there for news. They're there to sell circus. Because that's where the money is. Bottom line, NewsCorp and NBC and Time Warner are a lot more alike than the puppets they put on TV.

Why do they keep selling that? Because we keep buying it. As long as they do, they might as well call them Fox News Circus, MSClownBC and ClownNN.

I never claimed the pundits at Fox were in any way journalists.

Why can't people respond to a fucking post without twisting the other persons words or positions.

Neg for you too jackass
Fox reports news on their actual NEWS programs. The rest are pundits foe entertainment and ratings.

They are successful at it because people like it. Deal with it
That's because they're not. They're trying to adopt the successful Murdoch business model to spread the left wing gospel just as FAUX is trying to spread the right wing gospel. They're already there with Rachel Madcow leading the charge.

That's true, although Maddow at least stays factual and talks to the opposition but yes, they and CNN have both lowered to the same level of selling emotion. Lawrence O'Donnell with his contrived outrage may be the worst, although I can't sit through 30 seconds of Al Sharpton so I dunno, that comparison might be incomplete.

So why are MSNBC doing that? Obviously not reaching for journalistic integrity; Sharpton brought in a considerable black audience which accounts for some of their ratings improvements, and just like Fox, having hair-on-fire talking heads telling the prepartisaned viewer what he/she wants to hear builds loyalty. That's a business model and not a journalism model.

This goes back to Grandpa's illusions about what "succeeds" on TV. Journalistic integrity and ratings "success" have nothing to do with each other except to be mutually antagonistic. Programing quality doesn't sell; ideology doesn't sell; journalistic ethics don't sell -- the emotion of drama and conflict is what sells. Genuine news is dispassionate and disinterested; cold, raw unemotional fact that takes no side. When you see a talking head start yelling or using value judgement terms, trying to stir the audience into one conclusion or another, you know you've left the world of news and entered the News Circus.

Bluntly, there is no profit in straight balanced news. There's a stark choice between two poles: if straight balanced news is what you're interested in, you just do it and forget the ratings, because they're not coming. But if ratings are what you're interested in, then you bring out the news circus clowns and to hell with journalistic standards. This latter has become the modern model. We are here.

Fox Noise invented the circus, and seeing how much money NewsCorp was making at it, the others, being also huge multinational corporations, follow it down the hole. None of them are there for news. They're there to sell circus. Because that's where the money is. Bottom line, NewsCorp and NBC and Time Warner are a lot more alike than the puppets they put on TV.

Why do they keep selling that? Because we keep buying it. As long as they do, they might as well call them Fox News Circus, MSClownBC and ClownNN.

I never claimed the pundits at Fox were in any way journalists.

Why can't people respond to a fucking post without twisting the other persons words or positions.

Neg for you too jackass

Where in the fuck did I say you said that? Where do you get the idea it's all about you?? Do you not know how to read? So you twist my words around, and then neg me?? Wtf?

Negged by the illiterate. What shall I do. Well you've just re-affirmed (again) my point about emotional fixations. So much rage that you'll neg an entire analysis of how television in general works, just so the single operation on which you're emotionally dependent might escape the lens of examination. That says a lot.

Thanks for the demonstration. Dumb shit.
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The liberals who accept as reliable all the MSM shit that says that FOX viewers are the least well informed.

SUCK up your propaganda, libbies!


That's not even a sentence. But these weren't "MSM shit"; they're studies done by universities and pollsters. Sorry. Again, you guys keep pointing out the Fox talking heads are not journalists but commentators. And you're right. And the data back you up, so what are you whining about?

Better question -- how come you have an emotional relationship with a news channel? Can you imagine some poster having an emotional meltdown defending CNN or ABC?
What do I mean by that?

You mean it was based on the work of some pinko professors sucking on the government tit.

-- and of course the sterling entry above, complete with a sentence banged out so hard it forgot to bring a verb. Plus the usual coterie of red herrings and deflections to YouTube voter interviews and Obamacare and everything but the kitchen sink -- anything to get the spotlight off the poor Fox. Why is that?

Ingestion of information is not an emotional contract. It's cold hard facts. When you have an emotional relationship with a news channel, you're not ingesting information. You're ingesting a soap opera. That's why some of y'all are so attached to it on an emotional level; because that's what Fox sells, regardless what they call it. That's why everything is relentlessly dressed as some morality play featuring Good versus Evil. Everything is twisted, turned and spun on its head to get you to take sides. That's soap opera.

In effect, expecting to be reliably informed by watching Fox Noise is like expecting to be qualified to perform surgery by watching General Hospital. are funny dude. Come on load mouth...prove it now.

See my last post. Grandpa Urkle just proved it for me. Apparently the truth hurts.
See also "load mouth". Exactly how many clues do you need?
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