Most Misinformed Viewers?

Fox news is a world wide joke, true story bro.

You know, all they would have to do is say "We're not really news - we're here to spin an agenda and to keep a small segment of TV viewers happy by telling them what they need to hear." That's at least honest.

How ironic. I could swear you were talking about the major networks and CNN.
The reports are based on several studies, including one by the University of Maryland. If you want to refute the source, then refute the source.

If you can find fault in the reporting, go for it. But start with the actual studies and see if you can find fault with them.

You mean it was based on the work of some pinko professors sucking on the government tit.
I trhink you are being poorly served if Fox is all you watch.
But I watch it ocassionally. (Seriously - watching blondie storm through the halls on election night trying to grill their own decision desk on how Obama could have won on live TV was better than any sit com I've ever seen. You couldn't write that stuff.)
Many people make their voting decisions by believing leftist comedians are delivering fact when actually, they are delivering depravity.

So watching a variety of news programs can be deceptive, because some of the channels employ comedians to achieve a semblance of ratings against a super station like Fox News which offers numerous perspectives with journalists who require proof and substantiation rather than talking through their lazy drug-riddled stupors acquired at groupthink meetings that furnish only feel-good baloney along with manufactured and not authentic, factual details.
It is telling that all of their talking points are talking points that Hitler used

"We have founded a system based on the most sincere foundation there is, namely: Form your life yourself! Work for your existence! Help yourself and God will help you!"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Wilhelmshaven (Apr. 1, 1939)

"Let no one say that the picture produced as a first impression of human civilization is the impression of its achievement as a whole. This whole edifice of civilization is in its foundations and in all its stones nothing else than the result of the creative capacity, the achievement, the intelligence, the industry, of individuals: in its greatest triumphs it represents the great crowning achievement of individual God-favored geniuses"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to Dusseldorf Industry Club (Jan. 27, 1932)

"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith"
-- Adolf Hitler; at Nazi-Vatican Concordat (Apr. 26, 1933)

"democracy will in practice lead to the destruction of a people's true values and this also serves to explain how it is that peoples with a great past from the time when they surrender themselves to the unlimited, democratic rule of the masses slowly lose their former position; for the outstanding-achievements of individuals which they still possess or which could be produced in all spheres of life are now rendered practically ineffective through the oppression of mere numbers. And thus in these conditions a people will gradually lose its importance not merely in the cultural and economic spheres but altogether, in a comparatively short time it will no longer, within the setting of the other peoples of the world, maintain its former value"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to Dusseldorf Industry Club (Jan. 27, 1932)

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life"
-- Adolf Hitler; from national proclamation (Feb. 1, 1933)

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the National Socialist Women’s League (Sept. 8, 1934)

Just sayin'

Just saying that you're a moron. When did anyone on FOX news use any of those talking points?
Ooooo.. what a shock.. like you could not have predicted THIS kind of outcome from a COLLEGE POLL.. :rolleyes:

Yet another in the long line of attempts to portray anything they deem as 'Republican' as redneck, ignorant, or stupid...
Ooooo.. what a shock.. like you could not have predicted THIS kind of outcome from a COLLEGE POLL.. :rolleyes:

Yet another in the long line of attempts to portray anything they deem as 'Republican' as redneck, ignorant, or stupid...

If many were not, it would be less easy to stereotype them. The ones who piss me off worse are the yuppie wanna bes who think being a Republican will make them rich - or the "pretend rich."
Ooooo.. what a shock.. like you could not have predicted THIS kind of outcome from a COLLEGE POLL.. :rolleyes:

Yet another in the long line of attempts to portray anything they deem as 'Republican' as redneck, ignorant, or stupid...

If many were not, it would be less easy to stereotype them. The ones who piss me off worse are the yuppie wanna bes who think being a Republican will make them rich - or the "pretend rich."

So I guess since so many DEMs are like Occupy Tards (a majority supported their actions and believed many things the Occupy Tards chanted)... you are indeed easy to stereotype as one of them

Your ignorance is astounding
I trhink you are being poorly served if Fox is all you watch.
But I watch it ocassionally. (Seriously - watching blondie storm through the halls on election night trying to grill their own decision desk on how Obama could have won on live TV was better than any sit com I've ever seen. You couldn't write that stuff.)

It was like watching a car wreck in slow motion. I couldnt stop watching really. Fantastic Fox, you got me. lol
Want to know who the most uninformed is?

Watch it and cry for our nation

Its a cute defense to go get idiot Obama voters making asses of themselves on you tube. Its also easy for me to show you how Fox is the number one cable network out there and ever single one of its viewers are idiots who actually belive fox is "fair and balanced".

The reason Fox is number one...sheeple LOVE to be told what to think.

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