Most Republican lawsuits challenging election results in battleground states haven't gone far

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008

They tried and failed already:

Even before Democrat Joe Biden was projected to be the winner of the presidential election, President Donald Trump's campaign and Republican allies started pursuing lawsuits over voting and ballot counting.

Cases filed in five key states alleged ballots had errors because voters were required to use Sharpies, observers didn't have enough access to monitor ballot counting, and that late-arriving mail ballots were improperly mixed with legal votes.

Judges have dismissed most cases quickly, often for lack of evidence.{/quote]

If the evidence was widespread those cases wouldn't have been dismissed quickly

They tried and failed already:

Even before Democrat Joe Biden was projected to be the winner of the presidential election, President Donald Trump's campaign and Republican allies started pursuing lawsuits over voting and ballot counting.

Cases filed in five key states alleged ballots had errors because voters were required to use Sharpies, observers didn't have enough access to monitor ballot counting, and that late-arriving mail ballots were improperly mixed with legal votes.

Judges have dismissed most cases quickly, often for lack of evidence.{/quote]

If the evidence was widespread those cases wouldn't have been dismissed quickly
ROTFL! The Supreme Ct has already ordered PA to segregate votes. PA has ordered an audit and Michigan is investigating their election. Lawsuits take time, you idiot.
ROTFL! The Supreme Ct has already ordered PA to segregate votes. PA has ordered an audit and Michigan is investigating their election. Lawsuits take time, you idiot.
PA was already segregating votes, which don’t seem to be anywhere near the number needed to win. Trump’s lawsuits so far haven’t taken long to be tossed because they’re meritless.

Clock is ticking. Electors meet in about a month.

They tried and failed already:

Even before Democrat Joe Biden was projected to be the winner of the presidential election, President Donald Trump's campaign and Republican allies started pursuing lawsuits over voting and ballot counting.

Cases filed in five key states alleged ballots had errors because voters were required to use Sharpies, observers didn't have enough access to monitor ballot counting, and that late-arriving mail ballots were improperly mixed with legal votes.

Judges have dismissed most cases quickly, often for lack of evidence.{/quote]

If the evidence was widespread those cases wouldn't have been dismissed quickly
ROTFL! The Supreme Ct has already ordered PA to segregate votes. PA has ordered an audit and Michigan is investigating their election. Lawsuits take time, you idiot.

Dear dumbass, the PA secretary of state ALREADY ordered that BEFORE the Supreme Court stepped in and those ballots are not included in the tallies, how dumb can you be
ROTFL! The Supreme Ct has already ordered PA to segregate votes. PA has ordered an audit and Michigan is investigating their election. Lawsuits take time, you idiot.
Would that we could expedite the nullification of Joe Biden's fraud and be over with this matter with all haste.
It would be an early Christmas present and we could start arresting seditionist Marxist Antifa swine that much sooner.
Well if they are hedging their bets on lawsuits then they have already loss. Yet Trump has been talking about lawsuits for the past 3 months when polls show him as the incumbent behind. But that what Trump does he uses the legal system as his personal free get out of jail card.

Clearly indicating then that he would not tolerate a loss. He like a fortune teller

The right does not need evidence as conjecture, hearsay , and I heard it on social media form the bases of their argument .

Trump lawyers are challenging the results in Pennsylvania with such sound legal argument as accusing Pennsylvania officials of running a "two-tiered” voting system — in-person and mail — that violates the U.S. Constitution.
Where was such an argument in the last election when they had mail in ballots and in person voting?

I can see it now 50 years later as Trump grandchild sit around the fire telling tall tales of how it is not constitutional.

The next 2 months will be lively. Place your bets - will trump concede defeat or take it to the grave that he was robbed?
ROTFL! The Supreme Ct has already ordered PA to segregate votes. PA has ordered an audit and Michigan is investigating their election. Lawsuits take time, you idiot.
Would that we could expedite the nullification of Joe Biden's fraud and be over with this matter with all haste.
It would be an early Christmas present and we could start arresting seditionist Marxist Antifa swine that much sooner.

Where is proof of fraud? You keep repeating like its true and those votes were not segregated for fraud you doofus

They tried and failed already:

Even before Democrat Joe Biden was projected to be the winner of the presidential election, President Donald Trump's campaign and Republican allies started pursuing lawsuits over voting and ballot counting.

Cases filed in five key states alleged ballots had errors because voters were required to use Sharpies, observers didn't have enough access to monitor ballot counting, and that late-arriving mail ballots were improperly mixed with legal votes.

Judges have dismissed most cases quickly, often for lack of evidence.{/quote]

If the evidence was widespread those cases wouldn't have been dismissed quickly
Honey, it has only been 1 week.

They tried and failed already:

Even before Democrat Joe Biden was projected to be the winner of the presidential election, President Donald Trump's campaign and Republican allies started pursuing lawsuits over voting and ballot counting.

Cases filed in five key states alleged ballots had errors because voters were required to use Sharpies, observers didn't have enough access to monitor ballot counting, and that late-arriving mail ballots were improperly mixed with legal votes.

Judges have dismissed most cases quickly, often for lack of evidence.{/quote]

If the evidence was widespread those cases wouldn't have been dismissed quickly
Honey, it has only been 1 week.

I guess you didn't read because most were thrown out before the election.
Well ... except for that whole "evidence" thing ... recounts will be happening, if Republicans can't get their observers in place in time ... too bad ...
No legally mandated observers can get in place when democrat machines won't give them access.
Don't think the SC won't be considering this, either.

Meanwhile dimwits treat this like a joke.

They tried and failed already:

Even before Democrat Joe Biden was projected to be the winner of the presidential election, President Donald Trump's campaign and Republican allies started pursuing lawsuits over voting and ballot counting.

Cases filed in five key states alleged ballots had errors because voters were required to use Sharpies, observers didn't have enough access to monitor ballot counting, and that late-arriving mail ballots were improperly mixed with legal votes.

Judges have dismissed most cases quickly, often for lack of evidence.{/quote]

If the evidence was widespread those cases wouldn't have been dismissed quickly
Link to these failed lawsuits?
Well ... except for that whole "evidence" thing ... recounts will be happening, if Republicans can't get their observers in place in time ... too bad ...
No legally mandated observers can get in place when democrat machines won't give them access.
Don't think the SC won't be considering this, either.

Meanwhile dimwits treat this like a joke.

There are no Dem nor Rep machines you idiot.

They tried and failed already:

Even before Democrat Joe Biden was projected to be the winner of the presidential election, President Donald Trump's campaign and Republican allies started pursuing lawsuits over voting and ballot counting.

Cases filed in five key states alleged ballots had errors because voters were required to use Sharpies, observers didn't have enough access to monitor ballot counting, and that late-arriving mail ballots were improperly mixed with legal votes.

Judges have dismissed most cases quickly, often for lack of evidence.{/quote]

If the evidence was widespread those cases wouldn't have been dismissed quickly
Link to these failed lawsuits?

Read the link fool!

They tried and failed already:

Even before Democrat Joe Biden was projected to be the winner of the presidential election, President Donald Trump's campaign and Republican allies started pursuing lawsuits over voting and ballot counting.

Cases filed in five key states alleged ballots had errors because voters were required to use Sharpies, observers didn't have enough access to monitor ballot counting, and that late-arriving mail ballots were improperly mixed with legal votes.

Judges have dismissed most cases quickly, often for lack of evidence.{/quote]

If the evidence was widespread those cases wouldn't have been dismissed quickly
Honey, it has only been 1 week.

I guess you didn't read because most were thrown out before the election.
Isn't that what the supreme court is for--to rehear all of these problem lower court rulings and then remeding the damage that these lower dem cheat courts ruled?

Given all the fraud that these corrupt dem lower courts allowed-----the only solution is going to be to toss out these states fraud votes---atleast the known ones like the 4 am drop offs------the ballots with no postal marks----the ballots that were "fixed"---------
ROTFL! The Supreme Ct has already ordered PA to segregate votes. PA has ordered an audit and Michigan is investigating their election. Lawsuits take time, you idiot.
PA was already segregating votes, which don’t seem to be anywhere near the number needed to win. Trump’s lawsuits so far haven’t taken long to be tossed because they’re meritless.

Clock is ticking. Electors meet in about a month.
Hmmmm up 700,000 then lose in a single state, must be the first time in history right libber??
Where is proof of fraud? You keep repeating like its true and those votes were not segregated for fraud you doofus
There will be all manner of evidence of democrat ballot fraud and voter disenfranchisement for the courts to consider. Segregating ballots in Philadelphia, or wherever, is just one issue out of many.
ROTFL! The Supreme Ct has already ordered PA to segregate votes. PA has ordered an audit and Michigan is investigating their election. Lawsuits take time, you idiot.
PA was already segregating votes, which don’t seem to be anywhere near the number needed to win. Trump’s lawsuits so far haven’t taken long to be tossed because they’re meritless.

Clock is ticking. Electors meet in about a month.

less than 1 week in since the vote tallys have been reported (preliminarily)

3 weeks or so until States start certifying.

Yet progs like you keep saying it's over already and we should just stop.

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