Most Misinformed Viewers?

I never claimed the pundits at Fox were in any way journalists.

Why can't people respond to a fucking post without twisting the other persons words or positions.

Neg for you too jackass

Where in the fuck did I say you said that? Where do you get the idea it's all about you?? Do you not know how to read?

Negged by the illiterate. What shall I do. Well you've just re-affirmed (again) my point about emotional fixations. So much rage that you'll neg an entire analysis of how television in general works, just so the single operation on which you're emotionally dependent might escape the lens of examination. That says a lot.

Thanks for the demonstration. Dumb shit.

U mad bro?

You called me out. I negged you for thinking you know what I think.

Suck it up crybaby

You need to learn to read, because nothing there is about you. I used your "a liberal will never succeed" line as a point of departure to riff on how the business works in general (a business I spent 25 years in) but all you saw was your own name and stopped reading there. Everything else went completely over your head.

I will ask you again-- where in the fuck did I represent you as saying anything whatsoever about who's a "pundit" or "journalist" ?? Fucking liar.

That, sir, is why you're a moron. Next time have somebody read it to you and you might not embarrass yourself.
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Wanna know what I think rather than looking foolish by guessing?

Fox's primetime is full of partisans

Hannity is the worst but it's fun watching him rile up the left.
Bill O thinks he knows everything and is the smartest person in the room.
I like Gretta
The Five is a very entertaining show to watch.
The Fox report is mostly fair
And I like Bret Baier

Msnbc is full of partisanshit, hate, envy and race baiting

Al Sharpton (nuff said)
I USED to respect Matthews until he became unhinged.
ED is so full of hate he should try boxing.
Maddow occasionally has good points but her snooty attitude is too much to bare.
Lawrence is another hater but he needs therapy
Andrea Mitchell needs to retire.
I occasionally tune into these guys just to see what the new envy/hate topic is



They all have a market they serve and watching you all cry about it is hilarious
Wanna know what I think rather than looking foolish by guessing?

No, we already know you're an illiterate liar who thinks it's all about Numero Uno. Trust me Narcissus -- it ain't. Again, if it existed you could quote it. It doesn't, so you can't. Ergo you're a liar and what you think is irrelevant.

You need to learn to read, because nothing there is about you. I used your "a liberal will never succeed" line as a point of departure to riff on how the business works in general (a business I spent 25 years in) but all you saw was your own name and stopped reading there. Everything else went completely over your head.

I will ask you again-- where in the fuck did I represent you as saying anything whatsoever about who's a "pundit" or "journalist" ?? Fucking liar.

That, sir, is why you're a moron. Next time have somebody read it to you and you might not embarrass yourself.

That was a joke/troll dude.

Christ almighty you people need to loosen your ties

Ah, so you neg "as a joke". You're even stupider than you look.


No, my liberal comment about success was a troll. The neg was because you're a know it all douchbage.

You post some long ass diatribe trying to explain their purpose. When all you had to say was they do what they do for RATINGS which translates to money.
Wanna know what I think rather than looking foolish by guessing?

No, we already know you're an illiterate liar who thinks it's all about Numero Uno. Trust me Narcissus -- it ain't. Again, if it existed you could quote it. It doesn't, so you can't. Ergo you're a liar and what you think is irrelevant.

That was a joke/troll dude.

Christ almighty you people need to loosen your ties

Ah, so you neg "as a joke". You're even stupider than you look.


No, my liberal comment about success was a troll. The neg was because you're a know it all douchbage.

You post some long ass diatribe trying to explain their purpose. When all you had to say was they do what they do for RATINGS which translates to money.

- And that's exactly what I said, Einstein. I guess this is a clumsy admission that you were wrong. But if not, point out anywhere I said anything about what you believe about "pundits" and "journalists" on Fox. Quote it. Here's the entire post again, verbatim:

I have a rough time believing MSNBC is any better at keeping people informed.

That's because they're not. They're trying to adopt the successful Murdoch business model to spread the left wing gospel just as FAUX is trying to spread the right wing gospel. They're already there with Rachel Madcow leading the charge.

That's true, although Maddow at least stays factual and talks to the opposition but yes, they and CNN have both lowered to the same level of selling emotion. Lawrence O'Donnell with his contrived outrage may be the worst, although I can't sit through 30 seconds of Al Sharpton so I dunno, that comparison might be incomplete.

So why are MSNBC doing that? Obviously not reaching for journalistic integrity; Sharpton brought in a considerable black audience which accounts for some of their ratings improvements, and just like Fox, having hair-on-fire talking heads telling the prepartisaned viewer what he/she wants to hear builds loyalty. That's a business model and not a journalism model.

This goes back to Grandpa's illusions about what "succeeds" on TV. Journalistic integrity and ratings "success" have nothing to do with each other except to be mutually antagonistic. Programing quality doesn't sell; ideology doesn't sell; journalistic ethics don't sell -- the emotion of drama and conflict is what sells. Genuine news is dispassionate and disinterested; cold, raw unemotional fact that takes no side. When you see a talking head start yelling or using value judgement terms, trying to stir the audience into one conclusion or another, you know you've left the world of news and entered the News Circus.

Bluntly, there is no profit in straight balanced news. There's a stark choice between two poles: if straight balanced news is what you're interested in, you just do it and forget the ratings, because they're not coming. But if ratings are what you're interested in, then you bring out the news circus clowns and to hell with journalistic standards. This latter has become the modern model. We are here.

Fox Noise invented the circus, and seeing how much money NewsCorp was making at it, the others, being also huge multinational corporations, follow it down the hole. None of them are there for news. They're there to sell circus. Because that's where the money is. Bottom line, NewsCorp and NBC and Time Warner are a lot more alike than the puppets they put on TV.

Why do they keep selling that? Because we keep buying it. As long as they do, they might as well call them Fox News Circus, MSClownBC and ClownNN.

--- well?
Wanna know what I think rather than looking foolish by guessing?

No, we already know you're an illiterate liar who thinks it's all about Numero Uno. Trust me Narcissus -- it ain't. Again, if it existed you could quote it. It doesn't, so you can't. Ergo you're a liar and what you think is irrelevant.

That was a joke/troll dude.

Christ almighty you people need to loosen your ties

Ah, so you neg "as a joke". You're even stupider than you look.


No, my liberal comment about success was a troll. The neg was because you're a know it all douchbage.

You post some long ass diatribe trying to explain their purpose. When all you had to say was they do what they do for RATINGS which translates to money.

Anything you say Grandpa Feces. Now, back to your pork rinds................

[ame=]Funny Weird Old Fucked Up Dude - YouTube[/ame]
I think people who depend on the comedy channel for political analysis and use words like "most misinformed" when they probably mean "least informed" are themselves products of the union based education system and media culture which is designed to keep people informed about entertainment and junk science.

Least informed would refer to someone who never has access to any news source at all. In this case, most misinformed refers to those who receive plenty of news, but news which is completely corrupt because it only reports one side of the story and is based on propaganda rather than fact.

I do not necessarily agree with that assessment, but that is what the assessment refers to. While I personally believe Fox News has a definite agenda and is extremely skewed in their reporting, that doesn't make everything they report on irrelevant. It also doesn't make them a great place to go for news coverage if you want to know the facts only. All that being said, there are many news networks such as MSNBC that have a similar bias from the opposite side. Personally, I think CNN actually has the most factual news available, although they too are somewhat biased to the left, but at least they actually try to make their news fair and balanced. Fox News and "fair and balanced" do not belong in the same sentence, paragraph, or story.
I watch CNN; they make no effort at all.

I'll agree that the people who have access to information have access to biased and corrupted information. However, these misinformed people (the majority at least) are products of broadcast news (the big three) and it is often the only source of news they get. No one can say with a straight face that broadcast news from the likes of ABC, CBS, and NBC is anywhere approaching accurate or truthful. In fact, they lie by omission more than any other news outlet.
I think people who depend on the comedy channel for political analysis and use words like "most misinformed" when they probably mean "least informed" are themselves products of the union based education system and media culture which is designed to keep people informed about entertainment and junk science.

Least informed would refer to someone who never has access to any news source at all. In this case, most misinformed refers to those who receive plenty of news, but news which is completely corrupt because it only reports one side of the story and is based on propaganda rather than fact.

I do not necessarily agree with that assessment, but that is what the assessment refers to. While I personally believe Fox News has a definite agenda and is extremely skewed in their reporting, that doesn't make everything they report on irrelevant. It also doesn't make them a great place to go for news coverage if you want to know the facts only. All that being said, there are many news networks such as MSNBC that have a similar bias from the opposite side. Personally, I think CNN actually has the most factual news available, although they too are somewhat biased to the left, but at least they actually try to make their news fair and balanced. Fox News and "fair and balanced" do not belong in the same sentence, paragraph, or story.
I watch CNN; they make no effort at all.

I'll agree that the people who have access to information have access to biased and corrupted information. However, these misinformed people (the majority at least) are products of broadcast news (the big three) and it is often the only source of news they get. No one can say with a straight face that broadcast news from the likes of ABC, CBS, and NBC is anywhere approaching accurate or truthful. In fact, they lie by omission more than any other news outlet.

They all do that. We can pretend we have "choices" but whether that choice is National Amusements (Viacom/CBS) or NewsCorp (Fox) or Time Warner (CNN), in every case we're getting Corporate News from an enormous corporation with its fingers in many pies, and they're not about to upset either those pies or the culture of corporatism. Rather, they're going to make sure we know what Michael Jackson was doing before he died and what the latest clues on the latest missing white girl are and how the gummint, (or the Republicans, or the Democrats) are coming for your guns or your money or your marriage or your healthcare. Because their interest is not journalism; it's profit. Doesn't matter what the issues really are, it just matters that you keep watching. Take whatever fake political side you like, they don't care-- just don't ever, ever turn off the TV.

Just as we can pretend we get "choices" in elections just because one's red and the other is blue, as if their differences somehow extend beyond the red or blue puppet costume. They don't.
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You can only laugh at people like that who thinks they have hit on something HUGE, big, see all the left wing site say so. one was so important he had to post it twice from the HUFFERPOST..................some people are just like little children

You wanna believe their lies, have at it.

here's a clue little child, I don't watch fox news or ANY news station, listen to Rush or any talk radio..I get all my news and information off the Internet..
Now if you want to be taken seriously here you might want to post more than just what some left wing blog tells you..but I doubt that will happen as we've seen carry on thinking you are just so much smarter and above everyone..

That was so funny Steph. All your info you get from the Net and you want to be taken seriously.

Might as well say you "Heard It Through the Grapevine". Are you really an attorney?

There is a reason why people who want to maintain cordial relations shouldn't discuss politics or religion. For many folks, it is the same thing. And just like in religion, where only the church YOU attend has the secret on how to get to heaven, then only your brand of politics has the ability to solve our problems AND get us to heaven.

Where FOX News comes in is they are just like a BIG church with a BIG congregation.
Pastor Rush and Brother Sean. But to a FOX News believer, there is no other way to the light and the saviour. NONE.

YOU just gotta believe FOX is reporting accurate news and that the Earth is only around 9 thousand years old, and your prayers will be ansered in just a few moments.

No reason to argue about it.

Just send money.
LMAO!!! Gee, there's a surprise. A bunch of Liberal rags talking trash about FoxNews. Shocker.

All you have to do is talk with someone who watches FAUX News and it takes all of about three seconds to decode them. I'll say this - they memorize the playbook well.

I bought the decoder ring so I can tell for sure that your posts all translate into:

"conservatives bad!"

FAUX News isn't even conservative - they're sell-out for the money entertainers who probably don't even believe half the right-wing bullshit they sell to you. In short, the joke's on anyone who watches it, or their left-wing counterparts over a MSNBC. You can't call any of that shit news.

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