Most Pathetic Joint News Conference With A Foreign Leader Ever Held By A US President - Joe Shows The World Weakness

before the pandemic I saw the EXACT OPPOSITE. Where the fuck were you? Biden will never even come close to Trumps economy pre pandemic, and you idiots know it!!!!
So it was good before it was terrible? Great point nimrod. He was handed a humming economy on a silver platter and fucked it up.
Wow, adroit diversion attempt there, but you messed up when you got too eager to shut down the thread.

The bottom line remains, did Quid Pro's handlers shut down questioning? Did Quid Pro take and answer unscripted questions like his counterpart did or were they cut off abruptly, making him look weak, ineffective and afraid to answer? Does Quid Pro take unscripted questions and answer them without a teleprompter? Is Quid Pro sentient? These are the important questions that the sycophants are desperate to avoid.
This thread was shut down the minute it started with lies. Biden answered the first two questions. Then, like a boss, gave some limelight to Boris who no one wanted to hear from. You guys, lied about “no questions”. Lied about “one question”. Lied about not being able to answer questions. Lied about taking questions. Lied. Lied. Lied. This thread is a lie.
This thread was shut down the minute it started with lies. Biden answered the first two questions. Then, like a boss, gave some limelight to Boris who no one wanted to hear from. You guys, lied about “no questions”. Lied about “one question”. Lied about not being able to answer questions. Lied about taking questions. Lied. Lied. Lied. This thread is a lie.
I lied about nothing. Naturally, your continued desire to deflect criticism from the Hapless One has you trying to spin a feeble, disoriented, elderly man's shaky performance on the world stage into a strong, sure, well communicated leadership of America. Face reality, Quid Pro is being kept away from scrutiny as much as possible and projects weakness, not strength. Case in point, why do his handlers have to shout down questioners? Why is he incapable of gracefully handling reporters giving him questions without either walking away when they get hard to answer or sitting there like he doesn't know what day it is while his sycophants shoo away the peasants?
I lied about nothing. Naturally, your continued desire to deflect criticism from the Hapless One has you trying to spin a feeble, disoriented, elderly man's shaky performance on the world stage into a strong, sure, well communicated leadership of America. Face reality, Quid Pro is being kept away from scrutiny as much as possible and projects weakness, not strength. Case in point, why do his handlers have to shout down questioners? Why is he incapable of gracefully handling reporters giving him questions without either walking away when they get hard to answer or sitting there like he doesn't know what day it is while his sycophants shoo away the peasants?
He answered questions. If he answered 3 you’d say why not 4. If 4 you’d say why not 5. His answers were fine. Your characterization of “feeble” is a joke. Using language like “handlers” is a joke. You’re a partisan hack. Try being objective. This thread is fun cuz it’s so ridiculously outrageous all the insane takes.
So it was good before it was terrible? Great point nimrod. He was handed a humming economy on a silver platter and fucked it up.
LMAO. no dip shit. He made the economy better than it had ever been in my 51 years on earth and the pandemic fucked it up. And potato head will NEVER come close to it. You know it, and I know it.
He answered questions. If he answered 3 you’d say why not 4. If 4 you’d say why not 5. His answers were fine. Your characterization of “feeble” is a joke. Using language like “handlers” is a joke. You’re a partisan hack. Try being objective. This thread is fun cuz it’s so ridiculously outrageous all the insane takes.
Biden is a vegetable. And you look silly for trying to defend the fact his handlers routinely cut him off so he doesn't have to answer questions.

He completely blew both softball questions he had yesterday.
He answered questions. If he answered 3 you’d say why not 4. If 4 you’d say why not 5. His answers were fine. Your characterization of “feeble” is a joke. Using language like “handlers” is a joke. You’re a partisan hack. Try being objective. This thread is fun cuz it’s so ridiculously outrageous all the insane takes.
Dude, he could stand in front of the microphones drooling and you'd think he was being a super strong leader because reasons and Orange Man Bad and there's a D behind his name. Face reality here, the guy does not project strength and leadership. He's old, feeble, clueless, and shows it.
So it was good before it was terrible? Great point nimrod. He was handed a humming economy on a silver platter and fucked it up.
Maybe you are totally unaware of the covid pandemic?
Only an utter dick sucker would act as though the covid disease had no bearing on the job situation
in the US at all.
You're such an ass!
Maybe you are totally unaware of the covid pandemic?
Only an utter dick sucker would act as though the covid disease had no bearing on the job situation
in the US at all.
You're such an ass!
Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression and passed off the best economy since the Great Depression only to have Biden inherit the new worst economy since the Great Depression. Notice a trend?
I’m just following your logic… you’re saying that traditionally they answer 2 questions each and Biden answered 2?

So now we go from “he didn’t answer any questions” to “he didn’t call on anyone but he answered questions”???? Boy are you guys stretching the truth and making it up as you go. I’ve seen 5 steps of disproven lies and now a nuance so unimportant it doesn’t fucking matter. He answered questions. This whole thread is an abomination of lies.
My friend, you are misread my post. NOT ANSWER TWO QUESTIONS. CALL FOR 2 REPORTERS. So, PM should call 2 reporters from his group, and POTUS should call another 2 reporters from his group. In the end, POTUS has not answered any questions from his side, As I say, MSM filed a complaint to his handler, So, either this thread was a lie or MSM had no reason to complain.
Biden himself said not to trust any vaccines developed while Trump was president. All three major vaccines were developed while Trump was president.
No, you misread Biden and Harris' statement. They don't trust any vaccines approved when Trump was in the WH. So, J&J should be fine.
This is so disingenuous. This thread was started as if Biden didn’t answer any questions because he mentally couldn’t. He whipped out several answers. Now you wanna change it to he didn’t want to answer any more questions than he did because they were getting tough. Yea. Big deal.
He didn't, from the US press. They were kicked out and shouted down because the White House did not want Biden to open his mouth. The British were under no such moronic rule so they took questions from the British media.

The White House was not going to shout down and then remove the British media while their leadership was, you know, actually acting like leaders. That means there were some questions the Biden team was functionally unable to stop, That does not change nor speak to the fact that they were, are and will into the foreseeable future refuse to engage with the press.
He didn't, from the US press. They were kicked out and shouted down because the White House did not want Biden to open his mouth. The British were under no such moronic rule so they took questions from the British media.

The White House was not going to shout down and then remove the British media while their leadership was, you know, actually acting like leaders. That means there were some questions the Biden team was functionally unable to stop, That does not change nor speak to the fact that they were, are and will into the foreseeable future refuse to engage with the press.
There is a daily press conference. Daily. Last administration didn’t have daily briefings.
Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression and passed off the best economy since the Great Depression only to have Biden inherit the new worst economy since the Great Depression. Notice a trend?
Yeah, I do. I notice that you don't know how to identify really good and really bad economies.
There is a daily press conference. Daily. Last administration didn’t have daily briefings.
And the left was pretty upset about that one too.

But what does that have to do with anything whatsoever. The daily White House propaganda meeting typically does not have Biden speaking. When Biden does speak, the reporters selected by the white house and questions/topics are vetted first.
Reporters stunned as British PM takes questions from media, but Biden refuses

Reporters stunned as British PM takes questions from media, but Biden refuses

- Press pool filed formal complaint after being denied questions

Once again the President of the United States was silenced by his 'handlers' during a Joint Press Conference with British PM Boris Johnson. Biden's White House controllers SHOUTED DOWN the media when they attempted to ask the President questions. While the British PM answered any and all questions asked of him, Biden sat silent as his handlers refused to allow reporters to ask ANY questions.

Biden looked like one of those elderly patients sitting in a chair in the hall of a nursing home, not speaking, just looking around.

"Reporters faced a bizarre scenario on Tuesday as White House aides shouted down their attempts to ask President Biden questions during an Oval Office meeting.

Biden met with U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the White House, where the two discussed an array of issues. Johnson took several questions, but when Biden was asked questions, White House aides promptly escorted reporters out of the Oval Office."

The event succeeded in showcasing what a mentally competent leader (Johnson) looks like compared to an obviously dementia-suffering President who is weak and unfit mentally and physically to serve as a country's leader.

Once again, Biden and his administration has humiliated the US and projected weakness to both allies and enemies.

I love it. He's stopped the rigjt wing media getting what they want. This is a leader. F--k the press. Suck eggs.

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