Most posters here engage in anti-Christ behavior at lease now and again

well do those other religions tell the worshipper how to get to it?? to heaven that is...the afterlife? which ones?
I don’t know what other religions say, but for mine, yes….the Noahide laws. The World to Come is available to all….Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, etc., etc. Gd welcomes all his children.
That's why I included the qualifier that 'some' intend no real hurt. They just think it's cool to use those ugly names and they use them with no more thought or intent than using the 'f' bomb or other crude speech. I agree that there are some who just plain unpleasant, judgmental, hateful people and they do intend to hurt. Once that is obvious, I try very hard not to engage those in conversation at all.

I do think bearing false witness, libel, slander, trying to get people to despise those you despise using false narratives or repeating gossip is the worst offense on these boards and/or social media. It is definitely not Christian or what any ethical people do.

And hypocrisy comes in as a close second.

For example, how much band width, how many words, how much time has been expended on trashing Donald Trump over those classified documents, none of which have yet to be shown to be illegally in his possession? Yet none of the leftists at USMB or anywhere else are even criticizing Joe Biden for much more suspicious document findings and many even excuse him. Not the same thing at all they say with zero evidence of the actual situation in both cases. Biden's approval ratings have not really changed at all since all the publicity on that.

Conclusion: the leftists don't give a rat's ass about classified documents; they could care less. They just want the excuse to trash, condemn, accuse Donald Trump. And that is most unChristian, unethical, indefensible to anybody with any sense of ethics, fair play, equal protection or due process.
good point. I didn't know that bidim's approval rating hadn't changed... you'd think it would but like you say.. and i've seen this for so so long.. Leftists don't care about truth or justice when they can trash a R. . really despicable how they use moral principles to get Rs or others to hate Trump, yet they couldn't care less about those principles, much less live upto them themselves..

So yeh... R-winger may go on Ignore.. I have a couple others on Ignore and it was only after I tried to put up with them for a fairly long time..
I don’t know what other religions say, but for mine, yes….the Noahide laws. The World to Come is available to all….Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, etc., etc. Gd welcomes all his children.
Sure he will, but they have to believe in God's son, Jesus and that he died on the cross so that they could be with him in eternity. If these jews buddhists hindus etc continue to worship their respective gods...will they be with the LORD in heaven??

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (ACTS 4:12)
Sure he will, but they have to believe in God's son, Jesus and that he died on the cross so that they could be with him in eternity. If these jews buddhists hindus etc continue to worship their respective gods...will they be with the LORD in heaven??

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (ACTS 4:12)
Who does and does not go go Heaven I think is way above all our pay grades and is God's prerogative alone. We can witness to people what we think God requires of us, but we are not given authority to judge the status of another's soul with God.
1 john 2:18

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

God does a lot of repeating in the bible....He allows antichrists to repeat themselves...He hopes we remember his words..and his word also insinuates that we keep making the same mistakes over and over, IMO. Sorta sounds from that passage that he is talking about the big antichrists throughout history to that point and they're the ones that sit on thrones or kings of cities..which there were. There are people that hate God but i don't know if they're referred to as little antichrists. Perhaps it takes some semblance of power in order to get that infamous title.

well...i think i have to take that ^^ back to a degree.

1 John 4:1-3 Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. This is how we know if they have the Spirit of God: If a person claiming to be a prophet acknowledges that Jesus Christ came in a real body, that person has the Spirit of God. But if someone claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus, that person is not from God. Such a person has the spirit of the Antichrist, which you heard is coming into the world and indeed is already here.

Looks like BEING an Anti-Christ and having the SPIRIT of the anti-christ may be two different things.]/b]
well, again, I say anyone who is against Christians and against Christ-centered policies in govt is an anti-Christ. It hardly matters if the person is THE Anti-Christ.. well, it matters but we don't know much about that dude.. I hear he will be born of a Hebrew nun (didn't know there was such a thing... but I guess Hebrew can indicate ethnicity, not just religion). Some say the anti-Christ is already here but God knows..
The 1st Amendment allows you to engage in all the "anti-Christ" behavior you want to as long as you don't break the law.
for one, the law is corrupted here & there.. and the dims don't like law even when legitimately enacted. They violate it at every turn so why do they even bother voting for people to write laws when they --law makers or (in some cases) everyday dims--- have no intention of obeying said laws?

well, again, I say anyone who is against Christians and against Christ-centered policies in govt is an anti-Christ. It hardly matters if the person is THE Anti-Christ.. well, it matters but we don't know much about that dude.. I hear he will be born of a Hebrew nun (didn't know there was such a thing... but I guess Hebrew can indicate ethnicity, not just religion). Some say the anti-Christ is already here but God knows..
Anti Christ candidates are ALWAYS here. Satan has to be ready to go at the drop of a hat. THE Anti-Christ will be very charismatic, people will love him and hang on his every word. He has no use for women i think meaning sexually but i am sure he won't be above using them for his purposes.

Anti Christ candidates are ALWAYS here. Satan has to be ready to go at the drop of a hat. THE Anti-Christ will be very charismatic, people will love him and hang on his every word. He has no use for women i think meaning sexually but i am sure he won't be above using them for his purposes.

thanks for bringing up that thing about not having much use for women.. I had forgotten that and frankly, it made me think of .. something in my life that.. well, it's a long story but just thanks..

I thought about that charismatic thing when.. well, once this woman, b4 bidim was installed, said that he was the anti-Christ. But I disagreed... thought of how, as u say, he will be charismatic and people will hang on his every word. That hardly describes .. Let'sGoBrandon.. Most of America, even the dims don't like him

Believe what you want. It's guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. Who are we to judge?
As you will see if you look very closely, I did not say there was anything wrong with saying anti-Christ things (except in the eyes of Christ maybe but I didn't even say that). and even if I did, no 1st Amendment right would have been violated
one of the most Christian or Christ-like posters here, Rambunctious never (to my knowledge) even claimed to be a Christian.

on the other hand, some "christians" here are the nastiest posters of all

I guess all this diversity in religious thought/practices...Thank you, Luther... doesn't do a person much good....
well, again, I say anyone who is against Christians and against Christ-centered policies in govt is an anti-Christ. It hardly matters if the person is THE Anti-Christ.. well, it matters but we don't know much about that dude.. I hear he will be born of a Hebrew nun (didn't know there was such a thing... but I guess Hebrew can indicate ethnicity, not just religion). Some say the anti-Christ is already here but God knows..

Christ centered government policies? You must be a Catholic Dominionist... Or a Fascist.
Who does and does not go go Heaven I think is way above all our pay grades and is God's prerogative alone. We can witness to people what we think God requires of us, but we are not given authority to judge the status of another's soul with God.
ah... said like a Francis sect person (from the novus ordo "church" so called)

No, we wouldn't want to interrupt people's miserable (or just... maybe overly-materialistic...etc etc) lives to tell them about the Truth that Sets Free....

That's what the Vatican sect teaches... that we are not to evangelize Christ to people..

Gee... did Jesus say this.. Did He say "Don't preach to anyone about me... especially do not disrespect their already-held beliefs because that would be impolite"?

No, He said to preach to everyone and those who believe are saved and those who do not are damned.

Jesus could be so impolite at times! sigh...
ah... said like a Francis sect person (from the novus ordo "church" so called)

No, we wouldn't want to interrupt people's miserable (or just... maybe overly-materialistic...etc etc) lives to tell them about the Truth that Sets Free....

That's what the Vatican sect teaches... that we are not to evangelize Christ to people..

Gee... did Jesus say this.. Did He say "Don't preach to anyone about me... especially do not disrespect their already-held beliefs because that would be impolite"?

No, He said to preach to everyone and those who believe are saved and those who do not are damned.

Jesus could be so impolite at times! sigh...
I think you misread what I said.

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