Most Misinformed Viewers?

That's not even a sentence. But these weren't "MSM shit"; they're studies done by universities and pollsters. Sorry. Again, you guys keep pointing out the Fox talking heads are not journalists but commentators. And you're right. And the data back you up, so what are you whining about?

Better question -- how come you have an emotional relationship with a news channel? Can you imagine some poster having an emotional meltdown defending CNN or ABC?
What do I mean by that?

-- and of course the sterling entry above, complete with a sentence banged out so hard it forgot to bring a verb.

Ingestion of information is not an emotional contract. It's cold hard facts.
When you have an emotional relationship with a news channel, you're not watching information. You're watching a soap opera. That's why some of y'all are so attached to it on an emotional level; because that's what Fox sells, regardless what they call it. That's why everything is relentlessly dressed as some morality play featuring Good versus Evil.

In effect, expecting to be reliably informed by watching Fox Noise is like expecting to be qualified to perform surgery by watching General Hospital.

General question: How old are you?

A.: 18.

Pgog's input: "18 isn't even a sentence."

Pogo, you are a clueless drone.


"The liberals who accept as reliable all the MSM shit that says that FOX viewers are the least well informed."
---- where's the verb?


You are a plodding stupid motherfucker.

Let's take it extra slow just for you, you retard.

Look at the OP question.
Good day


FOX News might score low, but it still beats MSNBC (which libs treat as the truth) and CNN. And check out the top five.
This thread has the aura of a mid l8fe crisis or small penis syndrome.

-- and of course the sterling entry above, complete with a sentence banged out so hard it forgot to bring a verb... red herrings and deflections to YouTube voter interviews and Obamacare and everything but the kitchen sink.

You've combined my statements with someone else's, so it's hard to know what the hell your talking about. Both of my sentences have a verb in them.

Yeah, right. Do you suppose anyone aside from the drones believes you don't filter information through a pinko filter?

The only people I see having an emotional relationship with FOX News are you and all the other drones on here who respond to it like a vampire responds to a crucifix.

That's why some of y'all are so attached to it on an emotional level; because that's what Fox sells, regardless what they call it. That's why everything is relentlessly dressed as some morality play featuring Good versus Evil. Everything is twisted, turned and spun on its head to get you to take sides. That's soap opera.

I could swear you're talking about NBC News.

In effect, expecting to be reliably informed by watching Fox Noise is like expecting to be qualified to perform surgery by watching General Hospital.

And you pretend you don't have an emotional relationship with FOX News!

I just watch it because all the left-wing sanctimony and bias on the other channels makes me ill. I never had a thing to say about FOX News until I noticed the left-wing jihad against the great liberal Satan.

Sleeping cheeses Fingerboy, learn to read one of these days.

Forget the verb. That's some other clown who thinks the thread title is addressing him personally, sixty-two posts into the thread. That's done.
The quotes are partly yours and partly others, just there to demonstrate the emotional meltdowns some of y'all contort yourselves through to defend a fucking NEWS CHANNEL.

Ponder that momentarily -- an emotional relationship with a TELEVISION NEWS CHANNEL.

Once again -- information gathering is not an emotional exercise. If you have a preferred source of information, you just use it and that's it. You don't wet your diapers when some study criticizes it. You might even change to another source. Yet when it's Fox, some of y'all come on like somebody just insulted your mother.

Why would you care?

Because you have an emotional investment in it, that's why. And that's the whole point: Fox doesn't sell information. It sells emotion. It's played out here in this thread. It's soap opera. It's a gossip magazine on video, where instead of Hollywood celebrities the gossip is about politicians. Not about politics-- about politicians. Everything personalized, thus to create the demon in the game of good guys and bad guys. An endless morality play dressed with garish colours, bimbos in short skirts, scandalously suggestive chyrons and graphics that go whooosh. That's not respecting the news... it's using it as a manipulative tool.

That's why the audience ends up uninformed. They've got all the drama and none of the details.
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The reports are based on several studies, including one by the University of Maryland. If you want to refute the source, then refute the source.

If you can find fault in the reporting, go for it. But start with the actual studies and see if you can find fault with them.

Yea I'd have to agree that when viewers of Fox for the first time see that Obama is not a god. They see Obama is a congenital liar.
They see that Democrats believe like these typical average Obama supporters have said :
I don't know which is more pathetic, you Obama supporters like these people...
ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from,
but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him. WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person...
...""I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me.""

The first time Fox viewer is amazed! Amazed because they don't see any of that grift that Obama is passing on.
And that's because as this study has shown:
"The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863. The average Republican contribution was $744.

Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

So intuitively if 85% of 1,160 television network employees gave $1m to Dems and 193 gave to GOP...
YOU think there isn't a bias at the OTHER news networks??
And of the course the first time FOX viewer is shocked! They never saw the stories about the fallibility of the Messiah!

I mean when the Editor of NewsWeek confesses:
Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But when it comes to Obama???

this same Bush Basher Thomas calls him a god!

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

So is it any wonder Obama critics simply laugh at the overall ignorance of Obama supporters, the MSM ass kissers and we see you
lapdogs just as the little kid saw the naked emperor while all the Emperor posterior admirers admired his marvelous outfit .. that didn't exist!

Just as Obama is really a shell, a shill, a divisive socialist bent on the USA destruction... we intelligent, smarter then the average Obama
(See above stash ladies.. typical Obama supporters!!) critics find your lack of knowledge just amazing!
Good day


FOX News might score low, but it still beats MSNBC (which libs treat as the truth) and CNN. And check out the top five.

Make this your sig please...

Fox is no. 1 because sheeple love to be told what to think. :eusa_angel:

Fox idiots still thnks WMD's were real. We fought a war because Bush lied and Fox supported him.

Dispute that.
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Seriously you Obama supporters AREN'T you truly embarrassed by this petty, ignorant person you voted for that does NOT do one uplifting statement but constant "ALL THE TIME" bashing? Blaming others.

And the MSM while losing audiences by the droves because as the studies show..
When it comes to asking Americans which single outlet they trust the most and least out of the ones we polled on, Fox News once again wins both honors.
34% say it's the one they trust the most,
compared to 13% for PBS,
12% for CNN,
11% for ABC,
8% for MSNBC,
6% for CBS, and
5% each for Comedy Central and NBC.
Fox News is the choice of 67% of Republicans, while Democrats basically split their allegiances four ways between ABC and CNN, both at 17%, and MSNBC and PBS, both at 16%. - See more at: 4th Annual TV News Trust Poll - Public Policy Polling
Here is a test for ya. Fox is but who won.....twice. go president Obama!
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Nope, no lies at all. They all lie, and FAUX is no different.

A "mistake." Right Sean!

[ame=]Sean Hannity Confesses Using Fake Footage: "Jon Stewart Was Right!" - YouTube[/ame]

I can't stand Bill Mahar, but it doesn't take much to expose the lies at FAUX.........

[ame=]Bill O'Reilly Lies to Bill Maher on Fox News Misreporting Cost of Obama Trip to India? - YouTube[/ame]
I trhink you are being poorly served if Fox is all you watch.

Hey....even those folks (who's development was fully-arrested by their 14th Birthday) need something to watch!!

[ame=]Fox News Babes - YouTube[/ame]


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Ooooo.. what a shock.. like you could not have predicted THIS kind of outcome from a COLLEGE POLL.. :rolleyes:

Yet another in the long line of attempts to portray anything they deem as 'Republican' as redneck, ignorant, or stupid...

If many were not, it would be less easy to stereotype them. The ones who piss me off worse are the yuppie wanna bes who think being a Republican will make them rich - or the "pretend rich."

You loons stereotype yourselves everytime you post such nonsense. Only ignorant asses equate being Republican with being rich, or wanting to be rich. It shows that you are kool aid drinkers that believe everything your party leaders tell you.

As far as being misinformed goes, most FOX viewers knew that Obama was an incompetent, inexperienced jerk, and apparently the rest of you did not know those simple facts. All of you ignorant asses need to start watching FOX.

Obama TOLD anyone who could read his book and evidently Obama supporters NEVER read it!!!

that he LIES ALL THE TIME as he and his wife state ALL THE TIME!!!

Obama as he proudly proclaimed in his "Dreams of my Father"..
"It was usually an effective tactic,another one of those tricks I had learned. People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

So in in July 1995 when he started his public career... HE TOLD EVERYONE that read his book he depended on tricking them.
On TACTICS to make sure they were satisfied...sound familiar"Not one dime".. Obama!

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